'People Think I'm A Crazy Man When I Say This...': Vivek Ramaswamy Speaks To Iowa Voters

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there's a reason why I'm the only candidate in this race who can even touch certain issues I've said that I will paron those peaceful j6 protesters on day one because what happened there is wrong we have stand for justice in the United States of America I've said that I'm dead set opposed to the use of eminent domain for this unconstitutional carbon capture pipeline making its way across the Western and Northern part of your state I've said that R McDaniel the failed chairwoman who's led us to five failures as a Republican party needs to finally step aside so we have accountability in our own party before we give accountability to the federal government ask yourself there's a reason I'm the only candidate who can say these things ask yourself why if you want somebody who's going to get in there and shut down the Deep actually do it this time you want somebody who's going to speak truth to power then vote for somebody who's going to speak the truth to you the things I am saying they are controversial you guys watched that CNN Town Hall that last night see that they did not want you to hear that message I don't know if you can tell that kept trying to cut me off I didn't let him do that the reason the things I'm saying they're controversial not because they are false but because they are true I never could imagine 10 years ago the things I'm saying you guys would laugh me out of here because this is so obvious why is this guy wasting my time saying it that God is real that there are two genders never thought I'd have to clarify that one that fossil fuels are a requirement for human Prosperity that reverse racism is racism that an open border is not a border that parents determine the education of their children that the nuclear family is still the greatest form of governance known to mankind that capitalism is the best system known to lift us up from poverty not crony capitalism but real capitalism that there are three branches of government in the United States not four and that the US Constitution is the strongest and greatest n tour of freedom in human history that is the truth we fight for the truth we stand up for the truth that is what won US the American Revolution that is what reunited us after the Civil War that is what won US two world wars and the cold war that is what still gives hope to to the Free World and if we can revive that dream over group identity and victimhood and grievance than nobody in the world not a nation not a corporation not a virus not China is going to defeat us that is what American exceptionalism is all about and that is what we are going to revive to save this great country country thank you all for coming out tonight God bless you God bless your families and may God bless our United States of America we will not stop until we get this job done we're going to shock the world on January 15th you come out that's in your hands let's practice what we preach a little bit I want to open this up we got we got a couple microphones I want to open this up you know I to sit across the table from shein thing all right I can sit across the table from the tough questions give me the hard ones okay great to see you again I to see I have a hard one on the concept of unity our country was founded on a biblically Christian worldview yes and I as a Conservative Christian find that I agree with a Hindu like you a Jew like Dennis Prager and an atheist like James Lindsay a lot more than I do with someone like Pope Francis or the United Methodist Church or Joe bid or joid joid so my is it seems like our Unity as a country is now less based in spirituality and More in politics and I'm wondering how can we unite as a country when one half of the country is so politically a ver to the other and that's a deep question actually I I don't want our Unity to be resting on our politics actually it's got to be a deeper Foundation than that so as well me just for since you brought the question of Faith I'd love to tell you about my faith that's of Interest to you all I'm a Hindu a little different than the standard than the standard uh assembly line here well look I I got to know who we are at least what our values are so in the sense of in the sense of telling you what our values are I believe God put us here for a purpose I believe it's our moral duty to realize that purpose I do and I believe that God works through Us in different ways we have our own unique god-given gifts but we're still equal because God resides in each of us and I went to Christian High School St zavier in Cincinnati I can tell you with confidence that we share the same value set in common the same value set this country was founded on you go through history you know those pamphlets on your on your tables are written by Thomas Payne he well I wrote this one but it's bottled after the one that Thomas Payne wrote and it's interesting common sense is what it was called you're right common sense and he wasn't a traditional Christian even Thomas Jefferson who's one of my favorite if not my favorite President was a deist not a traditional Christian but we shared the same judeo-christian values that this country was founded on in the Ten Commandments what do they say there's one true God don't take his name in vain observe the sabbath respect your parents don't lie don't kill don't cheat don't steal don't commit adultery don't covet I didn't feel like I was reading those