People Still Fall For These Caribbean Cruise Traps!

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So here I am in the Caribbean. It's beautiful blue  skies. It's warm. There's gorgeous sea all around   me, and yet i'm kicking myself because I made  the mistake of falling into a couple of classic   Caribbean traps, even though I've been here many  times before and should know better. So I'm going   to tell you about some key Caribbean traps that  you should avoid to make sure that you have an   incredible Caribbean trip. If you're new here by  the way, I'm Gary Bembridge and it's my goal to   make it easy and more fun to discover plan and  enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations, including   here in the Caribbean. One of the traps that many  people fall into is the mistake of associating   cruising the Caribbean with the big mega ships  like the Royal Caribbean one behind me, or   Carnival Dream or over there is Carnival  Mardi Gras. You do not have to cruise the   Caribbean on big huge big resort ships. Although  lines like Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise Line   and of course Carnival really built up and created  the mega cruising in the Caribbean as it is now,   you don't have to cruise that way. Those really  broke the ground and made the Caribbean really   popular, however you can do the Caribbean however  you want to do it. So, for example I have been on   Caribbean trips where all the passengers on  board were only from the UK. I've been on   extremely formal cruise on Cunard where you were  dressing up in black tie. I've been on the classic   cruise line Celebrity which is a little bit  more trendy, but I've also been on a classic   cruise line Holland America where it's a little  bit older, it's a little bit more refined,   it's some people argue a bit more stuffy. I've  been on this trip now i'm on Oceania Marina,   1250 passengers and my very next trip is actually  on one of the world's sort of most luxurious   cruise lines that I've decided to try and  there's less than 500 people on that cruise. So,   don't associate the Caribbean with having to go on  a big resort ship. You can do it any way you want,   with any size ship you want, and that's really  important. Figure out the kind of experience you   want, don't fall into the trap of just defaulting  to those big guys who control, if you like, the   Caribbean. Another big trap that people fall into  is thinking that you need to sail to the Caribbean   out of Florida. Now, there are three really big  ports in Florida, you've got Miami, you've got   Port Everglades and Port Canaveral, and certainly  the vast bulk of Caribbean cruises do head out of   those three ports. However, it can be completely  chaotic. Bear in mind I was there recently and   there was nine ships on the Friday, eight ships  on the Saturday, seven ships on the Sunday. So,   there could be anything between 15 to 20 000  people getting off the ships in the morning,   and another 15 to 20 000 people trying to  get on those ships in Miami in one day. So,   it can be completely chaotic, taxis, cars, buses,  and it just is pretty an unpleasant experience.   Of course, the reason that Florida ports  are so popular is they are the closest   major ports to get into the Caribbean. So,  there is a plus side in terms of time. However   there are other considerations and options. So, if  you're in the United States, for example, you can   sail from so many places. So Carnival have about  12 different ports they sail at various times of   the year. So does Norwegian. Royal Caribbean about  nine different ports across the United States. One   slight downside is some of those smaller places,  smaller cities, they put some of the older ships   on, so that is a bit of a watch out of course. If  you're coming from Europe, you don't have to come   all the way to Miami. Many lines, whether it's  P&O, whether it's some of the german lines like   Tux Mean Schiff, and so on they will charter  flights into say Barbados. So you can also,   you know, charter direct into the Caribbean. Some  other cruise lines, and it tends to be the mostly   more luxurious up-market ones, they will also  originate and sail from St Maarten or Barbados or   places like that. The reason that the big  lines don't do that is just the logistics,   getting people in and out. So, don't fall into the  trap of thinking you have to go out of Florida. It   can be crazy. The hotels can get really expensive  in places like Miami and now Fort Lauderdale   hotels can be quite expensive. So, look at  different alternatives. And you don't even have to   go on an English-speaking cruise line. Lines like  the German Mein Schiff, Aida Italian, Costa they   all head down to the Caribbean. So, if you want a  multicultural experience and don't want to do an   English language experience, you can do that too.  