Pawn Stars: TOP 10 RARE WWI FINDS (Military Memorabilia From the Trenches)

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what can i help you with oh how are you i'm doing great uh i have an old helmet from around world war one-ish it's pretty neat um not the most protective thing in the world and some poor bastard had to wear this to protect his head i came down to the pawn shop today to sell my grandfather's old world war one marine helmet i can use the money to take my wife on another honeymoon trip i really feel it's worth 500 but if worse come to worse i would take three it was probably one of the most hellish wars we ever had it was the first war where there was chemical warfare you see the old movies and everything and you see the germans using it we used it too i didn't know that the problem was when you used the chemical warfare we killed as many americans as we killed germans with our own gas all sudden the wind would change you know you're killing your own guys and it changed the way wars fought today i mean we still don't use mustard gas it was a brutal terrible war they called it a war of inches because literally they would fight for days just to get a few feet world war one was a nasty nasty conflict no one had ever fought a large-scale war with poison gas before and high-speed machine guns made it even worse so the soldiers had to dig down into trenches to survive i mean this is definitely legit this is a world war one helmet i can 99.9 guarantee that the value of these things is really determined usually on that logo right there which division of the forces is on the front of it this stuff is major important what i don't know though is this emblem supposed to be here it appears to be marines which would make it a lot rarer the marines have always been a much smaller force than the regular army and everything else in world war one every u.s army division had a different helmet logo some are more rare than others so whether this helmet is worth hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars it all depends on the details i don't know everything about world war one so uh let me call on somebody who does he'll tell us what's going on and what it's worth okay great i'll be right back all right thanks original world war one stuff is getting harder and harder to find i'm just crossing my fingers it's legit because people are always faking this stuff so this is what i called you about yeah it looks like a u.s marine corps helmet the guys usually call me up when they get some unusual military item that they have concerns about its authenticity and i can usually figure it out and appraise it for them do you know how many marines were in world war one tens of thousands during world war one half of the second army division was u.s marines okay this is a world war one era helmet and you can tell by the flared out rim and they designed this because of artillery shoulders so this would protect the shoulders and the back of the neck people think that helmets will deflect bullets and they're not effective for that really it's just designed to protect you from shrapnel and light hits this symbol is the second army division in the fifth marine regiment that's the eagle globe in anchorage marine corps envelope above it all right so are the marine ones a lot rarer than the army ones marine corps ones are a lot rare a lot more desirable which means people fake them a lot more some people are really good at faking this stuff that's exactly what my concerns are someone faked that thing okay i'll take a closer look if this helmet is legit and has the right markings it could be worth well over two grand and a good fake is worth right around 20 bucks as a movie prop okay well i got some news for you guys i think it's definitely real the reason i believe is real it's a war one era marine corps emblem and the way you can tell is world war one era the globe had both the latitude and longitude lines later on they only had the latitude and the paint looks good everything looks good to me and good age the patina on the on the ega is perfect it has age there's a lot of grime it doesn't look like anybody's painted that it looks all original so what do you think it's worth well in today's market i'd say somewhere between nine hundred dollars and fifteen hundred dollars okay when the expert told me it was worth up to fifteen hundred dollars i was very excited because you know i walked into only one and you know 500 for it so i thought gosh this this is my payday thanks a lot man you're the best thing thank you i was already pretty sure the helmet was genuine but it's always a relief when you know for sure all right so how much you want for it well 13. no that's not gonna happen if you put this on the internet no one's gonna buy it off you cause they're not gonna know if it's a fake or not i'd really like to get a thousand dollars um i'm thinking more like 500 bucks i can't do 500. i mean this is this is really rare from what the experts said uh would you be willing to go 9.50 i'll tell you what i'll go 700 bucks i mean i i have a business here i have to make money how about 750. [Music] all right 7.50 all right thank you all right you want to write them up let's go do some paperwork my man i walked in i only went 500 i walked out with 750 and i'll tell you this is a great day hey how's it going pretty good got something pretty cool for you today it's a set of field glasses from world war one used by the lovett scouts from the original ghillie unit they're a sniper unit definitely cool man these are probably 1900-ish probably german which is funny because you have a officer carrying german binoculars fighting the germans [Laughter] these field glasses are really cool because they are actually owned by a man who was in the lovett scouts beloved scouts were very famous for being fast heavy attack they would get in they would do their job and they would move on i want to get 800 for these today but if they're really looking to negotiate i'd probably take five they're really super interesting now on the other hand alex j campbell i have no clue i was able to find a little bit about him okay i confirmed that he was in the beloved scouts okay beloved scouts there is scottish regiment but they were part of the english army basically they were forward scouts that were also snipers so they had the lousy job of sneaking past enemy lines and sending back reports about what's going on and a lot of times there was a specific target they were sent out to get you know yeah the really super interesting thing about the lovett scouts was they were commanded by frederick russell burnham yes damn i wish i had his life he was born on an indian reservation he literally grew up with american indians and they were out there in the fields hunting and everything he learned how to shoot a bow with them but burnham gave them the ghillie suit the army uses them today it's i mean it's that giant fuzzy walking bush he's a walking bush so when you're laying on the ground you look like a bush and it runs away and it looks like uh snuffleupagus this guy was like indiana jones uh errol flynn all those