Peaky Blinders 1x1 | First Time Reaction

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what's up guys my name is Ariana and I'm and today we're starting pey blinders so we're going to be on season one episode one oh dang whoa whoa whoa whoa the perspective shift and almost like motion sickness who is this young chap everyone seems to be afraid is see the tax man the tax man yo we're going to get to do a vintage cosplay hell yeah that horse is beautiful truly sir this is her girl who tells fortunes [Music] oh dang they're doing a magic spell to make a win a race the A's name is Monahan boy you ladies have a bet yourselves but don't tell anyone else Birmingham England 1919 dude riding around on a horse seems like so much fun I feel a little over stimulated right now though there is a lot going on there's so much noise it's like the horses that man yelling the background music all the other noises explosions Factory explosions it's the fuing city Ariana it's moving and grooving it's really loud for me all right didn't think we'd start with a spell I didn't really think that that's yeah I didn't think I don't know the tone is not what I thought it was I knew it was old timey it's about it yeah but like is it like murder mystery I have literally no idea what is happening voyerism what off as mad as hell what does a 10-year-old know about hell ehy I'm 11 Sunday collectible plates thick velvet curtains oh wow Tommy Tommy Tommy look at the book just look Tommy all on one of good work joh Tommy get in here now Bob you sa for that are you were seen doing the powder trick down at garison courts times are hard oh doing the power until bet there was a Chinese the washer women say she's a witch and helps them believe look at the book Chinese have CS of their own oh we agreed Arthur I'm taking charge of dropping up new money all right is mad man WIS Tomy you fixing races now do you have permission from Billy Kimber to be fixing races H you think we can take on the Chinese and Billy Kimba Billy's got a bloody Army I think Arthur so that you don't have to there's nose from Belfast I'm calling a family cancel tonight at 8:00 I want all of us there you so is this post there's trouble coming World War I then special Branch MSA M Prime Suspect BSA m m robbery there is a mystery to be had here there's a mystery theader the peaky blinders question mark oh name of the gang so not actually blinds peeking in they're gangsters leader of the book reter arm robbery all right shut up now shut up comrades we're here today to take a vote and strike action yes before we have a show of hands for that let's have a show of hands from all those who fought in France raise your hands the blood shed on flanders's fields the sweat of your brows who reaps the rewards is it you raise a hand all those who want to strike only ask with Shelby that's a haircut ain't it that was really just thinking the same thing I like when I knock on his hair he looks like the evil guy from Charlie's Angel oh my God yes cheers Thomas good health to you feel like he's about to get rocked crown of a prince soon to be king I'd bet you don't bet these past few days I've been speculating one of my union comrades as a sister works in a telegraph office at the BSA Factory she says over the past week they've had messages coming up from London to the Brass something about a robbery a robbery of national significance is found a list of names sorry the telegraph machine literally the on that list was your name together what kind of a list would have a name of a communist and a name of a bookmaker side by [Music] side he's not a list of men who give false hope to the poor you know there are days when I hear about the cuttings and beatings that I really wish I'd let you take that believe France believe me there are nights I wish you out what the fudge why oh my God he's like cracked out three like PTSD yeah I think it is I think it is dny dny you're home we're all home in England you're not in France you're not a whizbang you're a human being Danny you're all right it's all right all oh hell did I do it again and I think they simply called that Shell Shocked s I'm sorry it's all right you go home to your wife now zny well he freaked out in the right place you have to do something about it damn right arry you pay the peaky blinders a lot of money for protection you're the law around here now Tommy aren't you maybe you should put the bullet in dny whizbangs head like they do with mad horses maybe you'll have to put a bullet in my head someday too talk about a heavy ass opening bring the bill to the pey blinders we'll take care of it oh [ __ ] is that I know him who is he oh it doesn't say on here no yeah no it's Netflix look at the gun recogize it oh get up off your ass you m Pink Pig I want to be her Finn was playing with this this afternoon by the cut it was loaded nearly blue AED tits off I must have been drunk when are you not drunk o I'm sorry we'll keep this between ourselves if you swear not to leave guns lying around now having four kids without a woman is hard but my boots harder now come on we're late I've this family meeting because I've got some very important news good boat and love loock got back from Belfast last night they were in a pub on the shankill road yesterday and in that P there was a copper anding had these if you're over 5 ft and conf fight come to Birmingham they're recruting Protestant Irishman to come over here as special did he what he a clean up the city Ider he's the Chief Inspector the last four years he's been clearing the IRA out of Belfast how do you know so bloody much cuz I asked the coppers and our payroll why didn't you tell me I'm telling you so why are they sending him to Birmingham well there's been all these bloody strikes of the BSA and the a Works lately now the papers are talking about sedition and Revolution I reckon