Paying Designers to Design Dumb Shirts (Then Selling Them)

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Sounds like the audio channels fell out of sync during edit. Maybe nudged by 2 or 3 frames on accident.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/I_DID_NOT_EAT_HER 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Curious on anyone's input. I kinda understand phase but have trouble identifying it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/terencebogards 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
what are we doing okay sweet hey I'm grump not so gay yeah chef we're doing TED talk is that what these are for no we are BTS members from the boyband BTS songs have you listening I am a Korean are they Korean I think so kpop a Korea yeah Jen chieh pop what other ones are there see pop China pop I'm tryna pop C pop sound sounds like a cheap soda what we do in Java side on screen but one here here here and maybe wildlife that one you like this one it's orange flavored soda remember orange soda from Kenan & Kel was that racist no there's grapes oh great throw that Ribena with the black guy I don't remember that let's find it right now thanks Bob Ribena Scott RI RI be AI and alright being a half with black this guy right being a purple is the new was it 1 pixel birth oh yeah cool [ __ ] sucks I don't stock anything so we're gonna make slow I'm gonna make new shirts aren't we we're making shirts oh that's what's that what we're doing we're making shirts yes Cheers hey don't mix yeah it's not bad but I can't purchase any products from this website on screen cool shirts doesn't make any shirts anymore they just don't stock them so we're gonna make our own shirts on cool shirts what's the best way you can think that we should do that what's the process fiver you can pay some online stop saying yeah low bouts of income to make whatever you like it won't be great but you never know let's try it okay all right clothing designers Wow $29 $29 this guy wrestles guard or professional design on does that just look like a ripped off Gucci logo it does let's fire him that looks lit that looks lit this one here the $37 one yeah that looks faith it's buzzing you're fine probably for your ubereats you don't answer I got [ __ ] or do you have them Brett oh my god do you have coming out go get it it's down there oh so the bread is in the oven getting baked Thrasher it's up yes we're coming to quiet do you think he looks cute ah okay in a month what's in it I'm hungry Oh dog bro really can I have a hot dog boss yeah but yeah but you buy the hot sauce yeah it's vegan bro well vegan food looks ok back to the shirts we have a $37 one so let's find another low-end one this one boy that looks like clipart that actually looks like clipart they all look like clipart its 5r I will fashion design clothing for your kids hundred dollars let's get this one bro can we get some children's clothing clothing why don't we have cool shots kids products that's why we have cool shots kids cloths why we have the titles of this I create dad that says crate that says says Crete let's get him I will creat marvelous 3d clothes design get him alright well there's a little video we can watch it away what's this he's playing second life or something great job great seller good work again that wonderful Rolly got cloths clothes thank you who's parolee was a guy named Rollie his name is Deepak pala Lavi 25 as if Deepak Pallavi was taking on fiverr can we please get this banana guy that looks sweet look Bernard this guy actually looks lit it's awesome can FEMEN pay won't chip brighter well I don't like vegan chips forever fit it looks like sludge yeah but like vegan chips are just potatoes bro what do you make methi - chips from there's different potatoes for vegans right he's probably serious he's actually probably serious can you make a shirt is this the sky right of a skeleton that's false skeleton SKU L alright skull skeleton yeah you wrote like Scholten can you make a shirt of a skeleton glazing a full leg of ham with a look at this with a room scale not do that put in brackets online video galleys do research what I want from runescape included into it dragging that dagger thank was in plus plus in his back pocket I don't know how you're gonna guess how you gonna give a Burnie skills in our back pocket I give you full creative control for this part only for the pocket part that rest is strict guideline awesome alright sweet next design this is this is the Sims one okay you need to now give them an idea this is the duty rope creat right this is the creep dude hey bro just heads up you wrote creat but I think you meant create I would like you to help me I'm pretty sure there's a sea creature called a sea Krait which is what I was thinking I would eat when I saw his title so might want one of those it's with a K though sank [ __ ] go go piss while he types is out can you read this back I mean huge sea Krait enthusiast underwater sea snake I could read that was a different like inflection like you're reading it in brackets I'm not [ __ ] one of those people that read books or inaudible okay I'm not an audiobook narrator alright dad I just okay the read salient brackets it's like I am a huge sea Krait enthusiast underwater sea snake don't just read all that one running sentence okay okay go well good no I sorry I just tell well you probably see these [ __ ] like frogs just striking out longer than it needs to be yeah because you can't read hey bro just a heads up you wrote Craig but I think you meant to say create haha XD anyway I'm making a shirt I'm a huge sea Krait enthusiast underwater sea snake and I would like a shirt lightly reflects my