what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan a 2t and today we're gonna plant ourselves some plants vs. zombies because you guys know what's up because today is the day we get the soybean guys we're gonna do everything in our power to see if we can unlock the soybean I'm scared hey guys we got promoted to the iron League let's go wait I got 40 minutes for that yo okay so the time remaining is in four days so four days remaining to try to get this we need to get 200 to do it I think we can do it it's going to be a little bit crazy but we need to accomplish this if we can do it we're gonna pull it off guys so hey everyone thank you so much for going out to the stream you guys are awesome you guys are enjoying hit that like button subscribe maybe turn on notifications alright this is different this is very yummy get the soy bean oh my gosh alright let's go okay so for the soy bean I feel like if we're going up against a boss we're gonna need a way to get more Sun like permanently get Sun so we're probably gonna want primal sunflowers more than likely we're gonna want I kind of want to just keep the soybeans because the soybeans are insane like they're actually crew completely entirely insane so we're also gonna want one of these guys that Goldblum's oh I have an idea let's get the power lilies wait we're gonna need to duplicate these guys we're also gonna want the power lilies what else do we want what else do you think we need for this um how about we get the where's the weight how much does those cost 500 I don't have 500 I think we should do the cold Snapdragon let's also upgrade that I mean the toughness damage yeah I like that a lot alrighty so what does a lot to it what is that what in the world is that Oh apparently that's what does a lot of damage to it that oh wait so you're saying that the hypno shroom is gonna I mean we're all right collie powers what so P against these guys this might be too much for us guys this might be too much okay let's see how this works so we can before we do this we might want to do a full or just one line of Sun in the front right one just lying just that'll just constantly give us Sun right okay and then that's that alright let's rock let's do this alright so now we have to deal with so I have to beat this guy I'm very confused what we're dealing with I'm very very confused with what like what needs to be done but that's fine no don't take my son that's my son it's my only son okay oh no I got the power Lily I got no I guess it works but at the same time it's not what I wanted oh oh it's not good here can i oh no I can't do that well that's kind of tedious you know we're gonna need to slow this guy down we're gonna want to boost this guy like right now and I mean right now we're gonna want to boost them we're gonna want another soy pod right there what are you doing you're gonna destroy my plant wait what happens okay so that's what that happens if that's okay I was wondering what would happen if that was the case I don't even know what's going on there's too many zombies everywhere this is madness those guys actually these they replenish so quickly what's happening over here this is becoming too much I can't deal with all these getting too crazy few bad guys I have so much Sun right now I'm losing horrendously right now this guy is 300,000 points I really don't know what I'm doing wrong right now um I feel like I need Kali power I feel like more Kali power is gonna be way better if I could have more of those cuz I have so much Sun I just feel like I can't do anything right here where we can just fast-forward all this I probably feel fat we definitely lost this one the strategy is not working drugs probably because all the zombies are dying around this area and that's definitely not what we want here I can I'm just gonna surrender I'm not gonna be able to beat this guy he already completely destroyed me what did he use interesting very interesting not now let's try I kind of want to restart the street anyways so let's see what happens here I even I already got that thing what do you what are you talking about alright so let's try this again we have 29 things I'm pretty confident with how we're gonna do this we tried the soy beans and the soy bean was good but I feel like the Kali power is gonna be the strongest here just as the Kali power normally is the strongest right we're gonna want the Kali power the primal sunflowers were doing a lot I want the primal sunflowers I want the gold blooms I want double gold blooms I also want the Snapdragon and I got the wrong thing I want the tile turned out the tile turned up is what I really wanted like having that tile turnabout fields gonna be really really really good all right let's see how this works guys wish me luck we don't I didn't get the normal sunflower oh I think that's still gonna be okay or at least I hope so we'll see like I said where we're still figuring out exactly how we want to go about the strategy so that guys the ten thousand bonus if we can take him out if we're able to take him out though here we're gonna put that there we can put him there all right cold Snapdragon all right how's that working for us hopefully it's doing something hopefully it's doing something for us if I would have been really upset at that firing I I destroyed that like I would have been really really upset we get there's so much Sun just drops from the sky actually I feel like we almost have an unlimited supply of Sun this is working pretty well for me okay there we go keep doing your thing oh my gosh we have so much Sun it seems like look at this all this sunshine alright let's boost this and that should boost all of them right there we go that should care yeah yeah that's getting rid of most of them not all of them but we're making it we're trying to make it work oh my gosh this is so tedious why are you targeting all of my my beautiful plans curse you you're too rude no he ran over all my plants again this guy's not very nice but we're at 44,000 right now which is isn't amazing a gem but they screaming out the stream appreciate you good come on oh no is he gonna run through it of course he is why wouldn't you so if that's the case we might not want to use the collie powers but at the same time I mean 61,000 okay but it's not amazing you know what I'm saying you guys picking up on what I am happen to put down right now I mean more soybeans is I want to put soy beans all of these and then just have giant gargantuan Ramon in nowhere you know that's what I'm talking about oh here we can put you there you guys we put you there we'll put you there all right we're gonna boost it let's do it pull you this and then boom here comes the giant army oh well there goes that guy that was very nice so we got to a hundred thousand but still that's not that