Go Bowling PBA NASCAR Invitational at Phoenix Raceway FULL EVENT | PBA on FOX

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and we welcome you to the finale of PBA Allstar Weekend the go bowling PBA NASCAR invitation on the checkered flag Clash all happening at the barn adjacent to Phoenix Raceway today some of the finest professional bowlers in the world will team up with some of the best Nascar drivers on the track you'll have the defending Champions Kyle troop and Eric Al marola take on Chase Brisco and Darren tang in doubles and then Homer pwba Rookie of the Year Dario pyo will team of Daniel hemrich against reing USBC Queen Champion Lindsay boomershine and AJ almond Dinger hello again everybody along with Hall of Famer Randy Peterson and Kimberly Pressler I'm Dave Lamont we welcome you to Phoenix Raceway it's right over there and Randy there's so many cool similarities between bowling and racing including our fans yeah there really is and I mean it's two great Sports coming together at a venue unlike any other I mean where else do you see bowling lanes next to the speedway and you know Dave when I think of NASCAR I think of danger and with Danger comes pressure right I mean these guys are ripping around the track at 200 mph driving a car that's got 900 horsepower I mean that's some sick pressure but today they're going to feel a different kind of pressure under the bright lights of the PBA tour competing against some of the top Professionals in the world a completely different world for these drivers you know what this truly is a match made in Phoenix so then we have semi-finals we have a final we also have the checkered flag Clash still to come it's going to be a spectacular afternoon the opening match will be Eric almerol and Kyle troop taking on Chase Brisco and Darren Tang they are standing by with Kimberly Pressler right now thanks guys so Eric Kyle you guys are the defending champions of this event but guys I watched practice and all the new athletes that are coming up here they look pretty good are you a little nervous you ready to defend uh nervous is an understatement I Kyle told me before we came up here he's like hey just so you know I've never defended a PBA event so he's got really nervous uh all the lights are on all these fans are here so I'm just kidding I'm not nervous it's either going to be good or it's going to be bad what could it they can't take my birthday away right so they cannot or the fact that you guys are the defending Champions and Kyle you know what we talked earlier about the fact that last year you guys actually had to go up against Chase and yesper who was one of your best friends and you beat them on your road to winning but now he's got Darren tang and Darren has been bowling pretty good this week so are you a little nervous about this new matchup uh you know I love my boy yesper but I do think Chase has a partner upgrade this time around this year so uh it's going to be it's going to be a tough a tough match for sure Darren's been hot I know Chase has got some game you know threw plenty of strikes on these Lanes before but uh I like our chemistry we're going to have a good time and uh put up a good score well Chase let's talk about that um chemistry because last year you had five strikes in a row it was pretty amazing to watch and now you have Darren who is like I said bowling pretty good so what what's the plan of attack to take your old NASCAR teammate out well I think his back's going to be hurting at the end of this thing he'll probably be carrying me through the whole event but uh yeah I'm nothing fancy I'm just I try to throw it straight sometimes it's right sometimes it's left last year I got lucky and somehow rolled five strikes in a row so yeah hopefully can uh do it all again but it's going to be a lot of fun regardless and unlike Eric I am nervous uh this is intimidating but uh it's going to be a lot of fun for sure and Derek uh Kyle over here just hyped you up quite a bit are you ready to throw some strikes and Chase like he's hoping you are yeah I mean Kyle's been having a really really good all-star weekend he's won every event so far so I think it'd be a disservice to uh Chase here if I didn't uh try to ruin that so I'm ready all right well let's get to some bowling so here's the format we have for you today we have the double semifinals then we're going to get you the checkered flag Clash and that's a unique event we're going to talk a little bit more about it's going to feature some drivers and some Fox Sports personalities and then new crown and Champion will KY TR defend for the first time this will be for the first time ever be sweep by the way all right let's get started this is a good old baker format which means everybody gets a crack at it absolute oh not bad Chase not bad solid that's a good first bow right there now this this one's going to be much harder this is hard here this is hard this could be more intimidating at all 10 pin to be honest and one thing my dad told me before the show in 2015 catches just enough of the headpin nice little squisher but this one's going to test him hey hang on very nice he's done this before hasn't he I wonder if these guys I'm a gamer not a practicer hey Chase I thought you said that 10 pin was hard and he made it look simple yeah I got lucky I think again I I don't know something about the pressure I guess being on helps a little bit but I'm uh I'm sure to start messing up at some point oh yeah wait a minute did I see a little rev rate going on there he do I thought it was good I thought it was good he's got quite a bit to work I'm going to borrow Chase's ball no thumb careful there's the revolutions ation but in our sport oil's good shooter well unlike NASCAR ining straighter is greater yeah and I was going to say our sport oil is good on the racetrack not so much but this is perfect by Eric alola yeah the defend well listen they're not going to just lay over and not defend with vigor by the way this guy's really good if you're seeing him for the first time got a lot of action in the back of that two pin so Kyle has a highly I think that's the only shot that one gets ball change already yeah he'll bring out the spare ball for this one for a pro this is a very simple high high percentage all right Kyle nice cover there by the way yesper sent me a text he's not real happy with it but hey talk about that wash out that your partner just made I mean uh I thought the shot was pretty good we both did but then uh you know he said he had to use Chase's ball on the spare so I think Chase has got the magic ball he does so we may be in a little trouble here Darren Tang that crossed over big time almost into Brooklyn territory so he's got close so he makes this will be [Music] tied Darren's been working really hard on his game lately with coach Mark Baker trying to get get his timing a little bit more delayed Baker one of the [Music] best didn't work that time Mark will be texting Darren us the B my spares earlier in the week well take a look at our oil pattern today the PBA LBC 43 yeah and we've watched throughout this uh Allstar Weekend how the right lane can get a little bit tricky the our NASCAR players they're going to play pretty straight up the middle part of the lane and our Pros are going to be hooking it they're going to be moving in and feeding it out to about the seven8 board there's another good one this is power right here that's okay good job I thought that was it all Chase has to do is catch the head pin on every [Applause] shot there's something to be learned for the fans of NASCAR watching and our bowling fans watching you saw that wrist of Chase brisco's how it was inverted we