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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name's Judy and today we're gonna be playing some plants vs. zombies what's going on guys hopefully you guys are having a fantastic day today because I know I am you know why I'm having a fantastic day today because I just released a super cool video on banana guns highly recommended great channel check it out to head over there go check out my newest banana against video if you haven't already after stream you have to watch gotta watch my you're gonna watch this stream purse so I wanted for today's episode plants vs. zombies to ladies and gentlemen I want to try something new there is a lot of peace shooters there's a lot of variance to the pea shooter right there is just your normal pea shooter there's your split pea you got yourself to somebody send me a message okay um there we go you also have you have you have the frickin pea pod you got you got yourself um you have the primal pea shooter you have yourself the electric pea shooter you have yourself the ICP shooter you have a lot of different pshoo ters right and I want to see if you can use literally just normal Peters hey everyone thank you so much coming out from the baka rage you guys are awesome you guys are beautiful thanks so much for coming out to the stream I love you all you guys are awesome smash that like button if you guys are enjoying and having a good time today subscribing you're just like a static I don't know how you pronounce your name but let's get right into this guy so let's go back to let's do let's I'm feeling let's just go back to you know our good old ancient Egypt times I feel like it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun everyone thank you so much we have 300 people immediately coming I mean a thousand people immediately coming down to the stream it just updated that's crazy guys you guys are awesome here let's uh let's go out to the harder loved levels I feel like these are a lot more fun to play on your weight here we go let's try this one real fast um hopefully as will do this but hey everyone thank you so much come out to the stream you guys are wow this is a lot of these are all like here these are actually also bad I want to just like sell them because I'm never gonna I like never going to use no no can I just hear yeah let's just get rid of like the ones that I'm never going to use like I'll never use that one or that one there we go and now we can plant these things though because now that we plant on them there we go all right let's just get back we're going back to business though hey class your dragons you're going to the stream you're awesome banana guns great Channel check it out Niles my boy Niles in there everyone in the stream I want you all to wish Niles a happy birthday because it's Niles his birthday today so if you guys could all say happy birthday to him that would mean the world to him because he's an awesome dude I've known him for I mean I haven't known him known him but I he's been around for a long time I consider him one of the cooler dudes in the streams because he's just been around for so long he's super nice awesome guy on Twitter he has always is always making me laugh at the silly because everything so say happy birthday to my main man Niles happy birthday dude hopefully you're having a fantastic day today I'll make sure to get you that video as soon ish I might it might not be today but I will get you the video you asked for um also I'm gonna add you I'll try to edge on steam and that maybe we can hang out play some games or something I don't know we'll just figure it but happy birthday Niles you're a beautiful individual bud so let's get this party started [Music] alrighty so obviously we're gonna need Sun right so let's grab ourselves or we're gonna need you let's get our Goldblum duplicate the Goldblum because that's just how we roll up in here um fire peashooter let's upgrade him because he's not upgrade we got to get him nice and tough nice and tough ladies and gentlemen everyone's wondering wallows you know I tell you what ladies and gentlemen if we can hit 2,000 likes waddles to come and hang out he's a little tired right now but 2,000 light it'll encourage them to come out and hang out I'm just begging for likes but I really want to get 2,000 likes and so does waddles guys so if you want to make my WAP me and mr. waddle sappy smash that like button all right queso we can only use peashooters well and then sunflowers right and thanks for son so let's get all the different types of pee sure so we have a fire we've got an electric we can get a three Peter let's get a normal repeater and I feel like if we get a Peapod I feel like there we go all different types of peashooters all right so this ought to be interesting the first thing that I haven't that that I'm thinking of guys is we're going to put down the electric piece yours you might be going to do why do we want the electric peashooters because the electric peashooters are actually going to shoot through watch and there take out all of these look