good we could definitely be doing better we have a lot of sunshine yeah blood design I see you're hanging around jammer we have a lot of Sun right like we we have had so much Sun so I feel like we can definitely do we need yes Sun falls down like a crazy crazy amount so what are we missing what would be a good strategy are a good team if u 1v1 me unsticky so homing missiles and three Peters are really good apparently interesting I'll keep that in mind we definitely don't need anything there son sounds like we have so much done right so we might not even need those goals I might get one Goldblum just because it'll make it a little bit easier on us but other than that I think electric peashooters are gonna be really nice um let's see I don't know what else we're gonna want them try the mistletoe we want things that's slow we definitely want things that's slow so we did end up winning by quite a bit but that's still not exactly what we want I'm trying to fake thing quotes like you know that Opie strategy we're looking for hey we got a gauntlet awesome all right I'm gonna just I'm just gonna continue onward you know what I'm saying I'm just gonna keep doing it iron League bundle I don't need no iron the bundle I'm riding look at that we're already at the top of the bundle or on top of the iron League where are we I'm not even paying attention okay what is the strategy now that we need we have lots of Sun but what doesn't work for us I have no idea um let's see they're weak I don't know what the timer is but they're so we definitely want to be using these guys but I don't know what those guys are going to quote um let's see let's see I feel like the electric peashooter it's gonna be really good here like I feel I want to use that I want to use a I don't think rape shots gonna work but I definitely want to try a grape shot I just want one grape shot we're trying out new things for the most part in seeing out seeing what really works for us right where is I want the thing that cuz we I want the gold blue because the gold one is insanely strong now what else do we need um we have two more slots left big explosions mistletoe and freeze melon would be Opie I think let's try mistletoe actually let's get the freeze melons freeze melons are gonna be good we have so much money we can do kind of whatever we want with them but now how are we gonna deal with let's see are there is there anything that we can't really deal with not that I can think of I think this is gonna be pretty good by itself I don't know if there's anything else people want thistles I I'm just not a fan of the thistles because you have to have like two plants for him to really be good you know so I I'm not not a fan not a fan let's go with um honestly I have no idea I feel a little overwhelmed to you that's electric I feel like we could get a witch hazel but what she's little I will just get where it's gonna go with a witch hazel I have everything that I want to try this round for the most part which I just want a full line of these guys there we go and let's do it and right off the bat do I want more so we get a bonus 10,000 if we're able to take out that guy which are you serious he's instantly gonna try to destroy me oh my gosh that's so agitating that is very aggravating that's how that works but look how fast everything like responds that's actually really nice because so I think everything responds that like do we get points for all my gosh grapes out grape shots count towards everything Oh nobody told me that Oh sign me up guys sign me up I'm ready to go now I am so ready to go now I didn't know explosives counted like this so we're gonna put explosive oh my gosh that's so Opie that's so Opie all right more more more of the stuff oh I figured out the strats guys I have figured out the stress okay but we definitely are gonna need a lot for sunshine here we can just do that in thank you it just gave me a whole bunch of Sun which is very very useful the problem is these Goldblum's do not recharge you normally they recharge at a very very very slow pace okay keep going I think I think I beat him another time I'm pretty sure that I did in fact alright here we go more how's the winter melon spoon one more winter melons we can put down so many electric peashooters this is insane it feels almost unfair for how many electric features we can have down this is crazy this is the strategy we're at 380,000 already already were at 380,000 nothing can beat us literally they just in everything just instantly dies okay here let's put this right here so we don't have to deal with any of those guys we're 400,000 guys we figured out the strategy we've figured out the strategies this guy can't do anything he's like her micellar we're at bonus 40,000 all right here grapeshot instead of the witch hazel we just get another explosive that's that's all we need is that instead of the great instead of witch hazel we just get one more big explosive that's that's actually yeah instead of a change that we want just one more like really good explosive thing that we can use maybe the jalapeno but I don't know we'll have to see we get another bonus 50,000 if we take out that guy guys I don't even know what to say we're almost a million points we are time we are more than tenfold than what the other guy has which is insane to me I'm saying what that was crazy this was insane guys this is the strategies that I'm talking about 750 six seven wins your next member Street my next remember like gyms either gonna is gonna be tomorrow so it'll probably be tomorrow morning ish for that yo we got three minutes from that okay that was crazy we got 31 and I got 50 jumps sweet we got to keep pushing home again we got to get that soy bean oh my gosh that guy already took my spot how rude that was not very nice of him at all okay we're learning more okay we're learning more about this strategies what goes into what what we need to do to accomplish it I think the first thing we want to do is the same thing we had we did not use the would change though instead of the would change oh we could go crazy and get the cherry bomb let's see what I feel like the cherry bomb would probably be the best out of all of them I don't know the grape shots always here let's upgrade the grape shot what does that do more damage faster any charge I think I might just get to grape shots I think I think that's what I want I think I want just two grape shots do I want let's see let's see I don't know um let's see let's see I'm trying to think what would be the best option here I still think this is probably the best we got going for us so yeah this is definitely what we want we definitely we want a full because the electric peashooters just do so much damage and with the slow like it's crazy alright so I say we start off by getting as much