want to get the wrist nice and firm and up underneath the ball just throw it straight you should be fine he's got it yep no trouble all ball still high I think I think he was playing posum should we invited him to the spare contest a couple of days ago yeah make that spare Darren Tang was in that could have invited Eric as well after that wash out he made uhoh Oh I thought that would happen if he left it down the middle you said that's okay right yeah you said that's okay yeah Brooklyn's okay that means you got to hit the head all right hey use Chase's ball okay Chase ball I'm using Chase's ball Kyle troop doubling as a ball rep keep it close [Music] oh man that was close hey may just let a rip like that on the first ball from now on I know all right here we go uh well C troops having a spectacular 2024 start to his season February 4th and Indianapolis or Royal pin Woodland he wins the second major the US Open and then in the number three seed defeated incredible Anthony Simonson in the championship match that was at the US Open the PBA Indiana classic the just mayor PBA Indiana classic he picked up his 12 title overall defeating EJ tacket and by the way he's going for this may be something we're going to have to rename the troop sweep here at Allstar Weekend well he's been executing at extremely high level this season and it's continued throughout this great event slipped hurry hurry yo got it there it doesn't even have to be perfect close and he gets a strike yeah had a little footing issue SLI just a bit but managed to get it up the hill and into the pocket Daren tang with a tour title he won that of the uh Infamous old waterer Ohio wide right on that one yeah slicker than an otter's pocket at that part of the lane just keep keep holding me up it's like we're you're coming around the oval bank and yeah and traction's great and then all of a sudden starts to drizzle the air gets a little dirty maybe or something starts to drizzle that track starts to get a little slick yeah there's a sweet spot in there Darren's looking for it he'll find it right now Darren's NASCAR partner has more marks than he does okay that [Music] was he's on the board spon just threw his remote after [Applause] you well this is a happy area for Chase Brisco because back in March 13 2022 he won his first career NASCAR Cup Series race at Phoenix Raceway and in so do became the 200 different driver in Series history who have won a race in the cup series which is just [Music] wild out there [Applause] yeah wide left but he's got something that's there if he just throws it right down the middle again trying to live up to that hype video I know he's been a spare machine so far in the early going straight for get up the hill right screw that one up Chase it's uh Dave and Randy up in the booth and uh first of all you're doing you're you're doing great you're off to a great start halfway through game one but uh take us back to that day last year here at this ra track what was that like yeah it was super special you know just to win in the cup series is a huge thing you know you dream of just getting truthfully to race in the cup series and to be able to say that you're a winner in the cup series is super special so was uh it caught me a little off guard truthfully winning here this is statistically one of my my worst RAC tracks I felt like and uh just a place I've always struggled at and ever since that day when we won we've been really good here so yeah it's always special coming back to Phoenix just uh you know anytime you come back to where you got your first win special so was uh always cool to to come back and obviously be able to to try to back it up and be cooler thanks for that Chason congrats ah well close match through five as you might guess I Know It uh you know um dang it Eric boned the hook ball on that on that first shot I don't know if you noticed that I did this guy will not abandon the hook on his shot you can hear him say comes down the straight away and end of turn three and perfectly into the one three strike you might have thought Palma did it on the lanes but no no no no no Jason belatti and Eric Al marola took care of it at the Charlotte Motor Speedway in 2019 Randy I mean this is crazy I think he did that one one handed I yeah I mean that that is the bul ball's passing the car yeah at one point you're right imagine being a NASCAR driver that's your living I guess after a while it's just to them it might be you get you get used to the speed right Darren needs help head out and in Bowling when you cross the opposite pocket that is known as going Brooklyn it's funny because during the break Darren walks by our booth and goes hey Randy how am I doing so far the worst part was you told him yeah get me he just looked over and pointed at us this is great for the kid I need to keep going straight catch a piece catch aaby all right the one in the middle that's fine good shot but everybody has their hands up you know what that means yes we we need to do that yeah that means if he misses this what this is yeah if you miss a five pin everybody has a hand up you're supposed to I love my wallet at home his wallet at home yeah but he's good for it oh yes Chase we accept catch and Veno I'm a zel guy so I'll do that oh no no no oh there goes the wallet yeah my goodness it is empty here we go smart man we did that at Nationals we did that in National one time and we had like the whole Squad which was like 200 people doing it cuz our team started doing it so often the whole Squad started get this oh I ready to get my hand yeah yeah this is the just right strike brought to you by just bear the mindful choice for highquality protein with no antibiotics ever just right just be and just barely a strike wonder what Eric had in his wallet going to find out yeah hey Eric what's in your wallet I it's like a commercial or something it does sound like something somebody could latch on to all right K troop working on a double right here they have a 19 pin lead could go to 29 w flush 100% flush go yeah there we go that's how we take control of the game right there yeah to borrow from Bill raftery Just a Kiss so n it's got to be now Darren moved way in and he gets it his best looking shot of this game real ones matter too real ones matter come on Darren's played the entire Lane in four shots it's great we made it all right big one here for Chase can cut the lead to 19 and give him a chance he can strike he talked with Kimberly about hitting five in a row last year so got a chance kick it Oh I thought he might get some action Off the Wall yeah yeah they got to have this come on Chase all give it a run you never know pretty much right at it nope that's what he needed the frame before when he falling apart well tune in to race up week nights on FS1 get expert analysis and opinions from the best in NASCAR as they break down the hottest names inside the car and out on the track race up week nights at 6 Eastern on FS1 in the Fox Sports app so are the defending Champions ready to step in I believe about there yeah all bit over now I wonder what we what we could do or what we would have to do yeah there's AEP behind it to get to get a chance to do a ride along Ride Along in in a NASCAR yeah sign a lot of insurance papers yeah all right I'm good with that I've would try it I mean and we don't have to go 200 like 150 is all right that's okay though I think they're going to be next dang it dang it dang it mainly because Kyle gets the bowl again yeah I think they're going to be just fine I think Kyle needs five pins he does I think he's going to get double that good call on the next shot well he needed five ugly but enough troa has Advance the