see look it's going to damage all of them so we're going to want to put these right here and they're going to start slowly but surely dealing with all of these so that's why we're going to want the electric peashooters here we go we'll just put the electric peashooters down real fast because I feel like that I feel like that's going to really really work with it no no idea but thank you so much waiters past two thousand live viewers that is incredible thank you everyone we're coming out of the stream you guys are awesome you guys are beautiful all right here we need we need I think we're going to need like one here we go can we get there we go oh now already a huge wave of zombies are approaching I'm not ready with her this all right there you go now let's get a line of fire peashooters I feel like that's the I think that's the goal here oh my gosh this is not good these guys are not these guys are not good can we take it oh no can we take this can we get rid of this guy oh we're gonna need um our lows boost us come on all right there we go fire peashooter let's those it'll start throwing some pipe fire pea shooters down I feel like those are going to be greatly appreciated come on come on come on come on come on all right I feel like that might oh there we go there's some Sun for us okay come on can we deal with this guy no no no here here here oh whoops that was not good this is not good um here let's just honestly let's just do this and get it out of the way and just be like yeah yeah whatever is what it is here more fire pea shooters during a perfecter who's messaging me on my phone stop messaging me okay there we go okay there we go and then here we go let's go put that down I don't like the fact that this guy's in the way this is not good stop hitting my freaking guide ubers okay wait hey let's just boost them real fast and that still didn't kill oh my gosh we're in a bit of we're in a little bit of trouble guys I let slowed down some three Peters this might not be as easy as I thought it was going to be guys these guys are not even budging okay oh there we go all we just managed to get them right there okay but they still oh yeah it's not good just keep it and I'm just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming it's a lot of damage that's a lot of damage so we're doing good are you like no of course not you're not late the party's just starting I don't know what's going on isn't God good okay I feel like so much chaos happened so fast that like I don't even know what to do anymore here we're gonna need to here let's put this guy down more fire damage thank you okay we're gonna have to try to deal with these guys somehow okay we're gonna have to put you down there let's put a fire peashooter down there just keep hitting them just keep it and I'm come on come on come on come on come on come on alrighty just more damage that's all we need more damage just spam everything we can we needed okay hi there's that guy now we just got we don't have oh no we're losing Sun there we go here electric be sure to just just anything anything and everything to stop him from blowing now I think we nah I mean we managed to get through but not easily like that not was not easy Hey look it's actually the same it looks like the exact same as the gargantuan it was not I actually did not notice that all right we're just gonna roll with it then I wonder how many coins we a75 go into my favorite bong Choi you know what I'm okay with it we're just gonna we're just gonna roll with it guys we don't have a choice i sub a lot thank you for subscribing a lot I appreciate you dude you're awesome and we almost have 3000 live viewers guys if you guys are enjoying smash that like button mm like waddles gonna come hang out with us all right let's back let's back it up guys back it up alrighty let's see where else would would be an interesting place to try out the pea shooters we could do the Lost City let's do one that has like the extended levels we could do Jurassic Marsh um we could do modern-day let's go to modern day because modern day is always crazy like modern days always a crazy time right guys so let's go over to the more crazy modern levels those are the gargantuars that always run at you and you're like wait how am I supposed to with that well let me tell you let's try 25 hopefully there's nothing like crazy or special that you have to do but normally it is it's just like you have to do is not nice and I'm like I don't wanna see these are a bunch of special things I don't want to play this level I wish it told me like hey just want to let you know that this is the level that you're going to do and I'm just like I don't know hey no don't worry a lot of people go nuts in did you miss anything you did not miss anything we're just starting the stream just hanging out having a good time you haven't missed anything just yet but thank you so much for everyone coming out of the stream you guys are awesome and stick around because after the stream I'm going live immediately with another stream today we're going to be in the second stream today we're going