Sun as possible I say we just use all of them right at the start just to get all of this song there we go and now more electric speakers because the electric peashooters go through everything they don't care they go through literally everything there we go and now they're just slow look look look look at how it destroys all of them here I feel like that's gonna be pretty good to just put that down for more Sun more XP there we go and we just want to put down as many electric few shooters down here as we can because now it the with these things it slows everything everything gets slowed which is just so so so so nice there we go I don't all right we got the first thing which gives us a bonus 10,000 no he's gonna take out that guy he's I like that guy here I feel like we should take we should use take more advantage of our cherry bombs are not our the grapeshot the grape shots are so valuable there we go and just whenever I can just print shot and just constantly keep them back with the grape shots oh no a sandstorm and then we just used the grape shots which uses just all of those explosions constantly so I I don't know I'm kind of a fan with how this is working what do you guys think I think if we we are gonna want a full line of electrically shooters down this line and once we have this I think we're good to go and then we just non-stop we just put down the grape shots and we just use the great shots to our advantage so this does all the other damage and now we use just grape shots and stuff just for even more crazy damage there we go we're about to get the other um the other damage bonus boom okay that starts giving us just crazy crazy XP so I can't plan anything there which is kind of annoying that is bold colony just happens to be right there but either way it is what it is um let's just put down more electric features there's no point not to right I mean we have how much we still have a minute left wit almost 700,000 again we might be able to oh not this guy not this guy not this guy oh no I think you might have broken it I'm not sure no when you got rid of all of my plants oh I have to restart again I mean I guess it's not the end of the world it'll be kind of tedious we're almost at a million points 1 million points that doesn't even seem fair guys does that seem fair not to me can we get to a million points before this ends a million points their car diving in a break at 100,000 were over here about to hit an entire million home all right 10 seconds left can we get a million can we get a million I don't think we're gonna be able to get a million guys but still absolutely in sane we got to keep trying until we can hit a million guys we had 900,000 that was crazy guys absolutely crazy let's keep it going guys because I know we're gonna be able to pull it off guys well because we need we need that soy soy bean or the soy pod soy pod it's called soy bean it is a soy bean the soy bean is amazing okay and battle again this is gonna give us 2000 coins actually this is gonna be so good I don't think we needed to change anything up I think we got the right strategy honestly like I don't think there's anything different that I'd want to do with this because I feel like the grape shot it shoots off into the corners and it just does tons and tons of damage I don't think yeah I don't think there's any other ones that I want maybe Obama granite I'm just gonna try the Bhama granite and just see how it does I'm not a huge fan of the Ballmer granite but I think I think using it could help so we'll see all right so the first things first is a full line of these guys let's rock and then immediately I want to use all of my bonuses yeah bombs are just so good with this okay there we go oh he's immediately targeting me I do not think that's very nice of him at least it didn't take out my there we go more Electric peashooters okay few shooters I need to get rid of that that's kind of annoying I'm gonna put a grape shot right there so it gets rid of that thing well it didn't get completely rid of it but it got rid of most of it all right and then from here we're gonna want to put the wrist look up to ask these things respawn they almost respond instantly there we go more Sun you cannot get away from me sunshine we're almost there the Goldblum's almost ready to be put down yeah the fact that it gets slowed I think this might be one of the best Ramos honestly all right what happens is so they don't go on to the goal and so maybe it's not that strong but honestly I can use it so often that it might be worth it just to constantly keep on the granite Center so it's just like all you see constantly it does all those pesky Bhama Granite's yet to deal with I don't know what do you guys think probably not because you can't can you play it you still can no I think great shot the great shots so much better yeah the grapeshot is just super duper nice I like the cream shot with Waymon way more okay let's go here and more electric pea shooters that's just the electric peashooters just way too strong my there we go because if we just spam the not the yeah the electric peashooters like SuperDuper strong but on top of the electric Peter the the grapeshot I feel like I see we're not making as much money this time and I can't help but wait oh my gosh there we go oh my gosh we just got a whole bunch of money I mean we're still completely crushing the competition but I think were I think every time is a little is going to be a little bit different I'm just happy that this guy isn't rushing constantly because when he rushes and he takes out a full row of plants that's so much money that's wasn't wasted it just lost to never ever come back I don't know which one oh oh yeah I feel like using the grapeshot here is just so valuable oh my gosh we've already jumped up to 700,000 again okay yeah this is so good okay there we go and what's a Curie what are you talking about I do see this time we ended up with way more money than we like me to like we have so much money I guess we should just never stop down putting putting electric features down the more electric features we have down the better right I don't know what stronger electric peashooters or the other one I don't know just use bombs okay yeah I feel like I feel like just oh yeah it looks like I have cat ears using this yeah it's always funny all right well we're still doing it we got to just keep powering through use torch root and three Peter no we don't need any of that okay this strategy is absolutely destroying it right now this strategy is completely overpowered okay this is like at this insane boss battle okay okay let's do a same thing but I'm not a fan of that I'd much rather just get a repeater of that all right and we want to put down more things this time I feel like we didn't put down enough plants