championship match so the defending Champions are in the championship match again yeah love you Donna sorry I didn't make that spare though with [Applause] you there you go you need a man to whip up the crowd there's your guy right there tro and Eric marola are in the finals once again defeating Chase Brisco and Darren Tang so Eric Kyle congratulations you once again find yourself in the final but you made a pretty exciting spare conversion to keep you guys in this match how in the world did you make that um just a lot of talent really I mean no no luck at all no just mostly just pure god-given talent I like it that's what we like to hear and Kyle um you got an amazing you know partner right here but uh you have pretty dominated this weekend actually because one more match and you have literally swept all three days here a little pressure with that no no not knowing now all the god-given talent that I'm bowling with I feel even more confident than I did before this match but you know I'm a momentum guy I feel like we got a little momentum on my side here uh Eric's you know made the good change made an adjustment so uh we're feeling good for the title all right well we we will see all this god-given talents in the finals V has been PBA Allstar Weekend this is the go bowling PBA NASCAR Invitational in Phoenix race way second semi-final about to happen and AJ alond Dinger understands winning a two-time NASCAR Infinity Series champion 21- 22 and he is raced about everything that's got Wheels NASCAR open wheel sports car racing Randy this guy is a winner he really is he loves to go fast I mean look at some of his Nascar wins he went at the Brickyard in Indianapolis pretty special well AJ alinger is a winner right now all four of our competitors in in the semi-final are standing by with Kimberly thanks Dave So Daniel when we talked earlier you said this is the first time that you have ever laced up some bowling shoes and you said you were a little bit nervous but you took some practice shots so how are the nerves now uh prior to actually coming up here again they felt good and then I threw a gutter ball so I'm a little shaky ground currently but hey no better time in the presents going to be fun that's absolutely correct but how badly do you want to beat this guy as opposed to winning the entire thing bad anybody knows a colleague racing internally we have a lot of lot of competitions so my man AJ he beats me a lot on the golf course I beat him a couple times today bowling I look forward to taking the W here I'd like to hear that and a little rivalry is you know pretty good to have and Daria you know what you play second in this event last year so how are you going to take that experience and apply it here today to go up against Lindsay and AJ who have never been part of this event every event is a different experience so I'm also myself a bit nervous but I'm going to definitely use that experience from last year to try to perform as best as I can but I know they're going to put up a big fight cuz they're both Fighters and Lindsay is a great bowler so it's going to be a fun fun match it's going to be a fun match absolutely and AJ when you and I spoke earlier you said that you genuinely love the sport of bowling and you try and go as often as you can um but with two little ones it's a little bit tough but what is um gosh what's the highest score you've ever had well so as a kid I I would bowl all the time because I couldn't do any other sport cuz I was racing every weekend so I shot 267 when I was like 13 years old haven't come close to that since don't quite Bowl as much now my wife and I have a a brand new 6 Monon old so hopefully as he grows up we'll get to bowl a little bit more but the one good thing is I've already told Lindsay we're we're here for NASCAR so she's got to put a door on on Daria or Daniel walking off the lane we're going to do that we're here to win cuz rubbing is racing right that is right yeah Lindsay are you ready to follow up with that absolutely uh Daria is one of my good friends and I wouldn't actually do that to her I'm sorry AJ fair and square come on it's going to be fun um I'm just thankful to be here we're bowling with some really great people I love NASCAR and I'm excited good luck to you guys all right thank you everyone looking forward to this because the winnner is going to take on the defending Champions Al marola and Troop so you guys start booing me I don't know this a tough one to pick a favorite Dar has done this before Lindsay's the reigning Queen champion and then the Wild Card of these guys oh God all right come on let's get it off come on did I just see a two-handed release there you did watched him in practice he had a lot of sideways motion he's trying to cut his hook down a little bit Yeah here we go here's that two-handed motion keep it up let's go all right here we go all right now let's go again all right there we go Bingo there we go all right all right well let's talk to AJ AJ AJ tell us about that first frame and getting that out of the way how nerve-wracking was that for you uh so my setup was messed up on that first ball the ball was uh they got the Stagger wrong on that so I got it figure it out here so there's no chance Daniel's going to pick this up either so we're only one behind all right I don't know what to do next I I like when all the pins are there so i't team these two for cow racing something similar Daniel also having success on the Infinity Series got a hook got a hook got a hook got oh thought he might cut the back one at least pick up a pin there well all right good start start let the pros take over I got my teammate she got me yeah 2017 pwba Rookie of the Year Daria payo lives in Utah I knew I was striking on practice yeah her practice shots were just about perfect that one just a little aggressive you know what's the name of that combination zero it's called Baby split you got it sounds perfect for you one of the best physical games match the women's tour you'll ever see Daria is fundamentally as good as anybody on that tour look at that and extremely powerful yes sir it's not the right way to make it I love that that was awesome that was awesome you just heard her say it's not really the right way to make it but you know what you made it it's all that matters I thought it was really good though that's got a hook and it will not get there near nearly in time yeah there's that slick spot not what I wanted to do my first shot it's all right the the problem is you got a you got a 165 lb dead weight on your shoulders already so that's your problem I think he's talking about Daniel that's not true no I think he's talking about himself oh that's right they're Partners they are this is not an easy one even for a skilled professional good cover all right so it's just one pin difference between the two teams again okay all right it's all you AJ now we're doing this for real people all right let's go if you ain't first you're last let's go AJ oh my what a comeback The Comeback player of the year let's go I was expecting a little bit more of a react from AJ oh yeah after this he undersold this yeah yeah he did how often do you ever get to say the words trip five on a PBA Tel yeah not [Laughter] often look it definitely makeable am that that head pin's easy bud it's very easy obviously easy obviously stop doing that okay no come on it's like that that four-footer you miss last time playing against me was that was that to beat you by a thousand or was that that looks good oh he over hooked it yeah the late snap God the late snap got him this looks real good and then all of a sudden see you normally turning left is good for these guys but not that