to be doing something that a lot of people have been requesting for a very long time we're going to actually be playing clash Royale now now now now now now now bear with me guys because I have never played clash Royale in my entire life I've never played this game the first time ever I'm going to be playing it so you guys are gonna have to bear with me tonight you're gonna have to bear with me because it's gonna be something it's gonna be it's gonna oh primal peashooter that's what we forgot primal peashooter so good how could we have forgotten primal peashooter it's too good okay I really want the snow pea shooter snow pea shooter so good um what other ones do we want I feel like the fire pea shooter is also really good where is it fire pea shooter where it areas alrighty let's rock and roll boys a lot of some people are like really excited some people and and then damn damn so we'll see well F is it lazy guys if you're not a huge Reina class Rory L I mean it's not the bit it's not the end of the world right you don't have to watch clash Royale you can lose you're always going to be a whole bunch of other things you can watch on the channel because like I said I'm going to be hopefully trying out and playing a new game every single day so get ready for that guys I'm I'm really excited for that I'm really excited for the fact that I might be doing so this is going to be I'm just really excited right because there's going to be a whole bunch of new games on the channels all right here we just need to start throwing down like everything just because I feel like that was the problem is I never put down enough plants and I have and I have enough thing so Americans celebrate Father's Day yes sir mister danuel we I'm pretty sure that I mean yeah we celebrate Father's Day at least I celebrate Father's Day so we'll just have to see how that yeah I'm pretty sure that it's a pretty big holiday here in America not every I don't know if everyone celebrates it but I don't think anybody there's no there's no one thing that everybody celebrates so here we go is put you down here we can start putting out fire pea shooters as well start getting as many as these as we can there we go now we got a full line of electrics okay there we go oh my gosh and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom looky this guy's crazy yeah oh whoops that was a mistake I want to know what happens when that guy just blows up I don't know damn I lost it okay there we go just keep going just keep pushing them out keep pushing them back more fire peashooters if possible please okay no gosh dang it it's guys super obnoxious already keep going just keep oh no now it's the finally this is not good this is not good at all ladies and gentlemen this isn't good I tell you this is really bad okay oh there's so many wizards how in the world am I supposed to deal with all these wizards bad wizards I have wizards gone there we go oh hey that guy's like mmm wait okay there we go here we can I feel like if we put that right there and then we can put just like this guy here that's gonna be there we go that Widow that went over really well I was surprised I was pleasantly surprised someone went way way better so I mean I'm okay with this I don't I just look over a jet I just see it's like feather ghosts don't you dare shoot that banana I don't know what he's talking about I'm rather terrified banana guns great Channel check it out guys my second channel if you haven't already go subscribe to banana guns first link in the description I uploaded a brand new video it's a youtuber epic nerf battle where basically all your favorite youtubers come together and we just battle out with nerf guns it's a lot of fun people like moose traffic speakable gaming Troma is that boogie2988 um Mango Tango all those youtubers are all in it guys so if you want to see that highly recommend go check it out in the description after the stream is done go just go watch giver to watch and subscribe turbine handguns if you want to this no I don't even think I I don't know if I have the snow pea shooter I'm not I'm not entirely sure well I'm gonna go here let me let me go see I don't think I have the snow pea shooter which would be kind of funny if I didn't know see I don't have I don't has the snow pea shooter I need I need to get the snow pea shooter but I don't have it yet maybe one day maybe one day it's whatever it's I mean it is what it is right now just the basically the same thing at the same time right so um Oh laughs and that was actually that's a pretty good idea a lot of session just had a really cool idea here let's try one in the LA City it's called the timed plant challenge where I can only use plants that disappear or are down for a limited amount of time so that would actually be really cool right because you can only do like um you could do put puff shrooms um bloom through or bloom thingies all and a whole bunch of other things I'm down with that okay so primal sunflower let's get a gold bloom that's what I mean yeah battle imitator let's grab ourselves a um let's say fire pea shooter that's