People Share Their Theme Park Horror Stories - AskReddit

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I got launched out of the opening of my pod and smacked into the guardrail what is the worst experience you've had at a theme park my friend's dad took my friend and I to Astroworld one summer when we were like eleven Astroworld is located in Houston and if you've ever been to Houston during the summer you know it's hot as hell we woke up late that day and went straight to McDonald's for lunch beforehand where I ate a cheeseburger salty fries and a soda so at this point I'd had absolutely zero water leading up to our arrival at the park we finally get inside and traversed the park to get in line for our first ride the Texas cyclone which had an estimated 1 hour wait time well about 30 minutes into the wait I started feeling a little odd I was getting lightheaded and things were very oddly fading in and out into different shades of yellow I had no idea what was going on so I tried to tell my friend's dad but it was too late at this point to remember everything turning a very dark shade of yellow I couldn't speak and the last thing I remember was watching my deep yellow hue vomit being broadcasted all across the lady in line in front of me I woke up in the medical center of the theme park and was diagnosed with a severe heat stroke that nearly killed me safe to say mr. bell made sure we drank plenty of water in the summer going forward I was stuck upside down on the demon in Six Flags Great America I was at a light angle on my way down the loop just barely and it just was uncomfortable beyond reason I was stuck there for almost an hour and it was really hot sitting on metal in heat plus being upside down as a terrible terrible combination I also got dragged into a fight one time Canada's Wonderland my first experience going there alone with another friend of mine we went on skywriter which is a roller coaster where you essentially standing with a bike seat in your butt we got stuck on that ride three times totaling up to two hours they offered everyone affected free pizza thirteen year old fat self love this gesture few rides later we find ourselves on drop zone top of our drop every other car drops but ours we were stuck at the top for another two hours I don't have a fear of heights but the girl beside us was puking and it was pretty high up and I can only imagine the wind taking her puke and ruining someone's day anyways two hours pass in without warning they drop us and I of course think I'm going to die I didn't obviously but they offered us pizza for the inconvenience I think about this now and it makes me astounded how easy 13 year old me was satisfied I was riding the Superman ride of Steel at Darien Lake near Buffalo New York and got hit right in the eye with a bug I was wearing my contacts and upon impact my eye was burning so bad I was alone at the park when the ride came to the station the pain was only getting worse I had to crawl out of my seat and wave to a worker who didn't speak much English 20 minutes later help arrived and they washed out my eye and couldn't find my contact called my ride and went to ER long story short tore my cornea was ripped open 8 by 8 millimeters ended pieces embedded in my eye duck said I will heal and push the pieces out tons of antifungal eyedrops and numbing drops to help me a week later I go back and the docs said the eye healed over the pieces we planned surgery the next morning surgery was the scariest part you have to be wide awake and then they cut my eye open and got the pieces out it went well and about 20 college kids learned a lot duck said if pieces went half a millimeter deeper I would have lost my vision to this day every eye exam I have is see the scar from the bug pieces if I look at a bright light at night I can see the scars in the light so creepy still wearing contacts and riding coasters but no complications at all I went to Disney World with my aunt and uncle and shortly after we arrived at the park I sat down on a bench that was slightly wet it was hot it smelled when I stood up my entombed that I peed myself and proceeded to berate me for doing so and wouldn't let me go on rides while loudly proclaiming as we approached each ride that I had peed my pants and I couldn't go on any rides until my shorts had dried my uncle believed me as he saw that other benches were wet but she was stubborn and he said it was best to just let her do her thing I got stuck on an octopus ride at this super seedy theme park but not like the ride broke down and I had to sit there for a while no the operator walked off and left the octopus running and I got to spin around for like 20 minutes until he back it was fun until it really really wasn't the park had lost its lease and things had really started to slide the marquee attraction was a magic carpet ride sort of it's a small world type knockoff but maintenance had stopped cleaning the sets months ago and riders had started reaching out from the car to balance litter on top of everything it was like wall-e meets Arabian Nights there was also a reprogram Chuckie Cheese show called Confederate critters that had an animatronic raccoon playing hillbilly music so needless to say the park itself was freakin awesome the getting stuck on the octopus was no good people at the last row of the roller coaster puking when it reached the top and was about to go down to the slope this happened to me at a carnival once my brother and I were on a