for the first time in 9th grade and you look are those foreign values they look like it today you go to your local Dei session at your company or your you know local movie theater or what they're teaching your kids in school or our universities it feels like foreign values but those aren't foreign values to most of us and so I do think it's important half the job of the next US president is not just policy we can talk policy policy is important that's half the job half the half the job though is Reviving our national character answering Who We Are are As Americans and I think especially as a younger person especially as somebody who's different in a number of ways I think it's my responsibility actually to make Faith and family and patriotism and hard work cool again actually for Young Americans I think we can do that and I want to tell you something too because I've go to college campuses I I see something that many some of you may not be in college campuses in the same way definitely Republican politicians are you assume we assume in the Republican party that they're going to be against us right they're chanting right now on college campuses some of the anti-semitic stuff and inata what they're chaning I actually watched one of these tapes and there was something really funny I noticed okay they weren't even chanting in which is the Arabic word for Uprising and you know is sort of an anti-jewish call they were chanting infit which is just like not a word that means anything like it literally just that's the point they don't even know what the hell they're talking about right they're lost and so it's not that they're against us they're lost and hungry for direction and purpose and meaning and so it's up to us to be leaders again in this country I think that in some way we become a nation of sheep especially in my generation We're a nation of sheep and a nation of sheep is what breeds the government of wolves all right so it's not going to be the president alone that saves this country it's going to take pastors it's going to take parents coaches teachers every one of us but my job as president is to swear an oath to that Constitution and to keep it so that everybody else from parent to Pastor is able to play their role too in making sure that we have a deeper bond in this country great question I'm proud here go this gentlemen that we'll come to you okay okay we go here here and then here okay thank you I appreciate it how do you how do you talk to the liberal yeah I think slowly say so so yeah I try I try to I try to try to I try to keep the syllables short when when needed listen so sometimes I feel like this how do I talk to a republican too I mean there's times where you got to have this party that's obsessed with sending $200 billion of your money to some comedian in cargo pants so you can buy a bigger house and yes I'm talking about Ukraine there but that I don't view the dividing lines as necessarily even between Republican and Democrat right now I call it those of us who are pro-american if you agree on those 1776 ideals here's what here's how I talk then we're on the same team all right you know we talk about corporate tax rates we'll debate that till we're blue in the face that's a detail but if you agree on the basic rules of the road of 1776 then we're on the same team and if not let talk about it in the open there that way I think 80% of us in this country share those values in common half the 20 or people younger than me who never learned those ideals in the first place so I'll tell you if somebody comes up and you there's a protester that walks in here it's happened several times on this campaign including in atuma and Iowa we got a number I'll give him the microphone woman she came in screaming she was she was not loosen but she was expecting that she almost wanted to get kicked out actually like it was it was almost as those the security escorting her out I said don't let her leave bring her back she's going to say what she has to say we're going to hear her and she's going to hear what I have to say in response and I think that's what we've lost in this country actually is those you saw that CNN thing last night as well I I try not to raise my voice we're not going to use foul language we're going to play by stick to the facts stick to the truth the truth wins in the end the truth is what sets us free The Arc of history is long but in the end it bends towards the truth truth and Justice are two sides of the same coin and so I think the way we got to talk to them is assume first that they're not actually against you assume that they are lost many of them are crying out for help what happens when a kid I'll give you a real life example we're seeing in this country now what happens when a when a 15-year-old says hey my gender is different than my biological sex are they inviting a fight with you or are they asking for help I think they're asking for help I think they're telling you that something is wrong and the compassionate thing to do is not to affirm their confusion and and the compassionate thing to do isn't to try to derive them the compassionate thing to do is to figure out what the heck is going wrong and try to help that person who's asking for help that's a mental health condition we can't affirm that kid's confusion I met two women in this campaign Trail in my travels who have cut off both their breasts when they were teenagers one of them had her uterus removed now they're in their 20s and they regret it I can't fix that for them now that's going