pretty nice Electric peashooters going to be pretty big here and then the primal pea shooter where's the primal pea shooter primal pea shooters huge like those 3p shooters are like the best in my opinion and then we can get ourselves let's grab ourselves one of those I feel like that I feel like that's going to be the best there we go okay clickbait clickbait somebody just said clickbait I mean out of literally any video I have you you picked the one video that's probably the least click baby video I ever do that's I'm just is a liver fine see the thing is right the thing with that is like ice I admit that I sometimes do kind of click baby stuff but most the time it's like not clickbait right it's like not even an exaggerated truth I normally do exactly what's in the video I just title it in a very very strangely worded way just just saying just saying guys it's not it's not actually clickbait because it's what is part of a video just just saying so I'm not saying it's right but it's funny though alright here we go let's go with that one and then oh yeah that's that's where the video is we have because of the banana gun video is down in the description for any of you that actually want to check it out I didn't need more look these guys are just getting destroyed this is awesome either now I'm out of Sun this is lit now I'm completely out of Sun and that's like oh my favorite okay I need to I'm trying to see where is um I've completely forgot what I was about to do so how did you get PVC on a computer I actually used a program called BlueStacks it's an emulator I might actually do tutorial - how to play plants vs. zombies on PC I'm actually very tempted to do that okay here we go can we get I don't even need to put anything else down I mean I guess I could here we can put it okay let's put you there and then we can just put like a full line of like random there we go and then we can put I mean I just here we put you there and then we I mean just more the more the merrier right guys there we go put you right there put you right there oh look at it guys is beautiful it's beautiful ha ha ha ha ha oh that's what I'm talking about ladies and gentlemen and there we go easy peasy lemon squeezy but make sure you guys this isn't gonna be the only stream I do take I have to right after the stream I'm going to immediately be doing another stream highly recommend you come and hang out and check that out with me would be super awesome I'm gonna be playing clash royale for the first time ever so I'm gonna need you guys know to yell at me and tell me how to play the game cuz I'm obviously gonna have no clue what I'm doing cuz I'm not that I'm gonna be really poopy guys so you know what that's gonna oh that's what I was going to do thank you for reminding me Paige um yeah if we can hit whoops right thingy we have 2000 likes ladies and gentlemen walls gonna come hang out with us waddles you guys know waddles he wants to come hang out mm like guys will bring wattles out all right let's go all right we've tried so the picture the picture only shrek is working out it's you know what it's pretty legit not gonna lie guys it's it's it's working out pretty well pretty well pretty well but it but it but it but but it'd be pretty good pretty good pretty good ah here we go let's go over to level 23 we're gonna try level 23 hopefully there's no like silly challenge saying defeat and I think we can make we can manage that we should be able to make yeah we can manage that that'll work that'll work it's Oh buddy that's a bench of it right Oh what is it oh no what is very good welcome to my you and all of your streamers what is that it's a caramel a fidget spinner Ted pronged donger this is this is a caramel spigen Sprinter guys is a chocolate fidget spinner it looks like poop this what is this I just want to thank you for everything you do and for putting a smile on our jellybeans faces every day I was also wondering if BlueStacks is safe and why you pay for it or can I use can I use I want you the free version I'll want the genuine a link to it please okay also I've died just got your donation thank you so much for the donation I'll read it out as soon as we're done with this um okay all right you ready for this button are you ready for this aye aye captain all right it out of the mold all right so I have is that the challenge of the video China it's a very food spinner it's an edible is it that's how you do oh it's coming out nice no it's not okay all right the camera it's coming it's coming out perfectly guys real nice oh look at this it's I'm not I'm not gonna eat this because I feel like I'm gonna get whatever this mold is like in in nah it's a mold like it not like actual more stuffs not moldy it's not mold EP um this is guys like I'm gonna give it a good old spin well that is it nice got a good old spit on my hold on hold on okay oh there ya Warrick's he's spinning it is been a great fidget you shouldn't have eaten it I really shouldn't nope no action well spit it out do we put laxatives in it - we put stool hardener oh that doesn't taste like jello that not then then