Penelope's BIG Surgery Day (She Waited Years for This)

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[Music] you ready big day huh big day ready [Music] all right girly ready let's go morning early morning for the warrior princess Penelope warrior princess [Music] [Music] who do you think I think I'm ready to go are you ready to go does the way if they call waiting for the call back [Music] [Music] some things we need and I'll be back you look so stylish you look great [Laughter] like a a heated dress get your prom dress you're gonna look like a big purple marshmallow I said I'm gonna wear this every night nice and warm okay guys we have just a couple of minutes until surgery now I thought there all three up and all of that LP is in this light little warming gown that's meant to like I think decrease bacteria for surgery and she was making jokes and saying she went to one of these everyday nice and warm so we were getting really close just watching some TV waiting for the doctors to come in for the final time search me you ready girl feeling good [Music] can I get all righty okay guys so Penelope is back in surgery now she's been back for about an hour and they said it's gonna take about three hours for the surgery and then we can go join her in the off every room really thankful for the doctors and nurses here they were super sweet with her really just putting her at ease yeah they're like probably the most personality I've ever seen yeah her support for sure they definitely knew how to interact with her to just help her not have a lot of anxiety and so yeah that's really good I'm very thankful for that yeah I think she's pretty relaxed her and if they took her blood pressure and her heart rate and all that stuff early your Childre I think that any good sign that's a good sign she's really been excited yeah she said she slept really well last night and so I went up there to try to say goodnight to her one more time and she was already completely out snoring away so yeah we'll be back there in just a couple of hours to see her but waiting yeah I'm waiting here and examine Torchy's tacos which I'm eating a bowl it's like the best case of honor in guacamole Victor can you tell we like welcome only guys different flowers from yeah and she comes out of her sedation and hopefully that helps make her we're just gonna hang for a couple hours enjoy some Mexican food that's always a good thing right the best the buzzers going off but anyway that means that nobody's done yeah so we're gonna go here doctor yeah kind of figure out what's going on let's do it hopefully really good yeah guys that was so encouraging I just met with the surgeon he basically said that the surgery went really really well that her tissue was really strong and healthy and good she'd only had one surgery before we thought it was two but only one so there wasn't a lot of scar tissue yeah and he was able to move the muscles over and connect it properly and all that and so while it was a challenging surgery it went really well and so he's very hopeful for her so she's in recovery right now kind of coming out of the anesthesia I think about 30 minutes or so they said we can go back and see her yeah so we can't wait see ya how she's doing yeah she'll be on liquids for two weeks which I thought it had one yeah two weeks um liquids for weeks on soft foods we've got a little bit of a journey ahead so thankful that she did well you can't wait to go see her yeah so what do you do when you're in the waiting room on an extremely rainy day for hours and hours on end in just a moment they lift up on the screen we knew we're having twins that's what you do you watch your friends announce that they're having twins which is awesome for you if you guys don't follow to in a zoo Mike and Melanie and their kiddos are amazing mutant people and they're having twins just announced that on their channel so go follow them I think we're gonna get to go hang out with them whenever we're in Orlando later this year for Disney for Lincoln's make-a-wish so my can I have a texting back and forth then we'll see I know hopefully you didn't be busy yeah probably um I'll have a new babies but hopefully we can meet some new babies which would be cool I'm so happy for you guys that's so exciting so pump and this year [Music] you know he said it was really good said you're so strong [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so they have moved us to a private room and he and Penelope's doing really well just sleeping a lot which is good she gives that really pop yeah she seems to have good management so that's really good yeah surgery went really well so very thankful for that we're just gonna stay probably 24 hours but we might need to stay two nights depending on how she recovers so right now it seems like she's doing really well you know I'm like I mean she's gonna recover really really good she's a chick bike she she's a tough girl but um we're just gonna play it by ear and see how she's feeling itself I'm just gonna rest here this afternoon and let her just sleep and hope that she's feeling better soon it's a big surgery and we're just thankful that it's done so this is the private room that they've put