(Pax-Dei) Three Things to Consider Before you Buy!

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we need to talk about P's day there is a lot of negativity around this game as it's coming into Early Access grab yourself a cup of coffee and let's have chat creation is crying out for salvation crying out for able bodies and Minds to stand against the encroaching Darkness to pick up the banner of light and once more Drive the forces of EV whence they came in order to accomplish that Old Fields must be broken new trees cleared roads built Villages erected and industries created The Lost Wisdom of centuries past must be rediscovered relics and holy sights Unearthed the will of the Divine once again transformed into proud bastions of Faith both at home and in the furthest reaches of the world [Music] just want to give a big shout out to elari the professional gamer and his awesome Community the golden company and for giting me the opportunity to participate in the preview week uh I'll have a link in the [Music] description let's talk talk about Pack's day there are three things that I'm hearing a lot of negativity about and around number one the elephant in the room is the pricing for Early Access number two is the PVP and number three is the crafting how long it takes to craft and the grindin of crafting I want to cover these three things in my discussion so first the pricing I'm going to kind of break down my thoughts all right so this is kind of what I'm thinking these are just my thoughts and assumptions uh have heard nothing all right uh just as a disclaimer just my just my thoughts because every everyone is wondering about pricing and uh concerned about um a subscription which I'm going to tell you right now uh that's going to be a long ways away so I don't think we have anything to worry about and shouldn't worry about that right now but these are my thoughts so I'm guessing they're basically charging $30 for the game all right so then I think uh I'm not going to count the founders role in Discord yeah that's that's I'm not counting that as a charge so then I'm going to count basically $10 per plot so those are my guesses all right and then I'm going to say I don't know about the founders out outfit or the character slots they could be adding that in as a factor uh and it definitely will be taken uh account in master because if if we count these as 10 if if they're basically selling these as as 10 then we're at so so you know we're we're at $40 right here and then we're at 60 here but the problem is here that we're only at 90 so here we're at 90 if that's the case which they're probably counting for the character slots in this founder outfit in some way it adds up for the journ and Artisan but in the master you know there's $10 unaccounted for I'm not sure where they're getting that if it if it has to do with the character slots or or whatnot but but this is what we got and this is this is my guess so this is kind of what I guess that we could account for as a subscription I would think that your subscription would be based off your plots which they kind of said but uh if you want to maintain one plot you're going to be at $10 a month if you want to maintain two plots you're going to be at 20 a month so and then you know if you're going to want to maintain all four plots then you're going to be at 40 a month that's my guess I know it's a little steep but really this is the only tier you really need and this is based off the alpha and everything like everyone's had two plots it's sufficient for anyone to do anything at any any time even you know solos especially which this game isn't geared towards but I'm just saying that that right there is sufficient this here uh really you need to be in a clan um or a group to to to Really benefit from this and of course um the master is going to be for the select few but that's my guess uh that's kind of what I'm coming up with um just my thoughts so with that it kind of gives you an idea of the pricing and why for me I I view it as supporting the development of this game I see a lot of potential in this game so with my short little time that I had in the second Alpha and in the preview week I know for a fact that I'm going to have a ton of time into this game just as is with nothing else added for me it's worth it to be able to play the game in Early Access give my feedback and contribute to the development of this game that's how I'm considering this if that's not for you totally understand so with the pricing out of the way let's talk about PVP now this game uh is being developed by Mainframe and they came out with a article on their website and then in Discord and x and really what it is is it's talking about what the game is and what the game is not some of these things are kind of surprising uh for one they said it's not a medieval simulator which I understand it's not because there they do have magic and and uh fantasy elements in the game it's not a survival game they said which is also understandable because you're not going to die if you don't have food water and shelter it's got survival elements to it and starting off with as basically a beggar with no shoes and you're just going through the world and and and uh learning and immersing yourself and and it's got a lot of survival aspects from other games and that survival feel but they're not claiming it to be a survival game so the little I experienced with the PVP is it's not bad I personally found it to be uh enjoyable it is not amazing in any way it's a little bit different than what we're used to but considering games like um Kingdom Come Deliverance or um bght they both have a unique style of PVP and I don't find Pax day to be that far off it's different uh but I but I still think it's it's it's good to be there but that's not what this game is first and foremost don't be looking