Meeting Willow for the First Time - India Adoption #2

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[Music] okay we are in Hyderabad Hyderabad baby [Music] we made it to the hotel [Music] but everybody's feeling it first impression of Hyderabad very nice [Music] the first night in this crazy Hotel [Music] it is bright and early here in Hyderabad that's true I don't know why I said it was bright it's not bright uh it is still dark out it's about 4 50 in the morning and Chef wanted to come with me to go pick up our friend Mrs Miss Bree from the airport so she's come to join us for the next a couple weeks here we're so excited to get her it's gonna be a lot of fun huh see you soon Bree [Music] oh my God [Music] any kind of oh another bird is that another peacock two pickup s okay we're getting everything packed we are getting packed and ready to go to warangal so we are very excited Bree's here we're gonna go eat some breakfast and then our friend Kumar is gonna come pick us up we're all gonna go and get to meet our new sis [Applause] thank you freeze gifts all right we're on our way we are in the car go meet our girl we have our new friend Kumar leading the show let's do this thing and who's this this is about 20 minutes out yes can you believe it good job hold on so we are 20 minutes out and we are almost gonna get some meat [Music] can't wait you excited Deepa biggest squisher are you gonna hug her yeah how you feeling Cole how you feeling Cole I'm serious are you excited [Music] you guys get a squisher and squeezer we are ready is her family [Music] against energy bathroom break 10 minutes out now [Music] everybody everybody [Applause] [Music] thank you shall we take our shoes off [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh look at her she's not feeling good good yeah I know come on come on yeah your eyelashes thank you thank you oh yeah what we're gonna let her get comfortable okay um you can blow some bubbles see if she'll actually like it maybe she'll like the bubbles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't worry just let her warm up I don't know some toy house okay [Music] um [Music] great job [Music] small Brothers [Music] amazing little girl I'm ready we love you Willow I wish we could take her now oh I see a smile [Music] it's just so cute [Music] because don't do it too hard [Music] she's so cute pumpkin oops she missed oh she gotcha wow careful head bonkers column oh look at her oh that's really good she's probably like I wonder how these cameras Oh she wants more she will let you know when she wants it too fast it's a little it's coming out a little too fast he's like hey there does she want to crawl [Music] maybe you can give her this yeah well she likes look at here [Music] don't put it in your mouth Umar and Deepa dancing uncle dancing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] she's smacking you [Music] how many days [Music] baby [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kameri Muir
Views: 349,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JHHe7Rg5ZdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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