PC Fanboy Uses MacOS For 3 Weeks

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for my entire life i have exclusively worked on windows machines but for the last two or three weeks now i have packed up my desktop pc and i have been exclusively using the brand new macbook pro with the m1 pro chip inside there's things that i absolutely love about this laptop and this operating system and there are other things that drive me crazy let's talk about it [Music] so i've made two videos about this laptop so far the first video was my first impressions having had this laptop for just 24 hours and basically what i told you guys was that i absolutely love the hardware but the software mac os drives me crazy when i want to select a group of files i like clicking on the first one holding shift and then clicking on the last one and it doesn't work when you have thumbnails view open but in list view here it does work why i have a ton of friends who use mac os and i was shocked by how many people i would call and ask questions like hey how do you do this and they would just go like oh yeah i've never done that before one of these things was uh cutting and pasting and if you're in most applications you can command x to cut something and then command v to paste it but if you're in the finder and you try to cut any sort of file at all and then paste it it doesn't work and i talked to multiple mac owners and they were like oh yeah you just can't do that and i'm like that is not possible that you can't cut and paste files like you're telling me i have to copy them and then delete them in the original location every time and they're like yeah that's what you have to do no that's not true you copy with command c and then you hold command option v and that will paste it or move it to the new location but it's just little details like that that happen all day i'm using this laptop so i'm currently copying a folder from my server onto the desktop and i want to start a premiere document in this folder and it's grayed out it literally will not let me do it until it's completely finished transferring dragging and dropping into premiere never works never didn't didn't do it so the only way that i can figure out how to do it is i have to make this smaller then drag directly to here then it works now anyone who's been following f stoppers for a while knows the rage that i feel when i talk about docks and dongles and stuff and how completely unreliable they are not necessarily from an apple standpoint but just these thunderbolt and usbc dongles and docks they just have never worked for me and so the second video i did was i spent two thousand dollars buying all the highest rated docks and i actually found one that works the cal digit dock is not a thunderbolt dock it's just a usb c dock i think usb 3.2 and it actually does work and so i have been using this laptop basically as a desktop replacement with a triple monitor setup for the last two weeks now now for the most part the dock has been pretty reliable um i do use this little usb-a dongle for my logitech keyboard and mouse and i've noticed that when i'm transferring lots of files sometimes my mouse starts lagging a little bit so i ended up moving that into another dongle and plugging in into the side of the laptop i've also had the issue occasionally where the computer falls asleep all the monitors turn off and then when i wake the system back up one of the monitors is slow to turn back on and then all the monitors kind of like go out of position and all the windows that i had in a certain order get moved all around and the only way for me to fix it is to unplug it and plug it back in so that in itself isn't a huge inconvenience but i always have sd cards plugged into this dock and so every time i unplug it and plug it back in the macbook has to give me these warnings i am so sick of this coming up every time the plug is unplugged and plugged back in every time i cannot get these little notifications to go away it drives me crazy i've tried to google it people are telling me stuff to do in the command prompt to get it to go away and i don't feel that comfortable with this computer yet um and so the other day i was i was doing something i can't remember what it was but i was having to unplug and plug in a bunch of stuff and i had multiple sd cards plugged into different things and so many of these warnings were just stacking up on the side of the monitor and they don't seem to go away after a few seconds you literally have to click on every single one and it's just details like that oh my gosh it just drives me crazy and i know on windows even when windows does something that i don't like there's always an option to get rid of it or at the very least there's some third-party software that you can easily download and instantly do whatever you want to do it is not that easy on macs probably my biggest complaint with this laptop and mac os is the dock at the bottom of the screen and this is probably the most important thing for me when it comes to moving between tons of applications really quickly i can just look at the bottom of the screen and know okay here's what i have open on the screen even if they're all minimized and you just kind of get a feeling of like i don't remember what i was doing but i remember it was on the screen let me look at the bottom here oh yeah this window right here is what i was doing and you open it up and you can get to work but on mac os there's just one doc when you have an application open it doesn't show you which application you have open so you have to memorize all of these icons and for example if you download a new application and it's got some new icon and you don't recognize it or you don't know what it is and you have that application open you don't know which one of these icons down at the bottom is the window that you're in right now so if you ever minimize that screen and you want to quickly get back to it i find myself mousing over each one really slowly and trying to figure it out it's just so incredibly slow so i got this application called u-bar which uh makes the dock kind of a little bit more like windows because i like working on dual monitors and basically when you move chrome for example over to the other monitor you want the chrome uh window to show up on this side over here right so you click over here to have finder stuff coming up that's on this screen and you click over here to have it come up over here so now i have two instances of google chrome um sometimes it shows up down here sometimes it's not showing up down here now let's see what happens if i minimize this so i'm going to minimize this google chrome appears here but when i click on it it doesn't bring it back it brings this google chrome back over here and the only way for me to get this one back is to close this google chrome over here so i'm going to close that and now when i click on this one this one will come back uh and so basically the software is horrible and then a bunch of people recommended the software called