PBS Carrier - Landing on a Pitching Deck Pt. 2.mp4

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having been around for a little while if I really don't want to be out there then I don't want my brand-new people out there so cone lieutenant Dietrich is getting ready to fly one of the tankers so we had gas for that recovery it's her first cruise we had not done a lot of pitching deck I told maintenance that I was taking it and they raided up to the roof and told her hey just you know stand by and I said you know you don't understand it now but in about 20 minutes when people start trying to land on this you're going to realize why I'm getting in this jet for you Oh you guys take 135 we are we after the seventh guy in a row Boulder and I wonder how many tankers I can launch and how long this goes before we start getting some people aboard in recovery they create your face yeah we got three four five six seven eight nine eleven at over fifty fifteen Boulter's or wave-off so far when the ship gets to side-to-side rolling it makes your instruments kind of do funny things in the cockpit so you're just kind of coming down and you're kind of blinking your eyes trying to make sure you're on center lugs yeah absolutely Wow power Oh download I don't know I did Oh send of like holy cow I'm a little high and next thing you know and it's now you're in the bolt or wave off pattern and you're looking at all these other airplanes that are getting the bolt or way about math with you I don't like that step oxy man stay with it you know I'm your three online pad fighter left course eight it's a power Oh Eddie - steady turn Lucius bingo on the ball seriously that was the first time I ever really felt like I am about to hit the back of the ship I am about to smash into the back of the ship and go into a million pieces little cloud and epic little power power so you know you're bringing the power off breaking the power off but I'm like that's that's all I'm giving you man I'm done yes is in there we got more it was it was just a idea I've never breathed so fast so hard in my life it was something I was just I was I was shaky yeah definitely one of the most stressful experiences I've ever had you want to look at Isis to watch a ballbuster deck dude all I know is I always eat clothes they're like little power I look down and I saw back at the ship above me good I was like oh there's been times it looks like guys are probably looking down on the deck and this deck just comes on home seven catches Amman they trap if I can just hear bout like the game of powers I get in power and all sudden they're just like from the deck like being above me just goes boom and I was like everybody down there I want to stay up here it's safe up here I need a German the hell just shake until we're almost done Tigers going around the deck steady of them I'll jar jar's go around here we go out of their way now I'm starting to get pretty nervous realizing that hey the DECA this is no joke and the duckies everywhere Jack was coming up I was coming down and he hit so hard that he bounces over all the wires so he skipped a chill 3.41 good next thing I knew I was getting airborne again and that's when I started becoming very anxious thinking myself well okay looking at my gas hey I've got about two more two more tries here and then I'm gonna they're gonna start thinking about giving me some gas and I don't want to be that guy I'd like to just get a board quietly and and have my moment of sheer terror and then go find somewhere just to have an aneurysm and a call today sit on out man you're gonna send your mojo - skipper favor you know you don't need any mojo oh dear what of all I always get an eerie feeling when I'm the last guy on board I'll tell you that one day were too unequipped by mouth hot - there's no one to save you there's no gas airborne you got to do it you need to do - to get on deck look at that big picture he staged she's like sex what do you guys think if he goes around one time it's gonna be in his head he's gonna be pissed off and it's gonna affect this next row it's gonna take it over cause he's gonna get aboard he said no my board I just going around point I think I'm gonna be the I'm gonna be the pessimist for the whole for the whole ready room here I don't think he's getting aboard I don't think so yeah starting the Dutch roll yeah oh yeah just wait oh yeah it's gonna continue telling he's going around he's gonna run oh yeah he's gone already out of say oh no it's gonna sit on the shuttle up right there I'm gonna be good every right of all pot - he's going around say imma [ __ ] look at me out yeah uh he's gonna get a board Oh Rocksteady sit around Oh everyone that was a stellar stellar stellar performance that was not my first pitching deck experience but it was my last it's something that I really like to do and the thought of not doing it anymore I guess slightly relieved but slightly depressing right man goodnight Shepard okay let's go you
Channel: imkayto
Views: 550,472
Rating: 4.8785014 out of 5
Keywords: PBS, Carrier, Landing, on, a, Pitching, Deck, Pt, 2
Id: uTVj_ZSwxGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2010
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