one there oh my you know but these Sports these drivers make it look easy you know just and people all left turns I mean there's thousands of things that go on with these Racers and their and their cars and with their Crews and the same thing in Bowling you know you watch these top professionals and they make it look easy but it's not I mean think of all the things you have to do to execute a shot and bowling okay alisar is over the good job keep holding us here oh wide right that time for Lindsay leaving her Qui quite a bit of work with that wash out there hey let's talk to Daria real quick Daria are you are you are you glad you're not on that right lane that right lane looks nasty it's looked nasty throughout Allstar Weekend yeah I am actually happy with the lane choice and I'm so sorry for Lindsay because every time the ball goes a little bit to the right it's gone I was just talking to Daniel about it like Daniel you have to keep moving left because you don't want to leak it to the right and there's a good example of what she was talking about there got out right and just stayed there all right come on AJ we got you backup yeah let's go okay here we go all right all [Applause] right there's that late left turn again whoa scared to throw it any further right for the gutter I know so know yeah now alond Dinger coming off of that trip five [Music] strike the winner of this gets the defending Champions troop at Al marola oh almost got it he almost took out the three pin all right ajin AJ what kind of adjustments are you going to make now on that left lane if any I'm going to hope and pray I'm hoping and praying right now uh I'm trying I'm trying to get it too far I get it too far right it's in the gutter so I don't know what else to do I'm still working on this two-handed bowling thing so we're working on it and what made you decide to go to two-handed was it a pro that you watched on the PBA tour or was it just just something you picked up well I figured troop was pretty good doing it and uh y you know it's uh it's it's easier for me than than one-handed so I just started picking that up last year I'm going to have to keep working on it all right that's using the hook to the advantage absolutely gorgeous spare that time for hemr sit back with a sense of accomplishment after covering let hope so her last shot on this Lane was great she left the 10 pin oh boy things are going to change real quick now Daria born in Poland probably has a few Choice words in that language he could turn to if you needed to yeah I mean really the only thing you can do with this is Chuck it really hard over here at the forpin and hope that something comes out of the pit to take the six out oh nah yeah look at that scoreboard all of a sudden things have changed impossible to try to figure out who's going to win this match we just going to have to put it to bed here very shortly when we come back and see who is going to make the finals to take on troop and Al marola the defending Champion Phoenix Raceway with Randy Peterson and Kimberly Pressler I'm Dave Lamont the PBA is proud that boulders to veteran link is the official charity of the PBA tour since 1942 through the support of the bowling Community BBL has raised more than 56 million for veterans to donate please go to bv.com shine Mak yeah ball change here on the on that slick right lane she just needs to move farther right and again this match very much up in the air this is so difficult having not the only get the b ball over here to the left side of the two pin cut it into the 10 come on Lindsay and no didn't cut it over 15% of the time is the tour average that's converted and all of these great stats are brought To Us by who else well Lane talk that's right more information you want to be a better bowler I do head on over to Lane talk.com or download the free app can I get can I get okay maybe AJ's got it maybe he will download it that's a strike o not bad not [Applause] bad wo AJ that was a pretty good shot almost got there AJ but you know what you're the only player with a strike thus far through seven frames well Randy this what I do I show up I bowl uh my game speaks for itself I'll be honest I'm not really sure where to throw this ball for this for this pin so we're going to try it Now hook Now hook Now hook got it yeah that's pretty good there sir pretty good solid they're picking each other up so you're saying there's a chance when you wake up in the morning you bull Excellence I get it oh that was [Music] good yeah no man I thought he had the pocket that time close hey it's it's really it's really wet on the right side there so you got to be careful but it's but it's dry in the middle so if he may hooky that's that's enough all right sorry apparently AJ has been picking up on uh oil knowledge and Lane conditions probably downloaded the pattern to his phone yeah he's been watching a lot of YouTube videos as well trying to get some some pointers that needs to hold and it does he flatten it out a little bit notice rotation was more end overend that was brilliant Dario your partner right there flatten his hand out WI a little more end overend roll and covers the 36 beautifully what did you think of that I am very impressed I think he's the one holding us up because I'm not bowling very well so I'm going to do my best now all right but he's doing great all right well come on let's get after we need to see a strike from Daria okay just for you well Lindsay had her chance at it now Daria gets a shot at this very difficult that's what I just said hey can we all sit on one couch together just like we need a support group support system many of times Daniel you've had to you've had to help me in a golf cart sadness I got knowwhere to walk it's sadness I mean right now those couches are starting to turn into therapy couches no and that's exactly what Boomer shine did let's let see what you think about that I have been making adjustments it's a win for fans and a win for football as the usfl and XFL merger is official the United Football League will begin to play March 30th with the usfl champion Birmingham stallions taking on the XFL Champion Arlington Renegades the United Football League this spring on ABC ESPN Fox and FS1 spring just got stronger can't wait maybe mixer all righty then that's I said that's one more oh that's nice Lindsay Boomers shine finally finds the one three and that's got to pump this guy up he's ready come on [Applause] AJ oh boy oh boy oh see now it it has a chance to get back on that left lane if that was on the right lane it would have been zero yeah he' have picked up like the corner pins that would have been about it AJ nothing crazy one or two pins okay all right all right we'll see here there we go that has a chance oh that's man that's brutal I thought he had [Applause] it AJ that was good that was really good that was that was really good and this lead keeps going back and forth for 100 yeah that's good hold your head oh show something now he's going to be tested come on yeah that same shot he's been throwing it is not going to work against his in pin now he's going to be tested we go what ball is straight I don't think any of those if you you can throw my ball you can throw I got AJ what do you think the odds are of him making this uh slim to none and I think slim just went out the door but here's what I'm going to make a deal for him if he makes this I'll buy you a Celsius any flavor you want bud no deal what [Applause] no shake it's me to oil yeah just blame the pattern when all fails blame the pattern and now the lead back the other way I really need to thr shot now hey this is way closer than should be well let's see if Dar can