People Still Fall For These 5 Mediterranean Cruise Traps!

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I got a message from a friend of mine, Winnie,  saying she was looking for a Mediterranean   cruise for a week in July, on a mid-sized  ship, in a balcony cabin. Could I help. In that one simple request I realised  she was about to fall headlong into   five traps that many cruise  passengers make in the Mediterranean. Here’s what they are and what I told  Winnie. I am Gary Bembridge. Welcome Aboard. The first mistake she made was   thinking that there is such a thing as  a “Mediterranean cruise”. There’s many. I told Winnie she first needs to ask herself why  she is going and what she wants to see and do,   to avoid going on the wrong itinerary. There are three main Mediterranean itineraries. The one that I recommend for first timers  like Winnie, is the Western Mediterranean. These tend to call on Spain,  France, and Italy. They depart   usually from Barcelona, Civitavecchia near Rome,  and Genoa, and call on ports like Marseilles,   the French Riviera (San Tropez, Monte Carlo,  or Cannes), Livorno for Florence and Nice,   La Spezia for Cinque Terre, and some go  down to Naples to visit Pompeii or Capri. Some include historical  islands with grand architecture   like Valletta in Malta and Palma de Mallorca. It is perfect for first timers like Winnie  as she will see many of the most famous   Mediterranean cities and  sites to in just one trip. The itinerary and excursions focus  heavily on exploring local culture,   historical sites, museums,  architecture, culinary and wineries. I suggested to Winnie that if she  enjoyed the Western Mediterranean cruise,   her next should be an Eastern Mediterranean  one. This is probably my personal favourite. Departing mostly from ports around Venice  and Piraeus near Athens, these visit Italy,   Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, and sometimes Turkey. The most popular ports include  Split, Dubrovnik, Corfu,   and Greek Islands like Katakolon,  Santorini, and Mykonos. While the itinerary and excursions also  focus on culture, historical sites,   museums, architecture, they  tend to be more active. If she wanted to return to the Mediterranean after  that, I recommended a Greek islands itinerary,   especially if she wanted more of a beach  mixed with ancient sites experience. Mostly sailing out of Piraeus  near Athens, the islands   visited vary based on the size of ship with  smaller ships calling on more out of the way   ones as well as the large and best-known  ones like Santorini, Rhodes, and Mykonos. While those three Mediterranean cruise  options tend to be 7-nights long,   and meet her request for week-long cruise, there  is a trap in here there I wanted her to consider. First, whatever week-long itinerary she books   will include one or two must-see cities  she thinks she will see – but won’t. For example, I showed her the 7-night Western  Mediterranean cruise I was about to go on.   The advertised itinerary prominently includes   Barcelona and Rome as two ports. But  they are where I embark and disembark. If I hadn’t booked a pre-stay in Barcelona and a  post-stay in Rome, I would see nothing of those   cities – other than from the bus or taxi window  while transferring between airport and ship. To see the cities where  Winnie embarks or disembarks,   I encouraged her to add stays there  or she will not see anything of them. Second, a week-long Mediterranean cruise   can be tiring. Few have sea days for  her relax as they call into ports daily. She’ll be out exploring most of the  days and enjoying the dining and   entertainment into the evenings. She’ll be flying in,   so likely tired and jet-lagged, another good  reason for having pre-stay and post-stays. And thirdly, this is all magnified as quite  a few Mediterranean ports are far from   the advertised city or sights, which means  many excursions will be 8 to 10 hours long. Look at my Azamara cruise as an example.  The itinerary is advertised as Provence   (Marseilles), Florence / Pisa  (Livorno) and Rome (Civitavecchia). On Eastern Mediterranean ones you will  see Venice (Ravenna or Trieste), Olympia   (Katakolon) and Piraeus (Athens). The time to get to places advertised like  this on the itinerary can take a long time.   Rome can take up to two hours each way  based on traffic from Civitavecchia,   Florence one and a half to two  hours each way from Livorno,   Venice (which most ships cannot sail into anymore)  use Ravenna or Trieste which are two hours away. Even places like Olympia from Katakolon,   Cinque Terre from La Spezia can  take up to hour or more each way. So, with Winnie understanding the  issues around week-long trips,   I wanted to tackle her plan to cruise in July. The Mediterranean cruising season runs from   April to October, although a handful  of ships will sail year-round. I warned Winnie that going in July /  August time is a mistake for 5 reasons. First, it gets hot and sticky.   