Why Our Daughter Hasn't Been in Our Vlogs Lately ❤️

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[Music] thank you [Music] what's up beautiful people what are we gonna do Ethan it's like okay we're gonna play croquet we got a new croquet set and we are ready to set up we're gonna go down by the water and have a fun little game of croquet the kids have played this game at my parents house on and off throughout the years and they love it so much it's kind of a family traditional family favorite so we're gonna go ahead and play this weather you got a ball so they're getting started on landscaping and they delivered a whole bunch of dirt here there's gonna be some leveling and stuff happening I was like man these moles are getting out of hand I know it's underminer oh my gosh yeah there's a lot of dirt that they're going to be using to level out some of the areas of the yard they also poured the concrete down here so that's really exciting they're about to finish the deck in the next day or two but we've got a patio all right we got a nice open field here and we are going to set up our little croquet what are these things called wickets we've got the mallets and the wickets I'm gonna make this the hardest course on the planet none of you guys can make it oh I think he's like I want to give hugs there you go not too far though [Laughter] we have this one patch of dead grass where we had fired off of the fireworks a few months ago Liam and I just planted some blackberry bushes the other day like right along the fence line you broke your back I I think you'll be okay but we dug like seven or eight holes and we had a whole bunch of blackberry bushes and Dewberry bushes along the fence line here I actually do want to build like a trellis for them to grow up on because this fence is actually really old and we'll eventually be replacing that yeah so we do need to like have a family yard day and like build a few things and prune a few things and all of that but I feel like I'm really demented right now but I was thinking about how nice it would be to be buried in between those three trees buried under the tree over there uh I don't know it would I guess the house would probably stay in the family forever nobody's gonna want to buy it like a Forrest Gump thing you know or like we're all buried in the same don't know if I love that idea idea or hate that idea that's kind of weird this is like perfect just imagine my body imagine that okay back to the croquet game here I don't know how much Lincoln is gonna enjoy playing croquet but we're gonna kind of include him and see if he can just roll the ball a few times he likes to throw balls so I don't know if he'll enjoy hitting them necessarily last week the water was so high and it's already super low but we are about to have like nine days of rain so this is gonna get very very full again pretty quickly can I just say that family game nights especially like outside or one of my favorite things in the world I feel like it's so good for your mental health to be outside in the fresh air and the Sunshine and especially like as a family just like one of the greatest things ever me there's a lot of grass here three two oh mommy's not very good at this I don't remember if you hit somebody oh that was so close [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] at the honeysuckle is this actually a honeysuckle tree you pick it okay then you pull it from the bottom here like this ice cream and then Dad got really sick and died out of nowhere and then we realized it was actually a poisonous tree it's not Jasmine Jasmine if you guys are plant what's the word herb herbologists Horticultural if you know anything about plants what kind of tree is this botanists so pretty and they're they're not really blooming that much they look like honeysuckles but I I don't think they're big enough yet to be honeysuckles yeah you were trying to show Ethan what you do with honey yeah but they're not quite ready they're not ready and it might also not be a honeysuckle how many of you guys remember in our San Antonio house we had that whole wall of jasmine flowers outside um and I love sitting out on that patio and so it's gonna be fun to see what we do with our yard here and with our deck and our patio and having just that outdoor dining space and fire pit area there's just so much that we're excited to do but it was really cool today because they they were actually working on the exterior a bunch and so it's going to be really really fun to have it come to life oh nice all right so our family is quite competitive so that was a really fun game and really close calls too I think all of the kids were really close to winning for a while Steven came back up with Lincoln because he was getting a little shitty I just replaced all these lights it's so much brighter nice out here right now we have more light bulbs um I love these outdoor lights and the uh replacement bulbs are actually very inexpensive on Amazon so oh well there you go yeah we're doing another fire pit because it's getting kind of chilly yeah um and I think next week is when the weather's supposed to warm up a bit of course we do have some leftover stuff so yeah it's been in the 40s at night and then like in the 60s during the day yeah it feels nice but um yeah we're about to have a lot of rain so we're trying to be outside as much as possible enjoying the weather then we'll have like a week of solid rain and then the beautiful weather comes back so I'm glad we were able to kind of be outside a little bit today enjoy some family time have a very competitive game of croquet I need to get some more mallets I thought that there was more of them in there holy cow that's getting huge I put all the boxes we get all these boxes for like you know I don't know probably all of you know this experience you get all these Amazon boxes because there's so many jokes about women like wives like throwing the Amazon boxes out the door hiding hide the boxes well I love the boxes because it's how we start our yeah we are bonfire lovers so yes we'll do that again tonight also we just picked up these little cheesecake inspired