that's what we really want to focus on do we want more winter melons or more electric peashooters maybe we do or winter melons check out the soybean I can't I have to keep the soybean in unfortunately okay there we go all right winter melon okay another lucky shooter winter man then let your peashooter and okay perfect and we almost have another full line of these guys winter melons are just so crazy expensive but I feel like they do a lot of damage so maybe we do want more winter melons than electric peashooters but it's my brains trying to process it guys oh we're actually oh we need we need we need this guy right here oh my gosh oh it stopped him I think he was gonna try to rush it and it ended up not working because he rushed to quit like he rushed raining in the bomb if that's the case if that's all I have to do to stop him from rushing in I'm gonna be so happy okay I need to remember that I need to keep that in mind all right we're gonna try more winter melons this time and just see if the winter melons do more or not more more or less see which one is the one this is the thing that they do okay more winter my name's and the electric peashooters here you're not going anywhere because the winter melons also do AoE damage so I can also see the winter melons absolutely crushing it you know I feel so bad the other guy in the enemy team oh he had 14,000 and he just jumped up to 65,000 insanity okay there we go what do you what do we thinks gonna happen here guys what is zero so we can stop him so all we have to do is put down a thing if we see him rushing there we go more bombs I'm still deciding which ones what's better guys to have the Sun have more winter melons or have more is he rushing in now he's just gonna try to take out one of my clients wait can I stop I'm doing that I don't think so which is very unfortunate but that's okay right we're already at so world we already have so much money the winter melon might be the strategy guys I wouldn't I think the winter melon is how we do it the winter melon is so powerful it's so crazy OB okay there we go a full line of winter melons let's go this guy is being very relentless right now all right we only have 16 seconds left all righty come on a million points a million points we can do it we can do it a million we did it - million points guys million points guys 1.3 million points that was in sane guy's comparatively - his almost not even 250,000 guys that was crazy if you guys are enjoying you guys want to see more you guys know what to do hit that like button subscribe as well as turning on notifications means the world to me when you guys do and shows your support here on the channel let's keep sewing guys I think we found the strategy guys ok I think we've gotten all it like this is the game winning strategy here I don't see how we lose how in the world like I genuinely do not think there's a stronger strategy than the one we have right now maybe if the plant I mean I the stronger strategies if you just had these plants but a higher level like this electric peashooters only level 3 I wish it was a higher level honestly that'd be way cooler what does this guy up he's not he's not up to doing anything that okay that's fine no stop taking my son that's a lot of Sun okay there we go more electric peashooters and more winter melons okay see the winter melons I I firmly believe are definitely where it's at the winter melons are just so good like a full line of winter melons and you just look this guy's out he's at 54,000 already here no idea I bet you this guy thinks he's like a winning at the time I bet he's like dude I got this you know this guy doesn't stand a chance against me and then all of a sudden he's gonna be like oh wait a second she probably does have a chance against me okay more we are two minutes in he's still double my points but I'm not I'm not worried in this whole life there we go we're gonna need everything if I beat him do I get a bonus and no when do I get that giant like surplus of this right there that like giant surplus of sand in the sand I meant son I just mix up all my words oh we just we literally just passed him already we've already passed him he was double my points just a second ago and here we are guys but we're about to just skyrocket past this guy okay he has no chance anyone see every time believe that every time it gets like close they're just good together that's gonna give me enough Sun to be able to get the next winter melon I don't know oh no I wasn't able to stop him in time I just lost out so much Sun by doing that he might beat me now because I've done that I'm kind of upset now we've were in quite the pickle now guys this isn't good this is gonna be a closer battle now now that he was able to get that not looking good I'm very interested to see what types of plants this guys end up having I don't know I stopped him from eating all of the plants so we're okay in that regards but we're still not doing as well as we could be doing right now we're definitely still in the rough spots 30 seconds left never mind we're double this points right now okay where I was a little bit worried but we're doing all right we're doing all right here there we go now oh we might hit a million no joke we might hit a million again here I was so worried thank goodness we just got more Sun I desperately needed that and yeah we're not gonna hit a million again but at least we weren't able to win at the end we almost got the million we almost got the million again ghostpepper interesting strategy that he's got going on there I don't know how he got so far using just those plants but that's super awesome I was almost bested I was almost a we got five minutes yes we're doing so good we have 66 minutes I want to get that electric mint that'll be so nice wait you know what let's go to the store I want to see something guys is there a way to let's look let's look is there stuff for electric plants let's see because wait no it's premium plants right yeah so there's there's the premium pinata which is really what I want but I don't think we can because I'm being able to get um so see there's all those what that's insane that's $100 see the things I want to upgrade to my electric peashooter right because it's only level 3 upgrading it increases the damage and like it's gonna be so good I'd love to get the filament to I feel like getting the filament would be opie especially with my strategy right honestly if I had the filament I'd replace one of those to just get the filament and then I would just do all electric peashooters all except for like a line of winter melons right but for the most part this will be more than fine and let's see this right off the bat you're gonna have to be rude like that sir that is not OK in the slightest that makes me very upset that you had to