Pengaturan Mengaktifkan Mematikan Autoplay Autorun Windows 11 Windows 10

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To support BelajarBentar, you can click SUBSCRIBE. Hello, welcome to Learn Moments. Now we will learn about AutoPlay or Autorun settings in Windows 11. This is AutoPlay. To go to the settings, all you have to do is type in the star menu, AutoPlay. And you select AutoPlay Settings. Here, you will find AutoPlay settings. The first is to use AutoPlay for all media and devices. For more details, we plug in the Flash Disk. This is AutoPlay. If you click on it, you can choose whether you want to go to storage settings. Starting with the Music Player application opens the folder to view files or does nothing. Here, you can see a setting like this because I selected tell me all the time what you want to do. Especially for Removeable Drives, like the Flash drives here. If you click on it, you will find the same options. Likewise with the Memory Card settings. Now let's try. If you choose Configure Storage Settings, what will it look like? We plug the Flash Drive back in. He will go to storage settings. Now we select the opened folder to view the files. He will go straight to the Flash Drive storage area. Of course, if you choose Take no action, it means nothing will happen. The default setting is to notify me every time when you plug the Flash Drive into the computer. The rest, you can try it yourself. We've finished our lesson. Thank You.
Channel: BelajarBentar (Belajar Bentar)
Views: 86
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: belajarbentar, belajar bentar, tutorial, cara, how to, short learning, Windows 11, windows 11 tutorial, tutorial windows 11, windows 11 guide, windows 11 settings, guide windows 11, update windows 11, Microsoft Windows, windows 10, windows 11 autoplay, windows 11 autorun, windows 10 autoplay, windows 10 autorun, enable autoplay, enable autorun, disable autoplay, disable autorun
Id: Yf8v3qLmRv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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