enthusiasm towards the secret Google secret for reference anyway can you do a design that is a picture drawing not a photo of a sea Krait for my sister's baseball team I mean that I was checking but that does say basketball thanks bro all right I'm sending it off let's be super professional about the next one okay well you knew that this guy doesn't look half clip art bad no it looks right continue $37 sorry Scott's going on your visa order now let's be quite descriptive of this one test you gets less fat less prints on this one together brian storm' maybe brainstorm session 10 minute brainstorm maybe maybe Branston just typewriter like a brain like a brain a lightning ball in it oh my god maybe yes easy a cow on a lonely hill just getting struck by lightning I would like a brain but like bro like shooting out a lightning bolt and like the bolts is like bro like hitting a cow on a hill so like a brainstorm per se with clouds and [ __ ] could you also include the word I spoke brainstorm wrong also the cow should be high and smoking weed if you want started with a simple brainstorm ended up with a cow smoking weed PS what's your major level no Chad leave the runescape out that's the old other ones too late you're actually sent that ok Scott has recommended we do a type a graffiti art designed okay this is [ __ ] up boy oh my god these really exist in like hordes this is the equivalent of those old YouTube videos you see that are just like the movie make a default background that says like some random [ __ ] [ __ ] with music playing [Music] vice if I see you on the street wearing a shirt like this I'm a [ __ ] Pope you I flexed and the sleeves fell off that's lit there's no this there's no way he's made any of these with like you wouldn't have this this if you've made these shirts just just having a video that has this dog [ __ ] [ __ ] text on a black background to make something like that who cares if they stole it let's give him our money here we'll find someone else to do cartography zog repeat alright sweet let's get these [ __ ] mega premium bundle bro for ten shirt standard no Pacey BOSU this piece photo I will add graphics from the public domain there you go case [ __ ] rested that's what he's doing that's why they look like anything and you have to pay him more money to do that add graphics one day extra graphics yes this is gonna be the worst one I am a trucker and a gamer I believe there is a great niche for trucker gamers okay we're under some way of getting somewhere have you played the game mud runner or truck simulator don't answer that is a what's the word trick question rhetorical rhetorical that is a rhetorical Saturday question it doesn't have to answer it bro and that was all in caps now we'll go back to the normal non caps this shirt you guys like this the shirt will the shirt should say punk if your gaming [Laughter] can we sell this please what should the graphic be this is your design I'm not gonna you go for it I'll just be here ceramics should include the following one asset from item a and one asset from item B item a is gaming item B is trucking you do the math he shot laughing such broad don't don't include anything math related I was just making a point okay send that bro that's the one all right hit that taken then it's in okay we've done full [ __ ] ones now let's actually see we're gonna find someone that isn't [ __ ] on this website but give them the most [ __ ] and you're the most that was illustrating shout out these look awesome look at this one this was expensive now that looks length that actually looks [ __ ] sweet $67 for oh what's this other was cuz that car is pretty good I he exclusively does [ __ ] cars she got that for the trucker one what about this [ __ ] over here that one's good that one's good oh god what's with the [ __ ] titles of all these oh my will can draw dark art illustration I think sends me I will slash can draw or maybe he's a [ __ ] idiot well see how long it takes go down scroll down see how long it takes tendon and then three days three days takes three days yeah it's got it's got nothing on okay give me my illustration karna P again as a matter of white P if he can I not P Kappa bottle please I need a fee bright I have a piece in my mouth COBOL surely there's an empty water bottle I should piss in I'm not cutting my dick on the rim of a can all right I'll do it he's not gonna be accurate enough piss is gonna go everywhere no good I'm still here keep going keep going I've got someone Debbie's car I cut my dick but it's our warm man have you ever experienced pissing before now it's typically pretty warm I'm so that will drop I feel I won't miss cannons can I make a shirt that says what's happening right now that's disgusting you know everything you just did you could have taken you just could have pissed in the toilet bleep that hey everybody its markiplier I have been watching YouTube again why the piss in a can what's even funny it's just gross how I I am making a video about shirt I need shirt for video and yours looking good can we get can we get can we get a shirt from you I'm gonna need a large I don't know if you are in control of sizing or just their design Fiverr is a good name you have chosen wisely I see you enjoy doing skulls and /or demons good choice . i want a shirt of a skeleton brewing a potion ingredients must include eye of newt vial of water non empty vial this is dumb should we do it no more this is content is it this is content i want it to be and image of skeleton brewing said ingredients I I want skeleton to be brewing these things I have mentioned above in the ingredient section ingredient do your best it's for my mother she hasn't long to live