PBR Materials in 3ds Max | Physically Based Rendering

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hi it's aga from rv's artists today's topic pbr materials what is it how to create them and why is it worth to use them so first let me explain what this pbr means it's a shortcut from physically based rendering it's a method of rendering that provides a more accurate representation of how light interacts with surfaces as i said it's more accurate and as a result it's more realistic for this max corona and viewing materials support this method creating pbr materials is based on a set of specific textures which define specific characteristics of the material for example base color metalness roughness and so on so now let me compare creating materials with typical maps and pbr textures so basically if we don't have the pvr textures what we artists normally do we look for a diffuse texture let's say we found something like this so we create the material and plug the texture to the diffuse slot as we don't have other maps we plug the saturated diffuse maps to different slots i use color correction we should change some values in the material as well so let's plug it to the reflection glossiness start and bump slot we can of course adjust it more make the map more contrasty for instance let's see how it works let's start interactive rendering first of all it's not a great quality texture but it doesn't matter here too much we can adjust reflection glossiness to make the wood more or less matte but it's not a point of our interest here i want to show you the bump map i will unplug everything except the bump texture it's just easier to see what this map is doing so the thing with this map is that it's not really accurate as it makes the depth based on the diffuse map so if the diffuse map is darker in some parts the higher values of depth will be created which is not always the case so if we want to create more accurate material we need to have pbr textures the map are high quality and seamless the ones i have here are from polygon website however there are lots of other sources too let's see how it looks in this case as it's a wood material we have a diffuse map glossiness map normal map and reflection map pbr materials represent the way how the materials behave in real life so you don't need to spend time tweaking the values to get realistic results of course you can if you want to change the material somehow but in general these maps give you great results so polygon textures come with a special script that allows you to create the material with a few clicks so we need to choose the renderer for made will be corner then the folder where the textures are saved now load the material and assign to the object i copied the sphere first to see the difference and a sign let's see what we get and it's basically done awesome right so we have a color map plugged to diffuse slot we have a dedicated map to reflection in the correct slot the same for glossiness and for the pump let me show you how it looks so you can see that it works pretty well now let's take a look at the pump i unplug the maps and it's not too much visible i increase it just for testing for process you can see that the bump is really nice and sharp and it looks really natural so we have the bump where it should be you can see the deeper aparts clearly on the map the same for glossiness the map is not simply saturated as i've done before it will be easier to see in photoshop let me compare this for you so i have the diffuse map here with the adjustment on top that desaturated it now to compare it i turn on the glossiness map look here for instance so on the glossiness map this part is light whereas if we simply desaturate the diffuse map it will be dark here the same here we have a bigger gradient here than on the glossiness map so these are different maps that represent different characteristics on the reflection pass it's even more clearly visible how the reflection map works in this material i show you one more material to give you a better idea this time it will be a break the same procedure as before so in this case we have an additional displacement map let's see the preview start interactive rendering i need to change the displacement value as i have my scene in millimeters and it's way too big here we go here is how it looks look at the displacement you can notice that it's not the same in every place let me show you the map you can notice that the black lines have different thickness and intensity of black color which is much more closer to the real world than perfect lines so is it worth using them of course it can save you a lot of time as you don't need to upgrade every single material from scratch but it doesn't mean that you don't have to understand the materials and know how to create them as a lot of time you need to make some small adjustments to make the material fit better to your scene or feed your needs but for sure it makes your workflow faster and the output more photorealistic so i highly recommend it that's it thanks for watching also don't forget to like this video if you found this interesting share it subscribe and do all these wonderful things see you guys in the next video
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 60,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Id: A0H-jdqE93w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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