get a strike and put some heat back on her friend needs a hook no no no she lost that immediately I just think she's too deep I I left the makeable you know the thing is is if she misses up the lane a little bit it's going to go high she's too deep too much angle that better hook whoa whoa yeah all right if she strikes here Lindsay boomershine will need 18 in the 10 if she strikes it would be her first of the match okay I should at least strike once so I got fa in let's do it do my best okay love at least one right love that that's what I'm talking about [Applause] thanks you did all you could do so Lindsay with 18 pins so she's going to have to mark maybe yes sir where I come from that's a mark yes sir great shot linday AJ do you like that one see I just I like putting the pressure on my partner just just shows the ability she's got when it when it's time to shine so I I like that shot love it now just eight and it'll be alond Dinger Boomers shine against troop and Al marola and oh oh she needs one of those tied up Daniel tied up that tied up I have to believe she'll get one I you would think all right so AJ she needs just one of these for you guys to advance and you taking on your two-handed idol in Kyle troop I like our chances right here that's got it made it look easy on to the championship match will be alond Dinger and Boomers shine thank [Applause] [Music] you that was fun that man I want to go again so she needed only one she manages to teach you a lesson on how to shoot that shot perfectly done a big sigh of relief and the winners are standing by with Kimberly a sigh of relief indeed you guys are headed to the finals but Lindsay let's talk about that 10th Frame did you were you a little worried I knew I could throw the first one I just I made a huge adjud adjustment after um the fourth frame I went and switched balls and I moved all the way right and I looked at AJ and I said hey I've thrown three in the 10th for $60,000 for a major title we got this so I was a little nervous on the second one but uh I'm glad I came in clutch for my partner you absolutely were and AJ let's talk about the adjustments that she was talking about because you guys are now going going up against the Heavy Hitters that is Eric and Kyle they are defending Champions and you guys need a few more strikes to go up against them so what adjustments are you guys going to make yeah we're going to have to take down their little romance that they got going on right now so it's uh I'm still working on the two-handed throw uh you know we're going to make some adjustments but you know we got the bad game out of the way now it looks like what 270 280 you think that's that's what we're all hoping for congratulations and we'll see you guys in the final and Mark Bailey the Director of Business Development for NASCAR West for everything that he and his staff have done for us made us feel incredibly welcome well Randy let's go through the Bold TV season highlights it starts off with a Players Championship Bill O'Neal beats Tom Smallwood in witch off for his third career major championship and then it was off to Indianapolis Indiana for the US Open Kyle troop defeats simonon it was troop's second career Major off we go and guess who's back in the winner circle boys and girls for the first time as a solo artist since 2017 Marshall Kent wins in Mount Prospect to the PBA Illinois Classic and then it's the Pete Weber PBA Missouri classic in Springfield there's another Anthony Simons inciting this time he defeats Bill O'Neal Simo climbs the ladder off we go to Indiana and the just be PBA Indiana classic and Anderson and it's Kyle troop on top again taking out EJ tacket for his second win this season and then it was in Delaware the Delaware classic Middletown to be exact David koll defeats Tomas Kao it was croll's first ever win and here we are Randy I'm dying to find out who's going to win the final if it's going to be Kyle troop for a troop fecta or not yeah can can he defend him and his partner defend again I know it's going to be a tough team with Boomers sham and almond ding there certainly been tough on our Graphics department now we've asked a lot of questions with Kimberly pressler's pressing question this time we ask our PBA Pros about their favorite part of NASCAR impressing questions brought to you by go bowling Norm let's chat about NASCAR what is your favorite thing about it the noise my god when you're there live this is the loudest thing in the world and then they come around that corner you're like I wish I could sit behind a car that goes that fast I think that' be like an insane thrill and not crash and not crash that's what brings the thrill right the crash I guess I'm I'm rooting for the big one big riy Bobby crash would be awesome you're waiting for that red flag oh yeah that's that's what it's all about for me just no right turns you know all left just keep it simple that's my favorite thing I've been to NASCAR race and that was pretty awesome I'm amazed how how calm and and and good they are at what they do I've had the pleasure of bowling with uh Eric El marola who is one of the the best Nascar drivers we in facted the world's fastest strike out of a NASCAR um so that was uh one of the most adrenaline fueld days that I've had my life all right here we go for the checkered flag Clash nine competitors one of them is Mike Alby but let's take we're we're going to chat about that with him when when it's his turn checker flag Clash beginning our poll sitter Cole kuster the rules on this are extremely simple I've been waiting all day to say this if you ain't first you're last y lowest score in every round gets knocked out till we have a champ I'm betting that Nine's going to stay Nine's going to be good I promise all righty let's welcome Jesse strike bring it up bring it up maybe I should say Lieutenant Commander Jesse uji he's still in the naval reserves we appreciate his service yes we do he looks like he can throw it overhand get six played little college football for the Naval Academy go less than that somebody get please oh it's the chair of Shame oh we might get some musical chairs we'll see yeah see what Sheldon Creed can do working for my guy Joe Gibbs my coach uhoh Lieutenant Commander uji can leave the chair time to vacate the chair Lieutenant I'm still in it going the second round hey we can make it g all right Leeland Honeyman Jun he looked okay in [Music] practice he's fine all right keep it on the lane yeah that's actually all you have to do just keep it on the lane all right Phil come on Phil's got some game yeah and he brought his own equipment with him oh they're icing me they're icing me here y Phil you bringing your own equipment to this I did I did I love it all right good luck sir I just hope I don't fall down box in theen house down you're fine Phil he's safe this is not cumulative scoring by any means this is just right now we haven't had a strike Cole kuster in the pole position came out on top so far Trevor Bane oh he's done this before he's done this before my friend yo [Music] Trevor yo Trevor that was beautiful where'd you learn that from Phil Phil taught me everything I know I learned what not to do follow that well Jamie just hit some pins oh yeah oh yeah [Applause] Jamie Jamie Jamie no pressure making it look easy out there great shot what were you feeling when you got up for that oh that was awesome I don't know I guess you know bad rehearsal good show is what my mom always taught me well do too Jamie yeah she taught you well that was great lat thank you Ryan priest he's fine all right so here's a tough one Randy can all be handle the heat well we're going to find out we're gonna find out