ride called 1001 mites it was supposed to simulate a magic carpet obviously this is what it looks like to give you an idea we were in the back row on the far left the ride started and we start to hear coughing way on the other side of the ride we realized pretty quickly that a dude on the other end was loosing his cookies both my brother and I start yelling at the right operator to stop the ride but he can't hear us over the panicked screaming of the other riders who are now getting it on their shoes it was a bad time a bird flew into one of the deep fryers while I was working there it drove into the oil and died instantly in a crispy fashion it was a small bird but hard to identify after the fact I honestly don't know how it happened as far as I can tell it had just decided it was done living it flew in the window and just literally dove straight in it made a beeline for it these are stands which are basically big kitchens that back up to windows with the customers standing on the other side it doesn't have much in the way of airflow so I can't imagine there was a sudden burst of heat above the fryer well not one that hot some toddler flew off a ride similar to America round but it was faster I was going to get a drink and this kid just flew right past and on to the ground guess centripetal force wasn't working enough for him there at Disney World Florida my family went to Typhoon Lagoon for the day they have a ride where you get fins a mask and snorkel and just snorkel through a pool with a reef fish and cute little sharks I was a teen and having such a good time with my mom we're both strong swimmers and we were literally swimming through the ride dropping the gear getting back in line and going again that is until a guy who got in the pool behind me didn't know how to swim panicked and did what any drowning person does grab the nearest thing and tried to stand on top of it which was teenager me thankfully a lifeguard saw it all and hopped in to help I didn't drown or really get hurt but those few seconds of having someone hold me underwater were terrifying I was on holidays in Florida from Ireland we'd been told specifically not to drink the water my family and I adhere to this well apart from our last day in wet and wild water park everyone else opted for an ice cream but no I wanted Pepsi I drank it slowly and as I did the ice gradually melted into the drink I was about 3/4 of the way up the aptly named Bombay when the chronic cramps started I ended up going down the smaller slide about half way up just to get down quick how I did not leave a skid mark is beyond me the nearby toilets were closed for cleaning so I had to go across the entire park to get to the toilets near the entrance I barely made it helped in no small part by my older brother keeping me from sitting down and just crapping myself once I reached the toilets the game's truly began what started out as liquid fire progressed two million mile an hour farts then back to the molten poop I had to change stalls three times because the stink was making me gag and I couldn't deal with it when I was in the third stall I heard some poor maintenance man come in and radio that they needed Eric at the front toilet says it had happened again after no less than 30 to 35 minutes in there three stalls later and about four rolls of cheap toilet roll I merged a new albeit lighter man I was dehydrated and sickened by the experience but I had survived major thanks to my older brother who stood guard outside my stalls each time he muttered let's never speak of this as we left the toilets the cleanup operation looked to be starting in earnest every seventh grade class at my school had a physics day of Geauga Lake near the end of the year this was meant to be fun but also to allow us to apply the formulas and calculations we had learned My partner and I were next in line to write an old rickety wooden rollercoaster when the next set of cars pulled up and there was a very heavyset young girl passed out in her seat immediately the staff jumped into action but due to her size they struggled several minutes before eventually pulling her free and dropping her on her face we later learned that she had died because she had suffered an asthma attack during the ride and was unable to access her inhaler I still think about her nearly 20 years later every time we go to an amusement park the first time I went to Six Flags over Magic Mountain an employee walked onto the tracks of the revolution roller coaster and was struck by the train and died I was in a different section of the park when it happened but we knew something was up when they closed half of the park and saw news choppers circling above once we got home we heard all about it on the news at the time they were reporting it as a suicide but the only articles I could find on it don't mention a suicide this wasn't a theme park it was the fair that came to town every year this was like three years ago I went on a ride with my mom that would flip you upside down and whatnot I used to love these kinds of rides the faster the better unfortunately it turns out that my mother wasn't buckled in the right way and she could feel herself starting to fall out when we flipped upside down and she was gripping the seat and screaming at the top of her lungs this freaked me out and I'm trying to signal the guy to stop the ride because I can even see that my mom's buckle is not secure but he didn't stop finally the ride stopped and my mom was ok but I wasn't