Making the ULTIMATE Castle Design in V Rising 1.0

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some people play The Sims when they want to do interior decorating I personally play V rising and in this video I'm going to go through some of my best tips to help you out in making your Castle a better Castle now as a quick disclaimer up front I am not the best at this I have watched a lot of videos of castle tours I've seen a lot of things online of people recommending certain ways to approach things that have taught me critical lessons on how to approach Castle construction so I'm going to share all that accumulated knowledge with you to hopefully give you a better approach to making your Castle now in my typical way of UPF Fring the knowledge of my videos I unfortunately cannot paraphrase anything into one simple sentence so you can go ahead and jump ahead to any tip that makes the most sense to you in the um timeline and the description just go ahead and take a look and jump forward to any part that makes sense to you as I said before but if this video ends up helping you please don't forget to like comment or subscribe each one of those things does truly help me out in a huge way let's get started here on my guide to making the best Castle in V Rising I want to start this video off with something you probably didn't know about or if you've been playing Early Access you forgot is really a thing and that is using the foundations and I'll show you how this works but basically you can make these tall towers or connect these little floating pieces of land with a pillar if you use the uh Foundation capability so we're going to go ahead and land here and I'll show you what I mean so we jump into our castle and we go to Foundation go all the way over and we look at invis visible foundation and by pressing this we create Foundation that we can do things with as you can see I've already placed one right here I'm going to go ahead and just delete that well it's blocked by the uh blocked by me huh right okay let's back up a little bit there we go so we place this down and now this counts as if I've placed a wall here so if I want I can place a pillar right there and then I go up one more step here one more level and I can do the same thing if I am high enough I think this actually is yeah so now you can see that still isn't quite connected right so we have this Foundation piece already created right there I'm going to go ahead and delete it just to show you place this down go to walls go to the pillar and now we have this piece that would connect all the way down if I had an already kind of created Hedges down there that would that would cause an issue this allows you to create situations where you have pillars that go from the ground level all the way up or you have an interior balcony that you want to take advantage of or create a little bit more head room in a specific room so if you come down over here and I come into my Forge you can see that my Forge has these areas here where there's nothing directly above me but it creates this cool kind of Cathedral effect when you walk into the building or my Forge over here has it so I have a cool interior balcony this allows you to create some Dynamic portions of your entire castle that maybe add a little gravy toss to it right so if I go over to into my throne room or into my blood room I have this I've done the same thing I come around over around this corner over here and my actual Throne I've created an interior balcony either an interior balcony or just I've added up a whole level but if I wanted to I could smash this wall out over here and add a walkway so it is like an interior balcony overlooking my throne room so have some fun with invisible foundations because it's probably one of the strongest tools to creating a very Dynamic castle without really doing much to kind of follow certain rules or anything like that now before we really get into the meat and potatoes of really going to town on your Castle plan things out uh Fami K here went ahead and made a really awesome Excel spreadsheet because remember the game is grid based right it's just a series of squares and I've gone ahead over here in cite Hills and mapped out roughly what my plot looks like and what I wanted to do here I don't know why I put a a a www but it's there nonetheless and this is a great way to get a sense for how you want your Castle to look and even if you take a look at this I didn't end up sticking to this plan but this was a plan I started that allowed me to kind of work around and say okay how can I really work this space to the best of its capability and I had thought of putting big towers here that at the end of these little causeways become towers and it didn't really work out once you kind of jump into the game and start working you'll see what does and doesn't work for you but what I also want you to take a look at here is I don't use every bit of space these white spots right here this is just not used space or at least there's no tiles and this is the level one of the next raised Terrace above the ground level which is right here so this allows me to create any kind of symmetry that I would actually like in my in my building so I know hey you know I've got four running across my back and I've got five after that even though I'm not using these little squares right here I'm creating a set Foundation to work off of so that when I build levels above it you can see right here I already have a set room that I can kind of adjust around or maybe even after that too I can go hey you know what I want this to be set just like that okay now that is the forge or whatever it is use this document for example to your advantage to kind of map out how things work nothing's worse than jumping into making a castle and you just don't really know what space you really have to do things and you smash up against a wall and now you have a room that's one by one it doesn't make much sense or worse you go to make a castle and you end up with a small room that just has a a very um like a single little let's do this it does something like this where there's not really much you can do here with just that single Square so planning this out ahead of time and this will change once you actually jump into making the castle you'll go well you know what I'm actually going to take up these two spots right here because the room I