Penn & Teller: Most difficult judgement in the history of Fool Us! Mellow with a camera trick

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And here's tonight's first potential fooler! Magic is my second career. I was a graphic artist first, which is  also about creating other realities. In those days, magic was my hobby. Then, I got an internship on a  TV-Show, and I became fascinated by   how cameras and editing can build a world. So I went back to school to study  filmmaking. It was very expensive,   so I supported myself with magic.  And a funny thing happened… My magic got bigger and bigger.  Personal appearances became stage shows. I realized I could combine everything in  a theatre. Graphics, cinema, storytelling   and magic. And when I put all these things  together, I finally knew what I wanted to be. I love being a magician because  I can build my life around play. You never have to grow up. As a kid I would put on shows in my backyard,  and charge the neighborhood kids a fee. My dad passed away when I was seventeen,  so all he ever saw was my backyard magic. When I perform, like I will tonight,  using skills dad never got to see. I like to imagine he's watching me. Who knows? Maybe he is. All the way from Germany say  "bitte Willkommen" to Mellow! Hi Penn, hello Teller! Magicians are often accused of using  camera tricks to make their magic happen. Well I admit. What you are about to see is a camera  trick, because it is a trick with a camera. Outside of the magical world, there is nothing  that comes as close to magic as Polaroids.    You press the shutter button   and a completely blank picture pops out. Then if you wait a minute and your image appears. Before the smart phone, this is how memories  were instantly captured… For example... This one. This is me as a kid, sitting in  the bathtub with a lot of bubbles.  Ok, way too much bubbles! Give me a second.. I’ve got lots of these pictures...  Like this one. My money shot. If I ever need it, I can get  cash back at any time. Even now! And these are my parents' wedding photos. I know it sounds crazy, but I couldn't find a  photo with both of them together in one Picture.  Maybe we can fix that. I brought some more photos with me and I  want to share them with this volunteer. Please come on stage! Hi, please take a seat. What’s your name? Volunteer: "Maren" Maren? And we’ve set nothing up in advance, right? Volunteer: "Correct" Please reach into the basket  and mix up the pictures. Look through these photographs. You'll see  that they are all different moments. Right? Okay! Please select a photo that is face  down and hold it against your chest   so I can’t see which moment of my life you chose. Okay! Secretly for the very first time,  take a look at the picture.     And try to remember everything in detail. Then hold it close to your body again. Maren, imagine a big blank photo in front of us.  Try to project the picture you have  in your mind onto the blank photo   and let’s see if I can take a real photo of it. Here is the picture that just  came out of my magical camera... I’ll hold it out here while it develops. Out of that basket of tons of different photos,   would you please show us which  photo you randomly selected. Oh, my first day at school - Very great memory! I think we’ve had enough time  for the new picture to develop… and amazingly, it is the  exact same picture you chose! This is the magic of Polaroids!    Everytime you look at a picture like this, it’s  like having a glimpse of the feeling you had,   right in the moment when it was taken.     Definitely no camera tricks are needed for this. Just a lot of imagination  and a little bit of magic. Hi Alyson! Hi! Why do they call you Mellow? I think it describes my  personality and my style of magic. Cool. So you started magic very young? Yeah I started magic at a very young age.  Before this I was in a circus school and   learned juggling and later I find out that  magic is another way to impress and amaze   people without the physical movements. Oh cool! What kind of obstacles  did you face when you got started? Oh I was a very shy person as a kid so it was very  hard for me to perform in front of other people. But magic helped me to express  myself and make me more confident. How is the magic community in Germany? The magic community is very very great  but the audience is um a very hard one. They are less enthusiastic and  it's very difficult to get emotions   and visible reactions from the german audience. So you don't really actually know if a  german audience likes your magic or not? Yeah they sit and watch the act and   um a nice applause and after the show they  came to you and say the best I ever seen. Okay let's see if the memory you  made tonight includes a trophy! Hi Mellow! Boy what a nice routine really good. You know polaroid cameras, instant  cameras we're so magical you know. In a in a strange way so much more magical  than our smartphones we all carry around. Just that thing being spit out and  developing in front of us we're just   so beautiful and you've taken that and  used it like a uh like a witch's spell   you've taken something out of the past  and really gotten all the magic out of it. And those transformations at the top look  just beautiful they just really look beautiful   and they really follow the idea  and you just have so much charm. And then the thing at the end   was really great and I know you'd like  to know whether you fooled us or not and so would we this was right it's a  really tough call for us we are going to go   to the judges and they're going to decide whether  we were fooled or not and whatever they say   goes for us so Alyson it's to you. All right i'm talking to the judges they said  this is a really tough decision for them too. But at the end of the day you did not fool them. It was so good but it was close. Thank you for having me. You didn't fool him but it was amazing! Bye thank you very much bye!
Channel: Mellow
Views: 593,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zauberer, Zaubern, Zaubertrick, Zaubertricks, Zaubertrick lernen, Magie tricks, Magie, Mellow, Mellow Magic, Magic, Zauberei, Magier, Zaubershow, Kosmos, Kosmos Verlag, Fool Us, penn and teller, penn, teller, penn & teller fool us, the cw, foolus season 8, las vegas
Id: mD1K8HgF6V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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