all right so the the the Great Hall of Famer Mike Alby is stepping up in this competition we have no idea why you're here Mike I mean do you need a w that bad you're not actually going to try to win this are you well I'm here to be an ambassador for bowling so you know we'll see how it plays out Randy 29 titles I mean first I got to keep this one on the lane yeah well Mike I like your chances oh look out that might work of course it'll work you show off you show off great shot great job Mike thank you thank you well Sheldon Creed we barely knew [Laughter] you Sheldon was eliminated by throwing in the gutter and Cole kuster in his familiar number one position he'll start round number four he has been Rock Steady every time nine a seven and a [Music] nine just six remaining got game I mean Cole's Got Game Cole is doing exactly what you would tell him to do throw it down the middle and hit the head I mean if you're going to throw it straight you'd be a little more successful with with some angle from either left or right as opposed to just throwing a dead on but you know his direction is fantastic come on [Applause] Phil that a boy Phil that a boy love it hey I love the old throwback ly shoes too by the way yeah thank you they're about 25 years old my shoes yeah so he got those when you start your broadcast career I had a pair of the I the most excited kid you've ever seen when I got my pair of custom LMS guess who's going to the chair with an eight wait what yeah is that right yes kuster nine Parson strike Bane eight now Jamie Little's got a little [Applause] heat she's got to beat eight or she'll be in the chair uhoh hit something sorry that that's a lot of wood for six not terrible yeah I mean that's a lot of wood for that shot the problem is come on Ryan make me look good that's exactly what she needs cuz I think Al's going to be okay again I said make me look good she needs some help from Ryan we'll go with this one anything if it's less than six the seat will be occupied by priest that's good oh he played it safe didn't he that's good oh Jamie little is in a bit of a a pickle here that was saky is picking up Mike are you going to be a gentleman here I'm on that's a thought that's a thought you know I'm I'm trying to make sure I hit my target first remember how to do this where I stay in there andy do you remember uh I I can't no I can't remember Jamie little asking the question that Bowlers have been asking for years Mike have you ever missed a shot oh no I got a chance baby oh Mike just made a new PR thank you thanks you guys get him Jamie you did great damn Ryan Jamie I I thought you did great so did Dave my partner up here in the booth but uh you know the Hall of Famer kind of took you out when he could have you know been a gentleman and left you in you're right exactly he could have bowled right-handed you know could have helped me out you know would have beat me I'm sure well you did fantastic thanks for being here that was so much fun thanks for having Meer all right Jamie little just got knocked out here is round five and of course it's a cold Custer round this one's wide left first time he's missed a head pin yep and he's missed a lot of pins half half come on Phil give me something you remember last time on this Lane right he may be in the chair a little longer this time man now Phil did struggle on this Lane last time and only picked up a couple I think it was one he was you're right oh he's fine he's really good yeah good one there Phil yeah that's a double I like it's the shoes right it's got to be the shoes listen those those old style lens were great but they didn't have interchangeable heels and SS like we have today and those the bottom of those shoes that he's wearing that are 25 years old are really slick right now spinny thing oh yeah my sorry [Music] buddy I didn't expect this today okay has Trevor Bane heard of the regional [Laughter] tour it wasn't on the bingo card I'm not so sure about five I'm I'm nervous about it all right all be on deck priest needs six that's good too oh yeah what is happening everybody's striking well Cole kuster is in a spot of trouble and this is not the guy you want to have up no I think it's time to stop asking Mike if he's going to be nice uh yeah no even though he isn't extremely nice man but right now with a ball in his hand the Hall of Famer yeah seriously the Hall of Famer and you're right true gentlemen that Mr Obby what a great man yeah no doubt about it very successful in his post bowling life although he's still involved in the game and you know what this this race theme this NASCAR theme I mean you know he does live in Indianapolis good point [Applause] getting harder getting harder [Music] okay pretty good count for that shot there Phil lucky to catch a piece of the headpin I was so used to Cole kuster starting everything forgot we have a new round going it's round six with Phil Parsons leading us off now Trevor Bane racking y'all has struck three times maybe four W this weekend Randy there are Pros who haven't played that right lane better than Trevor [Laughter] exactly so Trevor's fine Phil Parsons is in the hot seat Ryan priest has been the wild card here every time we oh you know maybe not this time he sticks it right in the right spot ball there Ryan is working a double somebody else oh that's trouble yep Trevor to the seat hey told you good teammate here so Ryan priest will occupy the chair you should bull righty yeah the problem is he'd likely strike then too meantime I think Mike's working a 300 pretty close yeah pretty close that's enough it's ner six are down only three remaining when we come back we will have someone grabbing the checkered flag and the checkered flag Clash and we are back inside the barn and Phoenix Raceway we're down to three competitors for the checkered flag Clash we want to say thanks of course to John harbu the man on the left there the president of Strike 10 entertainment and Martin Larsson the director of capital products for triple shift entertainment it's just these three the gentleman on the right has done some bowling in his life That's Mike Alby the man of the middle Phil Parsons and Trevor Bane and again low score is eliminated are they starting to feel the heat hold on is not like the others look at these two guys right here come on come on they' got a experience on me here you ready Phil no I like Trevor playing the I'm the innocent guy card ner good bill going home right here you know what Trevor Bane house I wouldn't say that yet if he strikes then it gets interesting yeah oh boy oh boy seven Parson stays around B to the seat I'll take that I'm older you have plenty of years left your chance will come I'll take my lesson your CH your chance will come all right thank you Mike Alby has to beat seven let's check this out just take care of me here okay okay sure you got me coming covered yeah I think so yeah he hasn't missed on this Lane oh help he still hasn't missed on this lane hit him thin watch him spin Trevor it's a Hall of Famer a hall of F and you and me what am I doing here what am I doing here almost thank you took it as far as I could boys all right Phil you're going to try to take down the Hall of Famer how do you get this done man there's no way absolutely no I'm just happy to be in the same on the same Lane as this guy looked up to him my whole life really in all seriousness great Great Hall of Famer right here and and and me Mike what do you say we make it fair and you throw it right-handed that would be pretty fair I mean I think that I could get maybe seven maybe right maybe maybe that's if it stayed on the lane hey and and Mike I I commented on on Phil's old school ly shoes