made is actually not really going to fit 100% it will change as you're doing it but using this as a method to kind of create a general blue pint is really good especially if you're trying to budget a certain level of floor tiles to match whatever castle level you're at now another big feature of your Castle is how tall it can go it's height so if you go to Advanced game settings when you go to create your own server your own private game and you click this little Hammer you'll see Castle height limit by default it's three and probably every single server you jump onto it's probably three you can even change the limits of all these things every little thing can be edited through this menu so if you want to have a castle that is way above the limit you can go ahead and put that all the way up to six which is the max if you uh have already created your own private server you can actually edit this file after the fact I'll try to provide a link here in the description in the pin comment that will allow you to get instructions on how to do it it's pretty much just editing an inii file in your uh game folder so you would actually turn this value which is Castle height limit all one word from three to four to five or change any of these other things like for example on my personal server the server limit for the castle heart at level five is six that allows me to have a symmetrical distribution of servants in the uh in the Crypt other than just being five and it always felt like a weird number for me so this is a real crucial step to creating your very first castle but also can be great for editing your current server that you're playing on Garden paths can be tricky real tricky in fact it can be just an outright pain in the ass and for some reason the way the game works is it's going to snap you into a certain way to put things and you maybe don't want to do that there's just so much that you have to deal with so what I'm working on right now in my castle here is like a little bit of an interior greenhouse and as someone who grew up working with green houses I can tell you it doesn't work like this but either way um there was a really cool video that I saw online of a guy using uh Planters as well as these paths to kind of create this interior Greenhouse and if you're trying to use these uh Paving or any kind of these Garden paths you can see they they can place be placed pretty much anywhere within a square but as soon as you start to get close to an already placed one it will force itself to try to snap snap in so if I wanted to place this over here maybe I can do it but it'll force myself to kind of place itself in and this might kind of mess up the whole entire scope you have for this project so what you kind of have to do is Trick the game you have to make the game think you're not going to do that so I want to make Pathways in between these and if I were to Simply do this place this here watch what happens when I try to place that Cobblestone path that I had there before it wants it to be a very specific distance away I it's going to automatically magnet and snap as soon as I get within a certain range even if I try and get tricky with it so you kind of trick the game by saying no no no no no I'm not going to do that we're going to eliminate that over there then I'm going to switch this to do the proper orientation so now that we have this edge of the path I can go ahead Swap this around and place this in and place this in and you can see that this created the same issue over here so you have to alternate these it is really dumb but it's the only way to kind of create this little pathway in between these um growing plots and then further if I want to make another pathway that extends down here you can see there's an issue right well we've already got all the pieces up top here that matter so now all we need to do is simply place these whenever we need them so I'm going to go ahead and try to get this in you can see it's still being real tricky right it wants you to magnet over here we can kind of get real fancy with this trying to get a very specific angle specific portion of it done I think that might be as far as we can go oh there it was and sometimes you just have to slow down your mouse okay there we goes boom we're going to do that there this there and we'll just finish it off all the way to the back and now I have this walkway completed I'll figure out what to do with this whole patch of nothing this over here but still you can see that working with Garden pads is very tricky and some sometimes you just have to trick the game into thinking that there's one thing over another I'm already looking at this glaring spot over here and I know a way to fix it maybe I'll just do this try that there we go boom so get really Technical and tricky with your garden paths and this they can create a really cool situation for you right you take a look at this it's got a real nice presentation for these flowers whenever I plant them but either way trying to figure this out try to break the game a little bit try to trick the game into thinking oh I'm not going to go over here so let me place it by destroying something over here have these offsets you can do that this is just a small example but there are plenty of other ways you can use these Garden paths to really accentuate a cool garden now my next tip here is about creating symmetry where you can just because when you go to create something there isn't symmetry that's initially there you can find the Symmetry by approaching things and framing them in different ways take for example the main Causeway or the main steps into my castle this is really offc center right I've got this weird Gap over here where I can go in behind and I'll figure out what to do with this when I figure out what to do this but as you come up here I've created symmetry so that this area looks like it is symmetrical it's got a space over here a space over here we have some that's going to burn me up we have matching statues and matching trees and everything we've created this Symmetry and then when we walk here into our Castle we have a door that's off center and I got to figure that one out but we still we have two walkways that have created symmetry I'm going to walk up this St the stairway over here and you can see that this angle is nice and set and this angle over here is roughly the same but if I go into this