Payday 3 Beta: What Worked [And What Didn't]

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so when this video goes out the payday 3 beta has either ended or is about to end regardless I want to give my thoughts on the whole experience of playing the payday 3 beta what I thought was good what I thought was maybe less good and just give my thoughts overall maybe some suggestions on how to improve the experience going into payday 3. that bit's more of a tag along because even star Breeze themselves said don't really give as much ideas for improvement because bear in mind the build was old and that is something that I want to remind everyone in this video because a lot of people didn't really clock on that the build was from April this year it was not the most recent up-to-date build it was even more Antiquated compared to what we played in Sweden it was the same kind of Branch but it had one less Heist less features so it really was just a shell of what even we played in Sweden let alone what you'll get in the full experience in September so I just want to pop that out there as a reminder because I think some people did forget that or didn't know it when they were criticizing some of the features and some of the issues with the game but overall I want to talk about the things that stood out to me I'm not going into this with a particularly big plan of his 20 things I want to talk about I did that last video but I want to talk about the things that really popped out to me and the things that I thought were quite special and fair first off I've got to start by talking about Stealth I know I know I'm a big stealth Boy I really get that at this point but I just am so in awe of how much better the stealth experience is in Payday 3 compared to Payday 2. it's something I picked up when I said I played the game early it's something that you've now seen through a lot of gameplay in my own solo stealth which initially wasn't doing too good but seems to be picking up so thank you to everyone who's been watching that I really do appreciate it it took a lot of work so seeing a lot of you check it out means a great deal to me believe me but it was just really fun to get used to the mechanics I love that it isn't just a split now that normal and Overkill stealth like that range on Payday 2 is completely the same there's only really God help when they've spotted you the changes which is inconsequential and then Mayhem to death sentence is also a new difficulty but it's all the same across those three difficulties so really there's only two possible options if you wanted easy stealth or slightly harder stealth here it feels like maybe normal and harder quite similar but very hard as a step up and Overkill is about 50 steps up from that so having a bit more flexibility as to what difficulty want to play out and that having its own consequences its own challenges and just really mixing up the experience for you I think is a massive Improvement even just on very hard having one less pager and on Overkill having two less Pages that's good Overkill stealth of the bank having a QR code to unlock the Upper Floor and also having the guard with the infinite Pages that's even more it's more unique and it gives you a bit more flexibility as to what you want to challenge yourself with I don't personally recommend Overkill stealth as a general stealth difficulty for people I think it's good for a challenge but I think if you committed yourself to that you'd probably be going insane very quickly because I know I did in just recording it for one day it gave me a headache it was not a good day but overall I just have to sing its Praises because I don't really have any issues with stealth for payday 3 I think that stealth works very very well I love the new features like micro cameras like being able to do a lot of things in casing mode that's a big reason why it's so much better because you can really plan when you mask up what is the point where you have to have your mask on and your gun out and you can coordinate yourself and Lead yourself up to that point in particular you don't have to be like oh now I'm doing a main objective a better mascot no you can wander around and hack computers you can go upstairs pull levers as long as you're not spotted No One's Gonna care so it's good it's flexible and I also love that now thanks to us having dedicated servers and not really any desync just a bit of lack here and there group stealth is far more attainable because with decent group stealth was just an absolute Nightmare on payday 2. if you played stealth in a group like Cloud Dasher did with his public stealth lobbies I mean the dude had a lot more patience and tolerance than I would have done it was just a nightmare but it paid A3 you can coordinate with the team now and have several people maybe messed up doing the key objectives some people who are d-massed who are doing the things you can do without a mask on but also moving bags just the fact that people without masks on can move bags is a huge thing and it means that you can focus on getting the objectives done and your teammates who may be aren't as confident can do some of not the busy work but the easiest off basically if you're not as good at the game there's stuff for you to do and I think that's a phenomenal change to stealth all I can say is that