it's communist is after so this CPP is going to leave us alone right there are Irish men in green Lanes who left B fast to get away from him yeah but we own't Ira we bloody for for the king anyway we're pey blinders we're not scared of coppers if they come for us we'll cut them a smile H so Arthur zis you have nothing more to say to this meeting Thomas no nothing that's women's business this whole bloody Enterprise was Women's Business while you boys were away at War what's changed we came back I 10 minutes what do you want an explanation always been able to tell when you're hiding something keep around here talk speak G an art poly listening I a buy her in London for some motorcycles there's a still inside the factory makes drum L chin they picked up the wronging CR boys dropped it to Charlie Strong's yard as a gr oh shees sweet baby of Mary inside we found 25 Le machine guns 10,000 rounds of ammunition 50 sing automatic rifles oh they stting an army with shells Jesus Tommy all bound for Libya sitting right there's yard tell me who threw them in the cut we put them in the Stables out of the rain the guns hadn't been greased yet the this into cop from Belfast maybe maybe not Thomas you're a bookmaker a robber a fighting man you're not a fool you sell those guns to anyone who has used to them you will hang dump them somewhere the police can find them maybe if they know they haven't fallen into the wrong hands this might blow over tell Charlie to dump them tonight no he won't move Contraband under a full moon three days until it wains then you'll do the right thing you have your mother's common sense but your father's devilment see them fighting let your mother win I love Aunt Polly already yeah she's badass she might be like the coolest female character we've seen so far far I got tickets for the penny crush they're showing it on mix picture let's just walk a bit if we go down as far as greet we could go to a park your brothers have friends in greet they have friends everywhere we'd have to walk to London I'm with you cuz you're the only man around here not scared of them oh I'm scared of them all right but you love me more than you fear them right I don't want to be always sneaking about so what tell when how did the family meeting go usual there's a new copper coming and Tommy said is after the likes of you maybe you should burn your books and stop making speeches the only princess of the royal family of the kingdom of small he I'm just a poor communist frog with a big mouth give me a kiss Princessa I love that color contrast though mhm hate the color of that suit not like that green I'm here about the job as a barid are you mad am I what do you know about this place I saw it in an advertisement job's been filled was in yesterday's paper believe me love I'm doing you a favor I'm not asking for favors I'm asking for employment you too nice I have have experience and and references part ofand are you from gway huh I worked in Dublin my mother was from goway you too pretty watch I [Music] wish Splatoon not that's Splatoon [Music] that smell has to smell so Ireland my singing made them cry and stop and fighting well hope you know a lot of songs yeah get that job girl working lady my toxic trait is thinking though that I could somehow sew a garment like her dress like her two-piece like suit thing that she has going on can you do a pattern no but I think I could just from scratch no patter yeah like I think that I could but I think I could make a pattern from scratch and then figure out how to make a pattern a pattern and then babies discarded with the Fishbones and a shell pierced and punctured by old man with sents of time rotted upon like animals and arride the whole stinking pile of wounds and rotten flesh your Masters the man who you touch your cap to the peaky blinders the vious coming in hot merciless gangs Who blind those that see cut out the tongues of those who talk you are worse than them those of you who have taken their bribes these years since the war those of you who look the other way you are worse than am godamn you for soiling your uniforms I any of you power stance until you earn my trust and that takes some earning these are the new men who will bolster your ranks good men from God-fearing families by the time the sun sets they will be sworn in and in uniform and by sunrise tomorrow they will be on the streets I bet there's some blinders in there right this way see ladies when you out with a Blinder you don't have to kill oh yes to be a mob wife oh Arthur's getting before they let the ordinary P while you go thank you later what get jacked up in the alley before he gets taking off oh hot dang lead pack dog of the py [Music] Blinder terrifying I'm sure we have a gun no I've gone no I finished suck CAU in his belt Mr shf in all the world the only thing that interests me is the truth what do you know about the robbery w a will ask you again what do you know I bet he doesn't know cuz it's a mistake I don't know what you're talking about what [ __ ] robbery oh my gosh after 35 years dealing with animals like you I can tell just by snuff in the air whether or not your I'm Noy or what I'm Noy pinky or finger whatever for no reason I see nothing of Interest behind the blood in your eyes no blood in your veins I could carry even a trace of calling our guy oh understand us that is well within my power have you and the rest of your scum family be a St on the canal before the year is out on the other hand we can help each other can I make him his spy cuz he like knows Thomas is actually the brains behind the operation hello I about the room guys whatever it is it's on the house a hold botton where's your dark from don't care har said it's on the house are you a [ __ ] cuz if you're not you're in the wrong place he's one of them you warned me about look Grace you're a friendly girl but be