to be something we look back at and regret 20 years from now we'll look back and say that is barbaric so I think that that's the first thing we have to find in US is when you see somebody who vehemently disagrees with you you know in some sense even I saw this in my in the person I shared the stage with last night I don't think she knows the first thing about the facts I was sharing of what on January 6th right so I think that it's not that she was against what I saying she doesn't know and so let's actually stick to the truth I think that's going to get us pretty darn far there's a small Fringe minority that is toxic okay and at certain points you got to be strong I'll never say be a bully but if somebody's going to hit you you hit them back 10 times harder right that's you got to be as I said this our family are saying you have to be strong enough to protect your kindness so you can't just be a wilting flower right but when you're being strong you also can't forget what you're fighting for and I think that's an inner kindness in this country that that's what makes this job hard but I think the next president we got to expect both of those things strong as steel when needed but strong enough to protect a kindness that I think will accommodate even those who we disagree with give them the right to speak as long as they get the same as long as they afford the same right in return don't voice you know there was somebody who came to an event earlier today I actually want to tell you first time I've happened there was a transgender person who showed up in an event earlier today as trans Industries conservative and said Hey listen I appreciate the way you're saying don't put this on our kids I appreciated that I that was different so I think that there's a chance for us to draw some hard boundaries you want to live your life the way you want I'm not going to stop you as long as you're not hurting somebody else and you're not going to fo it onto our children and so I think sticking to our principles that's how we revive this country I don't want a Civil War I don't want to see this country break into two we're in the middle of a I don't use this word often but we're we're skating on thin ice right now I don't want a nationville divorce that's where we're headed without some real leadership from our own side and so I don't not for me it's not Republican versus Democrat is pro-american versus anti-American if you're pro-american we're on the same team that's how we're going to win this general election in a landslide you mark my words you all make me your nominee that's my accountability back to you we will do what Reagan did for this country in 1980 and that sounds about as ridiculous for me to say today as it did for Reagan to say in December of 79 but that's what we're going to deliver for this country so you do your part I'm going to do mine and we're going to revive who we actually are thank you man I appreciate that question I saw you in Cherokee over the weekend and I uh praised you for your composition of the carbon dioxide pipeline thank you and I think that's a real populous issue um I I'd like to suggest you maybe two other populist issues number one a a federal cap on interest rates on credit cards and number two uh uh make student loans dischargeable in Bank in bankruptcy you mentioned that one to me yeah yeah I think that was you actually so I've been thinking about that one actually so I don't think that we could forgive student loans but dischargeable and bankruptcy there's a real cost to that so I promise you actually I'm taking that under consideration this what I love about it this is what I love about Iowa actually is I get better questions than we get for the media is the truth that the truth of that matter and this process works this way for a reason right the system isn't set up for a guy like me to do this coming in from the outside at the age of 38 as a businessman calling out the failures of the Republican Party Ron McDaniel actually said I'm not going to get another scent of funding from the RNC well too bad I guess not a report to her she's going to be fired soon Nomine she's out of there I but I can't compete with the super package pedestrial complex the TV ad that they're flooding you with that's not the game we play we're doing it this way you all know a 100 people here I'm here to ask you for your help I think with your help we're going to win this Iowa caucus you know 100 people who aren't in this room here in Western Iowa where's where's Starin Purdue she here there she is first time I came to P County we're walking cow pastors we had a crowd of about four people nobody knew my name I put up that carbon pipeline that's the first time I actually talked about the carbon capture pipeline she's one of the first people in those Farmers we M told me about it I thought nobody was going to care what was funny is back then I'm polling at 0.0% all right we put up a video within within a few hours I get three phone calls from different prominent people across the States they're paying attention this is a this is a dirty game I mean there this Republican party does not the establishment does not approve of this message but we can do this because you go first because this is bottom up and so if you all do your part we're still going to have a country where we the people rather than we the super packs determine who actually leads this country and that's what I'm here to ask you for your help to do and I get a lot of good ideas from coming here too so the dischargeability