and is into skulls the sweet send it we've done we paid for that right no way that's one I've got the really nice one can you make some merch base off the vibe you get from watching this two-hour video with PewDiePie in brackets yes I know PewDiePie no you cannot get he's mobile okay at extra fast three day delivery sweet pay now $100 okay ready hello I have podcasts it is based around drinking beer and ruining my liver I think I may have a problem hahahaha but that's something anyway I want to make some merch for the podcast link below oh my god is the last podcast we did with feisty and with feeling famous Michelle minecraftgamer Felix tried spell his last name Chad got it I got his real name in that too this is famous gamer Felix Sheldon Cooper let me write his real last name bro it's draw all three of us on the set can we put Felix on the set and market it put his DM up on screen now of us asking if we can do that which he will do otherwise you won't be seeing this part please draw all three of us with black shots on shirts on it right would please your honor please put us wearing leaders that you're designing now yes wearing the show that you designing that you are but they are on the shirt and then the people on the shirts are wearing smaller ones no that's good that's fine [ __ ] I'm just going to send it sad it's like throwing money in the toilet Scott will clarify later is that we've so we've done six now so one more last one [Music] this looks like actual dog [ __ ] should we just get this one no looks like trash it's $50 now that's fun a bit on that one that one does suck I will draw children book illustration okay we can have fun with this children's book illustration okay okay definitely get it they should do a whole book or just one photo is one thing what why would you put this in your description fun-loving person and loves to dine out it's tender after that it says tender I love making children book illustration book covers and logos priority bro tell us about your [ __ ] dining experience before I purchase a book illustration storyline what the [ __ ] okay let's come up with a story the story is about the important importance of what's important so bro paying tax no not to kids not know a kid same person I think kids should be taught how to pay their taxes not this early maybe adolescence not I was never taught how to pay my tax not this early - early oh my god a hundred ways to hide your [ __ ] this this is story is about a kid that hides poo around the house what's happening that's the story it's about a kid he's scared of the toilet because last team happened to you know why'd you say that with such [ __ ] coffee because I remember the in [ __ ] yoga room and banjo-kazooie there's a washing machine that has teeth so why can't there be a toilet that has teeth and the kids scared of the toilet so instead of shooting in the toilets in his hand he doesn't leave in trouble from his mother you also wanna get trouble from his mom and dad so he takes the [ __ ] and he hides it around the house a hundred places to hide your [ __ ] cause it's night there's no moral or [ __ ] like yeah Jamie was still seeing his parents and at the end of the story the parents find the [ __ ] and they go look Johnny at the toilet that's a pot and then you start [ __ ] in the toilet also it's to help kids try transition from [ __ ] around the house - yeah but before fully going to the toilet surely that makes something like that okay how about I started with how I I am in a struggle at the moment my son who is eight is old that's a bit old to be [ __ ] here my son he is 14 years old my son who is six years old seven seven let's meet halfway on the seventh so my son who is seven years old has an obsession with taking a [ __ ] I think his feces around the house with instead of using the bathroom to poop he defecates in his hand and hides it around around around the house yeah we can't get in - stop please make a convincing story book cover about this situation and how it's wrong to be hiding your feces around the house I think your feces around their house instead of using the toilet using the bathroom we haven't even thought about the title or anything don't hide your booze called don't hardly booze the the the title should me don't hide your booze well max I've had some lots of apple juice I'm will [ __ ] I go to bed so we'll check back in when these shirts are done cute what's up guys we're back we have we've got the shirts now and we haven't seen them yet but I think they've been made have they been a chat but no Scott's a [ __ ] cog makes them Road we haven't seen any of the shirts wet on the street is they have all been made and they all probably suck and we're about to see them for the first time and see this how good those fiber artists really be this whole video sucks and we're gonna saw the best ones to you yeah I bet you'd like that wouldn't you [ __ ] Goblin trying to get some money but the point of this video is to sell them [ __ ] you [ __ ] can I've shut balls front is facing away from you what does that mean I'm definitely just gonna get blasted tonight and play well can't eat a breathe I'm not looking I'm giving myself air I feel like there's nothing on this piece of [ __ ] I can't feel a tag or like a bump yeah I can't see I'm taking this off are your audience not clipping is it shut up bro hey okay this is your brief hello I am making a video about shirt I need shirt for video and yours looking good can we get a shirt from young I'm gonna need a lot I don't know if you're in control of the sizing or just the design my brother put me onto your website Fiverr is a good name you have chosen wisely I see you enjoy doing skulls