People Married To An Identical TWIN Share Their THOUGHTS On The Other TWIN (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit redditors who are married to someone with an identical twin what are your feelings towards that twin not married but an ex relationship let's call the twins Chad and Charles I had maybe one class with Charles and we never spoke then I started to have classes with chat and we were inseparable he wasn't only my boyfriend but also my best friend anyways he broke up with me out of nowhere every time I saw him after that he would act like a supreme [ __ ] towards me I never knew what I did to deserve that but it hurt a lot when high school ended Chad went to an out-of-state College and Charles ended up going to the same College as me fast forward to the first day of sophomore year of college Charles and I had the same class together it's a huge lecture hall he could sit wherever he wants but he chooses to sit next to me I didn't even notice until he said hi to me I just responded hey back then he proceeded to apologize for being mean to me in high school I was super confused but I figured he felt bad that he stopped talking to me after Chad and I broke up I said oh don't worry about that it was so long ago if anything it's your brother who should apologize my brother he asked yeah Chad was such a dick after we broke up seriously [ __ ] that guy now I knew that I was saying this to his brother but the two of them weren't that close I doubted that he would ever tell chat that I said that even if he did I wouldn't have cared Charles just responded with oh right chat then class began we started taking notes Charles was writing with his left hand I thought it was not and told him wait I never knew you were left-handed too I thought it was just Chad he just gave me a little nod and we went back to taking notes because I can be kind of slow sometimes things didn't click in my brain until after class I rushed to fessor book and looked at Chad's profile he had just transferred to the same College as me I was talking to him the entire time edit I'm making this edit after almost two weeks I was going to do it before but I didn't think anyone else would read it anyways there were a few comments telling me to reach out to him and ask him what went wrong so I went a fessor book and looked him up turns out I'm blocked then I remembered that he blocked me right after he broke up with me not only on FAFSA book but on all social media on our colleges student portal there's a tab where you can look at the list of all the students in your class that's how I ended up finding out that it was Chad I was talking to the entire time so yeah I basically have no way to communicate with him unless I see him in person if I do see him and start talking hopefully it won't be Charles and I end up making a fool out of myself again haha married to an identical twin and with two children I somehow find my wife's twin way to carry herself very attractive a little bit more than my wife's but the twin and I have very incompatible personalities and way of thinking as opposed to my wife which couldn't be a better match when I met them on a kind of local youth group I didn't know they were two people they used to go together but they had been elected as their condominium managers and had things to do in the same time as the youth group would meet so they would alternate to go well we hanged out for almost six months and they never said anything about being a twin she in my mind had some weird inconsistencies in her beliefs knowledge and way of thinking but I accepted because that's kind of okay I guessed I fell in love and was about to ask her them out when they finally both showed up I was extremely confused they admitted to have been deliberately omitting being twins I got flustered felt betrayed and started doubting my feelings and memories with that person that now I knew did not exist I stopped going to the group because my only reason to go there had been her almost a year later I got back to the group somewhere inside hoping they would be there I don't know what I expected but I still hope something could come out of it they weren't there later they told me they felt so guilty they stopped going to the group for shame in meeting me weeks later now with no hope and never seeing one of them again I randomly bump with now my wife in the University's campus we get to talk and I asked her out and we started dating the first time later I saw hurt when I felt weird though I remembered and noticed some of the very attractive things she would do was actually the twin I also found out all of the inconsistencies and incompatibilities and the things I didn't like that much was also part of the twins personality we moved in together for a bit the three of us and the twin and I got to be friends it was fun the three of us but like many people know twins are very dependent of each other and everything changed after my son was born my wife's attention was 90% to our baby and me but my sister-in-law couldn't understand and started having increasingly intense episodes of jealousy she turned completely against me saying bad things about me to her family my mother-in-law took her pain and not only she dislikes me she constantly tried to manipulate my wife against me and our relationship saying things like our son was also my sister-in-law's son that if she dumped me our son would have two mothers and etc my wife and I talked a lot as we always did and thanks to that I could know what was happening behind the scenes in her family and all this movement against me so I could defend myself against all the unfounded accusations we moved out of there and now live half a continent away to this day I still thank the universe I bumped with the right twin and that campus TL DR started in love with both of them thinking they were the same person dated one and got friends with the other got kids and the twin got jealous now her family doesn't like me but it's okay because we are half a continent apart my wife was the more outgoing twin in high school where we met her sister she was the quiet one you got a watch out for the quiet ones my wife and I fell deeply in love and barring a single 2-week period in freshman year of college have been together since high school we have two gorgeous kids and while our living situation isn't what I'd call long-term I consider our relationship and family as steady as a rock my CL is wired to want the comfort of that stability she wants it more than anything in this world she wants it so much that she has consistently shot herself in the foot trying to get it things like going on a single date with someone from a dating app then shooing them