People Reveal Their Deepest Darkest Secrets (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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reddit what's your deepest and darkest secret when I was like six I was super scared of the dark like most six-year-olds it was late at night and I needed to piss really bad I had an air vent on the floor near my bed so obviously my six-year-old mind thought it would be a good idea to piss in the vent my parents never found out but we're constantly complaining about the piss smell that they couldn't seem to locate I'm taking this secret to my ducking grave when I was a kid maybe thirteen I timed an online delivery for when my parents were out of town and grandma was staying with me I got a sword an actual sharp and hard car Tanner obviously not forged or anything but way too real for a kid so anyway it comes and I take out to the woods of course to play around with it it's getting dark and I'm heading back home after killing some leaves when something costs snorts at me and lunges out of a bush I scream like a girl and overhead swing that car Tanner down so fast well I hit the baby yearling deer slanted across the neck stupid sword barely cut in but it definitely broke its neck I cried and watched it die over about 20 minutes then left the sword there and went home I've told one person ever and they said I was a monster so I pretty much stopped thinking about it thanks are in sixth grade I had a friend that lived across the country from me we Skyped all the time and we were best friends well one night when we were on skype she was talking about how she didn't want to live hung up abruptly and I've never heard from her since for years I thought she put on a show so she wouldn't have to talk to me I have a story kind of similar to this a friend and I were playing counter-strike about a year ago and the team we were placed on was fantastic fun guys who could play well we added them and played a few more games that night until we were getting stomped one game one of the guys says I'm about to leave I don't have time for this sheet and we were laughing with him and he said no really I don't have time for this after some pushing he tells us that he has some horrible kidney issues and is going to die in about four months as he is low on the list for a replacement we play with him a few more times in the coming weeks until he gets on less and less to spend time in real life anyway time passes and the other week I remember the guy and check his steam profile last online 8 months ago rest in peace my man once when I was in eighth grade I downloaded a bunch of porn and burned it onto discs and sold it to other kids at the county fair in exchange for them buying me fair food but I've told that story so many times that I can't remember if that actually happened or if I just came up with that story to cover up having a ton of porn on my computer when my mom found it how does that make things better though I'm gay if you thinks that's tape you should know I live in Russia on the behalf of KGB you are being tracked m8 last time somebody asked this question we got a [ __ ] box when I was a kid I would often wake up before my parents and slip downstairs to watch some TV the only bathroom was upstairs and I never felt like going back up there and missing my cartoons we had houseplants behind the TV so I just peed in them pretty much every single day they eventually died and got replaced by new house plants peed in them too it eventually became a game for me to see how long it took me to heal them with my urine I'm an attention-seeker almost everything I say is to get attention because I'm so painfully lonely I don't start drama or anything but I purposefully divulge particularly strange things about myself to people to get a reaction you would hate me friend year I've had a five-way me coolly want to order lunch once I thought about masturbating in six seventh and eighth grade my book report was on a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court I got an A each year I've never read the book I've got mass on plenty of book reports thanks to sparknotes and a good vocabulary I should probably just read the books instead of fanfiction nice try face book before joining reddit I never told people online I use a wheelchair I once planned to end my own life and had it all planned out letter wrote and on the morning of when I had planned to go the person who tormented me at school for years had taken his own life I swore I would get help but at times even though I can paint a really happy picture on the outside I can still feel myself have days where I want to bawl my eyes out crawl into a corner and disappear my life is exponentially better now to before but it doesn't change how ducked up I feel in the inside my darkest secret is I still fight these urges and I still hate myself I secretly despise fat people I mean really obese people when I'm out in public and I see obese people i insult them in my head I don't even know why it's not like I don't understand how hard it can be I guess I just feel like not enough people care edit since apparently people think I am rude to fat people I roll I'm not I have fat friends yes I know classic excuse but it's true and I think they are great and I encourage them to fix their situation and if you're a fat person who is trying to lose weight I applaud you it's insanely difficult and takes an insane amount of courage the reason I think this way is because of how popular it is to think that being obese is fine it's not you are not only hurting yourself but also your loved ones in the health care I'm sorry if I hurt anyone I really really didn't want to but I felt like this pertained to the question so I said this I'm sorry if any of you hate yourselves more because of what I said I don't want you to I want you to realize there's a problem and to get ducking help mentally and physically the first step is admitting there's a problem stop ducking lying to yourself when I was a kid one of the windows in my room led right to the roof of the garage and since we didn't have any screens I started climbing out onto the garage roof parents found out added screens I tried to remove the screens but I figured I wouldn't know how to put it