So don't just default into the American English   speaking or British English speaking lines. one of  the really big traps to fall into and i've done it   on this particular trip is to keep going to the  same places in the caribbean there's surprisingly   few ports that you can actually go to the  caribbean and the reason for that is there's   only a couple that can deal with the volume of  ships in the size many places you'll go you'll be   places like here across the iowa and today where  you've got four big ships in so you've got 15 000   or more people pouring off and it does mean that  ports in the caribbean have to have a key to deal   with it they have to have the infrastructure the  people the tours so they just cope with these   huge numbers of crowds that you can see behind me  so that does limit the amount of places you can go   but it is possible to go to places that are unique  and different it just takes a bit of planning   when you're looking at planning your caribbean  cruises probably about five key itineraries   that are worth knowing about one of them is the  short option which is heading to places like the   bahamas they tend to be three or four nights the  most popular ones of all tend to be the eastern   caribbean and the western caribbean the western  caribbean is going to take you to places like   key west although there's some discussion on ships  calling their cozumel costa maya roatandalis the   cayman islands a seventh eastern caribbean is  going to take you to places like bahamas puerto   ricos and martin antigua dominicus and lucious and  kitts and the u.s and british virgin islands also   what's important about the east and the west is  many cruise lines will alternate those you could   do a two-week cruise because those other ones tend  to be seven nights the other really popular cruise   is a ten nighter out of florida which will go much  further south she'll go right down to barbados you   might even go as far as curacao you know right  down south the other really popular option is   those cruisers that will do partial transit of  the panama canal again they're about 10 nights   and they will tend to sweep right down to the  south and head up through the western caribbean to   places like roatan belize and so on so when you're  looking at doing a caribbean cruise bear in mind   that many of the ports are really really overrun  really popular so try and look at itineraries   where you might be going to some more out of the  way places more unusual places now another trap   which is a difficult one and one that i'm kind of  torn on is around private lands i'm actually here   on norwegian cruise groups uh harvest key which  is a very beautiful place it's very pristine my   last cruise i went to half moon key which is the  america one but all of the cruise lines have its   royal caribbean has invested i think something  like 250 million dollars on perfect day at coco   key princesses princess keys disney has castaway  key and so on uh so they all have them now the   the thing with coming to private islands is  they're very beautiful very pristine they tend   to be in the bahamas or like here in belize  they're extremely well run they're very slick   however because they're cruise line owned you're  not seeing the true caribbean and also importantly   you're not putting money really directly into  the hands of the locals some people would argue   that it's a trap because you're basically staying  within the corporate world and giving the cruise   line more money other people say it's not  a trap because it's a beautiful uh curated   experience and it's a difficult one uh on both  my last year trips i've had private islands i've   joined them but i'm kind of torn about whether  they're a trap or not so that's something that   you do need to think about one of the traps that  i have tended to avoid partly because i learned   the hard way the first time around is around the  time to go now a lot of us will depend on your own   situation but the main caribbean season runs from  around september october time when the ships are   redeployed from alaska and the mediterranean the  caribbean and runs until about sort of april time   when the ships are then redeployed to alaska or  the mediterranean so that's really a busy time   because it's great weather of course it's winter  in the northern hemisphere people want to get away   if you are traveling that time period the best  time to go that i go is either sort of from   the middle of november to middle of december  before holiday season before school holidays   and a great time to go is sort of from the second  week of january to about the middle of february   you're going to find lots of availability lots  of choice and really good fares but the places   are going to be relatively quiet because it's  not peak time if you possibly can avoid school   holidays because it gets really manic avoid spring  break avoid the christmas break if you can because   again it gets really busy and then during the  summer some is very popular because very hot but   take a look at the hurricane season because that  can cause lots of disruptions to itineraries   uh maybe the seas are a bit more rough and stuff  like that of course if you are traveling with   families you're driving with kids or teens or  whatever you're gonna have much less flexibility   on those particular timings definitely if you  possibly can try and avoid those busy times that's   one trap that people fall into it'll cost you more  and it'll be much busier one of the big traps that   so many people fall into the caribbean is shopping  you'll find there are chains everywhere go like   diamonds international effie del