11 Things My Macbook Does Better Than My Windows Desktop

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as you guys know i've been a windows user for my entire life but i am slowly moving over to mac os i still own my windows desktop it's sitting right there i just don't really turn it on anymore because i'm enjoying this laptop so much so in this video i want to talk about the things that have pushed me over to this laptop into mac os what are the things that make me choose this over my old trusty windows pc let's talk about it [Music] number one hardware this is an obvious one we're just gonna blaze through it this is the best laptop i have ever used in terms of build quality it's my favorite keyboard mouse speakers screen everything about this laptop and the way it's built i absolutely love but you guys already know that number two another obvious one battery life this laptop has the best battery life of any laptop i have ever used in my entire life and there's usually been two types of laptops i've owned there have been laptops that have really good battery life but don't really have much power and then there have been incredibly powerful laptops that i've owned that literally have like one hour of battery life i'm looking at you alienware this is the first laptop i've ever used that feels like it can do both really well if i'm just browsing the web i can use this laptop all day or for multiple days without ever charging it but if i want to use hardcore applications like adobe premiere i still have that power now of course it kills my battery life and it goes from maybe 10 12 14 hours of battery life down to two or three hours of battery life if you're exporting footage but still by far the best battery life i've ever seen in a laptop number three is fan noise now this may not sound like a big deal to most people but for me it's a huge deal my desktop replacement laptops that i've purchased in the past have insane fans built in and the laptops get so loud that not only do i not want to sit here and use them because they're so loud i don't even want to be in the same room with them while i'm exporting a video this laptop probably is the quietest laptop i have ever owned before even at full load i think it's quieter than my desktop pc over there 99 of the time when i'm using this as a desktop replacement i've got tons of applications open it is 100 silent like right now i hear nothing but if i start exporting footage or you start doing lots of rendering it will spool up but it's still quiet let me show you all right let's export this video it's still totally silent right now all right this is taking a lot longer than i thought it's still totally silent it does have fans i promise all right this is kind of proving my point right now but i can't even get the fans to turn on at all number four is airdrop i'm sure in this day and age you probably own a cell phone you probably own an iphone and if you're anything like me you are constantly sending files back and forth between your iphone and probably your email because you don't want to have to plug in a usb cable from your iphone over to your windows pc and wait for that thing to pop up and then search through a thousand different folders to try to find that one image so you probably email those images to yourself and wait for them to show up in your email and then download them because that's what i have done my entire life as an iphone owner no more now on my smartphone here i can grab an image i can click share and boom my laptop shows up right here i click this button and then it almost instantly transfers over to my laptop and i can go into downloads here and here is the file now of course this works in reverse as well i can double click on this and i can click share and then i can click airdrop and you'll see here that my phone pops right up it also sees my ipad as well if you have multiple apple products and boom it's sent here and it shows up right on my phone now if you're sending a small file like a jpeg or a note document or whatever it's really easy to text that to somebody or you could email it it's a little inconvenient but it does work but larger files especially video files just can't be sent over email you can't text a high-res long video clip as well and expect it to come through at full resolution so airdrop allows you to send files directly to other apple devices without losing quality number five is universal clipboard and i knew how this worked a little bit but i didn't know all of these features until i just did a little bit of research before making this video this will blow your mind let's say you've got a website or something open and you want to copy some text and you want that text over on your computer how are you going to get it there once again i would email it to myself but you don't have to do that with this computer you can just copy whatever you want on your phone and then i can just hit command v and it pastes it on my computer that is insane that blows my mind and of course i can do the opposite if i have a website open here and i want to grab some text right here i can command see it and then if i want to paste it right here i click paste and boom everything that's on my laptop is now on my phone but it gets even cooler than that because you can also do it with images let's say you've got an image on your phone and you want to bring it into photoshop of course we could air drop it but that's going to take a couple of steps it's going to have to send it over to a file somewhere on your computer and then you're going to have to drag it from there into photoshop but watch this i can grab this image right here and i can come down here and just go to copy photo and then in photoshop all i have to do is hit command v and there's our image number six is handoff and once again i understood a little bit about how that worked until i did just a little bit of research and i'm like whoa you can do that as well this will blow your mind if you have a website open you can just scroll up from the bottom of your phone and you'll see down here safari from lee morris's macbook and i can click that and it's going to take me to whatever website i'm currently on if i click on another page here on this website on my phone you'll notice down here on my dock there's an icon and i can click on this icon and it's going to open a tab of whatever i have open right here on my phone but it goes even further than that because many of the applications that are on your phone also work on the computer so if you have one of those applications open it will let you jump over to it on your mac keep an eye down here on my chrome icon this is what i currently have open on my phone if i open my stocks app here see how it changes it's just telling me this is what i have open on my phone if you want to move over and check it out on your laptop it's just one click away if i move over to my notes app same thing the notes icon comes up right here and everything that's on my phone is on my macbook and vice versa and i can type here and it's going to show up in my app on my phone as well this extends out to other things like phone calls or face times and it allows you to answer the phone on one device like your watch or your laptop and then send it over to something like your phone all of these little things you don't really feel like you need until you've used it and then you don't want to live without it number seven is icloud keychain and basically this keeps track of all of your login and passwords across all of your devices it's very difficult for me to remember all of them and basically if you sign up for something on your phone it's going to remember it on your ipad and on your laptop