People Having A Really Bad Day

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some people having a bad day what is that a spider hey where you live that they got them that big welcome to Australia these spiders come in a 4XL oh it crawled out of the bucket hurry hurry hurry just oh okay now you need like a piece of paper just that was dangerously close to her bed imagine waking up in the middle of the night to all those hairy legs caressing yours they should not be that big Ash where is the um where's Vaseline at huh is where oh it's right here oh no he is the definition of moisturized and unbothered he's all vaselin up eating his bread mother you want some Vaseline I think there's still a little left bro all over the window all over the child just rubbed it all over him if this is what it's like having kids I don't want them I thought they were seeds I've already eaten twoo oh they were seeds were couple weeks ago but now we got a little extra crunch the secret seasoning and more flavor don't worry it's okay I think we've all done this so they put a rough on this ride and it looks really fun you just hold on and then you go woo W do a flip say less that was actually a very clean flip she fell very gracefully I can't believe people got a zipline in their own backyard that looks so fun mouth full of grass and grass full of ass not very fun M nothing like some Frosted Flakes oh why is it chunky when the milk is lactose intolerant I can't take this no more in this case what would you rather drink your cereal with chunky expired milk or water comment below I'm going eat a dry finally having a cool job with my little brother where are you going D at work well that got real dark real fast also where he going we got a crew mate in real life they thought he was sus voting him off floating around in space somewhere hey what's behind there what's behind there it was hiding inside the hole thank you unlock the new fear now I got to wiggle my roll a little before I use it horrible if I could get rid of the entire cockroach race I would donates plasma for research and a little extra money what's the worst that can happen my arm oh no so donating plasma is supposed to hurt but half her arm turned blue and bruised and she could barely move her arm since I hope it heals it's just been a few weeks and it's still like this you know at least it's your left arm unless you're Lefty but dang that looks painful I'm going to get my oh I got it uhoh yeah just put a plant over it they're not going to know notied that the stin broke in half I've seen a lot of videos how to fix this all you need is some Ramen and some super glue and it'll be just like new so I went to Walmart I found this on my car saying sorry for the damage on your car can't afford to fix it but here's chocolate instead left this and here's the damage on my car here's chocolate instead bro insurance will fix it also it's against the law to drive without insurance I'm sorry but a girl definitely wrote that here's some chocolate instead no $2 chocolate for $11,000 worth of damage it's like putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone like sh so sorry get well soon also what if they were allergic to chocolate yeah double homicide so I just ordered mozzarella stick I love me some Mazy sticks and open it where is the mozi chees inside of them oh and maybe you think it's just this one none of them have cheese inside of them did the cheese thief just snatch the soles of the mozzarella and leave you with the shells like you got scammed how Mozzy stick with no Mozzy this would literally ruin my day this always happens sometimes the straw don't work how to drink Boba when straw broke some of these lizard like indestructible it doesn't work so the bottom of your straw has to be sharp and if it is not sharp it will not penetrate the holess lid not a good enough raason toes the word penetrate you know what that's it I'm just going to give up let me finish my homework I'll deal with you later uh-oh something's cracking it's cracking stop no car is not chipped car should not crunch this dude like I ain't paying $100 for oil change I can do it myself watch this one Tik Tok tutorial you know it's okay this happens to me when I don't want to pay for something and then I end up doing it myself I end up doing more damage for example I had a hole in my wall the other day I was like yeah it's okay it's no problem I watched a Tik Tok video I can fix it myself bought everything I needed tried to fix it myself now it looks like this and this is why I say no eating in the car no food in the car when I go to In and Out they' be like you want to eat in your car who eats in their car this upsets me deeply why we got the wings on the seat I don't care if it's a$1 1999 Toyota Corolla no eating in the car she standed over the seat like the back seat is her plate I think I messed up last time this happened are you messed up putting a tampon up the wrong hole is this stuck no way it's stuck come on pull harder give it a good old yank yeah just yank it pull it out it's really stuck did it expand while it was in there and you know that's the whole point it does that pull it from the actual Cotton part just I know you can do it I know you can let me add her help girl I wish I could help you so badly I would just like and it would all be over and some people get nose bleeds and decide to put a ton up there why do you have tampons in your boot I get really bad nose beds I wonder if this works for congestion runy nose plug it up hey what is that a water tank just fell off rolling loose oh it went right between those two cars and no oh man they got real lucky this dude just watching from his car like I know it ain't going to hit me just rolling that or way they got real lucky it just went right between them that car absorbed all the damage unfortunately everybody is chasing after this woman hey go faster I want to see I want to see hey what's going on what's all this drama going on on her wedding day she got dressed up and she caught her man cheating on her why she got people defending her why these girls backing her up I'm surprised she managed to get away with her bra in her life well there is a perfectly good curb right there that she could have been stomped on but you know at least the wife found out before they actually got married you know dodged a bullet with that one everyone don't leave your new puppy alone for 5 minutes he will pee on everything yes also remember the smaller the puppy the more frequently they will have to pee because their bladder is the size of a pee I would not leave a puppy unattended on the couch mistakes were made leaving his little piss paw prints naughty naughty POV pimple appears day before an important shoot uh-oh that always happens do not touch it but what if it comes out instant regret it didn't come out uh-oh it's getting bigger ah even bigger I swear this always happens when I don't touch it when I don't squeeze it it quadruples in size and redness these ones these ones are the worst looking at that I don't know how you guys can just like resist the urge to squeeze because I cannot personally when I don't squeeze my pimples it takes weeks to go away then it leaves a nasty little dark spot POV you wake up and walk to your stairs uh-oh father forgot to tell me the renovations would be taking the stairs out today now let's remove the stairs while my son is still sleeping upstairs so we just don't have stairs how high can you jump G with that you might take a little fall damage no problem take the window oh uh-oh that was the wedding cake imagine being the guy who had to deliver the wedding cake and you just hey who put a banana peel on the floor hey at least the groom was entertained you started clapping for the guy like good job nice ball I don't like vanilla cake anyway so I'm already feeling cuz I got my hair braided and I don't like it had Fire To The Flame they braided my mask into my hand ha girl you got to go back the mask is now attached to her hair they got to cut something like what do you do I think you have to cut it off unless you unbraid the braids unfortunately I am impatient snip but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe J the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,258,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, bad day, people having a bad day, funny photos
Id: IbLpvwqBHKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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