People are cutting up their ugly window blinds for a brilliant new idea!

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I've got a back door and window that I want to beautify so I'm going to go ahead and take some measurements top and bottom and then I'm going to grab the fabric of choice I'm going to spread this fabric out and measure it 27 in 3 in wider than my door and my window I'm going to go ahead and make a line down the middle right at the Mark there and then I'm going to go ahead and cut it with some scissors and then I go right down the line to make it even once I get that done I'm going to need some two-sided tape this fabric tape is great because it's sticky on one end I'm going to go ahead and place it down one side of the fabric that I cut peel the paper off once I get that peeled off then I can go ahead and just fold it right over and then I'm going to get rid of that bad Edge that I got when I cut using an iron I'm going to go ahead and make sure it sticks really good but then I'm going to put some more tape down and peel it off because I want to fold it over one more time and give it a nice clean Edge once I get that all solved I'm going to go ahead and iron it one more time and then I'm going to grab some cordless mini blinds starting at the top I'm going to go ahead and extend these all the way down to the bottom now I've got way too many slats on there so what I want to do is remove the button on the bottom and I'm going to go ahead and cut this off because I need that middle string once I get that cut save that button though but pull that middle string all the way through be careful not to lose the string once I do that I can go ahead and cut all the rest of these Shades off but I'm going to need to hold on to about five of those I put a safety pin on the bottom of that string that I I saved and it helps me push them all the way through again just po about five of these slots I'm going to go ahead and get back to the bottom push the cord through right there and then I'm going to put that button back on but I need to tie a few knots once I get that it's not going to slip through and I'm going to use my finger and push it back on once I do that I can go ahead and glue the top railing of the mini blind to the fabric you can use fabric glue or in this case I use some hot glue and I used a lot of it once I hold it down it's going to do great then I'm going to head right down to the bottom and put that on again using an ample supply of hot glue go ahead and put that down hold it in place for about a minute then I'm going to take those slats five of them and I'm going to go ahead and put them in place evenly and distribute them up and down once I do that it's time to put some glue on those also again you can use hot glue or fabric glue once I put it on I'm just going to flip it over and let it hold there it's going to set up in about a minute do that on every single one of the slats that you have left over make sure you don't get anything on the cord once I put that over and I get it on there it's time to go ahead and put the brackets that come with the mini blind on the door right above the window once I get it on and it's secure I'm going to take that mini blind and pop it into place and it actually turned out really good look at this Roman shade that I made you can go ahead and pull it down again it's cordless and once you pull it all the way down the bottom it stays in place I think it turned out amazing it looks good down or up I hope this inspired you to do your own DIY Roman Shades thank for today's project I wanted to surprise my wife and get rid of this boring bathroom I didn't want to go with a traditional curtain rod so I wanted to go something different measured the window grabbed a 1x6 piece of board that was 4T long and started doing a little bit of sanding to it next step was to go ahead and put some stain on it a lot of people use a brush when they do staining I like to take a towel or a rag and just wipe it on there take all the dark spots and get it wiped on do every single side of the board The Next Step was to put the hardware on the board that would hold it against the wall wanted to make sure that the board would be flat and not sticking out like normal hooks or Hardware so this Hardware right here you go ahead and mark it on the back of the board and what we're going to do is drill it out that allows the screws in the walls to go flat inside the board and it holds it up steady once should get it drilled go ahead and get rid of the sawdust and go ahead and install the hardware using the screw that comes with it all it takes on a board like this is to put two at each end now you want to see a good way on how to hang this up and make it level every time take a level put a piece of tape across the top lay it flat right where your hooks are and then what you're going to do is measure and Mark right at each Hook Once you do that go ahead and take the level and set it aside and we'll use it a little bit later next we need to put our hooks up now I went ahead with the black decorative hook and I measure and mark equal distance between each Hook by dividing the board these marks right here are where you're going to put the hooks and we want to make sure that we pre-drill each one of these holes I'm a big fan of pre-drilling it keeps the boards from splitting so once you get those first holes pre-drilled go ahead and put the hook up use the screws provided because they're the same color as the hook and go ahead and put it on you're going to do this with each and every hole and usually these hooks have two screws make sure you get both of these in now remember that level that we had put that up against the wall and Mark where you marked on the tape then you're going to go ahead and put screws in the wall in those two sections this is different though you don't want the screw going flush against the wall make sure it sticks out a little bit then take the board and you're going to slip it inside the drill hole that you did right onside the hardware amazing thing about this is you're not going to see any screws that go through the board and look how tight and secure that is check one more time for level the next step is to grab some clip rings that way there is no sewing or anything it just Clips right onto the curtain clip it on both of them depending on how you want it and just hang it over your hook now I went from boring bathroom to curtains that I put up and then the last step is to go ahead and decorate the rest of the bathroom doesn't that look amazing this took no time at all and it was easy to do I hope you like the look of this project we had fun making it check out what I found at the dollar store that's going to completely upgrade my Builder grade blinds without replacing them to get the burlap ready to use once it's out of the package all I want to do is get rid of the wrinkles so I'm just going to iron it on some low heat before I move on now that the burlap is nice and smooth I want to finish the edges I don't have to worry about the twoo long edges as they're already finished I just need to do the side edges to do that I'm going to use my low temp glue gun and just put a thin bead of glue along the edge and then fold the burlap over I only need to fold it over about an inch or two just enough to catch all the loose edges now that that's done to make I want to make a pocket for the curtain rod to go through through and I'm going to use my glue gun again I'm going to fold over the top Edge about two or 2 and 1/2 in and then glue it down this is going to create a nice Gap that I can slide the rod through I'm going to do this to the entire length of the burlap until I get to the other end with all of the edges finished it's time to put put the burlap onto the rod I'm going to remove the end of the rod to make it easier and then just slip the rod right through that Gap that I created at the top of the burlap I've made sure to put the seams at the back so you can't see them with the burlap all on I'll put the end of the curtain rod back on to finish the look of my faux blinds I'm going to measure out two pieces of twine I want the twine to be double the width of the burlap and then I'm going to add on a little bit extra because I'm going to need that for tying later all that's left to do now for my faux blinds is to scrunch them up and tie the twine this is going to create a beautiful look that I love I'll do the same to the other piece of twine and then I'm done how pretty are these faux burlap blinds they make my Builder grade blinds look so much better and they only cost $5 I hope this has inspired you to give your blinds an upgrade as well thank you so much for watching home talk I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Hometalk
Views: 725,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, diy decor, diy projects, window treatments, diy drapes, diy blinds, diy home decor, diy ideas
Id: u24UfMhNGss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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