careful if I say something's on the house then say nothing to whoever you're serving if they decide that they want you then there's nothing anybody could do about it for you since he got back from France Tommy doesn't want anybody at all John wiped the blood out of his eye since when did you give orders I'm a trained nurse don't make me laugh not even pinky that's straight up from choking not bloody joking am I you will be want to wrap this cloth around your neck let me see him the ladies have this give me that m he said Mr Church you sent into Birmingham something you better to robbery he wants us to help him we don't help coppers he said we're Patriots L him wants us to be his eyes and ears I said we'd have a family meeting take a vot we no truck with fenians or Communists wrong are we going to be honest what the is wrong with him lightly if I knew out by the Cure from Compton's chemists [Music] [Music] country standing there wav his handkerchief as Mary as a robin that sings on the Tre we been said singing in a since the war why you think that is Alie so did Arthur say kind of a deal this new copper offered him God the second ja balls are empty it's back onto politics what did Tommy say you didn't say anything you know what he's like yeah I know what he's like likes to take his fights onto the mud doesn't like to stand and wait you know what he'd do if you found out about us he could try sometimes it's like you're with me just to show you can one day me and Tomy will be on the same side again don't think it's going to be bying his sister right now but the hell is that opium that would be yeah that would be my first C 1919 I was wondering when the hard drugs were going to get in here oh this isn't like broad daylight hey what you do clothes go home that is not the move my guy go home that is not the move oh my god oh no oh no Secretary of State this is Chief Inspector Campbell dang Churchill sir may I say what a great honor it is to meet you so how you settling in I've set up a command Network I have agents and police across the city who will act as my eyes and ears you were in Bell fast understand you broke a few phenian hearts a rats n sir so who do you think stole the guns fenians or the Communists if it is the IRA phans I will find them and find the guns if it is the Communists I will find them and find the guns if it is common criminals I will find them and find the guns chose you because you're effective but remember this Mr Campbell this is England not Belfast bodies thrown in the rivers wash up in the papers here we must keep the existence of these stolen guns out of the news otherwise we're simply advertising them for sale if there are bodies to be buried dig holes and dig them deep oo won't everything account for down to the last bullet stolen guns word aboard there's no moon we could take him out to the Turning Point Beyond gas Street and leave them on the bank they'll be found by ril women first thing don't keep them Tommy don't keep them is that agreement don't keep them Tommy I changed my mind you what you're supposed to listen to your mom have an alternative strategy no no chickfila sauce oh my God and the boat leaves your yard it's no longer your concern dang Tommy you lost your yeah have you not seen the streets they've sent a [ __ ] Army to find these things that's right they've shown their hand their end if they want them back this bad they have to pay oh my God the way of the world Fortune drops something valuable into your lap you don't just dump it on the back of the Court your blood Tommy I mean I guess but I've always looked out for you like a dad going to bring holy hell down on your head yeah y this copper takes no prisons is it another War you're looking for Tommy the tobacco Warf by order of the pey blinders [Music] are you in possession I am sir I knew it I was going to say something but I didn't want to I kind of thought that too I was like is she a spy yeah when she walked in almost immediately interrogated the head of the peaky blinders he didn't know anything strikes me that it isn't Arthur who heads the shed family it's the younger one Thomas they say he won two medals for gallantry in the war however my opinion has not changed The bookmaker Gangs of other business and the Communists are too weak to have plan this I believe the guns are taken by the IRA you must not let your personal history clear your judgment the IRA murdered my father will not affect my judgment if you see any conss check the C your father was the finest officer I ever worked with I know he'd be very very proud of you those are the people who Watch Danny Danny as you know the man you killed was Italian oh no those two men I was wondering I was like those two guys looked like they looked very serious do this Dany cut off your manood and let you drain that's all those bastards so he's going to kill him so to stop a war breaking out between us and the Italians to save you from their barbarity there's like two graves right there is that what that is guess ipat you myself ear to witness I died over there anyway Tomy oh wow I left mying brins in the mud you have any last requests com right you look out for my Rousey and my boys see the good Apprentice ships at the BSI Factory or the Austin and they m foran and now they will just oh no and they won't get to do this [ __ ] sh that we got told to do is that both for me we have to get your body out of the city D this new copper you know bury me anywhere this mud okay promise me bu me on a heel until Rosie win you're a good man good soldier yes Soldier ma in the Blake midwinter ohy won monan boy Bloody one yeah it one and word will spread so the next time we do the powder trick it won't be just a Garrison that'll bet on the horse it'll be the whole of small Heath and you know what the horse will win again and the third time we do it and that time when we