MOST INAPPROPRIATE ACT!!! Eric Dittelman on Penn & Teller: Fool Us

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[Applause] [Applause] thank you as a mind reader I've actually found out that people just often saying dirty things all the time now it's just something in human nature or we tend to go to those inappropriate places so I want to go far away from that as possible and play a nice innocent childhood game a game of charades I was really good at charades so I need a couple people two people that are a bit outgoing that don't mind looking a little silly or foolish up on stage let's get out yes the blonde here in the blue dress you'd be great and how about the gentleman with the plaid shirt yeah pointing to himself [Applause] come on over come over by the stool of your name Blair nice to meet you you're gonna actually stand right here and why don't you switch with your name Brandon Brandon Blair and Brandon give them one more time a whole bunch of actions that are fairly easy recognizable they're actually easy to do as well for example we've got dancing juggling that one's for you pen brushing your teeth playing trombone there's about 50 or so here you can see all different milking a cow eating a cheeseburger those probably shouldn't be next to each other but you get the idea right Blair do you mind just shuffling those two halves into each other for me it's best you can beautifully done great you even do the bridge very nice and Brandon would you cut the deck anywhere you'd like perfect and complete the cut yeah very good why don't you take the top card and hold it against your chest so that I can't see it right and Blair you're gonna do the next card as well so that way no one can know what you chose but as you do that I'm gonna turn away so just peek at your card and memorize your action when you're all set just tuck it away somewhere where I can't see it in a pocket or somewhere you memorize great we're gonna start with you Blair go stand by that yellow mark Brandon you can stand over here by me but I just think of your actions Oh interesting in a moment you're gonna do this over and over again so the audience can see try not to stop at all just keep doing it but try not to make any noise either that'll hint me into what you're doing Brandon your job is to watch me to make sure I'm not looking I'll even remove my glasses and close my eyes I'll do that audience you help me out you let me know how i'm doing but Blair are you all set I am ready set go okay I'm getting something right away with your hand it's kind of going up and down a bit that's kind of by your lap and it's getting faster and faster it's like oh no no but now you're holding something it looks like long maybe generous in size made of made of wood I think your fingers are involved that's true no I think we're gonna go are you playing guitar and you're gonna think of your action right now and you get the idea you're gonna do this over and over again to again try not to make any noise so think of it now you seem a little bit more hesitant but this time actually because people think maybe I saw in some way Blair come behind me and just cover up my eyes okay so no no one can see that yeah are you ready ready set go okay I'm getting that you're kind of going up and down a bit definitely some undulating you don't seem to have too much experience with this but that's okay but you're definitely on top of something and maybe there's you were thinking about smacking here there get your minds out of the dirt together together this is your ready a horse are you riding a horse yeah let's have you do one more Brandon were you unbanned the deck and just cut it like you did before anywhere you'd like just give it a cut yeah perfect and place that down and you're gonna hold that card against your chest because this time you're gonna do it together okay so both of you go over to that mark that yellow square again I'm gonna go far away from you this time in fact we're gonna have the audience this whole section over here keep a eye on me to make sure that I'm not cheating so you guys keep watching me Penn & Teller can watch me as well have you both looked at the card yes Blaire Brandon are you ready ready set go okay you don't know each other that well I'm getting that right okay there's a ball involved just one ball though for like someone's kind of bending over a bit like I'm definitely getting like a top and someone I'm bottom no you're all have dirty minds you all you're hiking a football [Applause] [Applause] so much fun into your act yes yes that's my serious right mentalists r-right yeah that kind of separates me from most mental is because they're all like creepy in your head type of thing my purse mentalism is we're just having fun and we all think fun thoughts anyway so we might as well reveal those and focus on those instead yeah and have you always been into mentalism yeah I kind of started with a magic background but mentalism allowed me to just present myself a little bit more of like a stand-up comedian would so it's just me and my personality you're not hiding behind any props or anything weird-looking so yeah I just used one comedy or mentalism and it was like life or death Oh which one would you choose I mean there's some fuse together for me it's all one performance I'd probably be doing mentalism but it would have to be funny too so I guess you just have to kill me right do you think it's a good idea to perform funny mentalism instead of serious mental ism for Penn I think so absolutely I know Penn and mentalists kind of have a rough history and I agree I'm very skeptical too I don't claim to have supernatural powers or anything like that this is all about just having a good time like I said and I hope hopefully Penn sees that it could be performed in a way without taking advantage of people's beliefs and that's really my goal what I perform all right well let's see if Penn & Teller can figure out how you did Penn Tyler Eric hi nice nicely done you're so always that that battle to make mentalism big and visual yes and it brings charades in - it's a really good idea and bring up attractive people to do slightly suggestive things bordering on genius I'm not gonna say genius but bordering on genius I'll tell you usually we talk about these things you have all these boring terms like switch and and and those kinds of things you know but this one we actually get to use a fun term which is a term that people at home probably won't know but you will know many tackle you know the word many tech oh they do you do - the word many tech oh yeah well let me just tell you right now if it's not many tackle may the fool be with you it did make sense to me I think they got it but will you at least admit I knew they were gonna be thinking dirty things [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Eric Dittelman
Views: 490,239
Rating: 4.0794182 out of 5
Keywords: Dittelman, Eric Dittelman, Penn & Teller, Penn and Teller, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, Mentalism, Mind Reading, Charades, Dirty Thoughts, Comedy, Inapropriate, Dirty Minds
Id: ZmseOWajylE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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