Pax Dei How to Reach the Iron Age In Two Hours or Less

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what if I told you you could reach the Iron Age in packs day in 2 hours or less this video will show you how to leave the Stone Age as fast as possible allowing you to make better tools weapons and armor keep watching to find out how hello paans grandpasaurus here and today I'm excited to share with you a gamechanging strategy that will get you from the Stone Age to the Iron Age in no time getting your hands on Iron Equipment early on will greatly increase your progression and survivability after spending over 200 hours in game I've worked up a way to speed up the process of reaching the Iron Age so you can get there in just 2 hours in this video we'll cover getting into the game where and how to claim your plot what crafting stations to prioritize and the progression Loop when you create your character you'll first be asked to select a region and a world you want to coordinate this if you're going to be playing with friends the list of regions and worlds are for the na us east region there's Prometheus Freya Seline cernos and the role playing server is danu for EU Central the worlds are tier hecky thinner dagda and the role playing world is deer and finally for Southeast Asia the world is Morana next you'll want to select an avatar that you can customize further select the preset from the list and click continue when you're done select continue after customizing your character to the way you want it enter the name of your character in the text box then click continue now you'll need to choose a province and Home Valley where you'll start your adventure once again coordinate with your friends so you start in the same location once you've made your selection press the create character button to enter packs day [Music] when you spawn into the Home Valley you've chosen you'll usually be somewhere near the center of the valley you'll also be near a shrine these shrines are where you will respawn if you die or teleport to using your T menu when respawning or teleporting you'll appear at the nearest Shrine in most cases Begin by picking up nearby nice rocks and sapwood branches from the ground pick up 12 sapwood and too nice when you've gathered the materials hit the tab key to open your menu then select the crafting tab this is where you can craft a few of the bear Essentials when you're on the road we're going to craft a nice Stone axe pointy stick crude shield and a construction Hammer select the item you want to make from the menu and click the craft button if you fail in attempt to craft the item you may need to gather more resources once you're successful put the items in your hot bar for quick access while on the move after we've crafted our traveling tools take a look at the map and scout out a starting location for our plot ideally the area you choose will be in close proximity to impure iron ore nice sapwood flax clay reads and small to medium game animals look for meow biomes near water forests quaries ruins and caves if you can these areas have all the resources you'll need to gather once you've picked the location start traveling on the way feel free to pick up any resources you find if your inventory gets full here are the items you should keep if you encounter any animals along the way assess the threat before engaging if you're alone you should avoid wolves bears and groups of more than two boes to avoid taking damage from predators such as Fox Badger and bors equip your pointy stick and crude Shield when you get close enough use Control Plus right Mouse click to Shield bash the animal this will stun it momentarily allows you to use your pointy stick special attack to land a critical blow using Control Plus left Mouse click when hunting smaller animals like rabbits hit the X key to assist with targeting small Predators like foxes and Badgers are easier to hunt since they don't run away from you bors are easy kills but you will take some damage if you're not not stunning them or using your special attack deer are easy to kill but may take more than one hit with starter weapons to kill deer with melee weapons hit the deer once then stop and wait for the deer to backtrack towards you continue collecting resources on your way to your potential new plot by the time you arrive at your location you'll want to have collected at least 75 sapwood and 100 clay we'll use that to build our first stations optionally you can collect 80 nice and an additional 40 clay for a 2X two set of stone found Foundation Blocks place your crafting stations on as I approached the area where I would place my plot I looked for relatively flat land with almost no cosmetic rocks plants or trees as they would show through Foundation blocks if they were too tall after finding a suitable area I equipped my construction hammer and prepared to claim my land but first before you place your plot you should be aware of how a plot's shape is determined if your plot's boundaries do not touch a neighboring plot your plot will be a 24 M Circle if I did my math right that is 452 s m of usable space the maximum number of 3x3 Foundation blocks we can fit in a 24 M circle is 44 that is 396 s m of usable Foundation block if the plot were perfect square we would gain an additional 20 blocks or another 180 s m for a total of 576 M we can accomplish this by placing our plot up against another plot until the neighbor sided wall becomes flat this gives us a straight wall 24 M long and two walls off the right angles that are 12 M long rest of the plot remains a semicircle math gives us 514 squ m in this scenario if another neighbor were to place their plot against that semicircle they could make your plot perfectly Square giving you 576 square m to build on place your plot equip your construction hammer and click the tab button to enter the menu select plots then unclaim plot to enter placement mode try to pick an area free of trees uneven ground cosmetic rocks and Flora be aware that if you place your plot on top of or too close to a resource node that resource will stop spawning if your plot doesn't touch the border of a neighbor's plot your plot will be a circle if you want to move your plot go to the plot menu select the plot that you want to release and press the release plot button you must then type delete in the text box and click the confirm button [Music] to maximize the square footage of my plot I decided to place my plot up against my neighbors we'll have to work hard to reach the Iron Age in less than 2 hours because iron ingots take an hour to refine in the furnace not only that but you can't build a furnace until you've created charcoal charcoal takes 20 minutes to create so we'll need to get started right away which involves creating charcoal kill and chopping a lot of trees we'll want to make four charcoal kill so that we can make enough charcoal to turn impure iron ore into iron ingots it takes 80 charcoal and 40 impure iron ore plus 1 hour in a furnace to make 20 iron ingots to build four simple charcoal kill will need 100 clay and 40 sapwood hopefully you were able to get it on your route to your base location pull out your construction Hammer press Tab and navigate to the crafting page to discover the basic charcoal K under the Builder section I placed my kill on the perimeter of my plot because they have a large footprint and that makes it difficult to build anything close to them once completed begin at least one batch of charcoal in each Kil you can queue up to eight batches in each and they will operate for 2 hours and 40 minutes producing 640 charcoal next we'll build a wood chopping block and a simple Carpenters table these are required to manufacture almost everything else these require only 35 sapwood but first I decided to place four 3x3 Foundation blocks in my crafting area this is optional though many people simply Place their initial stations on the ground out of the way I created my first craft stations and we are well on our way to the Iron Age Now that we covered the fundamentals we can start the progression loop from now on every time we find anything construct a new tool or make new armor we will level up our skills however we can't Overlook the fact that certain steps must be taken in a specific order in order to make the carpenter table we needed a chopping block make a simple Loom we need string from the spinning wheel and raw hide from the tainting rack refined the leather string on the leather working table crafting impacts day is highly dependent on a team of Artisans working together to build a society it's one of the things that gets me excited about this game with that said here are my suggestions for crafting station priority prioritize the things in column one then column two then column three you won't be able to make everything at once as the stations are independent on one another do what you can when you can but this is the general order you'll be able to make the stations try to keep at least one slot in the refining stations filled at all times your priorities are the furnace and kills tanning rack and then nooon I wouldn't consider other professions until you've completed these St but that's a discussion for another video and with that I bid you good day see you next time
Channel: grandpasaurus
Views: 1,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jm6wJK34MGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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