are ready the ORS will lose yeah Arthur's a drunk the blanks you okay Deli I'm still in shock are you sure this isn't Heaven if it was Heaven what would I be doing here Tomy wanted you to think it was real try and knock some sense into you a shell full of sheep brain so it's pretty bad I was meant to so where are you taking me London Tommy has a little job for you give you a chance to say thanks you're a picky blind and now Dy well I'm a little mad about that emotional roller coaster right now I literally was like I guess Bravo to the to the acting in front of the Italian did you do the right thing mob I did the right thing no not the right thing you wanted him to do Aunt pully he a [ __ ] spy godamn Spy but she's going to get hers I bet you dang that was a crazy first episode that was I don't think my brain could could eat anymore no definitely not that's this is definitely like I don't know how yeah that was just a lot and it wasn't even just like World building it was like I don't even know how to explain it yeah They Came Out Swinging on that first episode for sure I know right like that was crazy they really like yeah they like set everything up like immediately I don't really or just like threw us right in yeah it's like they it's like it's like they knew the audience was smart enough to get it like they didn't feel like they had to yeah like overe explain anything or like draw anyone any one person's introduction out you pretty much like it's like you get the gist of it real quick yeah literally it says it right there ambitious gang leader Thomas Shelby recognizes opportunity to move up in the world thanks to a missing crate of guns move up in the world he runs the town well technically his brother I think is kind of supposed to be like yeah his brother is clearly just like the show dog yeah cucko for Cocoa Puffs yeah that was crazy um it's a lot to take in I don't really have thoughts the only thing I do know I do know where I know the Copper from though okay he is the um head paleontologist in the first Jurassic Park so when he says the thing about animals I started laughing because I just realized that he was that's where I knew him from I don't know his name I should watch Jurassic par I don't know his name like off the top of my head because literally the only thing I can think of that I've seen him in other other than this is Jurassic Park but he was like and I've gotten worse of you know the feral animals and I was like I know you Wrangle with feral animals honestly at this point I just need to watch Jurassic Park yeah cuz you make way too many referen es to it and I just have no idea oh yeah my that's my OG hyper fixation like I'm a total I'm a dinosaur girly that I knew she was a spy but I was like I was like there's no way she's just coming in this pris and I think and I and obviously the writers want us to know from jump but uh but we'll see yeah they kind of make it she's a little bit of a sore thumb when she shows up like there's two two very pristine people coming into the environment and like where the El they're not both two of these things don't look like the others like yes of course she's a spy Aunt Paul is ba Aah Just Feels Like She's the younger girl who's just yeah that's going to be dumb though that's going to cause a problem also probably get her ass beat but I get it though it's like they run the town basically they like you know like she's not wrong it's like he she probably do like him he's the only one the only that's scared of my brothers fair I get that I mean but if they have history too then like whatever and it seems like his idea is that they will be on the same side again eventually I me be friends again that's I was going to say that's a lot of foreshadowing right there but it also seems like he was involved in the why is he asking for so much information maybe he was involved in the robbery information maybe he was involved in the robbery maybe he was I mean or maybe he's not maybe they're staging a coup maybe they are going to take it over Tommy because he feels like he has connections to the Communist party that if the Communists were part of interest in robbing those guns then if he can get info on where those guns are at or what they're doing with them then he could tip the Communist Party off then the the guns would get transferred to the Communist party instead of the IRA or whatever it is and instead of it going back to uh oh Tommy said the people are going to have to pay to get those guns back it's a money move he's making money moves in that but it all feels very very scandalous scandalous scand long story short I really enjoyed it what you think I think that this is great yeah I feel like it's like I'm getting into something like I'm about to like dig into like this feels like lore yes this feels like lore and I love it I love a good lore story we all know this love lore we love lore give me lore so if you guys are joining us for the first time we're just telling you from we love lore we love a good backstory um and if you've been here before you already know this and you're probably sick of us saying it so thank you guys so much for watching with us but uh we're going to go and get out of here see you
Channel: Diegesis
Views: 143,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peaky Blinders reaction, Peaky Blinders season 1 episode 1, Maple and Arianna reaction, first time watching, Thomas Shelby, Shelby family, Birmingham gangsters, crime drama series, historical drama, post-WWI England, Peaky Blinders review, character analysis, plot discussion, Peaky Blinders series premiere, episode breakdown, reaction channel, Diegesis Chad, Patreon early access, immersive storytelling, underworld crime, family saga, power struggle
Id: d0mDIAboUjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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