room you can see that I had to create that symmetry so the presentation of this room feels better you don't necessarily 100% of the time have to have things match from one location to the next as long as you walk into this room go okay cool symmetry here sweet you go over here yeah maybe I didn't create the exact same room template on this side but this feels like it's going to make sense for whatever room this is in you don't always have to have things squared and set up nicely you can walk into a location that's an entirely different one that has a different symmetry that you have created yourself with all the Symmetry and all the other little tips I encourage you to steal things this is the castle heart of another YouTuber on fire PF he's created a real amazing uh Castle I'm going to link it in the description here it's called The Jet Stone Palace and he has a really an awesome ton of really great ideas and I took this and I made it my own well I didn't haven't really made it my own yet but I've copied it and then I'm going to start taking a look at this go okay well how is my castle different what angles do I have to work with I don't have a big Grand entry way that he did and I've kind of made this work a little bit different but a lot of this is a lot of his ideas or furthermore this is essentially inspired by his idea for a forge but then I took it and changed I added hey I'm going to put the advanced furnaces here so this feels like a real crazy industrial portion like this would be belching smoke and uh for like creation of irai or something like that take the ideas of other people and kind of make them work for yourself make them work for your Castle I have a lot more space to kind of change these things around but you'll find that once you start to sample people's ideas and you say Hey you know I really like what they did there another really cool example would be this little setup right here he did something just like this I was like man that's a real great way to create this kind of walkway into to your Workshop take these little ideas make them your own and then once they're in your Castle you'll find a different way to change this around like I said here's an example of the forge that is very similar to his and I've kind of started to change it and do different things and once it's in your space you can start to really develop it and change it for yourself another thing when we kind of like look back at this Castle heart is now that this is here and I just created this last night I already know some things I want to change around I want to change how this location over here works or this location over here I want to change a little bit how the coat of arms in the backgrounds are going to work or or maybe different stands or different lights once it's in your space you can adapt it to your Castle you might have a real big plot but you don't necessarily need to build on every single portion of it try and leave some space open for yourself for Courtyards or Gardens or stuff like that remember you're a vampire and the vampires have these over-the-top Gody Baroque castles a lot of the time right um or at least that's in a lot of L of cool fun Publications and you can have fun kind of creating these little Landscapes that are outside of the actual rooms that you're going to use you don't necessarily need to have every inch of your entire plot being one big walled structure and also depending on your castle level that's just not very feasible right if you're not castle level five it might be a pain in the ass to actually cover every single bit of ground with a tile I've covered a lot of this space but we are nowhere near our actual cap on the castle heart this allows me to flex things around change things in different directions maybe I need a little bit more space here if you take every single spot and build and then build another thing on top of it and on top of it and on top of it you really can't be dynamic when you are generating Your Castle and that's something that I've really learned is as you're going to create this and as you're going to design this and as you're going to decorate this you might go you know what might make more sense that this wall was blown out uh for example using my Forge I actually had a whole stairwell here and because I didn't take up every single uh space I allowed myself the chance to break this stairwell down open this Forge up give it a little bit more Breathing Room have a have a little bit more well symmetry like we talked about before but at the same time I felt too like my castle got less cluttered because I had that ability to be dynamic so don't occupy every single tile with foundation so here is my original castle and it still looks great I I I love it very much but it's this initial entryway is huge it's too big and that's the tip here is make your rooms smaller rather than larger because this game doesn't have an absolute ton of ways to fill space that is not replicated right like if I go into decoration and all this furniture pieces I mean I don't have that wide array of them you can get pretty creative with stuff nonetheless but having rooms that are about two across maybe three at most allows you to have a nice dense location to fill it with whatever you want and still have it feel fresh if you're trying to fill this entire location with all this stuff you might kind of hit a point where you're going well now I'm just using the same bench over and over and over or I've used a bunch of statues over and over and over and if I take a look over here at my library this is something where I took a nice small space that was initially very cluttered for me and made it feel a little homey made it feel Dynamic you don't necessarily need to have these huge sprawling rooms uh this was at one point an alchemist chamber but I changed it into being a prison because my Alchemist chamber just didn't make much sense and as you kind of fill these rooms and I think too this is a big part of this process when you're doing this put down the floors and then kind of get a feeling for that let let me actually bring that into the next tip map out each room before you decorate each room or before you get invested in each room you might find that by doing that you have a good idea of where you wanted a room initially but it maybe doesn't make much sense maybe you're at the end of the game and you don't