sol color  changing and every single port you get off on   there will be these same chains but even more  importantly you'll find that the cruise lines   are in on the game so on many of the cruise lines  in fact most of the cruise lines you'll find   shopping advisors who will give talks  they'll do different promotions incentives   to call on certain recommended stores it's  important to understand that the cruise lines   charge people to be part of that program so if  you're a diamonds international del sol or whoever   and you want to be part of that program you pay  cruise lines fees and it's reported in some of the   newspapers like forbes washington post have run  articles which claim it's several hundred thousand   dollars the cruise lines can be making whether the  cruise lines then get various other incentives or   commissions from sales i i don't really know  that but it's really important to understand   that shopping has become a huge big business  and in many ways the risk is that you will be   almost manipulated so if you are going to go  shopping in the caribbean approach with care make   sure you want things and you understand the prices  so you don't overpay and don't get swept into it   also very importantly if you are looking at buying  things like souvenirs try and hunt out local craft   markets because you'll find many of the souvenirs  are the same and even made in china and they   aren't that different and unique to the islands  the same applies to shopping on board cruise ships   again make sure that you are comparing prices on  land which of course with wi-fi and stuff you can   do you know for example i bought some fragrance  on board which cost a hundred dollars i thought it   was a good price i then realized that i could have  bought it on the duty free passing through to join   the cruise for 75 in the airport shop so watch out  shopping is big and it could be a really big trap   to fall into one trap that is quite hard to avoid  but is one that you need to really be aware of   is when it comes to excursions now excursions  can mount up and cost you an enormous amount   of money on caribbean cruise you could be  spending easily as a couple a hundred dollars   together or up to 200 depending on the excursion  you're doing so it can mount up a lot there's a   couple of key traps that people fall into first  of all many people will kind of default to the   cruise line excursion which is obviously the easy  thing to do a lot of people do in the caribbean   because they know that the ship will wait cruise  lines will only wait for people that are on their   own excursions so if you are nervous then do  that it's important to remember the caribbean   is very geared up to tourism and cruise ships so  there's a couple of things that you should look at   as alternatives first of all there are aggregators  like what   they do is you can input your itinerary your  ship and it will bring up all the excursions   as alternatives that you can do in those ports  now they work a lot with local providers and   they will normally include a guarantee to get you  back to the ship on time now they running these   exclusions every single day and they're really  pretty astute now at getting people back to   you know to the ship in time the other thing  to bear in mind is as i said these ports   and the people in the ports the population are  extremely used to dealing with cruise passengers   so they you know the more informal sectors are the  taxi drivers local guides they really understand   what people want to do how to get there time to  get them back so also consider looking at those   because you are going to again put more money  into the hands of local people rather than the   corporations or you know big providers you're  going to get more into the hands of people but   when you also go in excursions the other thing i  recommend is try not to do everything the same you   know i've met loads of people who will go on the  catalan tour in every single place go to the beach   excursion every single place try and do a varied  range of excursions to get a much better sense and   feel of the caribbean vary what you do till you  get a real flavor for the feel of the caribbean   the history of the caribbean the culture of  the caribbean one big tip i've got to avoid   falling in the trap of going to places that  are just crazy busy on excursions is to do some   research around who's going to be important i'm  in cozumel today there are two huge raw caribbean   ships there's a carnival ship there's celebrity  edge and us however i knew that in cozumel today   all the ships would be here because i looked on a  site called cruise timetables   so when i went and decided what i was going to  do i knew that places were going to be busy so   i avoided the obvious excursions and went for  something a little bit different if you want   to find out more about cruising the caribbean  watch this video where i start off by talking   about one of the things that drives me crazy  about cruising the caribbean see you over there
Channel: Tips For Travellers
Views: 2,135,301
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers
Id: WeV91qTXV-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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