and bankruptcy was was an interesting off the Beaten Track idea and our team's already talking about what the pros and cons are that thank you sir I appreciate it thank you um I'm concerned the national the national pulse is reporting that the government's Terror watch list is now grown to over 2 million people with a majority of now US citizens yeah and I'm very concerned about that and I really doubt that all these US citizens are actually terrorists yeah I do too so so so here's the here's the double whammy here right I want people to understand this on one hand this is also true if what happened in October 7th in Israel can happen over there it's absolutely something that can happen right here at home in the United States we're more vulnerable our homeland is more vulnerable than we have ever been 70,000 special interest aliens from Islamic countries jihadist countries crossing our own borders just that were apprehended last year we're vulnerable to cyber attacks super EMP attacks missile attacks basic border defenses that are missing so on the one hand we have that yet on the other hand The Manhunt that they're launching is people who were peaceful protesters who were present in Washington DC on January 6 2021 so it's actually a version of this it's a little bit of karma for conservatives actually because this is what happened in the post 911 ERA with the Patriot Act I mean is Dick Cheney back then wielding what I think was a unconstitutional federal police state look at 5 702 right now that's been reauthorized or is about to be reauthorized with Congress standing for it that's wrong I me that allows for ramp and spying on the American people but in some ways at least back then the left was at least against the unconstitutional overreaches now the left has actually joined the Dick Cheney 2.0 Wing which is most of the Republican party to use this war on terror not to actually prevent actual terrorism which we're failing to do in this country we're at risk but to go after our own citizens and here I'm going to take take an opportunity to you know it's always a little uncomfortable when you do this but you got to speak the truth I think our own part is as bad as the other side on this one I mean you got another candidate running for president right now who says that in order to use the internet to have a social media profile you have to use governmen issued ID tying that to your profile at the same time you have a Federal Reserve developing a central bank digital currency what do you think they're going to do if you post something on the Internet that they don't like I'm gonna give you about is a hard fact Jack Smith you guys know who this character is so so what's that inspector J inspector J there you go ja he's that that's that's a modern inspector ja right there is he's a guy who has subpoena you know he subpoena all of Trump's tweets what many of you in this room may not know is if you liked if you hit like or retweet on one of Trump's tweets that subpoena includes figuring out who that was too too I imagine that includes several people in this room I'm serious I mean now imagine that the government that same government the Biden Administration let's say in Jack Smith said that oh and by the way you have to use a government issued ID to tie that to your profile so we know what your home address is and we can come to your house we say that's tyranny the only thing worse than that is we got prominent Republicans saying the same thing so this is a bipartisan Affair and I think it's really important now more than in a long time perhaps more than ever in my lifetime that we have a president who swears an oath to the Constitution who knows what the Constitution actually says but if you're going to swear an oath to the Constitution you're actually going to keep it you better have darn well read the Constitution the First Amendment secures Free Speech it secures religious liberty it secures the freedom of Association the Fourth Amendment says no search or seizure without a warrant that's out the window they view these as pesky inconveniences that starts with the det State the president can fix this the next president has to shut down that fourth branch that shadow government they duped Trump on this one I mean I respect the hell out of Donald Trump and I've been more respectful to his legacy than any other candidate the other one's irritate me because they've been licking his boots for money and endorsement for years and then now our Monday Morning Quarterback and some decision made I'm the opposite of that I haven't been licking his boot for years I've been building businesses outside of this world of policy itics but now that I'm in this I will recognize his accomplishments but they duped him they said you can't fire those civil servants because of civil service protections read the law those Civil Service protections do not apply to mass firings Mass firings are absolutely what I am bringing to the DC bureaucracy that's what it takes to actually drain the swamp and get this job done and so I'll give Trump on this National Security overreach I'll give him a lot of credit for rolling pulling that log over and we saw what crawled out I'm bringing the pesticide right that's my job we Tak this to the next level and stand for cons I appreciate that I I got a a solution to reduce the national debt I'm all yours for about a couple trillion okay Sue China international for Co yes why in the heck so I'm actually talk about this we know it was a damn bat right oh it was a lab we