as well one little feature that i absolutely love is that if one of your devices or one of your friends devices somebody in your contact list is on a wi-fi network and you try to join that wi-fi network it will give the device that is on the wi-fi network the ability to share the wi-fi password with you wirelessly and it just logs you into the wi-fi i use this all the time we're constantly going to airbnbs you read the little paper it's got some ridiculous long wi-fi code i plug it in on my phone and then i get back into the bed and i'm like oh i forgot to put it into my ipad or i forgot to do it on my computer do i want to walk back out to the kitchen you don't have to anymore you just open up your phone and you open up the laptop it shares the password and they're all connected number eight is sidecar and here i've got an ipad pro which i use mostly just for entertainment but when i'm on the road and i want dual monitors sidecar allows you to turn your ipad into a wireless monitor very easily and automatically as you can see here i can slide windows from my laptop over to my ipad i've also heard that you can plug it in and get even better performance with a usbc cable i haven't even tried that yet but this is just fantastic it doubles almost doubles your real estate it just allows you to put smaller applications off to the side or maybe folders on your ipad and then you can drag things into applications like adobe premiere it makes productivity so much better number nine is imessage on your laptop now before i tried this i never thought that i wanted to send and receive text messages on a computer i have a phone for that but once i started using a keyboard to respond to text messages and i realized how much faster it was i did not want to go back to my phone now in my last video i complained that the only messages you could get were from other iphones or other imessage devices and that other text messages were not going to come through and of course every single comment on that youtube video was like actually you can you just have to go in your settings on your phone and turn it on so under settings go down to messages and scroll down here to text message forwarding and then as you can see here i have it turned on just for my macbook pro i never text from my ipad but once i turn this on all messages started coming through especially those super annoying ones when you're trying to log into your bank and it sends you some code they now show up on my laptop and my laptop can recognize them i don't even have to type them in i don't have to paste them it just says is this the code you want to add yes and it logs me in super easily i didn't know this worked until like three days ago and i love this application even before that now it's perfect number 10 is operating system navigation now there are certain things that i really dislike about this operating system but there are many things that are far more intuitive than windows one of them being just the way that files and folders are laid out i've said this in many videos before i love the fact that you can add tabs here and in each tab it works just like a web browser you could open up different folders here it makes navigating and jumping between folders much faster but also finding things on the computer is much easier you can just click over here to applications honestly i have been using windows for my entire life and i'm still not totally sure what's going on with the different user profiles and windows and i get lost in the explorer trying to go through like c drive users lee morris and then well what's in here versus what's in just the program files and then where are applications why are some in the program file and why are some under the user accounts honestly all that stuff has driven me crazy i just try to turn it all off whereas with the mac although it's taking me a little while to get used to it it just seems like where you think stuff should be there it is in the past when we've had mac users come over to our studio and they try to connect over to our network we have had so many problems with it in the past but ever since i've purchased this laptop i have had far less problems than i've had with my windows computers my nas device sitting right behind me here just shows up under locations it never shows up on my windows machine i have to use this third-party program to find it and then map the drive on mac it just works mac os also has something called spotlight you just click on this magnifying glass up top and you can basically type anything you could want or be looking for or trying to find an answer to and it will do its best to answer i mean i could i could put a math problem in here and it will give me an answer but i could also go to settings and you'll see system preferences comes up so even though apple doesn't have something called settings it's smart enough to go you know what i think this person's looking for system preferences let's put that at the top of the list and then if i type in something like restaurants here it's going to give me the option to look for restaurants near me it's going to give me the option to search the web here and i can just open up a website and it's going to search for restaurants nearby so it's super intuitive and it works way better than cortana on windows honestly i just turned that thing off and number 11 is overall performance this is the first laptop i have ever used that truly feels like it could be a desktop replacement i have used other very powerful thick chunky laptops in the past but they're so loud that i don't actually want to use them as a desktop replacement or they're so large that i don't want to travel anywhere with them this laptop i absolutely love traveling with i love using it in the bed it's just so convenient but at the same time i can close it down into clamshell mode i can plug it in with a single thunderbolt cable over to my thunderbolt dock over there and my entire desktop lights up including dual monitors and my keyboard and mouse and all of my card readers and everything and it just works and no matter how many applications i open up the fans don't spool up it doesn't lag like other laptops that i've used in the past it just feels like a powerful desktop always has to me but it's an incredibly small convenient package so that wraps up my list of the things that i love about this laptop and the reasons that i've moved over to this from windows but keep in mind i've only owned this thing for six months really i've only been using mac os for six months there's so much i don't know feel free to tell me what i'm missing in the comments below i really appreciated it in the last video i tried to read as many as i could and implement them into this video let me know i'm sure there's other incredible things that this laptop can do and stay tuned because very soon i'm going to be releasing my top 10 reasons why i hate this laptop and hate mac os it's not totally perfect but at the moment the pros certainly outweigh the cons if you are interested in photography or videography head over to fstoppers.com we have daily free content it's like a tech photography blog and if you're interested in going pro head over to fstoppers.com store there we have full length photo and video tutorials we've teamed up with world class photographers for those tutorials and again if you're looking to take your work to the next level i think you're really going to enjoy it thanks for watching guys see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Fstoppers
Views: 317,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q8Xjz5v0jDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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