Second, it’s peak season and busy with  both cruise and land-based travellers. Some Mediterranean countries, including France,  Spain, and Italy, close factories, and businesses   in those months and all go on vacation. It's hard  to get into places, there's crowds everywhere. Third, it is THE most expensive  of time of the year to go. Fourth as it's school holidays,   families will be cruising, even on  lines that usually do not have kids. I told Winnie this is important as many  ships will be sailing way over capacity. When ships declare occupancy, it is  based on what is called “lower berths”,   which means two people per cabin and does not  count sofa beds, pull down beds and so on. For example, when I was on MSC Cruises Meraviglia  they told me their official capacity was 4,500   but in July and August they  often have 6,000 passengers   when kids share cabins with their parents. While other ships may not be as  dramatic as that, but all will   be at higher capacity when families are on board. Fifth, I warned her, this is the  prime scam and pickpocket season   due to the peak and jostling crowds. Each time I have been in Venice, Barcelona,  and Rome in July / August, people off the ship   have had wallets stolen, bags snatched,  and backpacks opened, and items taken. I suggested instead Winnie  looks at the shoulder season,   June and September are especially great  months. Though May and October work too. Everything's open,   it’s great but not stifling weather and since  Winnie doesn’t have to go in school holiday time   and is going with a friend of hers, they’ll  have a less costly and less crowded trip. Winnie had said she wanted  to go on a mid-sized ship,   but I worried she was falling  into another trap here too. So, I suggested she step back as there are a  few considerations before settling on ship size. There is enormous choice in  the Mediterranean. So first,   I suggested we cut the number of lines  she should consider based on her budget. Pretty much every cruise line ranging from  the most inexpensive (like MSC, Norwegian,   Carnival, and Royal Caribbean) through to THE most  expensive cruise lines in the world (like Regent   Seven Seas, Seabourn, Silversea) cruise here – and  basically offer the same itineraries and ports. For example, Winnie could book a 7-night  Western Mediterranean cruise next June for   2 on MSC Seaview in their cheapest balcony cabin  for $1,750 (that’s $125 per person per night). Or she could book a very similar  7-night Regent Seven Seas Voyager cruise   in their cheapest balcony, where one night would  cost the same as that entire MSC 7-night cruise. That’s a staggering $12,600 for two people  for a week (or $900 per person per night). And then I asked Winnie to step back and think  about what she wants those remaining lines   to add to her trip. As the ports and places  they will take her are largely the same. Does she want a deep immersion into  Mediterranean history and culture? Then   maybe Viking with multiple daily lectures by  their on-board resident Historian may be best. Does she want lots of late-night partying, big  glitzy theatre shows, and relaxed dress code?   Then maybe MSC, Norwegian Cruise Lines,  Carnival or Royal Caribbean would be best. Does she want a more familiar British experience   with dressy formal nights and live orchestra  ballroom dancing? Then perhaps Cunard is the one. To avoid the trap of going on the wrong cruise  line and getting the most from her budget,   Winnie agreed to draw up a list what she  really wanted from the ship and line. Ship size is of course a valid consideration. But Winnie said me she though a mid-sized ship  because she heard they would be less busy and   have fewer lines, but more because she’d  heard they go to more interesting ports. In the Mediterranean, the size of the ship is   less critical in terms of what ports  they call on than some other regions. While usually smaller ships can  go to more out of the way ports,   that only really applies in the Greek Islands  than in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean. On these most of the cruise ports tend  to be used by all, big and small. So,   I suggested she focus on the experience  she wanted rather than the ship size alone. The next trap Winnie almost fell into, but I  think she got it right in some ways by chance,   was she was looking at a balcony cabin. Winnie said she had seen online  people recommending a balcony   cabin because of the scenery to see  while sailing in the Mediterranean. I don't think that is true. First, you're going  to be sailing at night and then way out at sea,   and the only time you will be close  enough to view scenery is at sail in   and sail out. Both of which you  may want to be out on deck for. I told her to choose a balcony  over and Inside or Oceanview cabin   only if she rated the upside and  experience worth the extra costs. I always chose a balcony when cruising,  in the Mediterranean or pretty much   anywhere as I like being able  to step out into the fresh air,   sit there in the evenings when sailing and  for the floor-to-wall windows and light. I pointed out that on her cruise she  will likely have no or few sea days,   so is not going use the balcony on a sea day to  relax, and as many of the Mediterranean ports,   particularly in the Western Mediterranean, are  working ports and not the most attractive ports,   the views sitting out on port  days may not be that exciting. Talking to Winnie, she like me, decided  she wouldn’t be getting it for the   views, but because she felt an Inside and  Oceanview may feel too claustrophobic. Thinking about the cabin experience that  you will enjoy in the Mediterranean avoids   the trap of falling into booking something for  views that may not be there or choosing a cabin   that reduces your enjoyment. A cheaper cabin  may not be good value if you find it stifling. If you found these Mediterranean cruise  tips interesting, why not watch this video   where I look at the traps that most  people fall into on Caribbean cruises.   Starting with the one I did on my first  Caribbean trip. See you over there.
Channel: Tips For Travellers
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, cruise tips and tricks, mediterranean cruise royal caribbean, mediterranean cruise norwegian, mediterranean cruise princess, mediterranean cruise ports, mediterranean cruise celebrity, mediterranean cruise from barcelona, mediterranean cruise, mediterranean cruise tips, mediterranean cruise tips and tricks, mediterranean cruise excursions tips, mediterranean cruise excursions
Id: RbId6kfYDbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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