need a certain production so you know what hey I don't need every single thing from the research tab anymore I just really want this really cool big one well if I made it the library in this room I have to really do a lot more right I have to now really kind of frame a lot more in this room I have to create more bookshelves a lot more stuff that makes this feel like a library versus if I had said well you know what I really just need this what if I swap these two what if I put the library in here because I really just need one real good wall and I can take the Alchemy and put it in here and I can have this expansive and it's got a stigan circle all this sort of stuff and I can have a lot of crazy things map these rooms out then kind of get an idea of by pressing B going into your crafting storage refinement locations you don't need to actually make them but you can say hey well you know what what would this be right here okay I got room there but what about right here okay just says missing resources so it fit there okay it fits there we got two and and kind of give yourself a chance to blueprint this out and kind of mock this up before you dedicate time and resources to building everything and trying to make it look a certain way this next tip is about Dimension and I really encourage you to give your castle some kind of Dimension this is my initial castle and you can see it's really kind of just a series of rectangles and that's fine you can still design like that but I kind of wish rather than designing how I did I wish I had made one big long um Causeway that connects all the way to this story over here right from the Second Story over here to the third story over here so I could have these two buildings connected and this is something that I rectified in my next Castle but I if I kind of create just a bunch of big boxes that go up it makes the castle feel less Dynamic you have to kind of think of the way that a castle actually is in the real world right there's a series of turrets and parapets there are these things that are maybe somewhat geometric but then within it there's a lot of curvature there's a lot of adapting to the actual landscape that a castle exists within and then if it's more of the later stage Castle or maybe the the early Renaissance style of Castle it's less of a castle and more of a like a a walled estate so kind of make those decisions for yourself I say kind of way too much in this video but make this decision for yourself do you want this to be this broke Gothic Castle or do you want this to feel kind of like a Victorian walled State whatever it is and maybe you keep saying the word kind of in your video to really drive those points home and just as a ju to position here's my new Castle where I've built more layers I've got that big Causeway that connects over here this is still kind of a bit of a box which upsets me and I probably will change it up a little bit but there's more to this than just simply being a bunch of squares and rectangles I've created a lot of layers here and and by doing so too it makes look particularly Gothic right you have all these really cool um I don't even know what the hell you call these on top of the pillars but those things right there and it has a lot of really fun Dimension even the back of it as a place where I'm not going to go there's fun Dimension to it um I say that but I forgot that I actually built this out just a second ago either way it used to have cool Dimension back there but not anymore either way though try and build this thing out to have more than just simply one level or one feel to it one facade as it were when it comes to building things out you don't always need to use something for its intended purpose take for example this right here that's a door this is a window you cannot open this door that is a dead space this is right above the forage right these two spots just completely drop down and this is something I saw from the evil Moon Cathedral that aex a Templar aex Templar uh created on a link both of these castles of course in the description of the pin Comet uh but he did this to create this really cool longl looking uh window that has an awesome stained glass to it and it makes it look like a very cool opening to a cathedral or at least one of the parts of the cathedral that you'd walk past and I love this idea but you don't always need to use things as its intended purpose right that's not a door I can't use that another example here would be hey this is a wall adornment where I've placed some books well I'm going to go into storage and I'm going to go ahead and click on one of these secretaries just well maybe not this that's block by me there we go that kind of makes it look like one large Bureau right it gives it a little bit more Dimension you don't strictly have to use something because it was a storage Bureau and I'm going to put it over here or hey this is a wall adornment that has books on it when you stack those two things together it makes it look like a set in placed object and yes yeah there are entire cupboards that you could use instead but still you get some Dynamic options that break away from just simply these two options by combining different adornments together or using different things in a method that isn't necessarily 100% what they're intended for Gardens might seem like a pretty boring portion of Castle creation but they can add a lot of depth and they can add a real cool specific flare especially at night depending on which flowers or plants you put in them and they also can be practical right they can be a force a source of resources I built out a second little cotton Farm over here cuz I have one in my other Castle but now I'm starting to work on some sacred grapes and you can use all of these growing plots to a lot of your advantage yeah sure I've gone ahead and just used the exterior ones to plop down a bunch of these to give this a real cool outside look but I'm also going to plant a tree right here and I'll have that tree adding some Dimension to all of these plants and we saw this before when I showed you the greenhouse that I'm working on but some of these growing plots can be used right up against walkways and if you get them kind of covered around it almost Blends seamlessly into the Garden Path so have some fun with these and you can use them to create some good Dimension or add a little bit of flare