Expensive Ring Gets STUCK On Woman's Finger

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hey guys it's me today I was doing my daily research on the Internet I came across a video that I thought was very interesting and then it gave me the very anxiety dr. Begleiter needs to remove a very expensive diamond ring from the sister of its owner before it causes permanent damage to her finger my finger feels like it's gonna explode well there's not gonna explode it might like break off dye hate to interrupt this video so quick but there's this moth yay big fluttering around my room right now just chillin walk on my wall yeah okay know what I'm gonna just let him do his thing well I do mine let's start with some ice please ice on it all right let's just rest your hand between these you break your finger school nurse be like ice the universal healer ice to humans is like rice to iPhones oh let me explain this before so this guy is not her husband the girl with the ring is his wife's sister so they were going ring shopping together and she was using her finger to measure the ring oh you know what she secretly cheated with her sisters man we don't know this hi honey it's his girlfriend I get it and we can't let her know that there's a ring involved or that he is even going to be proposing today yes I will pick you up and we'll go to the airport straight away okay that adds so much more stress to it nothing he's proposing today but the fact that he got a flight later that day I don't know about you guys it'd take me 40 minutes to get to the airport sounds like you got a pickup wife you gotta take her to the engagement destination and then propose we close dock it's not working as well as I would have hoped the cold compress didn't work her finger is trying to turn color it's starting to become what we call mom what's wrong with my finger job modeling is when the skin starts to turn purple swelling up like a balloon yeah I'm sorry man that bad boys gotta come off at least you'll still have your middle finger to point out your sister after you lose a finger for trying on her ring afraid we have no other choice right now but you got it that's okay do what you got to do doc sorry sis but we need to act we need to act fast it's the only way to get the ring off what what okay no way this could be real what this is like a show so it's like untold stories of the ER except they reenact the things my first time washing it but no way so Duke could just be like yeah sorry the fingers gotta go out there good fifteen hundred for that ring what I mean they dressed nice she got that I'm privileged haircut and he wearing a suit so they probably got money I'm talking probably like a $20,000 ring but still that's a finger okay see this is not okay because the homie over here he's moodily swaddled all of it look at him go man you won't die I'm gonna kill you after this enjoy your final few moments fluttering around my carpet soft they know you're gonna cut off my finger no no no not the finger the ring what lot with that ring that you paid so much money for it getting cut what what when it's like sorry your sisters fingers gotta go do what you gotta do doc I'm sorry sir the Rings gotta go not me what what no no no no no there's people like this on the plan like a ring they could fix it and like put it back together but like a finger is over you'll never be able to count all five pigs again Michael we've tried other options it didn't work I don't understand if her finger is dying anyway why not cut off the finger and save the ring leave my finger alone I can't just regenerate a missing finger he probably is Matt I wouldn't be surprised if he regenerated what you straight-up cold-blooded Michael you can always get a new ring you can't get a new finger it's Andy I think I'll take that ring cutter now ring cutter I'm on it she'sshe's so excited she's like ruining engagement since 1999 this guy is so stupid I want to punch him what it's like it's her choice isn't it I was this like for feminism woman's not allowed to have control over the fate of her finger allow the nearest man to make a decision for you it's a freakin ring if you cut the ring you can like have a jeweler like mold the ring back together what about reattaching it I've heard of that you can reattach a finger right a bigger what what you know you can like attach the ring you cut it oh my god you can like mold it back together do you want I'm gonna cut the finger off have the ring so he can fly to Cancun and propose whilst this over here spends the next week in a hospital wait can they reattach it is that I don't know if that's the thing I don't think they can that's like a lot of nerves to like put back together I don't know man chopped out of med school before we could learn this doctor please wait let's think about this a moment I call the time for thinking is fast we gotta act now it's his girlfriend again yeah everything's cool just makes me so mad just walk out of the room just you know I'm really sorry about this ring I understand the anxiety about shopping for the right posing and whether or not they'll even say yes she'll say yes yeah you telling me there's a chance that she'll say no too serious oh my god imagine she cut off her finger for that ring and then she said no he deserves that or they cut the ring he fixes it goes through all that trouble I want to see him suffer I'm trying to do as little damage as I can that's if I can even get through this ring I haven't even made a dent in this sucker at this point what is this thing is this platinum yeah only the best for my girlfriend it's so stupid somebody please take this man's out of the room escort him