KPRC 2 News crew likely intercepts Houston tornado live on TV

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right here. Until that. Comes through. You're going to be dealing with rain up here now. This will push it all out of here, but it's going to take it another hour hour and a half to do that. So a tool that gets through here you are going to be dealing with rain and this particular area across Montgomery County, Liberty County and the Livingston looks like it's lightened up a little bit. Northern Polk County. So the big problems where you see this purple area here in northwest Harris County, that area out to 90 in Harris County, that is treacherous looking gage. Goulding is in our stormtracker 2 Gage. Welcome to Houston. >> Yeah, this is out. Our front of you right now. Our speed is about 10 miles an hour because that's how our the wind is blowing. We're westbound right now in June. I wow. Look at that. Flash of lightning. A lot of people actually pulling over on the side of the road. This is a real-time speed on the interstate. That you're seeing right here. It is. We're all in because let me see if I swing the camera around to get a better look at just. I don't look at the blowing. You saw that the difference in how the cameras kind of clean first race went around the front of the vehicle. It I get ugly. Pretty quick people and it absolutely we're all here. Looks like some sort of emergency vehicle possibly in the other lanes. Yeah, it kind of turned on real quick, Frank. You can go find your talk about quickly. The storms are moving. Yeah, no joke. They are really moving quick because we were fine up until about 5.10, seconds before you came to us here, you'd probably hear the vehicle being battered in the camera just doesn't really do it. Justice. Yeah, you can see coming down in sheets are off the mark Dash cam video here. But I definitely see that the hazard lights on. From the folks. But up on the interstate here. Westbound for the headlights are going. I'm going to zoom in because the queen of the flashes of lightning. >> I gave it looks like the way it looks like the rain was like the rain is when do we live in like crazy here? here, look, look, look down at the ground here. >> Less than 20 miles an hour. You can see coming down in sheets years. Is calling and getting any hail out there? Looks like hail. Yes, that is hail. You hear it against the vehicle right now. Yes, I do. To get rain. Yeah. There you go. A lot of wind driven rain out here for a camera. Again. What looks like a ping-pong ball sized hail. Here. Yeah. There's every indication that you could be in the mix least of the tornado. >> And that area and those are the worst kind because they want to call rain wrapped tornadoes. In other words, because of the wind is so strong and the way is there, the wind is wrapping the tornado way. You can't see it. >> Hence, this is nice. When the scammer background for backside. While you can see that is a terrible idea. What this first doing. There's no thunder. That is not a good idea. What is a hustling the we see some branches on the road here. That person actually just wrote what looked like kind of into the median along Frank. We're seeing some tree debris on the ground. Some lamps, possibly. I've given ideas, this is our dash family might be a good view here. But in the visibilities down to we say 25 feet, maybe not only hear Frank, you see this out right in front of us here. Fig tree limbs down. We'll see if I could swing the camera around the world are last summer we had such. we have such a draw. It was so hard and it was so dry. A lot of these trees there, but they didn't die completely. But part of the end in these branches are very vulnerable to these kind of winds. >> Good because nobody's going to trim their trees like they should. They just don't. We don't, we should. We do. But look at that talking little limbs here. Look at that. That's a that's a big win that fell off here. Usc that may try to switch the camera a little bit more. And that's the kind of a live look at that falls on you when you're driving. It may not hurt your car, but it will cause you to have a terrible wreck because it will scare the heck out. Oh, absolutely. And that's the dangerous thing. You saw that person kind of w*** by us >> No one is in a hurry at this This is kind of you got to be safe and it really came upon us that there's some more rain in front of us are. If you see it here. the wind-driven rain is. It's been moving kind of every Don't know what that can help you with. ll, because because there's a circle motion going on. That's why because there's a tornado warning in effect. >> We may not see one on the ground, but in the upper atmosphere, it is rotating. We're looking at. And so you've got the circulation spinning. >> Yeah, and we can see I don't know. My camera can spin around that side. Let me see if I can. Get around. Our are the backside here. There are a lot. There's a lot of tree debris. You see that from properties off on here. This might even be a road sign in front of us. That wouldn't surprise me at all from U.S. offense, possibly this evening at this camera from background. We got this hot mounted might be able to give you a better look. And this is this is prime conditions. And if you don't have to go up. We dig deep in the fridge tonight for something to eat because this is these are not the conditions that are worth. >> We have to engage. We have your shot up. We also have a radar shot up and I think people are probably wondering why there there's that white collar on the radar. That's an indication of hail. And so this storm is full of hail. So not only have the wind wind driven rain and I mean, the hail you're saying looks to me to be almost golf ball size, at least an inch, if not almost a half or 2.
Channel: KPRC 2 Click2Houston
Views: 434,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, Weather
Id: 892haw4VxXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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