I hope all the other heists have just as much stealth flexibility assuming they are all loud or stealth doable I'm hoping they all will be if one or two you want because they want to go full loud fair enough whatever but I do want the majority of haste to have stealth options especially with how good it is I don't want it wasted on one or two Heist so that's all I'll say there stealth beautiful and since I've talked about Stealth let's talk about loud loud as I've said I don't think it's had as big of a step up from Payday 2 the way stealth has but that's because stealth is Leaps and Bounds better than it was before but loud in its own way is vastly improved from Payday 2. just even things like having enemy Health be the same across all difficulties is such a huge change and one that's very satisfying I like that the level of difficulty in the game now is not decided by how bullet spongy the enemies are is decided by how smart they are the way they move around and respond to you I do think they do deal a bit more damage I've noticed that or maybe they're more accurate I don't think it is damaged I might just be accuracy to be completely honest with you but just that they feel a bit more lethal on higher difficulties it's not necessarily just a nice easy fight which are normal it isn't even that easy like normal payday 3 Hasting is not the easiest thing in the world it's not particularly challenging but I was playing on stream last night at the time recorded so making this on Saturday I'm doing like three videos in one day because I'm really on that video recording grind but on stream I did a normal Heist at the end of my stream and we failed I'm not taking any credit for it because my teammates didn't have a blooming clue what they were doing they thought there my bags will lose but there's enough of a challenge there that even normal could put up a bit of a challenge for you if you're not completely assembled as a squad so you don't even want to try very hard or Overkill unless you've got a gritty team of hardened heisters that know what the heck they're doing you won't manage it you really won't I like that on normal difficulty you can't just stand there like you can in Payday 2 and be like I am Immortal fear me it's not gonna happen at all it just gets more progressively challenging in the way that the enemy behaves as you go up and that's the biggest Improvement for me I think it's such a phenomenal thing and I'm really really happy with how loud works out I haven't got too much more to say about specifically because as an experience it's still fun the way Payday 2 was it's just more fun and more interesting now to me personally I think there's some really good stuff in there and I'm just having a lot of fun with it I think loud is also vastly improved really enjoyed it I also liked getting to have a bit more time just experimenting with the game as I mentioned about the whole bunch of times the whole Sweden thing I only got a couple of hours on hands of the game I got slightly less than a couple of your partners because as I said I was doing the interviews with alamir and Andreas so that took a bit of time out for me I still got a good experience of the game I still got a gist for what it was and was able to make a 45 minute video talking about it but while we were in the Sweden office this is no discredit to Starbucks this is just the very nature of the trip there was very much a case of I'm on a time limit here let's see what I need to say and play what I need to play I didn't get that chance as much to kick back and go let's have a Wonder let's explore the things I can do let's explore what's on offer here I was like very much in fact finding note-taking mode so I love that I got to have the time to explore how the weapons work how customization Works how the vendors work in a lot more detail so I can recall information better and all in all the way that the menus are laid out I think in places a little bit confusing sometimes you'll like buy a suit and it won't take you to the suits page you'll have to buy it then navigate over and pick it out it's not quite as intuitive as payday 2's perhaps but I think that the system overall Works fairly well I like there being a whole vendor section and all the vendors being organized into tab so you can buy and everything in one place and that's much more user friendly but you can party up quite easily with people on other platforms while you're looking at guns where you're planning your builds you can sort yourself out and then go into matchmaking it just feels like everything's a bit more modern and better organized for the most part and I think that's really really good I really really like that obviously like I've said in that top 10 video as well I really wish we've been able to see the challenges have a little bit of a fiddle around with them see what the options were but I'm sure we'll all be able to dive in and explore the challenges in detail when payday 3 launches in September so there'll be a lot to talk about then a great deal of course I can't talk about the beta and City singing all of its Praises without also offering some valid criticism as a lot of us know the beta did not run very well there's been a lot of issues there's been matchmaking issues where people have not been able to connect there's been nebula bugs