us in it's nice and quiet which is great and I'll be here sleeping me got her her Pikachu blanket and all is right with the world want some liquids so hope stomachs settle a little bit yeah you do it awesome kid oh man such a good job does it hurt a little bit yeah I said if we have some liquid Simon can do the pain medicine that's a little bit stronger trying to get a little bit down so that we can take that so that's the cold here but not he is being so brave and so strong a great job okay guys I'm gonna go ahead and head home I was hoping to have the kids face time with penalty before I left but she's all wrong here she is totally out wrong so I figure I would just let her sleep her body clearly needs the rest for sure and so I don't want to disturb her but I'm gonna go home and be with the kids tonight and Stephens gonna stay here and has graciously offered to sleep on this couch a little-bitty couch I think it'd be pulls out though doesn't it yeah a little bit it pulls out at least it's not awesome a little work hopefully it's just for one night I very much appreciated I'm really meeting a good night's sleep I have not had one in a few days this whole week of packing moving and surgery at the same time it was a crazy week crazy and we really couldn't change the timing of all of this and so you just got to make it work making it work but we are sleep-deprived people right now and so I very much appreciate getting take over him sleep in my own bed all of the sleep I will definitely try so we'll be back tomorrow to pick up Stephen and Penelope and I think a couple of kids will join me and so looking forward to all being back home again in our new home and just settling in there goodness I cannot even wait super excited ok I'll get back just in time to move it all the big furniture that's right this weekend is when the big furnitures getting moved in cell should be fun still a lot to look forward to and that's gonna be good thank you guys for all of your well wishes for Penelope I was showing her comments earlier which she was actually awake and she was smiling so big just reading all of the sweet comments and well wishes and prayers for her thank you so much that really meant a lot to her yeah so we really appreciate it I'm so thankful she's doing well and just ready for us to get home for her to be on her way to recovering in all of that so thanks guys thanks guys who's that give sister kiss and get sister kiss I love it how are you feeling yeah she can't talk very well cuz her throat hurts really bad guys this is dedication there's a challan trail next door which is like a Korean barbecue place and they have these kimchi fries that are about the greatest thing Under and I am trying to be on keto here in this hospital and not so I'm gonna do chicken and broccoli and green beans okay this actually doesn't look too bad got some spinach got some salmon some chicken a little bit of beef tips and what a lot of flavor looks like so not too too shabby I'm gonna be alright so Penelope can't have any solid food for the next two two weeks and in that soft food after that so I don't want to tease her tonight especially if she maybe is feeling a little bit nauseous so I am just making it my food right here in the middle of this hallway before I go back in and we have a little bit of that time gives a whole new meaning to that time though thank you guys so much for being on this journey with us I know it's a lot and it's been a crazy week already with more to come but it really doesn't mean so much to have all of your encouragement do you even just you know we can't have been given some updates on on Instagram and to have all of you guys commenting and telling us you're praying for us and that you're you know you're thinking about us and they're pulling for us so it sounds like that has just been so so encouraging so I just want to say thank you if you are not already subscribing to our Channel we would love for you to do that I go ahead and like hit that notifications bell so that you get notifications when we post new videos which hopefully this week will be every day because there's a lot going on so we would love to have you do that and then tell a friend about it you know what we would be humbled and honored and grateful and will talk to you soon you guys have an amazing day what do you think of the flowers yeah they smell good huh Wow know your favorite flower mm you like that far all of them you like all of them hey I love you girly just snuggling you feeling good I feel better just you get to have another milkshake [Music] you
Views: 1,251,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleft lip and palate, older child adoption, cleft palate, repaired cleft palate, Adoption, Moving, china, dell children's hospital, Family Vlog, homeschool family, teen adoption, San Antonio family, homeschooling, special needs adoption, Parenting, family vlog, china adoption, adoption, Food, new house, cleft palate surgery, Travel, large family, Routine, diverse family, texas family, special needs, moving, american family, christian family, teen
Id: T8iQ02MhfqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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