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Roasted coffee beans were prepared. Medium or dark, anything is fine. I used '☆BUCKS'. Warm up the whipped cream. When it starts to boil, remove from the heat. Pour into the beans. Leave it slightly open to let the steam out, let it cool completely, and then Rest it overnight in the fridge. Check if the Ivy leaf is the right size for the cake. Frankly speaking, I already decided. It's just an acting. Wash with water and disinfect thoroughly with alcohol cotton. Do not worry. Ivy leaves are nontoxic at all. Melt the white couverture chocolate. Temper it to 33℃. Since the couverture chocolate has been tampered yet. It can be easily tampered when you need small amounts. Remove from hot water before it melts completely and continue to melt using residual heat. The temperature rises quickly. When the chocolate mass is completely melted, check the temperature. If it is around 33℃ but not over, it is a success. If this process is cumbersome, you can use coating chocolate. Apply a thin layer of chocolate to the embossed leaf veins. Placed on a round mold. When it hardens, it creates a natural curve. And harden in the fridge. You have to heat up the rest of the melted chocolate for the next. Apply the chocolate one more time. Apply carefully to the tips of the leaves. I've done this three times. Coated chocolate is easy to handle, but brittle. Coat it thickly. Boil sugar without water to make caramel. It should be done slowly over low heat. And stir so that it does not burn. Turn off the heat when the brown color is about to deepen. Immediately pour in the warm heavy cream little by little. Be careful, it will be bubbling and boiling high. Continue to stir to mix thoroughly. Cover with cling film and cool at room temperature. It is good to leave it for a day. Drain coffee beans. It is fine if a little coffee powder can be in the cream. I got about 127g of whipped cream. Mix with cold heavy cream to make 420g in total. Then cover with cling film and chill in the freezer until thin ice forms around the edge. After roasting hazelnuts, chop them into small pieces. Coffee Genoise 15cm in diameter. The recipe is in the description box below. Whip thin iced coffee cream with 36g of sugar(sorry,missed that scene.). It is 60% whipped. 60% Volumed up, but still flows. Set aside about 180g of cream. it is for the Icing And put it in the fridge. The rest is whipped until stiff peak. It is about 95-100% whipped. It needs to be glazed, so put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Soak gelatin in ice-cold water. Put the sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-low heat. When the surroundings gradually turn yellow, quickly stir with a spatula. Continue to stir so that only it does not burn. Remove from the heat when it turns amber. I've never seen amber, but I believe this is similar to. Make sure that it will continue to burn even with the residual heat of the pan. And immediately pour warm or hot water little by little. Watch out! Steam is too~ hot. Stir quickly while pouring water. If there are recristalized sugar, boil it again on low heat to dissolve it. Remove from heat and dissolve corn syrup. Mix the condensed milk. Add white chocolate and melt. Finally, add gelatin soaked and squeezed out of the water and dissolve. Strain once through the sieve. Filter out any lumps or large air bubbles. Cover with cling wrap and cool to 22~25℃. The wrap prevents dew and drying out. And it is good to remove the floating bubble because it sticks to the wrap. Cover it partially with the parchment paper. Pour the glaze over. The thick glaze part has to be spread out with a spatula, but I don't have the guts. Let the glaze flow and when it stops, smooth it out. Butterscotch Candy. I used it to support the chocolate leaves. Tilt the leaf slightly for nice angle. Moist cake! Luxurious ,deep bean-flavored whipped cream! And the crunch hazelnuts with caramel! OMG!! I am sure, you will devour it.
Channel: 조꽁드Joconde's baking
Views: 600,753
Rating: 4.9579372 out of 5
Keywords: 조꽁드, 커피, 카라멜, 생크림케이크, cookingtree, cookingsee, Jadore, hidamari, 케이크 만들기, coffee, cake, caramel
Id: GZxfbMDZkts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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