chocolate truffles from Trader Joe's and the kids are devouring them are they good it's very good I like the lemon one oh lemon oh my gosh that's awesome these look really good I think there's a raspberry dark chocolate milk chocolate you want to try it lemon Ade we're gonna throw the sandwich don't eat the yellow snow I think this is one of their products for like Mother's Day that's coming up but um happy Mother's Day to all you moms happy early Mother's Day this would be like the video right before Mother's Day so okay happy Mother's Day moms happy Mothers you make the world go round that's true we're very grateful for you these are really good I like them hmm well that's one of the better chocolates super yummy that's really good raspberry The Raspberries tastes like raspberries snow Salisbury whoever heard of a snozzberry this gorgeous golden hour lighting okay guys so one of the things we wanted to do in this video is just kind of sit down and chat with you guys a little bit about um some of the questions that we get kind of often on our Channel and one of those is just where is Miss Reese and so we wanted to kind of just talk about that just a little bit because she is not in a lot of our videos and so a lot of you guys are like oh I miss seeing Reese where's Reese um so we just wanted to kind of fill you guys in on some of the behind the scenes with that um Reese wanted to go ahead and share a little bit just about kind of her reasonings on all of that and why she is less active on YouTube and social media in general lately you know so yeah I've actually taken a pretty big step back from social media um I haven't really been posting on my socials that much and then I really haven't been on their videos for a multitude of reasons but really um the main thing was just comments and things like that I um I don't know I just felt like it was getting to a point where I was really obsessed with what people were saying about me and a lot of the comments were very positive but some were not very nice and I would just like see those and I would obsess over them and kind of spiral and like I've been on this whole kind of like Journey the past this this whole year so far of just like trying to heal and grow and like kind of figure out what I want to do um and one of those things has just been like really trying to prioritize my mental health so a big boundary that I put into place for myself is just kind of stepping back from social media um some of these things like not reading comments anymore because I just never know like what I might see um and as much as I would like for people to not leave mean comments or and go on their own journey and kind of heal whatever it is that is compelling them to keep them in the first place I can't change those people and at some point I do have to take accountability for like what I'm letting myself see and so yeah that's just been kind of like a big thing I'm kind of trying out right now and I've been really at peace with just kind of stepping back and being a bit more private with what I'm doing so that's why I haven't really been on the videos as much I haven't really been sharing that much on my socials either um and I'm in a really good place with all of that so yeah yeah I appreciate everyone asking where I am but I'm doing very well and I'm just kind of soaking in kind of the Solitude and like I've been really doing well with that yeah and I would just like to add that we are so incredibly proud of her to be able to recognize what works for her what doesn't work for her we really want to be proactive in supporting our kids each of our kids um in all areas of life but like what works for them and we do that with schooling and we do that with um just so many different areas and so I'm really proud of race to be able to listen to herself and listen to what she knows is going to be best for her and I will say that when there are the mean comments and trolls and stuff A lot of times they do tend to go after the oldest child which is in my opinion just so unfair and like really heartbreaking I thought you were going to say that we go all like Mama and Papa Bear Mama Bear comes out in me I get really really upset because there's so often times they're very ignorant comments and I'm like if you knew like it's so off base and I hate seeing that kind of stuff and so um like I said like most of the comments on our page are just really kind you guys are amazing yeah um you guys are incredible but every once in a while there are mean people out there and so I'm really proud of you for listening to yourself and um I think we all it's healthy for all of us to like reevaluate and take steps back from social media and take breaks from it I've done that before we've done that as a family before like even right now we're just doing one video a week and that's part of the reason too is just kind of being able to kind of step back and breathe and rest and not have social media be your whole world right so we will be going back to two a week once we get in the house we're kind of like we've been we're gonna be doing some cooking stuff yeah but yeah we just wanted to sit down and chat with you guys a little because we do get a lot of comments I know you guys love um our whole family and all of our kids and Rhys in particular and so thanks for loving her and for you know just wondering what she's up to which she's amazing she's doing incredibly well up to a lot of different things and we're just so incredibly proud of you ladies yeah love you so much so back to the bonfire now we're gonna get all the kids around and just enjoy the rest of our evening hi Stinky you sit down with Daddy sit down daddy whoa It's like already hot um you got it on a stick that's cool hopefully the stick doesn't burn up though it cracks me up so much I don't yeah as long as it doesn't go in the fire [Music] thank you [Music] is it good you gonna put it in there okay that's a good spot for it and then I got what'd you get liquid death is that coffee it's Mountain Water it's just sparkling water but it's called liquid gas interesting so you know it's really good for you I thought it was like either