out a day later because she sees them on the app I thought our date went great why are you still on here she also continually [ __ ] and moans about how he can't find a good guy her standard mode of searches to go to the shadiest country bars and or house parties get blackout drunk and let the chips fall as they may she is consistently unhappy with her work situation to the point where she's earning a comfortable base salary lives where she works in a company home or hearse with paid utilities and is still griping about her job her current position is the least stressful possible set of responsibilities still within her field finally she will not communicate twice now have had her essentially assume she's good to stay over at our place without even asking once we weren't home and she had her current boyfriend with her when we call her on her [ __ ] we me more specifically become the bad guys all of this said I love her she is more my sister than a sister-in-law and it breaks my heart that for all her intelligence she won't step back and take a critical look at her own life if she did she would realize that 90% of her problems either rant problems or could be fixed by her dated a twin he was definitely the Alpha extremely outgoing way more confident than his twin his twin and him looked extremely similar but his twin was much quieter and didn't seem nearly as confident his twin seemed a bit jealous of my time with his brother the worst part about dating wheel Co him be was that he and his brother had to be together all of the freaking time they even worked the same shifts at the same place and had the same classes at the same College it's very difficult to date and be intimate with someone that can't go more than 30 minutes without seeing his brother for our first few dates it was normal enough I guess he was trying to hide his closeness with his bro but then it became obvious they were basically a package and it got weird his brother always seemed in a bad mood when I was around and didn't really ever talk to me so I wasn't really attracted to him at the time B and I break up after like six months fast-forward like six years later male friend of mine has gotten several roommates like four or something and they all rent a house together they basically have a party at their house every night it was always a lot of fun one of my friends roommates is my ex's twin brother he seems to be more extroverted and happier than he used to he actually talks to me now and we start getting along pretty good I could pretty much tell here was definitely mutual attraction and I started to think about him a bit I basically stopped going over there because for whatever reason it was just too weird for me to think about developing a relationship with my ex's twin brother then I would have to see my ex again all of the time for starters and I was still attracted to him as well not a twin but a doppelganger story my dad's first marriage was Iraq and when he finally decided to leave it his wife refused to accept it and made my dad's life a living hell he decided to go to a group for people who recently got divorced and after one meeting realized it wasn't going to help him but he made a friend with another guy going through a divorce the only difference being that he like my dad's wife didn't want the divorce they quickly became best friends and while my dad didn't continue going to the group his friend did then one day my dad had trouble getting a hold of his friend and slowly but surely the guy started ghosting my dad a term which didn't exist yet but was most definitely in practice my dad was hurt but mostly confused why this guy who was his best friend suddenly cut off all contact not only that but when my dad tried to confront him about it he acted even weirder and wouldn't give a straight answer as to why my dad jokingly said what are you dating my wife or something there was silence on the other end of the phone apparently my dad's ex-wife began go into that very same group right after my dad quit and they hit it off and started dating what's weirder is why that guy fell in love with her fast forward two months later and my father is in a reading room about to have an interview and the woman behind the secretary desk looks like his ex-wife like so much so that my dad is unsure of if it is in fact his ex besides the fact that she keeps looking at him as well he kept looking at her and finally got up to ask her when she asks him first are you Mike DeVito he was so confused turns out my dad's ex and that other guy's wife were almost identical and she only knew who my dad was because uh her ex-husband had introduced her to his new girlfriend and it weirded her out enough she looked into it more and had seen a picture of my dad while researching his ex they both marveled at how absolutely bizarre the whole thing was and also how unhealthy and weird it was that he had gone out and found someone who looked just like her after she broke up with him the irony of the whole thing is that my dad's ex desperately wanted kids and ended up remarrying creep her guy so she could do that even though she knew they both didn't really love each other and it turned out that guy was sterile and she blames my dad for her not having kids to this day in the whole weird right like what are the odds of all of that my mom in law was an identical twin when my hubby and I were dating I saw old photos of the two of them together as both children and grown women so I knew it was there they also had a set of identical twin cousins who were often in photos from the 1920s with them Mormon law would look at childhood pics of them and if it was just one of them she would say that's either me or zona they couldn't tell who was in a photo their dad never could tell them apart so he just called both of them sister they always switched off with their boyfriends one would be on the porch swing with her boyfriend talking when she would get hungry so she would say to him that she was going to go get a drink of water and go into the house after going in she found that supper was ready or they had put out food to eat she would get the twin to go back to the porch swing with her boyfriend while she stayed inside to eat the boyfriend think that he is back talking to his girlfriend not her identical twin my boyfriend and I went to visit his mom one Saturday afternoon he saw her older sister sitting with his mom on the front porch swing he hollered to both of the mares hey mom hey antennas as he opened my door of the car he told me antenna sedan sooner ah here so you're going to get to meet them today now I knew that these two sisters who had married brothers had moved in with each other after their