be just so rude to me sir so rude indeed uh why you have to be so mean all right thousand points all right now let's get on another winter melon oh let's look let's put this right there that should give us a decent amount of points real fast all right we need let's get I guess another wave of electric peashooters we're gonna put another winter melon probably right there let's put this guy right there just so we can shoot all those guys push them back make sure nobody is getting close to us right that's the last thing that I want I don't want anyone next to us no our arc winter melon no they're so expensive why do you have to be so rude why do you have to destroy him like that he wanted to just be friends with you well he didn't want to be friends with me if you wanted to destroy you is he gonna okay I think I always need to make sure I have a one grapeshot ready in case he tries to charge cuz as soon as he charges I'm in like I'm just basically done for so because if he charges and destroys all my plants what am I supposed to do I literally can't do anything so I want to make sure that I'm good to go if he tries to do anything fishy but no anything suspicious indeed I don't want I don't want any of that where my mouse go I miss my mouse there we go there we go another another no no no my son stop stealing it these guys are so inconsiderate they always take all my son and they've just always so mean to me we're not doing so hot right now because this is not going according to plan right now never mind I just got a huge boost like a crazy big boost this is very good alright more winter melons we still have a minute left so this is going very well wait look how much damage the grapeshot just the boss honestly I should just constantly use the grapeshot on the boss the grapeshot on the boss does so much damage and then that just gives us even closer yeah I need to just use that and the more I damage the boss the he just gives a crazy high bonus right so once I have enough to just hold them back maybe that's what I should do and then just look at that that put that's how we get all the points we just constantly put explosives down to hit this guy and we slow them down with all these zombies and electricity shooters and the rest of it just constantly gets put into explosions I think this might be the strategy here guys call me crazy look at that we if we destroy him there we go 1.2 million that's how we're getting all the money that's how we're getting those points by blowing the boss up cuz every time we need to do the bowls of pasta it gives us another bonus we completed the win streak yes ok let's see what do we got I don't want that I want electric peashooter electric peashooter I wasn't I wasn't that's not what I was looking for but ok alright we're at 35 we're getting there guys we're going to get this the Zambian there's yeah the Zambian joy bean I always forget the name of it just cuz I've never had it before I guess okay do we want okay I know the new strategy I know the new strategy less winter melons more explosives we only need one line of winter melons in fact we don't even need a full line of winter melons we only need two winter melons that's the new strategy two line of winter that's what I want to try it okay this might seem a little strange guys wait wait there's no way he's gonna rush oh my gosh thank goodness he got stun there I would have been really upset okay yeah we only need two winter melons that's all we need are two winter melons the rest we're just gonna do normal stuff is he gonna try to rush okay I was about to say if he was about to rush out of into so angry there we go constantly okay and now just explosions constantly we need to constantly be using explosions on this guy just because those great shots do so much damage to him like they seriously hurt that guy so now we want to use explosions on him leave that boom now we're at that again so we want to be using the explosions on him as much as possible everywhere he goes there we go and we'll put this guy down another crepe shot go there we go can we get another grape shot we might we still have so much Sun left look at this and boom so we're already at three hundred forty thousand and we're just using crepe shot on this guy constantly the grape shots just do so much damage it completely annihilates this guy and we just constantly get that bonus which is so so valuable there we go more see we're at 500,000 now with still over a minute there we go we need more grape shot yeah 1.3 million is the record to beat so far guys oh my gosh I totally forgot that I could do this there we go he's almost destroyed there we go we're at we're already at 900,000 with a minute left though we still have a minute I'm gonna put the explosion down there there's a whole lot going on down there I'm not really excited about okay so we still have all now with this strategy we have a surplus of Sun which tells me one thing we don't need the gold bloom and we can get something other than the gobloon for explosion damage probably a jalapeno either a jalapeno or a cherry bomb I'm kind of leaning towards the Cherry Bomb haven't decided yet there we go we're at 1.2 million already with 30 seconds left all right another cherry bomb another grape shot the grape shudders - crazy crazy crazy damage nope you're not going anywhere oh he got he went somewhere dang that's okay I mean we can just replenish most of this stuff anyways it's not like the end of the world I mean I'm using so many explosives anyways it doesn't really matter 14 seconds left guys come on can we beat that 1.3 million record I think so maybe probably not we'll see if if we get lucky no so we weren't able to beat the 1.3 million but I know that we can we don't need the goldblum we can take the Goldblum out of the strategy now we're already at 61 guys we're getting much much closer we're definitely gonna be able to pull it off I believe in us I know we can guys okay so what we really want to do now what we really really really want to focus on for the strategy guys you guys know what I'm talking about right I hope you do oh my gosh I'm getting so many things holy holy cow hurry know what why am I getting so many what is even happening and still nothing for the electric peashooter are you kidding me there's the grapeshot wow that was a lot okay we're getting closer okay ready and we're getting rid of so this time we don't want the glist and we want a different explosion maybe a cherry bomb I think that cherry bomb might be nice the damage is 2020 I don't know there's any other explosions ones that would go on maybe the jalapeno but I don't think we want the jalapeno I think this is probably the best one for like the one time use explosive thing yeah we don't I don't think the bomber Granite's really that good yeah let's