do think oh we were talking about that a minute ago I mean he said this a second pair in I don't know 40 years or something like that awesome he had 300 when he was 18 years old so I'm we're not giving anything up here so all right guys best of luck in the finale well I bought him used used 20 some years ago seriously all right let's go come on Little Hardware in the foreground let me just throw one strike one strike you saw one make him make him throw a strike come on come on come on Phil has two strikes already actually how about a third get lucky well Nine's not bad though n great no chance nine is oh look he's he's baiting him oh no question about it he's totally trying to psych out M stri when did they say that the Hall of Famer is going to step up and show everyone why he's a Hall of Famer I think strike for the win time to timee anything less oh give me 10 of course of [Applause] course thank you for you know what for Phil Parsons that almost has to feel like he won yeah that was awesome that was great and just being able to watch all these these great folks from Nascar and then obviously the Hall of Famer Mike Alby pretty special Mike Alby grabs a trophy one more time did that a lot in a distinguished career and Kimberly presler is standing by with our competitors so Eric I don't know if you heard AJ's last interview but he said he's ready to stop the Bromance that is you and Kyle so what are your thoughts on that well I can already tell you the first thing I realized that I didn't like was when I walked up I went to go put my initials on my water bottle and I put AA and I was like that's not going to work no it is not so uh yeah I think uh it's going to be fun we uh we're back we're trying to defend last year's title and uh we'll see if we can make him make him regret his way words AJ like you Eric seems to have a ton of confidence and uh are you ready to stop the freight train that is these two yeah I mean that interview sounded like a lot of confidence so you can already see he's a little worried um the only negative is the fact that the practice throws before we're doing this interview were worse than my actual first game so um Lindsay I'm going to need you to pick it up a little bit more so uh we we'll be fine though we're going to if not we're going to we're going to start talking so much trash to them we're going to be inside their heads all all day all day mental Warfare I'm ready for it let's get to it guys it was Yogi bar who once said the half of baseball is 90% mental or 90% mental something like that that's I think is the AJ aldinger idea oh man if if nothing else Works plant yourself inside their craniums yeah AJ trash talking is encouraged we got more than 137 all right all right yeah yeah yeah we'll see Randy how this first throw goes before I start talking TR oh that looks good stri though Randy yes sir go oh that was a thing of beauty right there so is he trying to make himself the better two-hander in this match he'd like to I'm not sure he's going to pull it off I don't think his odds are that good but hey he's one for [Applause] one oh man okay this get serious already okay somebody's been sandbagging let's go yeah Eric's going going with a straight ball man he's sted the hook doesn't work he say forget it I'm just going right at the one three great jot there Eric way to conquer that right lane don't bother worrying about hooking it in there [Music] straight let me hear let me oh oh yeah I was asking for that help oh hey troop that's a one strike to nothing right now on this Lane just thr it fell late right yeah the seven fell no strike did the seven we need the seven respot it we need the seven I think the it fell there we go there let leave that out there that look like I just threw it again too bad there was a bunch of cameras so I guess I couldn't try and steal that one yeah Al so Kyle that would have been a 710 would have been an albatross on his neck but and AJ would have been all over him all right no trouble for Kyle all right they tried to ice me they tried oh that was going to rip the r yeah so Lindsay Boomers Shin who made a ball change Midway through the semi-final match and it paid off for her she had a big strike in that semi-final in the 10th Frame nice oh kick save and a beauty on the 10 whoever yelled nice as that ball was about halfway down the lane was absolutely rightow come on AJ let's go let's go we want to hear some trash [Applause] [Music] talking it again maybe oh no no no I thought he had a double there for a second oh it rolled out left the 57 going the gutter so we're okay got lucky there I know supposed to be how do you pick this one up by the way well Randy move a little bit left about three boards four boards left with your feet use your strike Target oh no you got one all right realistically that's what you could expect is a terrible break I threw it more than hey Kyle you're not going to let AJ out trash talk you are you no I mean see he finally you know had a double to work on and you know you see what happen got a little got a little iffy there on that shot but I mean they had a good start we got to let them live it up for a second but I know my man Eric here he's going to he's going to bring it home for us this game oh yeah I'm talking you up y now count took a hit there though unfortunately yeah but a spare here and the only Trail by one but not an easy attempt coming up just throw that same strike ball yeah that's going to miss right oh no that's M we're good deep breath the good news is you can turn to Kyle troop to help get you out of trouble yes it is Kyle with two titles this year including the US Open plus defeating EJ tacket in the just be PBA Indiana Classic this [Music] year there you go he is trying to go for the troop fecta win all the events this weekend at PBA Allstar Weekend registration for the 2024 PBA LBC national championships is now open to Boulders of all skill levels and from all centers the PBA LBC national championships is heading to a new location outside Chicago and includes two new Junior divisions you can compete in singles as well as op doubles and team events even combine your scores with the pros enter today at pba.com LBC tournaments mixer oh almost almost knocked it off its Mark a tiny bit just a little bit light so Boomer shine with a simple spare opportunity here as expected all right AJ stepping up here in the fifth frame your team has a 15 pin lead it's time to hit the accelerator okay all right right here Randy I got you put a little extra Steam on this ball there we go oh that looks good oh that looks good no way are you kidding me how did that stay up that was a great shot probably I'm throwing the ball at like8 miles per hour right now if I put a little more speed on it it might have that might have worked actually almost double eight milph according to our stat and a half this is a really nice shot but he's right you know with a little more speed the pins would have flown a little bit faster he had a good shot of carrying that need to hook a lot oh my God oh son of a all right gun let's go ah so close that first shot have you opened a door for the defending Champions uhoh okay all right all right everybody you know what to do everybody put your hands up put your hand in the air like you just don't care be Kyle do you have your hand up I ain't worried about it no he's got this okay this is right down this is right down his strike line yeah all right all right we'll play along he is going oh and he's holding his hand up oh no oh my get the wallet [Applause] out the lead remains 15 by the way it helps ER my hands hey Eric it is kind of pricey here at the bar too so yeah the Barn's not cheap