if you want a PVP MMO look elsewhere at the moment this game is not its priority it's not its base and it's not its strong suit it's there and it's and it's cool to work towards and I think there's a lot of potential in the progression as we go forward in PvP we got to understand that's not what this game is and it's not where it shines so I never really got into the Minecraft uh group uh but I know a lot of people who have and really cool builds and I've watch some videos on Minecraft building and it I mean that's a lot of people enjoy building I've done a lot of building and and valheim in fact that was really one of the main reasons I purchased and played valheim is the building this game is amazing when it comes to the building the building and crafting which kind of brings me to the second or to the third point the grindin of crafting now this game and they stated in their article this game is not a single player game you are going to have a way better experience if you play with a group or in a clan it's going to open up your area to build it's going to open up so many Avenues of of trying to reach different tiers in in armor smithing or weapon smithing it's going to help you progress faster and farther and it's going to be a way better experience for you now for me I'm a solo player um not that I'm not socialable or don't like to play with others I love playing uh with a group and and helping out and teamwork I really do but you have to understand who I am I am a student of self-reliance I built my real life house by myself completely and since I was young from drawing sculpting making my own molds and pouring pouring my own castings learning to weld learning Cabinetry and carpentry there are so many Avenues in my real life that I love learning a craft so for me I'm going to play Pax day primarily solo at least at the beginning because I want to experience the game in the same way learning different areas in each craft and and progressing in each craft just because that's what I enjoy and I know most importantly that it's going to be a slow process see that's the biggest thing that I've experienced in the uh second Alpha and in the preview week is everyone was trying to get everywhere fast get geared up as fast as we could and go to the PVP Zone build as fast as we can that is not what this game is this game is not meant to be played fast it's not to be grinding till you get to the highest tier as fast as you can get there in a week and that is not how this game is meant to be experienced it's meant to be enjoyed immersed in a world that is living and breathing and growing I know right now that it's going to take a long time to to progress as a solo player but that to me is part of the experience I understand it's going to take a lot of time and that kind of goes into the plots between the master uh artisan and journeyman teers like you can totally do all that you need on one plot but you're not going to get anywhere fast if you want to get somewh fast and you want to create a factory of of crafting materials then you're going to need more plots so it's not a pay to win it's a pay for Speed which I really think reflects the world we are in today if you look around everything is pay for Speed everyone wants something now they want it right now they run what they want it right away they don't want to wait it's all about getting something quickly so I think you have to understand that really this game needs to be experienced slowly and for me that's what it is I'm going to explore the world uncover the lore look in every nook and cranny of the world go on adventures there is no markers to go to it's just go out and and and discover and that's why I think this game is so intriguing to me and and I'm so excited for Early Access and to be able to experience this for a longer period of time than just a week here and a week there it's been a fun experience and that kind of gave me the itch and showed me like what this game is so it's given me the confidence to purchase the game in Early Access I am so looking forward to exploring and going on adventures and building up my uh player home which is which I can take my time doing so you have to understand that this game is meant to be experience slow it's meant to be experienced with others if you're playing with others you're going to have a way greater experience and it's going to be so much more enjoyable for you other than a select view like myself I know what I'm getting myself into uh but I really enjoy um experiencing every part of the craft and I look forward to it not that I'm not going to join a clan or uh start a clan and and and join a group of people later on as as I progress in the game but I for for the first little bit I just want to experience it and and uh and enjoy it so those are my thoughts on Early Access and uh hope you enjoy see you next time my final word before you leave um so unlike the makeb believe Digital World of P's day we do have a redeemer my banner on my YouTube channel is John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life thankfully we do have a redeemer we have a redeemer in Jesus Christ CHR who is God who came to Earth in the flesh to pay that price on the cross for our sins to give us the gift of eternal life that we should not perish in death and hell because he has the keys and he has given them to all those that call upon his name that trust in him for their salvation I am so thankful for this and invite you to accept him as your lord and savior he is an amazing God he is faithful I have seen his hand countless times in my life thank you for listening to this final word and see you next time
Channel: The Wilderness Studio
Views: 3,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1twXvVPlKp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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