into Gardens or just simple walkways that go from one location to the other this allows some Dimension and now that I do this I'm actually like looking over here going okay I'm going to knock these two trees down and I'm going to fill this with these to try and give me a bunch of different uh roses or flowers or everything like that in this this little spot right here so it feels really fun and unique and you can even stack these up right so I can go like this right here and go to use the single one right next to it and as long as you're planting Just Flowers in those locations it's okay if they're stacked up when it comes to the larger plots you cannot stack them up if you're putting trees into them because it'll say hey this is an invalid uh situation but definitely use these Planters to your advantage to add a lot more so we've gone over a lot of really cool fun tips but I also encourage you to start over if there's portions of the castle where you don't quite like it just delete it and redo it it doesn't take you that much time to dismantle something and place it again the only time it does is if you put a staircase down where I swear to God it's going to pain in my ass but still right here this used to be a wall this room would come into here and I had a staircase up from this location but it felt odd I felt like I was always running from one location to the other to get somewhere in my castle it didn't feel very conducive so rather than having an entrance right here I built a wall and I built these two grand staircases that enter into the castle it kind of created this very cool reception area where it has a chance to Branch off over here into all of my servants quarters into my throne room or back around into my library and then I've hit pretty much the majority of everything from this kind of antichamber again kind kind of uh but still I come over here and I'm in my Forge I'm in my workshop or I go back in this direction and I'm back into my tailor or my uh Jewel crafter but initially this wasn't set up this way so take the time to look at things that don't really work for you that maybe you're just feel like you're running around in a circles a bunch of times and break them apart go and try something different and maybe you don't like that something different and it reaffirms why you've chosen a certain path for your Castle but it's just a matter of dismantling and reallocating those resources to a different setup for everything at the end of the day make your Castle a home add pictures add things to the wall put lights everywhere go over the top play with the light colors as well maybe in a forge it makes a lot of sense that you have a lot of bright yellow or orange lights or maybe in the castle heart it's a bunch of red or in your throne room room which is the color of Regal you go with purple or maybe you've got that up at your actual Crypt wherever it is or maybe you've got a catacomb underneath your entire Castle so you've gone with white lights play with the lighting play with the things within the room right play with all of the decoration all the adornment to create something that makes sense for the theme of that room maybe it's this nice lovely dining hall so I wanted to have a very homey feel to it or maybe it's somewhere that's decrepit it is the catacomb so you use the spider silk and all the fun stuff from that right we'll jump back into a builder you go over to decoration you go use the haunted webs and now you've created this because it looks like it's just not been no one's occupied it for ages if you don't know about this uh go to the store you can download the Halloween pack for free but this adds a lot to the room because you've created a little theme for it and that theme is replicated whenever you go into into that room it creates that overall feel right all these red lights this Castle heart it makes a lot of sense or I come over here and ignore this CU I haven't decided what the hell I'm going to do with it you've got these bright red and yellows and greens in here it fits everything I got these Black Walls it's soot stained everything like that create the Ambiance and the theme for your rooms by using Lights by using decorations and lean into those at that it brings our video here to a close so so hopefully this gave you some fresh ideas on how to approach building out your castle and I'm no interior decorating genius I'm terrible at this stuff but I've taken a lot of ideas from other people that are far better than me and once they get into your space and you start to play with them or you learn okay how do they do that oh they did this okay let's approach that with a different way a lot can be said about just simply getting your hands on the creation of your Castle just sit down and start doing it I been sinking hours after hours after hours into this process cuz it's a lot of fun if you're not enjoying it though then no big deal just keep making your Castle this badass Fort that is a PVP stronghold by honeycombing everything together with walls all over the place but for those that really want to SN into this I hopefully gave you some little things to think about or inspired you to try different approaches for your castle and if you have big tips on how to approach making certain things within your castle please by all means let it be known in the comment section below I like I said I'm not very good at this I have looked at enough things and learned enough little rules that have given me some Direction but I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head where I'm 100% okay I like this area I created this on my own that's actually that's what happens when you grow up Roman Catholic but either way guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 32,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making the ULTIMATE Castle in V Rising 1.0, v rising beginner guide, v rising new player guide, v rising 1.0 update, v rising best castle, v rising castle design, v rising castle guide, v rising castle layout, v rising castle locations, v rising castle decoration, v rising castle decorating, v rising base building, v rising base guide, v rising base design, v rising base layout, v rising base builds, v rising castle design pve, pve, v rising, v rising 1.0, castle
Id: nlAEoHy6yAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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