out let him sit in the lobby we will bring you your ring when it's done it's taken care of like you are being so annoying like this isn't even me trying to get a ring off and I'm already frustrated as heck listening to him talk no wonder every night yeah I'll be right back she's really good with her facial expressions always looking like she's gonna ruin someone's life but they couldn't get it off so what's next cuz I really want to know - like do they like slice it off sawed it off like what will you do a next doctor would you mind please are you gonna do to me what this 1900 we don't use the gun all drill q I hope your finger doesn't come off with it this is a heavy-duty piece of equipment this is a high-powered drill that has a drill bit that's encrusted with diamonds [Music] so we've essentially enlisted the help of diamond to get through this diamond platinum ring this next cut is abutting some more diamonds just the vibration alone from the power tool is gonna set free some of the other diamonds I know it's so cringy and it's so fake but like this is supposedly what happens she's fine you really want to talk to her huh [Music] at this point I would file all of his plans I'd be like yeah so I tried on a wedding drink I'm gonna ruin brewing your proposal like making me talk to her when the doctors like doing the surgery trying to get this raela I needed some water oh yeah that's brewing this videos making me angry like the level of loyalty you've all put me through all this and make me talk to her oh man I hated that when I was a kid like it'd be a relative that I don't even know that I've never even met maybe they met me when I was a baby before I could formulate a memory and then my mom will hold up the phone and be like I talked to her say hi hi hi did your army Janice I've never mentioned what I would love to meet you one day how's life how's school how's your mom how's your dad how's your brother how's your sister you'll get along with them are you having fun do you have enough to eat [Music] second card fist pump done I want to take my rings off now like the fact that I can't slide it past my knuckle like okay no no no mine aren't that tight am I not nearly that tight if I really wanted to I could spit on it light it off that bad boy look at like a thick hotdog he keep receiving me fingers as tragic as it might have been to have destroyed this perfectly magnificent piece of jewelry in the end I saved your finger make a kid propose sir with a half a ring oh no my weekend getaway has been ruined because her sister has fat fingers smash like if he deserves that he'll look like the dude that could just buy another he's the type of guy to complain to customer service and be like I could literally buy you those are the kind of vibes I'm getting from him anyways if that didn't give you enough anxiety here's a boy stuck on the playground you know this was an action illegitimate fear of mine when I was a kid I'm like if I get stuck in this how will I get out of it it's always so tempting to go down the middle but you can't for real though how do you get out of this somebody's gotta like pull you out or like pop you're like squeeze you like a pimple do they have to literally like call the firefighters and have them remove it don't put your hand in places where it doesn't belong like a chair hole what is a chair hole for anyway I know the to metal things like on the back side of it are for pulling your hair these chairs your hair would do nothing but get stuck in these two metal circles of suffering how did this happen how the only way is if a tree had like a secret doorway and you'd crawl up the doorway and then you become the tree this is my face but this is my body this is a fear I never knew I had you could get stuck in a port-a-potty hell no how did this happen he was just sitting on it for a little too long that it like collapsed I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy yeah you know when I was in Peru the porta-potties would be like a hut and then there would be a hole in the ground and that's it no toilet paper no hand sanitizer no nothing just a hole in the ground and you best believe it smell it smell dang now the dangus smell ever smelled deep breaths because I I feel like I can't breathe looking at this picture so he tried to rob a CVS store and got himself stuck in the air ducts listening here you ain't no Solid Snake you tried to sneak around but you dummy thick and you got yourself stuck at least he admit that he went in in attempts to rob the store I would have just been like I don't know I woke up like this and I was here I don't know how I got here I might actually just work Oh classic we got the kids stuck in the toy machine as if it was hard enough to win a toy from there now you got to try to win your child's all over again just wrap his big ol head by the cloth and eject him if only life worked that way but it doesn't then you just gotta call maintenance or whatever get him out isn't really eating the candy while he's stuck in there I got my candy well mommy has to figure out how to get me out imma be enjoying my Tootsie Pop anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know if you've ever gotten stuck anywhere and for bonus luck to never get stuck make sure you get that like button and subscribe during the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 27,424,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, react, reacting, reaction, expensive, ring, stuck, wrong, woman, finger, ring stuck, tlc wedding, wedding, funny, diamond ring
Id: GPou8DdxT6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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