know and the CDC had something to do with it but yeah why haven't we got still possible to go after yeah it is so so we can actually talk talk about we have to hold them accountable using every Financial lever we have available including it up to the national debt that they hold actually I mean there's a way to do this I don't want to get too technical but since you brought it up I I'll sort of talk about one way we could do this is the problem with that is they will say that you don't want to reduce the US's creditworthiness if you're just randomly not repaying debt that you otherwise owe so what you could do is actually repay rash could repay the what they call the radal amount right that amount that would have been repaid to China repay to every other holder of US debt so it's not like the US is trying to get itself off the hook but that's holding China accountable you're going to talk about addressing the national debt here's the single easiest way to do it that isn't controversial doesn't involve tradeoffs in fact it involves fighting inflation and growing this economy take the oil and natural gas out from underneath our own ground and sell it for several trillion dollars and buy down our own national debt then you start with those 75% reduction in the head count in the US Bure bureaucracy head count 7 trillion of our national debt was due to Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that did not Advance our interest right the Taliban is still in charge 20 years later and Iraq is still the same broken country even worse vulnerable to Iranian incursion far worse actually and so don't repeat those same mistakes in places like Ukraine don't give a dime of foreign aid to any country whose national debt per person is less than ours that's crazy that we're just giving away our money to other people who have less of a national debt problem than we do but with that combination we're going to get the national debt down to about 20 trillion from 33 then it's a lot more manageable then we don't have to suffer the same fate with interest rate costs right now I want people to understand this the interest costs on our own national debt are on track now to be the largest line item in the federal budget in the next five years if that happens we're in Quicks sand and then we you know it's all downhill from there so that's the time period we're working with so it's going to take a CEO in the white house it's a great idea that would be a couple a maximum couple trilli but the real serious plan is get the oil and gas out of the ground sell it buy it down don't fight pointless Foreign Wars zero based budgeting cut 75% of the number of federal bureaucrats and now we're talking that's the answer a great question I appreciate that time for maybe two more question um Trump got his ass handed to him when he got elected president because he didn't know who to hire and he was surrounded by snakes and backstab he was surrounded by people who did not align with his agenda that's how where would you find the people necessary to do that because you're talking about tens of thousands of bureaucrats yeah so the first step here's where they got him actually was the existing apparatus there it's not that the people don't exist it's that the people who were there were resistant to the people who might have otherwise committed so you got to really I mean I'm not talking about chisel here I'm talking about chainsaw on steroids that's the first step when you get it I'll tell you people people think I'm a crazy man when I say this stuff but it's going to take policies that sound crazy to fix a status quo that's actually the crazy so on day one when we get into office I'll tell you why it has to work like this if you're a federal bureaucrat and your Social Security number ends in an odd number you're out and if it's an even number you're in now think about this for a second on day two the federal bureaucracy will be half its size and I promise you the sun will still rise in the East and sit in the west not a thing is going to break as a consequence of that but it has to be done that way or else this is why Trump didn't do it they tell him you're going to get sued for political retaliation under the Civil Service rules or civil rights violations or what they call disperate impact litigation or all these other boring things you don't need to hear about but if it's a large indiscriminate Mass firing that's how you got the bureaucracy and then you have the room to bring the fresh blood in so that's the order we got to go in we're already building the teams that we need we have we're going to have a a Triad in every one of those agencies somebody who comes in from the outside generally from the business World an entrepreneur or otherwise somebody who's a constitutional scholar who understands what the legal basis is for shutting it down or downsizing it by 75% and then one person who has come from some prior experience in that same Bureau so we're already putting that together that's what this map is going to look like but this is a serious plan to finally at long last end that fourth branch of government that's really where they fail so bringing in the new people is a lot easier once you've cleared the decks we already are building that team so we've got a running Head Start I don't think I don't think they planned or planned ahead to win I'm telling you I believe we're going to win this primary we're going to win this Iowa caucus shock the world and then if I'm your nominee we're delivering you a landslide I