back on so I left it alone fast forward a few months later my parents get me a cheapo pocket knife that could do little else but slice through cheap fabric but it could slice through a screen so did that made it look like I still had a screen and kept going on the roof yay then we went on a trip we came back and it was a cool summer evening so mom goes upstairs to open all the windows I'm hanging out with the dog at the foot of the stairs when my mom calls my name and asks if I had cut the window screen nope I deny ready for the I already knew I just wanted to see if you were tell me the truth spiel mom frowns pulls my dad to go upstairs with her and then silence I figure by now they're planning where to hide my body few minutes later a cop shows up starts talking to my parents and investigating I'm called over to talk to the police woman she congratulated me for keeping my window locked because obviously some kid was trying to break in to have a house party or a burglar I'm commended for being safe and smart parents are proud I wished I had gotten caught but realized if I spoke up now there would be nothing of me left to identify after my parents got ahold of me mom check the locks of all the windows from then on always brought it up always said was a smart girl I was for always locking my windows TL DR parents thought someone was trying to break in by cutting the windows screen in my room surprised it was just their dumb besson kid who knows when to keep her mouth shut I'm turning 25 in a couple months and I'm still very back in high school I was really fat and gross so no girls wanted to talk to me which led to me just keeping to myself and being the quiet kid I've spent the last couple years working out and eating better and now I'm better looking and now all of a sudden girls have been interested in me the problem is I never had any real practice being with girls so I feel like I've hit the ground running and I'm lost on what to do edit wow I did not expect this much support thank you when I was 11 my friend and I walked at our local Swim Club in the middle of the night I picked the lock on the snack bar door and we broke in in all we stole at least two gallons of Mountain Dew in the 8th grade I completely sucked at crafts for our term assignment we were given the parts to build this toy car thing my car did not work at all we had to race it and the teacher would grade each car I knew my ange inductor so I just replaced the shell of the sample model car my teacher had with mine and raced the sample swapped it back right after in the end the final examination screwed me over but I still managed to pass the class though TL DR couldn't build a crafts car so I swapped the teachers model with mine and got an average grade in eighth grade I won the reader of the Year award at school I was in a club called Book of the Month Club the entire year but only because I wanted to get on the principal's good side I was not the best in school and got into trouble from time to time so for some reason I decided to join his club all I had to do was read any book and write a one-page summary afterwards I turned in a summary every week for the whole year at the end of the year in front of the whole school assembly I got the prestigious award I never read a single book like not one book I was just good at summarizing in my own words I would look up what the book was about and go from there it was very easy and shocking that he never asked me more about the books that I was supposedly reading good times ok here goes sharing something I thought I would take to my grave my husband likes me trimmed and I like him to do it we use a couple of small hand towels to catch the distinctive curly hair that is cut off somehow our laundry got mixed up and I ended up using those same towels and washed and putting them in a guest bathroom for a Christmas party so after probably 6 hours all the guests left and we only then realized that we had left our pube covered towels out for people to dry their hands on I don't know who noticed what no one said anything but I've always assumed that everyone noticed and we seriously haven't seen most of those guests since as I was too mortified to invite them again someday I expect that I'll see the other side of the story on reddit like grossest thing you saw at someone's house or something : dirt the extent of how much I hate myself and my life I think about death a lot but never tell anyone because there is a very real possibility of losing my job if I did so there's that sort of mindset that I can't seek help or be open about it in fear of losing my job I want to knock my best friend with my fee and K I'm the guy who put toast crumbs in the butter one is I used to physically fight with my mom as a kid I would also say some things I regret it my dad was abusive and she would defend him she would get in my head and get me not to call CPS she told me if I called CPS our entire family would fall apart and it would be my fault she would get in my face when I told her to leave my room so I'd try to walk her out so she would shove me back and that would start a fight she would defend it saying she thought I was trying to push her no matter what she though it's never okay to pick a physical fight with your kid since then she has apologized and moved on I'm still pretty broken though she pretends it never happened I don't speak with my dad but I feel terrible for hitting my mum or saying the things I did she was already dealing with my dad heck the reason I stayed at home so long was to make sure she was okay edit thank you to everyone who sent me support you can't imagine how much it means to me I'm not sure how I feel about my top rated comment being about my childhood abuse but hopefully this helps someone somehow if anyone needs to talk feel free to message me I moved out at 21 my parents divorced when I was 23 and I cut my dad out shortly after I've been in and out of therapy for years but I'm in it right now god bless you beautiful people I pick my nose when no one's looking could be a secret could be a fantasy TL DR I think I intentionally burned down my house to end my abuse as a young child ages 4 - 7 I was regularly sexually assaulted by teenage neighbors and obviously my feeling about