I had to be held back from beating the guy up I was pissed he was laughing at us as I was screaming she wasn't buckled up I later asked my girlfriend at the time if they could hear what we were shouting on the off-chance that maybe the guy running the ride hadn't heard us my girlfriend had heard us from that moment on I have not gone to the fair and I hate rides like that they make me sick in middle school I went to this small park called Advent Rowland and I well in a field trip I managed to get the front car of a roller coaster to myself when the cars started to move the lap bar bumped back up and wouldn't lock back into position so I spent the entire with my arms wrapped around the bar and my feet trying to find some kind of purchase on the curved surface of the land groom area fortunately it didn't invert or anything but the drops and sideways turns were pretty scary getting stuck in a kiddie ride that was five feet off the ground they summoned about six people to stare at us and not one of them could fix anything or do anything it was hot the ventilation was limited my son and daughter were losing their minds the park attendant managers wouldn't get a ladder to get us down bring us anything to cool off with or basically do any goddamn thing my stepson was a teenager and wasn't with us on the ride we were two hours late to the rendezvous point he was worried sick I was worried sick the worst of it was the folks they brought in to observe us not only did they not do anything they bristled at us as we finally did got out if I didn't have my kids with me I would have made a titanic scene my mom told me to get into this ride with my younger neighbor I did not want to ride but nobody else wanted to go with the kid and since I was the oldest of the children present I had to do it it was one of those Ferris wheels that you can flip so you write upside down anyway well we noticed that our bar was broken but figured it's fine so we'll be upside down for a few seconds at the top no biggie except that the ride got stuck as we are at the top the small child next me screaming bloody murder for the 20 minutes we were stuck upside down eventually vomiting on me did I mention I have a fear of heights my parents felt really bad though and bought me a TV for my bedroom so I guess in the end I won got a fast pass at Cedar Point a few years ago a friend and I wanted to go back and ride the Millennium Force one more time before closing so it was around 9 or 10 p.m. but still pretty dark turns out the Fast Pass Lane takes you under the actually line this would have been fine until I looked up to find hundreds or thousands of spiders all on the ceiling of the platform we were under just dangling and crawling above us the worst part of this is every once in a while the spiders would drop down like eight legged jihadis longest 40 minutes of my life not actually that bad the closest amusement park to me has a really old wooden roller coaster that's super rickety going on anytime is pretty freaky it was a few summers ago and my friend and I were on it it goes right into a steep incline and like halfway up it there was sort of a weird noise like clanking and the cars stopped for a moment then dropped backwards down the hill a couple feet before stopping again then the ride proceeded normally I definitely remember thinking oh my god I'm going to die on a roller coaster with this girl I was on a roller coaster having a great time we go over a huge hump and start to decent I'm in the back with my girl and some guy in the far front vomits and the speed and angle of the coaster launched his vomit up and back and it flew all the way to the back 80% of it hit my girl in the face her mouth was open because she was screaming early 90s at the Shorewood illinois crossroads festival my dad gave me a handful of ride tickets and let me run off to do my own thing I get in line for a ride called the rock and roll I get into my pot alone and the ride operator goes around and checks everyone's seatbelt which was just an eighties car seat belt with a big square button in the center but completely skips over me so I just buckled myself in the ride starts and begins to pick up speed soon my pot is starting to do flips as the whole thing spins around suddenly the seat belt pops open and I'm bouncing back and forth between my seat and the empty one across from me after what felt like forever bouncing around I get launched out of the opening of my pot and smack into the guardrail surrounding the ride I wasn't hurt but I'll never forget the look on the faces of everyone waiting in line naturally everyone that was waiting got out of line the right attendant then refused to give me back my tickets because they put them into a locked box with only a slot to put the spent tickets into and he didn't have a key thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the theme park playlists share your own disturbing theme park experiences in the comments below
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 66,000
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Keywords: reddit stories, reddit, best of reddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, reddit funny, top posts, r/, reddit stories 2019, askreddit stories, story, stories, theme park, reddit theme park accidents, reddit theme park workers, reddit theme park secrets, radio tts theme park
Id: 3F3LYiOmj9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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