Pelican Catch Power 100 modifications

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okay every time i go to the boat launch i get questions about my uh kind of hybrid kayak and all the modifications i did to it you're always asking me questions about so i thought just for fun i'll make a video and just kind of go over some of the things that i did for anyone who might be interested in doing something similar so basically what this is is the um pelican power 100 catch and it's kind of like a modified kayak type boat it can be padded like a kayak but it also is already pre-built for a trolling motor so the battery actually goes in this front compartment here and the motor has a mount already set up for it right there for a trolling motor or it can handle i guess up to a two and a half horsepower um gas motor so it's kind of a fun little fishing boat um and i've been having a lot of fun with it over the summer mostly just doing the upgrades to it so the first thing that i did is this little cart that i kind of built for it and that really helps out when i go to the um boat or to the lakes not all the lakes have a boat launch most of the ones i go to do but basically that's the little cart i use and i can haul it all set up pre-set up just like this i can put it right in the water just launch it like a regular boat i just basically push that cart into the water eventually the water takes the boat and uh it just slides right off the cart i even have a little weight down here little anchor i put on there um to make sure to sink this cart because with the tires and the wood it kind of floats a little bit um over here uh i have a 5x8 trailer that's actually what i have had i've had that trailer for years that's why i had to haul this with so that's kind of the reason for this cart it allows me to take this boat and push it right up onto that trailer really easily and that's one thing i really kind of recommend anyone if you're going to be getting a kayak or something like that always think about what are you going to do when you have to transport it you know how you're going to work with that you can see there's a little white bracket right here and there's one on the other side that's just where the belt goes through when i tied this thing down to the cart um and it just goes through those rails right there and in the back of the cart here i have a little a little ball ball uh kind of for a trailer a little um i can't think of what it is like a ball hoist right there and i have this little uh this little dolly and this allows me to easily push it and pull it around the yard or around the boat launch area or even you know areas that aren't a full bolt launch area to get down to there i do have another device i built that uh goes into scuffle holes it's a bit smaller than this for really really tight spots but for the most part i use this card everywhere i go and it works out really really good so let's take a look some of the kind of little enhancements i did to it my goal before i get started was to be able to sit frontwards in this boat and control everything about the boat control the trolling motors steer drilling motor you know that type of stuff and so that was kind of my overall goal and also to make sure this thing's you know super stable and i like just a few other things so very first thing that we have here is my fish finder okay and that's the garmin striker four and right now i have it running in demo mode just to have something showing up for the for the filming and this is the portable unit which really did not cost very much more than just buying this unit by itself mounting it to the kayak or to the boat but i thought you know what it's actually easier for me to have this little portable unit has a battery inside of there and the transducer for it is right there runs right through that little pipe and that's just a pvc pipe and what i did is it goes in that scuffle hole right there and i have a male and female adapter on on two ends of a pvc pipe when i screw them together they kind of clamp themselves around that scuffer hole that's how it stays in there and then the other end is bolted to the transducer which you can see is sitting right there a little black thing underneath the boat so it's nice and tucked away so i think this boat is kind of nice for is it made a spot for the transducer so it actually works out pretty well and i usually just keep this thing right in front of me and i can just uh read what's going on um right there so i actually really like this this actually turned out being pretty good you have this little hatch right here not really much to it it's just the battery you know that's where the battery stores i also have an optimal cable so what they did in the boat just so you knows is you can hook the battery up here it goes all the way down to the back it has a plug right there we can um plug it in and then wire to your trolling motor well i also made a cable so i can put the battery back here if i want to so the other little enhancement i did right here is i built this kind of little offset thing and it holds the the paddle because i always even though it can take a motor without i always carry the paddle there's many times or not many times but a couple of times where i have to uh paddle the boat because the motor is um it's too shallow or it's in just too thick of weeds or whatever so it's got a paddle to get out of it and this so i always keep this kayak pedal with me the problem is i didn't initially have it mounted here on this kind of this side right here and it kept falling off so i then had it mounted on this top bar and the problem was it would block these two hole pull holders right here so i didn't like that so i built this little um offset right here and i'll set the paddle so it does not block those holes and also i have my outrigger sitting here which i'll talk about in a minute and you can see the pattern clears the outriggers really well right there so that actually works out really nice i have the paddle always with the boat really nice easy to put it or a place to put it works out great from here these are what i call my outriggers they added for added stability this boat is a pretty stable boat to begin with but with these things on there it basically doesn't flip at all i've tried and it won't tip over at all so i can stand up in this boat sit down this boat do whatever it's fine so basically they're just these pontoon buoys i just you know put a rod through them you can kind of see where the bolts are on the ends there and i just ran some pvc around and then