hyperdoc and basically what hyperdoc does is if you have multiple instances of a single application open when you mouse over the icon on the bottom it will show you thumbnails of those windows and kind of show you what's open you would think that this is going to be on the right screen and this on the left but that's not how it works and uh the other glitch that happens is approximately after 60 seconds or one minute of this app working it stops working and you have to go into system preferences and toggle it on and off down here to make it work again and i've read about this online and uh there's no work around so this isn't going to work for me either so when this third party option didn't work i just started watching tutorial videos on youtube of like how to use mac os you know it's like what your grandmother watches and in these videos you know people are talking about the mission control which basically you can swipe up if you're on the laptop i was not i was on my mouse and it basically kind of makes every window you have open uh these little thumbnails that you can click on now the problem that i have with mission control is if you have a lot of applications open or your applications are changing all the time and you swipe up and it just throws up all of these little thumbnails it's very slow sometimes to figure out what you're looking for you know all of this is really small especially on a laptop computer and you're like is this the screen oh is that a finder oh no is is that google chrome like everything looks the same it's like white screens with little bits of gray this is just way slower than when you have highlighted items along the taskbar that have titles of what they are and you know exactly what's open and what's not something else that i learned how to do was the multiple desktop versions and basically what you can do is you can drag applications into different virtual desktops and then swipe between those desktops now this is a pretty good idea i think if you're using a laptop because you have a very minimal screen real estate here and so you can make different desktops do different things you could have one desktop that just has finder windows or one that has web browsers or you could have one that has photoshop and lightroom opened on one and then when you mission control on that desktop instead of showing everything you have open it'll just show you the icons of what you have open on that virtual desktop it makes sense but it doesn't really make sense when you have triple monitors i don't need a virtual desktop when i literally have three desktops right in front of me that are gigantic now after using this laptop with multiple monitors for weeks now and it's starting to make sense to me why i always see windows users with multiple monitors and i always see mac users with a single large screen i've always wondered why apple doesn't sell a matching second monitor to go with your imac but now that i've used this operating system it makes sense it's kind of annoying to use multiple monitors like i said the dock is a major problem if you have multiple monitors you're always having to go back to your dock to find stuff on other monitors that's incredibly slow but more than that something that i've found that's incredibly frustrating to me is that to activate a screen or activate an application that's on another monitor you have to click on that monitor first like if i've got this video up here and i mouse over this video you can see the uh the bar down here comes up i can start playing this but if i click on something over here on this monitor like this and then i mouse over here you can see that it's not affecting anything on this monitor until i click and then my mouse will start working if i click on something over here like if i click on this over here but then i come up here and i go for instance to like edit and i want to copy and paste this i can't because when i click on the second monitor over here it's like it's only working on one monitor at a time well not a big deal you say you could just you know use shortcuts command c command v whatever but like if i want to export this timeline and i come up here and i click on file export media nothing happens literally nothing happens because from this application's perspective i am not clicked on any sort of timeline this is just a really weird thing that mac os does that i was sure there must be an option or some sort of program i could install to get rid of this but after probably hours of searching online for a solution i just haven't figured it out yet so all that being said one of my favorite things to do with my desktop computer is to have at least dual 4k monitors running all the time but if i had unlimited money or i was buying this off from scratch or whatever and i knew i had to work with mac os i would probably choose one larger monitor rather than two smaller ones now of course the main claim to fame with this laptop is apple's new pro silicon and the whole idea is that this has incredibly low power drain when you're just surfing the web or whatever but when you really need to get work done this laptop should be just as powerful as any windows laptop and maybe just as powerful or more powerful than windows pcs and that's not entirely true my windows desktop is literally doing way better at editing in adobe premiere than this macbook is this this thing just keeps glitching out it keeps doing crazy stuff it's like when i click the window comes up and then disappears and i can't click on anything i do have to say when i was in adobe premiere either creating proxies or exporting projects this was exporting extremely quickly maybe even faster than my windows pc i wish i could have done a test but i literally packed up my windows pc it's in a waterproof box in the garage right now so i didn't want to open it back up just for that but the exporting was very impressive and the other thing that i really love about this laptop is when the fan spools up it's still so quiet so i'm exporting my first video on the macbook pro and uh the fans have kicked on i assume this is a hundred percent but i have to say uh it's very quiet it doesn't bother me at all sitting on the desk here uh some of my other laptops when they start spooling up you do not want to sit next to them they're super annoying but this one's uh very quiet now that being said editing in adobe premiere was not that smooth for me um i first tried to edit off of our server with a 10 gigabit wired connection it is unusable uh every few times i hit pause on the timeline uh the audio will keep playing but the video is frozen and i can hit spacebar again and again and again and it just keeps playing for like 15 seconds uh it's incredibly infuriating so for the next project i worked on i decided to move it from the server onto the internal ssd and i was sure that i would be able to edit super smoothly because i know this computer is like made for that the files that i'm using are not big files these are 8-bit 4k files like 100 megabit uh per