and or demons good choice I want a shirt of a skeleton brewing a potion ingredients must include e1i of newts to limp work we just Google bro three vial of water and the rest of this is all in caps I want skeleton to be brewing these I have mentioned above in the ingredients section do your best it's for my mother she hasn't long to live and is in disguise okay let us look do we tell me wearing the same shirt we got that's not a where's the lip lip there's a scowl in the job when it's a lip word watch watch he put his brother's head in the job right so he the first design he sent back to us was just the jaw and I was like bro there needs to be a skeleton brewing the money out of that big skeleton what the [ __ ] is wrong with him marceia teapot that's not anything that's like brewing tea like he's about take a shot at the [ __ ] strength pop okay not bad like I could see some [ __ ] if I walked into a store and I saw this I wouldn't think any but I wouldn't think that's bad I think okay the skeleton bring ya a pot I'll give that a - yeah value for money for 2787 100% good valdesas maybe he compiled a bunch of stock images my Jake Palmer said he had something like Palmer stock images alright next shirt oh no I don't think I will alright so the brief of this one is I am a trucker and a game this is gaming I believe there is a great niche for trucker gamers have you played the game mud runner or truck simulator don't answer that is a rhetorical question the shirt should say honk if you're gaming one asset from item a and one asset from item B item a is gaming itemviews trucking you don't include anything math related I was just making a point we got back to back and then we'll turn around and reveal you ready to even draw that it's just an image of Google I think that's definitely part [ __ ] is anyone that buys this should die how many of these did you make I made 200 Hey 400 is serious there's a lot of trucker games out there and I think they're gonna buy it I'll [ __ ] kill him give me a Paul II's a joking Romani still too many i won't i won't was scott you're a designer how long would this have taken you to make like if you one minute these guys making twenty bucks a minute man if he's drawn that single truck specifically for us I'll eat my [ __ ] hat all right Scott explaining the wall I would like a brain but like bro Michael shooting out a lightning bolt unless assault is like brah like hitting a cow on a hill so like a brainstorm per se with clouds and [ __ ] hitting the cow you know cuz you also include the word brand storm and metal font what would be [ __ ] lit also could you please spell it brand stop yeah it's belt brand storm do I do that intentionally I swear to God if I say the show this is brand storm on it sure I didn't say say brands brands don't mic pop funky things folder brand on the cow that is shaped like a marijuana leaf with the number 420 on also also the cow should smoking a joint I'm taking it off turn it off 10 rounds 10 yeah what is that that is [ __ ] awful where's the cloud there's not even proper transparency on the lightning boy it's a weed leaf there's palm trees although we lives here there aw man okay it sucks this is [ __ ] does it say Brandon Scott did you change that a sure he typed that he deaf it's it's here you can [Applause] completely [ __ ] that's horseshit I'm proud of the weed leaf the cows aren't even on a Hales are the reason the lighting look so [ __ ] is because he didn't include them originally and I said please add the lightning bolt he added them really pulley and then said hope we can finalize with this in old caps very he's not happy with doing extra work this was $44 27 cents 44 yeah how many of these are we selling the brand store makes it kind of a collectible I wish we commissioned a higher well not really cuz this is the most expensive guy he just turned out to be and the cows are all [ __ ] that is clip off that's the so blessed that's assembled clip off I know we're meant to be trying to like tell people that maybe it's a good idea to buy this but then where is the charm for the [ __ ] couldn't even get proper [ __ ] PNG the lightning bolts keep on max a shot please suck it down suck the whole thing dumb blonde what are you drinking what is it alright cinnamon I eat you even fart winch just coke chaser here you wanna know what's happening stop him I'm just gonna keep swinging so you said to him hey bro just a heads up you wrote create but I think you mean create haha XD do you fix his bio after we talk about I know it's still the same he said and he said anyway I am making a shirt full stop I would like you to help me . i see crazed enthusiast i'm gonna water face tank in brackets and we'd like a shirt design that reflects my enthusiasm towards the sea Krait old caps google sea Krait for reference anyway can you do a design that is a picture drawing not a photo of a secret for my sister's basketball team they are called the mississippi sea kraits trainer imax 3 2 1 what it's been lost in translation there is going on I feel I feel I feel Scott has I have interfered at least on this one I have a story to tell me is that even the secret reside just a land snake that's been turned blue it's this [ __ ] on the shirt of a snake Chuck is gonna buy a side before you tell us $27 a tea set so the midrange good so with this one like an hour after right we ordered it he just messaged me saying send send me pizza and then 40 minutes after that he delivered the order but the order was just him saying send me pizza so I sent him a picture of a sea Krait cuz like I assume that's what he meant then he said shirt send to me question mark and I was just like can you just put the picture