wait what is this Daisy Shane I've never seen that one before that's new all right well let's rock and roll let's do this guy's alright let's do this and so the first strategy is these guys and let's do this and we can just hold on to these as well alright we don't need anything else so we get a lot of Sun like this gives us a lot of Sun so we don't honestly like ever have to worry about all this stuff and so once we get that initial start up here let's put one creep shot right there that's gonna give us a lot of points it's also gonna do a lot of damage to him which is very nice to do a lot of damage to that guy just because you're so tedious having to deal with all right there we go and let's see cherry bombs the cherry bomb hit this guy I think it does and see look honestly we might like having just these electric guys are just enough but getting a little bit more is pretty nice for security but look at that boom okay so that does a lot of damage to us like that does a considerable amount of damage gentle so we can constantly just sit here and just use these on so just I don't know if that's gonna hit him I don't think that hits him so he has to be closer when that happens so he has to walk closer when he does that there we go we're we're already at 300,000 I mean we're just using explosions on this guy like explosions seem to be doing very very well for themselves more explosions there we go I'm glad you like em sir would could I fancy you in some even more explosions dang I don't know if the cherry bomb hits him I'm not entirely sure there we go more here hi we're already at 600,000 with a minute left let's see keep going more explosions see I don't think the cherry bomb works unfortunately it's just not close enough you know let's just use let's just use this one on like a bunch right now there we go look at that we just hit this guy with so much damage you didn't even know what to do with himself on your mark we're using just explosives right now and it's working just fine and dandy for us we're at nine hundred thousand already this works very well holy cow I don't think the cherry bombs good though the cherry bomb is definitely not what I'm looking forward to you know what I'm saying guys okay I don't know what do you guys think what's what strategy should what explosion or like one use things gonna be really good especially for dealing damage against this guy thirty seconds left we're doing pretty good with Sun so I don't know cherry bomb is you know still the one for me but there we go I don't want to have to deal with that all right we're at 1.2 million can we get past 1.3 million is are we going to break that record I don't know come on oh I I think we're we would have been able to beat it I think we might have been able to beat it guys unfortunately we were not we didn't beat it in the end but that's still fine um the cherry futile opinion so the cherry bomb yeah you know I I think you're right I think that's the best way to do it guys we're gonna that's what we're gonna do okay okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna refresh this we're gonna get rid of the cherry bomb and jalapeno we're gonna upgrade this guy a couple of times we wanted to do more damage and with it being upgraded it's gonna help a lot but I think you're right this is gonna help a much much better way by the way let me do sparkle time you're awesome he's like I love to deep and I'm just range away no I understand okay and let's rock and roll guys we want those slow guys as quickly as possible honestly we use like just explosives on this guy and its really nice we use this just to make sure that normal zombies don't get too too out of hand and then now that we make sure these guys aren't like too big of a deal yeah let's just immediately just put this down just just lay that right off the start we hit on with recording this guy's already at 150,000 what in the world how did he get to 150,000 so fast he's at 300,000 this guy might have a strategy this got 500,000 what even how was he doing that he's already at 500,000 two minutes in what is this guy done this guy's a complete beast among men I have no idea what he's done that was crazy that was that was insane I have no idea what he did honestly could not tell you what he did I have we have to look at his plans he's not a hacker he's not a hacker at least I don't think so okay see I'm catchy he stops he oh now he's at 700,000 all right we got to catch up to this guy we're definitely falling behind right now all explosives all explosives on this guard cherry all right boom another cherry bomb looks like this guy might be using all explosives there we go keep hitting them he's already got a million points holy cow this guy strategy whatever it is is completely and utterly insane I have to know what he's up to oh my gosh this is such an intense battle this is such an intense battle right now I don't even know what's going on I guess we can put more of these guys down but like I'm really focusing only on explosives right now trying to just get that bonus is raining about 1.4 million this guy's insane what is his strategy what is this Wow Wow was he this good okay he's at 1.4 million already my goodness what a madman come on I can get that next bonus he's at 1.4 million I got to get that 70,000 bonus that's the only way I can win is hoping he doesn't get his bonus and I get mine but I don't know oh we got the stun off oh we're gonna have to put more more bombs up in here he's at 1.4 million come on come on let's see I don't even care about that okay I have 20 seconds left come on can I hit him can I do 1.6 million I'm at 1.6 million okay it isn't no come on there's no way there's no way that I can I win this come on if he beats the boss another time he's gonna win there's no way this oh my god i won I beat the guy I actually beat the guy oh my gosh oh my gosh that was insane that was completely and utterly insane guys 1.6 million points in a single run in a single run I got 1.6 million points guys have you guys ever seen that let's go let's go you are trying to give me a how to play I'm the undefeated champion undefeated champion he had the filament that was it that was a crazy strat that was a crazy shot yet but it didn't it didn't matter it didn't matter our strategy it was still stronger still it was stronger all right that's that's how we're talking about but yeah the filaments crazy Opie okay honestly guys what if we what if we did just that I know it's crazy what if we did just this in explosions okay go okay and like literally from the start instantly no matter what we just use explosives on this guy okay all the times we're just using as many explosives as we can on this guy literally just no matter what there we go cuz yeah so we're already at 50 mm oh now that like as we get