there's been crashes for me personally on the Xbox series X I found the game Run very very well I had a solid 60 FPS at all times I crashed I think once in other times I played at least so far the time recording I've still got one more stream tonight a bit more time to play so that could change but so far one crash maybe two so it's run very very well but I do think that some of the issues with the matchmaking I found myself in a lot of solo lobbies it was how I was able to pull off the solo selves because there's no private lobbies in the beta I just looked out because no one happened to be playing Overkill or it just wouldn't connect me for whatever reason but especially on the Friday nights I was trying to party up not seeing people in my party so that was difficult but leveling up was the big issue whether it was the fact that you weren't leveling up a talks you weren't completing challenges or leveling up was Frozen all the challenges were completing and you just weren't seeing it it wasn't super well organized in that sense but that was the whole point right it was a tech test to see what worked and what didn't and I think it's quite apparent to starbury's what didn't work and hopefully they can Implement those fixes in the fall game so we don't have this at launch because regardless of how good or bad the beta was it's going to be inevitable in my personal opinion there's going to be server instability when the game comes out yeah sure 100 000 people can play the beta now but when it comes out at launch there's going to be all the game passes for Xbox you want to try and checking out with no price tag I don't know how many people check out new games when they're ready to Game Pass but there could be quite a lot of people there's a lot of subscribers to that system so you don't know I honestly think server instability is going to be a thing to worry about but I hope that the experience from the beta will improve it and make things assume move The Landings paid A3 at launch because that's something that's very very important and hopefully then progression will also work as intended I do think one thing I would add personally into payday 3 if I can make suggestion this will lead into my Improvement section now so we'll get to that so in fact we'll just start that here this is the Improvement section even though they said they don't want too many here are just some things I would suggest for my own personal opinion I would love it if when you complete a challenge it tells you mid Heist I'd love it to be a toggle on and off feature because not everyone will want that and that's totally fine but I'd love in the middle of a game if it's like get 10 headshots with a shotgun it tells me that so I don't have to worry about only getting shotgun kills to finish a challenge I can move on to doing whatever else I want to do I'd love it to pop up with a little thing on screen almost like when you earn an achievement in Payday 2 to go you've completed shotgun headshotter version two or something like that you know what I mean that would be really really cool but other improvements beyond that for one thing I don't want to be a broken record here but it's the same issue Payday 2 had on consoles we need an fov slider whether that's in the plan whether it's already in the build or not it was not in the beta and it's vastly noticed I didn't really properly clock it until I started watching videos of people like Nolan going oh yeah we don't have an fov slider so please add one that's it no notes just just give us an fov slider please thank you very much beyond that I only have two other things to talk about one is performance I want to acknowledge this a little bit because I don't know if this is payday 3's problem or the Xbox series s's problem but I have had a lot of people telling you the Xbox series s in particular had a very hard job running paid A3 whether it was constant frame rate drops crashes I've had a lot of people on that specific platform telling me the game has not run as well now me personally I was terrified of this happening I don't know a lot about game console specs specifically but when I heard about the Xbox series s and x and how the S was a next-gen console but not quite as powerful that immedially rang alarm bells for me anyway because I thought what happens when we get to the point where there are games that will run on series X but Series S will start to buckle and for the price difference of 100 pounds or 100 I was like is it worth that risk that was why I personally saved them just got the X I was like if I'm gonna get an xgen console I'm gonna get the one obviously not everyone's in that situation I fully understand going for it for a budget reason but PS5 had a budget console that was 100 cheaper and the only difference was it didn't have a disc drive that to me seems like a better way of doing things because most games are bought digitally anyway now so I'm saying this because I don't know if it's a series X specific problem it could be that payday 3 is quite a powerful game under the hood even on Unreal Engine 4 and the series s is buckling under that weight it could be that but I do think it could also just be General beta and stability that just that platform it's not quite as powerful has struggled more which is why I want people in the comment sections