second file so certainly not big at all although it's editing better um it's still incredibly frustrating every 5 or 10 times i hit stop it will play for an additional like five or ten seconds or um it will continue playing but the timeline will stop moving and then all of a sudden 10 seconds later it'll just pop over to the side somewhere so i ended up having to make proxies for that project as well and i was really surprised by that because i keep hearing about all these people having like eight streams of 8k video all running at the same time and it's super smooth and uh that was not true for me at all now i know some of you are saying you got to move over to final cut pro it's optimized yeah i'm not doing that like we're happy with premiere we've got tons of windows machines i need software that works on both at least now the other thing that people say about macs all the time is like they just work and they never freeze i don't know if it's just me but i'm really good at freezing computers and here we go adobe has just crashed i assume this is frozen like i cannot get this off my screen usually there's an xbox up here and the entire computer just froze i can't click on anything computers working google chrome has frozen here we go frozen again [Music] just trying to open a finder window they're all frozen oh my taskbar is frozen oh there it goes huh froze again my mouse has become this shape i have no idea why what the heck one thing that i despise about windows is that i feel like without my permission it will just restart itself in the night no matter what i happen to have open on the screen and sometimes it'll save and sometimes it won't and i was sure that that would not happen on my macbook i just woke up and i came down here and the computer has reset itself i thought only windows did this so it literally closed out of the project i was editing this entire process has been extremely frustrating for me but it's also been very eye-opening for me too i've realized how little i also know about how windows works and if a mac user asked me questions about how to do things that you can do easily in mac os on windows i don't think i would be able to answer many of these questions either and as you guys know windows keeps having these updates and they have these ridiculous features they add on like cortana or tiles or widgets or whatever and every time my computer updates and has these new things i immediately just turn them all off like at one i have such little faith in windows that they're going to come up with a new good idea that i actually find useful that i don't even want to put time into it i kind of feel like they're going to come up with an idea and then just get rid of it in the next update so i don't even want to deal with it but the other thing i've realized is i have this kind of close-minded attitude of like i know what i'm doing i know the way i like to work don't try to change the way i like to work just let me do it the same way that i've done it for the last decade one of the things that i've really enjoyed about this laptop is the built-in microphone and the ability to use siri or the ability to just hit the microphone button on f5 and it will instantly start typing out anything that i say to it i would imagine windows probably has a way to do this but i've never looked into it yes it's frustrating to learn new things but it can also be really beneficial to learn new things and there are aspects of this operating system that i appreciate and then i'm definitely going to take back to my windows machine and see if i can figure out a similar way to do it there now something else that's been really nice has been the usb c dock that i have with a single cable you can plug it in and just everything comes to life multiple monitors keyboard mouse external drives it just works and that's fantastic but that's not just an apple thing i'm now excited to try that dock with windows machines and one laptop that i've been dying to try for years now are the razer laptops which look very similar to macbooks but simply run windows and if i could get a windows machine in hardware that was this slick that would probably be my dream come true if you're a windows user and you're considering switching over to mac certainly give it a try i mean you have a two-week return period there's no reason not to give it a try um but if you're used to working on multiple monitors and you're very comfortable moving through windows and everything this is going to be really frustrating for you and it may not be worth the hassle and if you're somebody who's not really very technical with computers at all i think i would definitely push you towards the mac ecosystem i think it's much easier to set up and get applications running on this for the average person it's a little bit more intuitive how to find the applications you want and the ability to use siri and stuff just to ask the computer to do something and it will automatically do it now during this last video project that i was editing i was incredibly frustrated i think premiere crashed some part of the operating system froze it couldn't play back the footage smoothly and i had made up my mind that i was going to return this to apple i am regretting this entire experiment and my buddy pie jersey called uh from slr lounge if you guys know who he is he uses both windows and macs so he's a good guy to talk to and he was like how's things going with the mac man and i'm like i'm done with this dude like i i just don't want to put up with this anymore it's driving me crazy and he he kind of talked me down from a ledge he's like listen lee i get it i prefer windows too when like i really need to get down to work if i'm editing photos or videos or whatever if i'm working in a lot of applications but then he said you know when i'm on the road and i have to grab one laptop i would just prefer to grab the macbook he loves how integrated everything is together one incredible thing that you can easily do is just use an ipad as a secondary monitor he just said you know you're right it's probably not going to be a desktop replacement but it is the best laptop ever and he was like you have enough money just sell some of your other laptops that you don't use and keep one good macbook pro and i'm like all right you're probably right so i have decided to keep this laptop but uh in no way am i switching over to max completely and there's definitely no way i'm ready to give up my desktop at the moment as you guys may or may not know i'm moving right now so i am going to be using this laptop as my main machine for the next month approximately so uh maybe things will change maybe over time i will fall in love with this operating system but probably not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 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Channel: Fstoppers
Views: 499,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tZueJx-ndnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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