extra Sun we should also do that where's he going right there okay and then we can weaken as we have extra Sun I say we you know like we're like okay yeah whatever we just fill it in there we go 163,000 let's go more of these guys see it's working it's not working as well as I am hopes see that guy's at 300,000 the game knows they're starting to put me it's starting to put me up against some pretty terrifying opponents if I do say so myself all right there we go these things have to always be on cooldown all we always want it to be on cooldown for as long as possible look this guy's already if I look at stuff it's starting to put me up against some very very daunting and powerful opponents the game doesn't want me to win I'll tell you right now guys this is the game does not want me to win apparently okay come on there we go we beat him again right 500,000 that guy's already out of millions what is this guy strategy now we're going up against some serious opponents guys I'm talking some incredibly crazy dudes okay oh no it's gonna take a moment right that's fine oh my god we're hitting we're hitting this guy with everything we got he's that 1.5 million already there's no way we're gonna be able to beat there's this guy is actually already won the game like I don't understand how you get to 1.6 million he's at 1.9 he's gonna hit 2 million this guy's gonna hit 2 million how in the world you hit 2 million how what he already has two cool million I have to see this guy strategy I have to know how to point four million how are you so crazy this guy's insane this guy i I've lost to this guy I have no chance of beating 2.5 million already Wow I've done everything trying to destroy this man and yet he just makes it look like a some kind of joke three million there's no way that this guy is doing as good as he is what even happened how is he so good what is that what is this man secrets what are this man secrets we ended up still getting like 1.5 million what I thought was good 3.6 billion this man made a fool of what is that level 1 level 1 level 4 at level 6 level 5 at level 5 interesting very very interesting the great potato would not be pleased so we used that thing which I don't know if I even have that um that's crazy and then he used the apple corer which I guess is okay but that's level 6 looks I know it looks like a fire filament um let's see it let's see let me let's um well do I want to retain my streak um yeah I want to okay but I want to figure out what that was I'm bombardment what is the apple core strata that seems woops that seems crazy strong here we're heading back reading back let's look at the Almanac and see do I have what is my apple core at cuz I'm down to give that a try that's insane all right let's see what up beep see damage that is not that strong it seems but we'll try it we'll try it where is the Firemint thing that he had what does that do where is it that wasn't it he had so he also used the bowling ok bombardment - I have the bombardment I do not have it how do you I do not see it where is it and these are the locked plants there's the filament do I not have it is it just invisible for me oh yeah I have to wait to be able to lock it ok that's fine all right well let's try out a new strategy guys I'm down to give this a try this could be pretty fun we're close if we still have four days to be able to get it so I'm not too worried if we can't get it today we can always like trying to get it tomorrow ok you see so let's see I don't want the I don't want the cherry bomb the cherry bombs no no um so let's get rid of this guy and then let's try the apple corer I'm curious I'm very curious I mean his Apple is a way higher level so we'll see we'll see I don't know umm let's see let's see what happens with this so we just want as many of these guys as possible I guess let's see are these guys any good I mean that's not too bad so though if we have a bunch of these then we're gonna I could see these being pretty strong if you get like a whole bunch of them okay so we just want as many apple cores as we can because the apple cores just do so much damage all right I can respect this okay this is this seems to do a decent amount of damage this seems to do a lot of damage actually wow this is doing a lot of damage these apple cores are crazy okay what we want more um I'm gonna just put this explosive thing right there and then we're just gonna start putting more of them down alright well we already got the 30,000 lon okay holy cow these Apple guys are ruthless this is just unfair this is complete bombardment okay I think can i what happens if I do this oh my gosh that was crazy alright warrant 500000 it's still not that good though like it's working see but I guess on top of this now we also have these explosions so it just does a lot of damage there we go keep it coming keep it coming so we just want so we want the apple cores to go down because they do a lot of damage to the box like they do so much damage to the box ok but we also on top of that want to be using our own grape shots so we're gonna need money for that look at that so we're already at the 70,000 line but we're at a minute in now interesting ok ok alright I'm learning I'm learning guys I'm figuring it out so now Suns a problem again so we might want to get that gold look just so we can have enough Sun so we can put all of these things down because these things are pretty expensive but they also help out a ton because we're already at 1.4 million again ok so let's put down this guy and okay see so all these apple cores do a crazy amount of damage and I'm talking like this is a brutally unfair crazy amount of damage but I also want my bombs on top of it as well so let's can I do this okay I want to do that if I boost it at the right time it avoids it that's kind of what I thought okay we got to 2.3 million this time okay 2.3 million we're doing good we're doing good we're trying No well we're not it's not 3 million ok is that it's not 3 million yet so we're not it so we didn't use the winter melon at all last time so we did not use that so we want to you want to get rid of that and now we're gonna want to get where's our where is our beautiful beautiful I think this might be the strat here guys ok this might be a strategy and I know I am you're close to getting it like the the Opie strategy yeah I feel like we're getting close to we're figuring out new things each and every time we play and this is working out really well for us and go then we need just a full line of these guys no ah I was not prepared for him to do that that is really unfortunate all right whatever all right now we can just use bombs on them as well so we what we want to do is constantly put down more of these also get as much Sun as possible and we also need to be using this so we