to let me know what platform did you play on and what instabilities did you have if any let me know because for me personally I had almost no issues on series X but I'm interested to know what the PC users had especially comparing your specs so let me know what specs you have if you're on PC there could be a Payday thing could be a series s thing if it is a Payday related thing hopefully the series s will run the base game a lot better in September but if it's Series S related then yikes oh I'll say that finally the only other thing I want to note is just making things a tiny bit easier for the solo player for me personally Payday 2 I don't think ever penalized you for playing on your own at least not in my opinion but there were a couple of things we're doing the overkill solo stealth in particular but it also applies to loud for one of them that make me feel like playing on your own is a bit more of a bad idea which it shouldn't be because I really like playing Payday on my own for one thing the die pack situation in the bank vault I've had multiple people tell me oh I can do six I can do seven mate maybe I've got shaky hands I can only diffuse four die packs that's a safe amount that you can diffuse five if you're pretty good maybe six or seven if you've got the reflexes of an absolute demon I don't know how you're doing it if you are but apparently it's possible but even if you can diffuse seven die packs that's still not all of them and I don't like that your income is reduced as a result of playing on your own because you have to secure at least one die packed bag then so I really want that to change I think the best way to do it is change the time of the die packs dependent on people in the lobby as soon as you've got two people in the lobby you can easily defuse other die packs three and Forge make it next to impossible to fail it or mess it up in any way but on your own adding an extra say five or ten seconds to the die pack timer just to make sure you can diffuse them all would be a very considerate thing and I'd really like to see starbury's Implement that but also just some things like especially on Overkill stealth when you've got an objective located in a certain room there's a manager's computer you need to hack basically to get the Vault code and sometimes the room it spawns in will be full of civilians and if they spot you guards will see you and it will just erupt even with the two pages if you were careful with them you'd still have a real problem with getting spotted and I felt like if I had a room that was full of civvies where the computer was I was screwed of course someone else could walk in if they were d-massed and just hack the computer and not have a problem but if you're doing solo stealth it's kind of like a big Bank where the Upper Floor trying to hack that on your own is next to Impossible if you're not really careful I don't want a repeat of that I'm paid A3 so I think maybe some fixes to the code here and there just so that certain things are not impossible on your own for solo stealth Overkill solo stealth is very hard I don't want that to change the most part but I don't want it to be anything that makes it feel impossible and that's just one thing I felt made it a little bit too hard just in my opinion but apart from that that's pretty much all I've got to say about the beta it's a good overall perspective I don't want to go for like 20 minutes but according for 15 already and I want to just give my overall concise thoughts on what I liked and what I didn't like as much just talk about the beta in general so there's my thoughts on everything in Payday 3 space so please let me know in the comment section down below what you thought of the beta give me your Pros your cons everything in between what did you think of the experience did you enjoy it did you have issues with it did you not get in at all please let me know down below and if you didn't play the beta has it changed your opinion on whether you're excited for the game or not or do you think it maybe it doesn't look as good having seen the beta do you think it looks absolutely spectacular have you now pre-ordered after seeing the beta let me know I'll be intrigued to know thank you very much for watching I greatly greatly appreciate it next time we're going to be talking about a big issue in Payday 3 that we again haven't really addressed I'm sticking with my theme of talking about things that people haven't talked about too much but I really want to handle one big thing that a lot of people haven't danced around yet because we don't know a lot of information so I want to do a bit of speculation like I did with modding I'll see you all very soon for that video Until I look after yourselves stay safe hit the like button if you enjoyed click subscribe if you want to see more videos and I will see you all very soon with some more payday 3 content until look after yourselves stay safe and I'll see you all soon
Channel: Red Archer Live
Views: 18,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red archer, red archer live, payday, payday 2, payday 3, payday console, payday 2 console, payday 3 console, trailer, payday trailer, payday 3 trailer, payday 3 news, payday news
Id: iJr_7vJ5OCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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