beer or like coffee it's actually not even sparkling water it's just water to murder your thirst okay not but it worked it's apparently like the most profitable like water company out there right there okay there we go um so we are running a bunch of errands today just a whole bunch done um Liam and I had an appointment and so got that taken care of we've officially been in the RV for over a week now yeah which means laundry day lots of laundry thanks for helping me do laundry today and it's been just today I feel like it's starting to feel a little stressful because well especially because like we have both of our cats living with us too yes and we have a litter box and during the day um we'll Sable likes to go outside during the day some and then she comes back in JoJo does not like to go outside but we have a litter box and we keep it in the shower during the day so that when in at night too but yeah um unless you're showering yeah yeah we'll take it out while we shower but they um for some reason didn't use it today they instead climb on top of our bed and I was I was feeling a little overwhelmed because I'm like I don't even have a washer and a dryer I don't have an easy way to just clean this up you know and yeah so I will say the Saving Grace of this time of being in the RV is that some of our really good friends had a house that they were renting while they built their house and they had like an overlap from when they moved out of their house into their new house and so they said that the girls could stay there so they're spending a good bit of time over there they're so so so sweet and they well they offered I think for the whole family but like we were like so tired of moving at this point so um most of us are obviously in the RV but Rhys and a lot of times Kyra stays with her too for the next few weeks and so I just thought that was amazing because we were really praying about it it's just a little too tight um you know with the especially the older girls and so for them to be able to kind of spread out and have some space there has been such a blessing and our friends are just incredible just so wonderful and so that's been that's been really nice I'm glad you're watching that you're amazing thank you we love you guys failing I meant to say this in the last one um and so that was one of the things I had meant to say in the last Vlog too because that had just happened because we were really praying we're like oh I just feel so tight we don't want like multiple kids to be sharing in the living room as well because that bed folds out and it's just it's you know it's just not the most ideal situation but very nice again we're making it work and we're just praying that this will be done sooner than later we had several good appointments um I say good appointments we had several productive appointments for the house and there's just there are so many things that go into building houses and so many details and you think you're getting close and we are getting close but there's still so many things and things that can pop up and it's like oh well there's this issue we gotta take care of it as fast as we can and yeah um so yeah like it's I just I'm never building a house again I don't think we'll need to ever build a house again anyways but even if we were to ever move which we're not um I would never want to build a house again it's just crazy but I'm grateful and we're so close and so we're just gonna take it a day at a time yeah just gonna breathe just going to count my blessings please like and yeah I mean there's so much to be to be thankful for so I'm trying to like reframe my perspective like yes there's stress and yes it's kind of crazy but there's also a lot of goodness happening yeah anyways we love you guys close it out here just because we're trying to like scramble around and get a lot of things taken care of yeah and we've talked a lot on this Vlog and you guys are probably like just just show me the house next week I think we are going to be delayed another week just from some some parts on the fireplaces that didn't come in so they can't do the drywall around the fireplaces until those parts come in it's like some sort of venting issue yeah um and so and then so they can't paint until they finish that drywall and the painting is going to take 10 days and so we're just like yeah but I mean again we're very thankful we are thankful we're not complaining we're thankful we're grateful I told the kids I'm like this is gonna be the best summer of Our Lives you're just going to be home and enjoy that house and enjoy the property maybe do some like have a hot mom summer well I told the I told the kids I was like I'm gonna be out on that deck every single day at least two we're like we're gonna drink our coffee out there we're gonna get a little sunshine we're just gonna relax and have people over I want this home to be a home that I'm gonna get sloshed on the milk of human kindness you're so weird um life it's great yeah yeah I play I plan for our home to be a home that hosts a lot of not just like events and stuff but just people I wanted to be I want it to be a place of hospitality I want it to be a place where our kids bring their friends and yeah I have a lot of wonderful plans but this Summer's gonna be wonderful and so we're just gonna get through the rest of the spring get in love you guys love you guys we'll see you in our next video [Music] Yeah bye-bye see you later oh your name's sake you will lead me back home to you foreign
Views: 149,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Miller Fam, Christian Vlogger, homeschooling, family vloggers, Nashville, large family, international adoption, family vlogger, vlogs, evening routine, morning routine, stay at home mom routines, grocery haul, grace for the millers, reese miller, stephen miller, cleft palate, stroke, day in the life of a stay at home mom, homeschool, clean with me, family vlog, American Family, Moving, House Tour, CP, mom of 7, family of 9, dream home, building a house, adoption
Id: eKX_CU_1y4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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