doesn't always want some of these things to all be on cooldown where are you where is he going is he going right there okay good maybe I do want to cherry bomb instead of the Halloween I don't know I haven't decided I haven't decided what's better yet okay there we go yes we can buy more apple cores see now son isn't actually a big problem anymore so I am starting to like seriously spam stuff without too much of a worry can we take this guy out yes we can okay there we go we're at 500,000 we're doing all right we're doing we're doing pretty okay for ourselves there we go another explosion where's that 50,000 bonus yes we got the 50,000 bonus okay keep going another apple core where are we still have a thousand dollars so we can put more apple cores out so the apple cores are still going down we still have a minute 30 seconds left okay more apple cores and more another goal brewing we want that goal group always running it's also hope that this guy's just firmest on the blow away he literally he survives and then he just dies and then you say okay come on do we do that another apple core okay there we go come on more apple cores another apple core alright alright we have room for one more row of apple cores and then that then we literally have no more room for anything else there we go we have a minute left still and we're doing we're doing pretty alright no we don't want that missile to go out did the missile get fired the missile didn't get fired the missile did the fire I was here we go there we go ninety thousand we're at two million we're still not at that three million it's been a while husband I just got here hey I'm an inator that you saurons Omni nadir thank you so much for coming out you're awesome I appreciate you dude can we get that hundred thousand dollar bonus I think we can I think we can I think we dare can we get a bonus up love that no surely not right we're 280,000 can we hit 3 million I don't think it's possible I maybe maybe now 2.8 million though that was doing that's doing pretty good if I do say so myself I'm pretty happy with that I'm pretty happy with that like yeah this is chaos like this is I know we're getting so close to getting three million damage done in a single run like that seems so close so close how are we doing with the soybean we're at 82 out of 200 oh man oh man oh man oh man five days remaining I really really want that like that's gonna be so difficult so this is the still the final like tournament against dr. zomboss I'm learning a lot though we're at 61 61 I don't know whatever that means that's that's what we're at so at 61 so we're working yeah the setup we have is Opie I feel like there's still some stuff that we can um like profit off of I wish we could like upgrade individual things I would love to upgrade the apple corer but I feel like the more the apple corer is just gonna be so good instead of the jalapeno let's do the cherry bomb the cherry bombs level pipe which is really strong honestly and I think this would be way better okay so let's do this so full apple cores and let's rock okay if I hit three million damage you'll give me $100 all right guy we'll see what happens all right sir I think I just have to be I literally just have to be faster with everything I do I have to literally I have to be on top of everything I have to like I have to put down things all the time come on okay more every chance I get I need to be putting down these guys as well as the apple cores does the faster I should get the apple cores up and running the better it is for me right as well as making sure that I have this Sun okay apple cores apple cores need to be the main my main focus when setting things down is the apple core apple cores need to be going down I can't lose my mouse like that I constantly keep losing my mouse my mouse isn't big enough for this this is crazy all right there we go another apple core oh my gosh my face like I'm focusing so hard right now I have so many things that I need to do because every time I put down this is all about time it's about how much damage I can do in a certain a certain period of time right so I'm constantly trying to make sure that everything everything just has to be off cooldown at all times everything there we go come on because the faster we get these apple cores up the more everything just starts being worked right there we go I wish my apple cores were a higher level if my apple growers did more damage I think that be it like I am certain that alone would just be all that I ever needed okay I'm a minute left here we're putting this guy up here okay we're putting him there and we do enough damage I don't know thing is this he never gets close to the cherry bomb to do damage so I feel like the cherry bombs are useless in this scenario I don't know maybe I'm just crazy all right we're at 1.5 million with a minute left those guys at 1.9 million oh my gosh this guy is doing better than me I thought I was doing so good but apparently my so good is not so good enough there we go all right come on can we get that 80,000 bonus come on how we hit them again but still not enough apparently all right another Apple shooter we have the full thing of course going but it just doesn't seem like it's enough right now like is this just not enough my more damage from the creep shots 30 seconds left this guy is at 2.9 million is it the same guy that I keep going up against that's just an absolute madman like this guy seems like an absolute and I mean absolute madman he's at 2:00 I might be able to beat them if I can somehow get this hundred thousand boost will win but there's I don't think so come on come on come on come on dang he barely beat me he barely beat me what did he beat me with interesting he only had normal peashooters how did he get so many points then that's my question primal how does he get so many points I don't understand like what did what what is it that the so much damage there is it is it the primal potato mine is it the what's this thing and that's just another mint oh so as system oh okay so there's a mints and so then the mint boost it to make it do more damage so so the reason they're all doing so well is just because they have the bonus mints okay so I'm going against people that have things that I don't that's incredibly overpowered okay that makes more sense now I don't feel as bad now that makes much more sense but unfortunately that's where we're gonna end off the stream you guys if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button subscribe to the channel be new as well as turning on notifications thanks for the 900 live viewers that's insane I really appreciate it you guys are awesome and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some cats and probably totally accurate battle simulator see you next time bye everyone