of the sea Krait on on a t-shirt and they said yes I can but which t-shirt showing me shirt so just sent him a picture of a t-shirt hello he sent another message saying you can change days question mark and then he sent me that mock-up that's on the show and he said right and it but it didn't have text on it so I said that's great but can you add the text why did he send you this and you thought you thought when you saw this that this was gonna be the [ __ ] the full shirt right well he sent me that shirt without the text on the pocket and I said yeah that's right pocket right pockets down I'm so proud that this is the first cold ones merch oh my god oh [ __ ] dude why is this one so tight in comparison the other one this brief you said can you make a shirt of a skeleton glazing a full ham with yes with a runescape online video game please do research dragon dagger P plus plus in his back pocket I don't know how you're gonna give a Bernie skeleton a pocket but I have full faith in you I just take them off I'm too excited for this one take it off that is definitely not a bit of law behind this request I've been asking him to draw me a skeleton glazing ahem and every time I ask him because he's always busy Scott says no he's busy he cannot draw a skeleton glazing of [ __ ] hair who's this fellow Stan this one's got a lot of a lot of extras thank you artists so the guy who we commissioned off 5up responded a day later saying I can't do this design I'm going to the hospital wait a minute which I think we just made up because he told the brief was [ __ ] stupid so I got the t-shirt started to do it and if you do notice and look at the design closely the skeleton does have a runescape I was gonna say how many of these is your max that's gonna be a good [ __ ] drop I be jealous see if I didn't get the glazed [ __ ] ham [ __ ] thank God finally a good shirt I'm doing another shot I'm gonna keep going I'm doing a shot for each shirt bro [ __ ] hello I have a podcast it is based around drinking beer and ruining liver I think I have a problem hahahahaha but that's something I should tell my doctor it's just me projecting through a [ __ ] video that's definitely real - ok thanks anyway I want to make some merch for the podcast link below is the last podcast we did with famous minecraft game of Felix Sheldon Cooper true but anyway linked below is the podcast please please draw all three of us wearing the shirt that you were designing now also but also put the three of us that are on the shirt but the shirt with all three of us drawn on it must say we are friends with pewdiepie that would be epic okay you guys can take off your blindfold so I just got a tan bro be traumatic about it right you just saw the back try the back is so much cool you kind of look like Dustin from stranger things price hundred and eleven dollars it's an I honestly I'm keeping it do we have to give Felix money rich videos definitely [ __ ] Felix we're gonna make it Tom money of you son like we didn't make enough of three sponsors in the podcast [Applause] anymore shirts we got ghosts o'clock this is to an artist who draws children books I am in a struggle at the moment my son who is seven years old has an obsession with instead of using the bathroom to poop defecates in his hand then hides it around the house I've been trying so hard to toilet training but nothing is work I plead you please make you can do a story book cover about the situation and how it's wrong to be hiding your feces around your house instead of using the toilet I will pretend to read this fake story to him and glue a printout of your cover out on the existing children's story book I know this is a strange request but I've exhausted every option the title should be don't hide your poops you may remove your blindfold I'm excited I know it's gonna be [ __ ] late with it suede oh look at all the [ __ ] coffee prices like near pet [ __ ] [ __ ] is this [ __ ] hiding before his mother claims it of the original price was 37 27 but she said the package you selected is for black and white one character only without background so I upgraded it to premium which was an extra $44 oh my god this is the second most of the pensive shirt the total cost is $72 fifteen cents you know this looks like [ __ ] [ __ ] looks like a flash game or [ __ ] bootleg video game of some sort I'll wear the other ones I'd rather way [ __ ] honk if you're gaming than this this is unexplainable this is your print there's no story to this what the [ __ ] is wasn't there 30 skeletons and 50 of this if you guys buy all the show [ __ ] fire link in the description below if you buy all of them we'll definitely do another one of these videos I know it's got zoom to maximize don't buy every time we will make more we would do a second episode it's this dust well enough and we saw this garbage delete it all it sucks but let's sort the follow-up video where we just put them all in a pile and we set fire to it [ __ ] but this can be your [ __ ] and it's limited edition thank you [Music]
Channel: Cold Ones
Views: 2,469,551
Rating: 4.9577894 out of 5
Keywords: cold ones, maxmoefoe, anything4views, fiverr, merch, tshirt, youtuber merch, dumb shirts, cold ones podcast, hilarious fiverr video, funny fiverr video, buying things on fiverr, fiverr videos, best fiverr videos, buying things online, buying everything, parody, satire, bad t shirts, awful shirts, bad shirt designs, bootleg tshirts, bootleg t-shirts, bootleg, funny bootlegs, hilarious bootleg, max and chad, spending 1000 dollars, spending money on fiverr, weird stuff online
Id: scaLOEaDvTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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