Quick Pelican Catch Pwr 100 Fishing and Review

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what's up youtube fans what you're looking at right here is the new catch power 100 by pelican brand new this year has not been on the water i just picked mine up yesterday from bass pro shops so as you can see at this point i'm struggling i'm new to kayaking so i've watched videos but i'm struggling finally i get it to go straight and i'm moving just fine i'm not using the bixby at this point because i still want to learn how to paddle in case my bixi bixby fails or if i just want to enjoy okay tried the catch power 100 it's uh awesome i'm just not [Music] oh holy never caught a fish this big before oh man look at this thing oh man holy sh oh man look at this bad boy here wow that's a fish goodness you
Channel: Freddy Barnes
Views: 61,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nCExBNx4st8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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