not first fidget spinner I call it a success how is something I'm I'm probably gonna die now aren't I uh very likely if I don't stream tomorrow ladies and gentlemen I died well have fun berrigan's Dre channel check it out check out the Bendre video Channel things or whatever that's the one I'm actually gonna die now probably guys that was mmm that was not jello am i okay anyways let's can let's try this again guys we're worried I don't know oh by the way thank you so much for the UM yeah for the donation for what I'm trying to uh you said for blue sex yes I use BlueStacks I cannot I mean I personally I think it's safe but I can't guarantee you that it's a safe program to use I'm not going to back it up and go oh yeah it's um 100% safe program used I don't know it's an emulator right you have to use at your own risk um so I don't know I pay for BlueStacks just so that you can use it for free I pay for it just so you guys don't get ads because I don't want you guys seeing ads because that would be kind of that'd be like double images no no not that not today so we're not gonna do that but yeah I'll if blue stacks I'm not gonna link it but you can just look it up blue stacks I might do a video on it though and not entirely sure though anyways back to back to business ladies and gentlemen alright let's get ourselves um here let's get ourselves what were we looking for fire fire fire peashooter um primal peashooter I feel like it's going to be incredibly important here um and let's get ourselves that and that alrighty let's roll Electric peashooters incredibly good guys it's like super good here let's get like a couple of these okay um okay um okay one more and we can put that right there and then here we'll put you there we'll put you there we just got to put as many of these things down as we can the more the more the merrier the more the merrier alright put more of these guys down electric peashooter and then we should be good we should be good ladies and gentlemen um merry guys - you know what you know what walls one if we can hit one point five thousand likes water we'll waddles will come up that's one point five thousand likes okay that's that's the new Waddell says you'll come out at one point five thousand likes ladies and gentleman that's the new it's the new metal everybody the electric Pete is actually really good you could use literally just the electric Pete and then just wreck everything no problemo that's all you need just the electric peashooter there we go we can put you down um can we take this guy out oh wait no that's it's fine he can fly over it right it's fine if he flies over it there we go look at that look how strong that is it's so good it's so o P oh my gosh there we go we just got done we got it we got it and we got one point five thousand likes what else is there Waddell says a low subscribe to my channel please okay here we go Wallace's hang it while gonna hang out with us guys alright there we go gone this is not looking good for us okay here here was put honestly let's just put more electric peashooters there we go here we can put you down there we go we can put you down quit was at it I think we might up I think we might have literally just one I think we I think we oh I think that was hey we did it we didn't even do anything we still did it yeah that's what I'm talking about ladies and gentlemen whoop there we go waddle says bad um oh so somebody just said sonic - feels I have a hundred gems one by either the peanut or the fire P honestly I'd go with the peanut but neither of them are that great like I don't use either of them in my final lineup but I um I'm not entirely sure but we're gonna be ending the stream for right now guys but the streaming fun isn't over yet because one you can go over to banana guns because it's going to take me about 10 minutes to set this all up head over to banana guns and watch my new video that I just released it's called the epic youtuber nerf battle highly recommend it super awesome subscribe to banana against this great channel and I'll be back in about 10 to 15 minutes with a another stream where I'm going to be playing clash Royale so stick around for that guys it's going to be super fun I've never played this game before so you're gonna have to bear with me as we play through this if you want to stick around and be super awesome if you don't no worries because I'm just trying out new games I'm going to be playing hopefully for this week a new game every single day plus plants vs. zombies so we'll have to see how it goes bye everyone thank you so much for like and subscribing and commenting whoa I'll be right back
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 600,105
Rating: 4.8905983 out of 5
Keywords: Plants Vs Zombies, Zombies, Plants, Peashooter VS Zombies, Zombies VS pea shooters, Plants VS Zombies livestream, Tewtiy Plants VS Zombies, Plants VS Zombies Tewtiy, Plants VS Zombies gameplay, Livestream, Zombies livestream, Walking dead, Tewtiy, Tewiy
Id: KTJab9-fn7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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