mean we're bringing young people Libertarians Independents and we're bringing people along who have not thought of themselves as part of the GOP at a long time 40% of are donors we have a we have 150,000 some OD small dollar donors 40% of them are first time ever donors to the GOP that number is normally 2% so we're about to deliver you a landslide so we're planning to win we're already starting now mean I'm already I'm the only candidate in this race that's released our list of federal federal judges both for the Supreme Court and the appellant court we're doing the same thing now not just for the cabinet but who's going to run the office of personnel management it's like the HR branch of the federal government it's really important the Office of Management and budget it's like the CFO those are the positions you don't hear about that's what matters so we're ready to roll we got the plans ready to go I mean shutting down the FBI people say is that a crazy one nope it's the failed Bureau of Investigation okay that's that's what I to call it so there's 35,000 employees at the FBI 20,000 of them are back office bureaucrats at the J Edgar Hoover building they're going to have to go home and find honest work in the private sector byebye done with that 15,000 of them are good agents on the front lines cops good people move them to the US Marshals which hasn't been corrupted in the same way which has been much better at fighting child sex trafficking move them to the financial crimes enforcement Network where they have specialization to go after white coll or theft move them to the DEA to fight the fentanyl epidemic so this about both increasing Effectiveness and gutting the existing bureaucracies that don't exist and then yes about half people we bring in in positions of authority about half of them are going to be people like me who've never been in government before and my ideal vice president would be somebody who has that similar experience of cutting through bureaucracy somebody like Elon Musk would be a great vice president he wasn't born in this country so he's become a friend and somebody who I respect and and did this at one company but what he did to Twitter is what we're doing to the federal government you cut it and the thing works better actually that's the mentality that we're going to require thank you we come right here sir ATF can we downsize that well I have bad news for you sir ATF ATF shut it down is what we say we don't need it and then the background checks the narrow sleeve of background checks move it to the US Marshals we've laid out a clear case for that the reason is look this is an agency it's Hospital of the Second Amendment that's that's a punchline they believe the second amendment should not exist it's not their choice our founding fathers made the Second Amendment for a reason it's the one amendment that protects all the other ones honey it's not how about it's not to thank you it's not about hunting or Sports shooting right you know don't you love it when a politician will go on with a shotgun and a some Blazer and loafers and talk about go hunting for the Second Amendment dick CH can't shoot either so he really can't he's just he's just good at uh selling the guns and making money for himself at the process but the reality is China Iran other countries they profess to offer the same freedoms that we do in our Bill of Rights they don't have them why because they don't have a second Amendment even in our own history black Americans didn't enjoy their civil rights until they got second amendment rights the first anti-gun laws were designed to keep them out of the hands of black people actually and Don Lemon and I had an exchange on this I don't know if you guys remember that his uh yeah his head exploded in the middle of that he managed to get himself fired shortly after but but but but it was but it but it made his head explode he's like that's not true and actually if we had been able to have a more simple conversation what I would have told him was look at the Dread Scott case that was this case probably one of the worst Supreme Court cases in our history said that black Americans could not be citizens why the Chief Justice T of the Supreme Court said it was because that would allow black Americans to own guns so we got to learn from our own history the history of other countries the second amendments what protects all the other ones the ATF does not have a constitutional authority to impede on that if they tried to do it and it's a creature of the administrative State shut it down move the background checks to the US Marshals we're serious this is how we're going to get this job done so thank you I appreciate that any last question how about the IR got got a couple more how about the IRS IRS yes I said yes and we're going to just move that to a revenue Collection Division within the US Treasury it's also on the list when you have those extra whatever 80,000 some employees they've hired the formula for corruption where I need that on my watch we'll go back here and I can't leave the young person hanging so I'm going to come we'll give you perhaps the final word have you heard of the fair tax.org so what the short of it is is essentially changing so sounds familar I'm trying to remember where I've where I've heard this tell me yeah what what what they do or what the idea is essentially instead of having IRS and everybody income tax which was brought in what 20s I think it was whatever Amendment y yep you get R of that completely and it's at the state