husbands had died Antonis was the oldest of all the kids and on zona was the identical twin of my future mill zelma we are walking up to the house chatting when he suddenly stopped and said well you're not my mama both women on the swing started laughing saying no I'm not well I had looked up at the two women just flabbergasted Antonis was obviously not his mother she was one of those little dried willow of a woman made tough and hardened by a hard life of lots of hard physical labor in the Sun but the other woman with a smiling familiar face looked exactly like his mother we had laughed about my thought at the time that I confessed to him that night as he took me home well you fool of course that's your mama I couldn't believe that he would say something so Stu then the front door opened and out came his obvious mother I was mortified to say the least and my face must have shown my dismay embarrassment shock as the sisters all were laughing as I looked from one twin to the other I knew that I was going to have to be very careful and observant standing there that spring afternoon I couldn't see any difference between the two of them but over the years of being in the family before they passed away I could see differences in their faces that made it easier for me tell who was who without embarrassment of interest to us was the fact that my mill had alzhiemer's disease but her twin didn't arms owner did have mitral valve prolapse which was treated with surgery replacing the leaking valve with a porcine valve she died peacefully in a porch swing at her home shortly after the surgery my mom and law had breast cancer leading to a radical mastectomy shortly before our wedding about a year after our marriage she began to show significant alzhiemer's symptoms she died several years later from the cancer as it went rampant within her chest and torso organs personality-wise they were very similar I had a precious moment law who loved everyone never spoke bad of any family members no matter how she was treated she loved me a lot and was glad her oldest son had found me I'm engaged to an identical twin they have identical interests but are polar opposites in personalities my fiance values his family his twin hasn't talked to many of them in years my film K makes a point to be honest his twin frequently lies although it's gotten better perhaps because he doesn't talk to most of the family anymore my fan cave values improving himself and those around him his twin is more of an enabler they play games online all the time and I get to hear my Finn cake and plain about his behavior at least once a week but like I said my Finn K highly values his relationships with his family and will always forgive him and move on I value his twin as I do his other family members they do spend more time together via online games compared to the rest of his family which I'm grateful for because this is something my fam K really enjoys doing but I can't do within for multiple reasons on the other hand I sometimes get exasperated hearing my film case complained so often for me he is nothing more than my future bill they look a lot alike but I don't find him attractive probably his facial expression he always looks like Lee knows more than everyone else in the room edited to at his twin is dating one of my best friends from high school she dislikes confrontation which means she and my femme K don't get along very well I'm not talking anything involving raised voices just you may be more effective if you do this or I disagree with you type things I'm sure she thinks she has the bad twin who lets her be the way she is without challenging her look as an identical twin nearly engaged to a fraternal twin we are all just people and sometimes you might get confused but we don't it's all totally different people I have so many identical and fraternal twins in my family as well they are just different people and it's the same as being able to tell Bob from Sarah my girlfriend would never approach my twin as if he were me and vice versa I love my girlfriend as if we'd been in a long-term relationship which is true and I love her sister as if she's one of my best friends but totally out of reach in certain ways shut up you perverts for those of you looking for the weirdness about it her sister is very attractive but in similar yet different ways than my girl I wouldn't pick one over the other because they are the same but where it differs the most is like hey I like this girl and it's still kind of fresh for example I live with and argue with one of them when things are bad but could confide in the other while that's going on hoping that it might help me out in a roundabout way but it's still kind of a side ship that is what you were looking for without the drama on the other hand I don't have all this experience with the other twin so who knows if we would argue about the same [ __ ] it's a little weird I'm just trying to be honest if you have any decency then it's no different than your best friend's girl / wife / whatever it's really all about the kind of social boundaries that you were draw if you were cheat with your girlfriend's best friend then you would probably cheat with your girlfriend's twin yeah pervert on the bright side I met my girlfriend and was immediately accepted and kind of forced into her entire group of friends I met her sister and three other girlfriends all at once and it transitioned me from a person who just moved into a new city by myself to someone that context any of them / stupid [ __ ] any day the twin either accepts you immediately or fights against you and if the latter is the case it's probably not a good situation you have heavy reinforcements in the case of twins we're so low / non twin children are left to figure it out on their own or with feedback of Allah representative perspective initially I F didn't like my husband's identical twin brother we were young 17 and he was just immature cheap and lazy he piggybacked off people and was noticeably selfish when my oldest was born he wasn't bothered he didn't try and establish a relationship with her he was always busy doing his own thing I was happy when he matured as it made that easier to be in his company he was in a serious relationship and she was good for him we all got on we socialized and went to the cinema concerts and out to the pub etcetera he met a different local girl and they became serious my husband telepathically knew his twin had asked her to marry him I was there it happened out of nowhere he said he's engaged and his phone rang within a minute or so my husband answered him by saying you're after getting engaged aren't you now he is married to a really nice woman and we four