this were not good a few days after returning from summer vacation the sexually assaults began again by the first day of school at most a week after I got back from vacation childhood home burned down and I never had to see my abusers again no they didn't die but the fire forced us to move now I have suppressed so many of these memories but since I was super young I have always had this dream that I was the one who burned down the house the real life events are as follows my brother and I get home from school I am 7 he's 9 we get some snacks out the fridge eat and get ready to go to our babysitter's house which was across the street I tell my brother I need to pee and I will meet him outside I have zero memory of what happens between that moment and me talking to my brother outside once I was outside according to my brother I was coughing a lot and he was super worried he told the babysitter he was scared I would have been a smart AK I had chronic asthma and asked her to get me water while he ran in to get my inhaler she gave me water and calmed me down and no less than a minute later my brother came out screaming that the house was on fire this was the early nineties and not a cell phone in sight so we sat there as she ran into her house to call 9-1-1 and my mom the fire was deemed accidental and they said the air conditioner caused the fire now in my dream the story plays out exactly the same except instead of going to the bathroom I walk into my mom's room and pour water into an extension cord where her aquas hawk down i watch the fire start and get out of the room feeling like I can't breath but close the door behind me and my dream always ends as I close that door a huge part of me believes this to be a memory and not a dream because less than three years ago I was looking through family pictures deciding on which ones to bring with me on my cross-country move and I found a bunch of pics from the house far that my mom had for insurance purposes keep in mind I have had this same dream for close to 16 years at that point and never seen these pictures the scene was exactly how I dream it the extension cord the AK everything except the one thing that stand out the ducting most is a gas to sneak up from McDonald which is what I used to pour the water from in my dream I held a hobo that tried to rape me in self-defense that took some therapy to get through I'll tell you that I do squat games on fortnight and purposely land on the opposite side of the map from them throw away because she's on reddit and I don't know if she knows my username I have a huge crush on my ex's younger sister we hang out in game almost every week we're alike in so many ways but I have no idea how to go about telling her because of our history and I'd hate to lose her as a friend I bet another cat and my cat could smell the other cat on me I can't be left alone not because I self-harm or anything but I just end up getting the most dark intrusive thoughts to point I'm sitting there crying and wanting to heal myself I have tried telling my friends but it literally seems like they forgot and I don't know what to do and my mom laughed when I told her the first time and she has negative views on people with mental illness plus I've afraid that if I go to a psychologist I'm gonna rent up being diagnosed with a page full of disorders and my mum won't want me in the family anymore edit 1 thank you to everyone who has replied and I am actually considering to seek help I just don't know where and how to do so but after eating through the replies I might have an idea of what is wrong with me due to reading a certain comment about ticks but dis randomly having the urge to scratch an inanimate object count anyways I really appreciate the concerns and will update if anything important happens I once beat up someone so bad that he almost died and here's the messed up part I kind of enjoyed it I suffer from severe depression and anxiety on Dec 7th 2016 I was in the military at the time and on post the Depression hit me hard that morning I told my buddies I was going to use the bathroom I walked in took off my belt made a loop around my neck and closed the other end in the door and shut it i sat there for what seemed like forever struggling to breath but I could stop that in a time but didn't want to just wanted to die then my weight gave way and I dropped when I was 7 years old I was abused by a family friend who was 15 at the time I never told anyone so to this day everyone adores him and he now has a wife with two children I am now 24 and still too scared to tell anyone I honestly never will I run a fetish page I'm not super into it myself but I've met a lot of people from all around the world for the most part good experiences and decent individuals no one in my life knows about it don't tell anyone okay it just so it's out there it's not an illegal thing it's only me who is of age with others who are also of age nothing wrong or illegal is going on the media of my pages on has a tank and plenty of algorithms and uses that if it was something disgusting and wrong it would get shut down right quick in third grade I cheated on my history exam in 4th grade I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew school play in fifth grade I knocked my sister Reedy down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog when my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I picked out and they kicked me out comma but the worst thing I ever done I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater hid the puke in my jacket climbed up to the balcony in there tt-then I made a noise like this hooah hooah hooah hooah R and then I dumped it over the side all over the people in the audience and then this was horrible all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other and I never felt so bad in my entire life [Music]
Channel: Everything Reddit
Views: 26,359
Rating: 4.7653961 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, toadfilms, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, r/ askreddit, funny askreddit, storytime, people, best posts, sir reddit, reddify, incest, reddit and chill
Id: Uqi3OZuXHf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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