i have this union right here and the reason i do this union this right here is because when i put this um on i always want to tilt it just a little bit up just to get a little bit of that kind of angle of deflection for the water and that's what i uh i do i have one of course on the other side as well see right over there and i have this uh pipe i put these little tees to see one right here and i do that so the pipe doesn't rotate okay and i have it bracketed to the boat this is the only holes i drilled in this boat was these four holes that i use for these brackets and i did use um well nuts for them i know they say walnuts aren't good for with a lot of weight but actually this held up really well so far and it's it's it's pretty much attached there so um this probably one of the best things i did next to the cart was these stabilizers because um they they go on in 30 seconds and i'll tell you the stability is unbelievable i mean just will not tip just great anyway coming back over here i took a trolley motor mounted it on the back of course you see i have no head on my trolling motor because i did not want to be turned around in my seat having to drive this boat now this is a 360 seat that comes with a boat which is actually um really nice but even with the 360 seat i don't want to be messing around with it so here's what i did as i got to thinking about it i said well i want to be able to plug the power source in and i want to be able to plug the trolling motor in because i take the battery control and motor off each time so i built this little box right here if you open it up you can see there's the plugs and the green one which is right here that one is uh the power coming in from the battery and then this blue one and the red one those are the trolling motor um plugs so they come from output of trolling motors so this one is power supply and then the other two are trolling motor all right and then just go in this little case in this case it's fine for you know rain gets on or whatever kind of puts a cover on it's technically a waterproof box and it runs through a cable here which goes to this um gray box which is basically my control box you can see right here that shows me how much is left of this battery so 62 percent of this battery left okay and then of course if you um add power to it that's going to start to be reduced but you can see that i have back there i'll run it again there are my five speeds forward okay and then i've got reverse all right so i'm able to run this motor from this control box right here i never have to turn around and do anything with it this actually works out really nice it really wasn't that big of a deal to take that little control unit out and put into into this box um so that was actually how i had power to it how i actually steer it um i had a couple different prototypes idea but this one so far is working out the best so really what it is is it's just two copper pipe brackets mounted back to back and then i have these eye bolts you can see right here uh and over on this side these are eye bolts to screw into it and then i just got some um thread or not thread some string attached to the eye bolts the string comes down and it loops around these little eye bolts right here there's one here and there's one over there and you can see that when it loops over these eye bolts it stays in the upright position you also see that it has these little handles right here so if i take it off the eye bolt if i take the the string off the eye or the um the black string off the eye bolt i steer it by just put my hand in these little handles here and the steers you know just fine the other huge advantage of this is absolutely huge is a lot of times you get in the weeds so i'm going to kind of zoom out this way a lot of times what you do is you get into the weeds and it bounds out the trolling motors the trolling motor just won't work so what this does if i pull on both the handles simultaneously and evenly it will pull this motor right out of the water if the motor is running it's going to spin those weeds right off it in a second okay so i can get have my motor bound on weeds and then you know five seconds i can have the thing cleared and popped back in i can just keep doing that or if it's just too weedy too bad i can just pop it up lock it over the eye bolts and i'll just paddle it for a little while time out of them that works out really nice i can also pitch this motor up just slightly so i've been in situations where i'm in some really shallow water i mean i don't need much maybe a foot to run this motor and say i'm in nine inches or something like that i can just pop this motor up a little bit just tilt it a little bit and it will allow me uh to get through the really shallow water now what allows that to happen is i took this little uh little band iron right here and it's actually a hose clamp and i clamped in it's hard to see but it's just this little guy right here and i clamp that in so that it does not lock into this mechanism so basically what's happening is this motor would just swing freely so if i was to take it off of the string brackets right here it would just basically um fall down in place to where it's supposed to be and then going in forward motion that would be pushing the motor more back towards the boat so it's just going to stay in place it actually works out beautifully if i go in reverse then yes i do have to put a little bit of pressure on here so there i do have to turn my chair around and kind of steer it that way which is not a big deal because i very rarely go in reverse but this has turned out so far to be the best steering mechanism because it's not so much that i wanted to be able to steer it but i also want to be able to pull it out of the water without having any issues so that worked out really good um and that's really kind of about it for all the enhancements and things i've done with this boat but it's turned out to be a really fun project um didn't really cost a whole lot to do actually more costs and prototyping different you know trials of doing things until i finally got something that worked but you know if you have any uh you know how did i do something or some other videos on how i actually did it i'll be more than happy to you know film a couple of those or talk more about it but anyway uh that's pretty much it for my modified power 100 by pelican
Channel: Scott Shaper
Views: 31,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9JGVnDddo7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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