level essentially you have a sales tax that's on the front side you have your state tax you have your so then and then it brings that tax to the front of line because right now everybody's tax and you don't you know most people don't realize that I mean they know they getting their income tax coming out but it's a it's a hidden tax and then money just goes and it spend yeah and you need and then actually here's the thing about the current system too yeah yeah just sucks said it better than I can the tax compliance costs just the compliance cost of what people spend out of pocket it's about 700 billion a year you can just give that money back to people and lower their tax rates and that doesn't even count the time that you spend doing it so so where I've landed at least where you're Landing is even more ambitious and usually what I'm saying is you know people don't criticize me for that direction but here I'm actually a little bit simpler as the first step I would go to a 12% flat tax across the board ordinary income capital gain corporate all flattened out and end the deductions I like where your going with this but I think that that would require see the promises I'm making you all today down to shutting down the ATF the National Security State the FBI Terror list and everything else drilling fracking burning coal securing our border putting our military on the southern border all of this these are things I can do for you as the next president period without asking Congress for permission or for forgiveness because it's running the executive branch of government I would love a detailed discussion of whether you moved a 12% flat tax or an idea like yours I mean elimination of the income tax is an alluring idea to me but I'm not going to make you that promise here today because that requires Converse and here's what most presidents do you stick to the slogan stand for truth you're going to speak the truth stand for it I'm never going to make you a promise that I can't keep everything else we've told you here we're getting done now most presidents start with their legislative agenda try to Shepherd it through Congress Congress stops them and then it never happens and it deflates their balloon they lose their momentum we're going the other way around year one we're doing everything I'm talking about year two we're going to turn to the tax code and I think I'm going to have the last best chance of actually opening that up and fixing it once and for all and any proposal that's a coherent one that relies on elimination of the income tax I'm all in favor of entertaining but that's not something that I can do on my own that requires Congress and so I'll take a look at fair tax thator I appreciate that that's why I love coming to again like you too coming to Iowa and learning things thank you sir um so when I grow up I want to be like an author so how did you start when you were author oh thank you I appreciate it what's your name man Cole Cole yeah do you write now yeah I like write books I also uh type them go my grandpa to library Tope that's awesome I love that at the age of 10 I'm proud of you man you got your first customer right here I'm and you know actually I was going to give you the advice but I can't even give you the advice cuz you're already following it I'll tell you what it is so so I learned this I got a good piece of advice when I took a standup comedy class years ago and I followed this ever since which is they said take a notebook wherever you go you hold that up what do you have in your hand right there kid got a notebook he probably with him he's already following who's already following the best piece of advice I could give him and and and the advice they further gave me was whenever something like really annoys the hell out of you like it really annoys sorry 10 years annoys the heck out of you the heck out of you what would they what would they what would they say write it down okay write it down when something annoys the heck out of you so I did that and they said that there's actually is a good formula for standup comedy I did about 10 shows in New York didn't work out so well for me so but but it did work out well for me because that's actually what led me to start my businesses so I started writing down the things that annoy annoyed me one was the inefficiency and the cost of drugs and you know write down all what annoyed me there and every business I've started and I've I've started three successful businesses two of them that I led that came out of things that I wrote down at the time where you have that idea and then it turns out that was also what led me to write my first book woke G and you know what I think your first book can be a bestseller too you know when people told me it it was really funny I'll give you one more piece that advice on this this has nothing do with politics but I love questions from young people it it take us outside of the you know usual riff raap we're in so so it's funny thing happen so I didn't know how to go about publishing a book either right I was a CEO of a company so I sent out so I had a friend who had published a book they connected me with these agents who were the intermediaries to get to you know the Publishers and so I was C founded a multi-billion dollar company had a had a proposal for the idea of this book and I uh and I wrote I sent them like idea of what you want to write you call up to sort of a sample like a like a pitch for the book and she writes back and she says well uh I suggest that if you have real