dang it [Music] yeah [Applause] AJ does that look familiar yeah I don't feel quite as bad about my slow ball speed now since uh that thing went in there about 100 miles per hour and still couldn't get the seven I mean your speed was your speed was just under 16 it wasn't that slow oh okay I thought it was a really good shot I did too but the pins did not think that funny how the except you know the big differences this shot's going to be made yeah that's that's way easier to get it that way the battle of the two-handers on opposite sides who is going to win will we have a troop fecta will they defend their title or will we have a new Champion games of the gold bing PBA NASCAR Invitational at Phoenix Raceway Championship you see Lindsay boomershine right there she and her partner AJ alond dinger arguably the most letters of any doubles team in professional bowling history stop it I almost choked get up the hill get up the hill it you know who didn't choke her yeah that was a great shot now there is some 20 boards right built it yeah like that wow a good game so [Applause] far oh boy well the good news is they're on a strike so don't lose count on that [Music] but but the max scores have gotten a little tighter it's okay we're okay and Lindsay just calm down I remember what happened the last time because came up there just dropped the bomb on him everybody calm more spin AJ more spin [Music] oh boy oh boy oh no one shot oh no I'm done talking to you Randy I'm done I I understand AJ I I feel you Robin Williams once said Randy it's not your [Music] fault that's solid and makeable if he can throw it straight one more time yeah right now uh all right AJ almond Dinger is hoping he doesn't make it get quick hey yeah we're good even a couple would put them in the lead for me would you hey well a couple is a tie has nothing to do with me being a good guy or excuse me a couple would give them nine give him nine and that would put him in the lead by one and that looks like exactly what it's going oh almost miss the four pin just let you know that's I did that for TV okay he just wants to build the drama AJ building drama I love it that's all I'm here [Music] for Kyle's at two7 pins by the way in this particular game sandwiched around a strike messenger's going to drop off she getting a little tired son of well remember what AJ said at the top of this match he said Lindsay's going to have to start pulling her weight she's going to have to do it she has bold well skinny jeans it was a photo finish for that 10 pin right there I was like yeah one good one come on one good one the remainder of our March PBA coverage in Saturday on FS1 it's the PBA Junior national championships and Lindsay is in that show pretty Lindsay is coming through big [Applause] [Music] time three out of four for Boomers shine now AJ he doesn't want to talk to me I'm not talking to him he's done with you here we go [Music] oh no that's the other way yeah yeah that was the overcompensation from the frame before I know you're going to have good oh boy hey hey that's what happens when you over correct wow he's right yep maybe me think of golf immediately back F little heavy somewhere in between the last two Lindsay's locked so I mean a good count here I still like their chances to win she's she'll be up in the 10th that's that's good that's good that could get them all that's really good that's really good that's what we're talking about AJ you and I are back in sink now we can talk I don't feel good the good news is he's finished little pressure on Eric here oh no I felt I felt it come out I knew as soon as I let [Applause] go oh no that's what I'm saying so AJ you're saying there's still a chance there's still a chance my buddy Amar is helping me out [Applause] here oh with a hook oh that thing hydroplaned it's over the defending champs are looking like dang it they may not repeat the troop fecta is in danger the tro fecta love that this guy's dominated All-Star Weekend you can see the back score right there got to have it nope he crossed over through the nose for the 310 and now it's all but over 130 Max score Lindsay boomershine needs to just get good count keep it on the lane dang he almost took a double there he made it of course I can't believe he stayed behind the fouy that was incredible it's very skillful you're right he's had some issues on that approach check this out I mean most people would take a header he's stuck safe come on come on let's go let's go come [Applause] on send them home happy all right love you guys sorry all good AJ get ready to celebrate my friend we're it's it's not over until we cross the line Randy well I understand but she all she needs is pins I think she's going to get I think she's going to have no problem doing that I'll talk to you after this throw Randy stop you're getting inside my head there we go now it's a winner oh let's go it's all over it's all over Lindsay boomershine AJ aldinger win the 2024 Gold bowling PBA NASCAR Invitational yeah she really stepped up this in this game here with her Parker nice bowling by Lindsay and here is your satisfying moment of the match grabbing the winners goodies this is sponsored by Snickers there's nothing satisfies like a Snickers pretty satisfactory holding up trophies though I can tell you that right now and Kimberly is standing by with our Champions take it all in guys congratulations on that win wow what a roller coaster of a final AJ let's start with you do you do you remember what happened in the seventh frame no or or the ninth or the ninth first ball I have no idea I I blacked out right there well I I'll remind you you got not one not but you got two gutter balls just in the seventh and then again in the ninth how in the world did you guys pull this off after that well uh thankfully Lindsay uh kind of picked my weight up which is very heavy at that point so uh she threw some great strikes and uh fortunately after that one one that I got on the next throw got the spare so it was good AJ was awesome from the start and I think we just had you know an instant BFF that's right right that I love to hear it but I have one question before we go um Eric missed that five pin and I saw a whole lot of people over here with their hands in the air were you one of those people do you get a drink out of Eric and are you g to hit him up for it after this yeah it's weird I just saw him leave the building though so you guys see Eric in the garage tomorrow make sure you hound them because I'm racing against them so I need all the help I can get all right congratulations on your win guys he's great wow go oh and here's a look at the remain of our March PBA coverage we've got the PBA Junior national championships featuring Lindsay Boomers shine then on Saturday March 30th on FS1 at 7 Eastern we'll continue our PBA Elite League coverage from Las Vegas and when we'll return on Fox March 31st at 1:30 Eastern with our third major of the season the finals of the USBC Masters what a weekend this was PBA Allstar Weekend
Channel: FOX Sports
Views: 190,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fox, fox sports, fs1, fox sports 1, sports, news, sports fox, fox sports highlights, highlights, sports podcast, podcast, fs1 podcast, PBA, Professional Bowling, Bowling, Kyle Troup, PBA Tour, Phoenix Raceway, Nascar Invitational, sports talk, sports debate, PBA highlights, bowling highlights, PBA talk, PBA news, PBA debate, Go Bowling PBA NASCAR Invitational, Arizona, 2024 PBA Tour, sports highlights
Id: CAOap_IZn_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 24sec (5244 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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