get on nowadays my brother-in-law is very reserved and predictable he has his own kids he has a good-paying highly responsible job in a management position he is very concerned about his image in the community and with his wife's family who he sees most days as they live in the same area he has even taken up his in-laws interests specifically religion something he wasn't interested in before and one of the few things that twins do not have in common at all he is still selfish he barely ever sees or calls his own parents but goes out of his way to be involved in his mother-in-law's life of course he is keeping his wife happy that he doesn't consider his own mother and father this puts his parents needs all on my husband his twin takes advantage of that situation so that pisses me off ESP as it's obvious what dynamic he's creating and where his personal priorities lay others also comment about it so it's not only me who sees this my husband notices it too but generally ignores it much to my disdain neighbors acquaintances and others get them mixed up frequently they have the same sense of style so dress similarily have the same body shape and size but also the same hair too I always say when identical twins are young it's cute but when they mature it gets confusing people see one with another wife and family and that can lead to suspicion also complete strangers have full-blown conversations with my husband thinking here's his twin if they are together it can cause heads to turn nothing really negative mostly funny situations arise because their voices are also very similar when making phone calls even to family they have to identify which one is calling one other thing I myself am an adoptee I grew up not having any similarities comment raised shared DNA all blood relations in my family while the complete opposite was true for my husband and his identical twin we are polar opposites in this regard I wasn't jealous but it has meant that over the years my husband has tried to understand my separation issues but how could he truly conversely he has had a carbon copy of himself since conception a built-in best friend and an inseparable connection to his twin so how could I possible truly understand that dynamic I'm not married to a twin however my best friend ease I've known him for 20 years and he's been dating her for 16 years they actually just got married last month anyway the twins could not have been any different in lifestyle yet completely the same in attitude sense of humor and the way they acted bother were sweethearts if you stayed on their sweet side but very sarcastic and fun I still hang out with them or at least one every few months but the one married to my buddy drank had six didn't go to church or believe in God and many other major lifestyle differences despite growing up together and being very very close all their lives the other twin turned I think it was Jehovah's Witness was really hoping spellcheck would help me out on that one but not gonna bother googling sorry door to door Bible homies but either way it was one that didn't have sex until marriage some weird other stuff she dated a dude for 10 years or so never had sex with him broke up with him state his religion afterwards then met some other guy married him about a year ago I'm assuming they banged she never drank either no drugs and this'll happened while they were born obviously grew up and stayed in the same city their whole lives still till this day not like they had distance between them it was almost like they were two different people but again they acted the exact same when together it is so weird when I think about it but sooo natural it never got in the way of them being best friends that I ever saw but I was never privy to the behind-the-scenes action so who knows this doesn't include me but I'm including it because it fits your theme a lactic avatar : closed bracket in a book I have mixed feelings about but still read a man likes a woman he never tried to date when he was her boss he thought she was poorer than him but he didn't think he discriminated against social class he never wanted that to stain him for life she is a woman who wants people to love her for who she is not the fact that she's one of the richest women in the whole world and knows Andy's friends with the richest people she got a job with a fake name to try to prove to herself and others she can survive without her mega billions and family's name and power she wanted to last one year but she only lasted eight months she went back to her life her riches her rich friends and left her poor and poorer friends and their lives behind she didn't know he followed her to her town the next chance he got he didn't know who all the rich people were he kept seeing at the rich hotel and restaurants he went to thought they were people who bought knock-offs when he saw their stylish accessories she told him she had a sister she didn't mention they were twins she already has a Jeff her own and that's how she could afford the fancy shoes purses and jewelry she showed up in as his temp he saw who he thought was her at the lunch at the hotel when he went to eat he got mad at her deception since she was schmoozing with various rich men and knew them he confronted her privately and was in for the shock of his life her twin sister was the one he saw and she's a hotel lunch singer and travels to different countries for vacations often they live together but when she found out he was in town and didn't yet know the real her a friend of hers who runs a hair salon let her stay at her house while the friend was on vacation the friend understood why she was hesitant to tell who she was to the guy she had explaining to do though since her friend's a nudist and had a portrait of herself in her room the twin sister eventually meets the man her sisters at odds with she tests him and the identical tests and he passes they look alike but walk and act differently when the twin reveals who they really are he doesn't react to the truth about her real identity he's instead furious that she didn't tell him and lied to him even though his sister later reminded him he treated her shabbily when he thought she was poorer than him and made excuses why he could only date rich popular girls when he thought she was poor he continued to pass every test that went through his way and wondered why others got the mixed up clearly forgetting his own mix-up of them before thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Top Post
Views: 46,115
Rating: 4.8720932 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: G-7VeFsPljU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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