wealth that you use your talent supporting so you use your resources to support those who may have real literary Talent so I wasn't committed to writing a book back then so you'll probably get some responses like that don't let that get to you actually to the contrary I wasn't sure that I was going to write a book until she sent me back that response at that point I'm like we're darn sure we're going to actually see this through and so they the book ended up being debuted at number two on the New York Times bestseller list and so I made it a point and it just for fun but we sent her a complimentary copy that was signed and and people didn't know this it's the first time I've ever saying this in public there's the acknowledgement section of that book so acknowledge my wife and my family Etc and I just put an acknowledgement to this individual this woman to say I thank you for providing a unique form of encouragement right nobody I never even talked about that story till today but I guess the moral of the story is when you're being an author or going out to be something that's a little bit different you're going to have a lot of people tell you why you can't do what you set out to do my advice is is nod your head politely listen to what they have to say and then decide to keep doing what you want to do that's what this country is founded on is you can achieve anything you want if you set your mind to all right I'm waiting to leave your book I'm excited for you I'm excited thank you for coming out today one one last question we'll give you the final words sir what the CIA what about the CIA about well I mean how do I uh where's my security guards so I mean look I don't even I know enough about the FBI to tell you what I'm going to do I don't even I have no I have no idea there's no government non-transparency I don't like what I see with the unconstitutional overreaches so what we will say is it's the same formula they're not going to be exempt with the three people we're going to put in every one of those agencies and one of them is going to be a constitutional scholar I said that Edward Snowden will get a pardon or a clemency on my watch okay this is people who have exposed the abuses should not be punished for exposing those abuses but I swear o to the Constitution I intend to keep it that's the answer okay now I want to distinguish there's good people doing good work for the government okay it's not the individual action that's the problem it's the machine it's the Leviathan that's the real problem okay and so we have to see that for what it is it is the monsters Thomas Hobbs wrote about this it's if we think this comes down to one person we talk about Biden or talk about any one individual no D you're missing the point it is the machine we have to break the Machinery itself and many of those good people if they're put in the right positions building up from scratch we can actually do this in a manner that's built to adhere to the Constitution so I'll say this in closing right and I love that we get a lot of questions here about the administrative State that's that's the heart of what the next president can do got that the rest of this becomes easier we don't have to be a nation in Decline we don't have to be at the end of the ancient Roman an Empire I think the truth is as a nation right now what's your name young man Co coold tell me we're really a little young actually going through our own version of uh National adolescence figuring out who we're going to be when we grow up and when you view it that way it makes sense again actually you go through your adolescence you go through that identity crisis you lose your way a little bit you do some stupid things okay but we are stronger for it when we get to our adulthood on the other side so no I don't think we have to be that that nation in Decline I think we can still be a nation in our Ascent maybe even the early stages of our Ascent maybe we're not even at base camp on our way still to that shining City on a Hill that country where we will look on kids in the eye and mean it when we say the United States of America is still the nation where no matter who you are or where your parents came from or what your skin color is that you get ahead in this country with your own hard work your own commitment your own dedication and as you know what you are free to speak your mind and every step of the way that is the American dream that is what we are running to and with your help on January 15th that's what I'm asking you for I want many of you to join us become Precinct chairs volunteer with us that's the donation I want is a donation of your time it's the most valuable donation of all between now and January 15th Deliver us a shock to the world they'll be heard around the world and then we serve this country for eight years revive who we really are it's within our reach it's not going to just happen with one person it's going to be all of us playing our part but you all do your part I promise you a poor my wife and I and our family we're going to do ours to make sure not in some cheesy politician way but in a true way make sure that our country's best days are actually still ahead of us thank you for coming out today guys bless our United States of America
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 53,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UD-B_iZWuP4
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Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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