things mixed together they're really super interesting the london scouts were badass and their story is really cool but badass doesn't always equal big bucks if that was the case i'd be a billionaire just kidding well sorta [Laughter] and how much you want for them i'd like to get 800 and i'll say why i've looked it up on some of the auction sites field glasses from the era are going between eight and twelve hundred these have that unique love it scout they're engraved field glasses from that time period do go for a lot of money if they are carl zeiss things like that the problem is these are the generic ones a german company made so that they get shipped to someone else and they could put their name on them maybe they were the cheap pair it's neat that they're from the level scouts but i i don't think i could sell them really because if they're burnham's like i could sell them and make money if there was zeiss i could sell them and make money but if we don't have any of those combinations and i don't think you're really going to be able to get anything out of potato room man you know it might be something for you to take your risk on but there's no potential here wow okay now we have to take my chances online with him then see what i can do there uh yeah throw them on the internet see what you do yeah absolutely have a good we're back thank you i am so confident i'm gonna sell these on my own with the uniqueness of them being from the lovett scouts i think we'll make great money on them what do we have here i have no idea okay these are german helmets what are the spikes for oh they put the helmets on their head they'd bend over and run into people that's how they fought worse i'm kidding sounds pretty efficient i came down to the pawn shop today with a couple of helmets i found in my dad's basement and i just want to see how much they're worth they've been just collecting dust and maybe i'd get a couple hundred bucks out of them you can tell this helmet is from early world war one because it's made out of leather later in the war the germans were running out of supplies so they started making them out of felt and that's how you can tell this is later in the war looks like the hat the monkey wears when he rides a little tricycle [Laughter] for thousands of years militaries spent lots of time braiding marching and doing things for show helmets like this were mostly decorative they definitely weren't bulletproof and the spike on top was just for looks it's a neat piece of history the reason germany lost world war one is plain and simple they were running out of supplies and once the united states got involved they had no chance these helmets are incredible finding things from world war one in this good of shape is getting harder and harder uh this one's probably an enlisted guy and this is probably an officer generally 100 year old leather just falls to pieces someone has really taken care of these things over the years but i just don't know enough about them to really give you a price i got a friend who specializes in military collectibles and this is something he definitely deals in so let me get him down here and he'll know everything there is to know about him okay that'd be great you just don't see old german military items that much anymore collectors love pairs and hopefully they'll both be valuable how's it going hey rick how's it going good we got two old german helmets ideally in all things military from the revolutionary war up to vietnam well this is pickle hob this is pickle hobbin the pickles the spike and the hobbin is the hat okay uh what you have here is an enlisted ersatz helmet er sets her sets when they ran out of leather they would make them out of felt cardboard you can see how they put a felt stiffener in the back usually this is metal these things started falling out of favor because they're getting a lot of head casualties you know due to artillery air bursts okay and what's this thing this is a prussian officer's helmet uh here is a reserve you can tell that by the cross in the front you can see where it looks like there's been some repairs done on this it looks like i've been re-stitched very common for the stitching to come undone the american gi's would pick these up on the battlefield he might take it off a dead german he might trade with a prisoner of war but the pickle hops these days the leather tends to wear out there's nothing you can really do about it so these were better than average specimens so these would be considered in great shape uh they'd be considered in very good shape i mean great would be the stitching original not the metal is not touched up this one i would pretty put pretty close to grate okay so what are these worth well the ursats um i would consider this worth about 850 950. okay and what's this one going for uh this one even though it's been touched up i would consider it worth between a thousand and twelve fifty okay all right well thanks paul thank you good to see you again so what would you like to do with these pound them sell them i like to sell them okay and how much you want for them you saying 800 i think 2 000 would be a good place to start i'm going to be lucky to get that you know we're talking 850 maybe a thousand you know someone come in here they're gonna try and get a deal on the pair um no offense but really that's not my problem it really is i mean because it's just it's it's tough no one's buying them at the moment i'm thinking more like 800 bucks is that a piece no that's total all right how about 1500 um i'll tell you what my best shot's gonna be a thousand bucks period i just can't do a thousand night i hate to walk out of here with these things but looks like you're gonna have to walk you can't work with me on this i'll go 10.50 [Music] i'll take it all right deal run him up chum what when he came back with a hundred dollar offer that come on you can do better than that and now that i got the 1050 in my hand at blackjack tables here i come hey how can i this is a flag that was cut off of a world war one airplane by my grandfather the plane was bullet-ridden and it crashed so let me get this right the plane was on fire and your grandfather ran up with a knife and cut the flag out so the american flag wouldn't burn that's right that's awesome i came to the pawn shop today to sell my grandfather's flag which he cut from a world war one airplane i'd like to sell it because it's been sitting around for 95 years and i'd like it to go to somebody that really would like to do something and you know it's always nice to make a little bit of extra cash as well so what can you tell me about it this article was from about 1940 he brought the flag to work intending to have it framed he was called out to duty and when he came back the flag was gone and he assumed somebody stole it well 10 years later he helped move the lockers away and there was the flag for 10 years [Laughter] so you have the flag in the article you got anything else to back up your story i have these dog tags and one of these dog tags actually says lieutenant quentin roosevelt on the back and george pine my father's name on the front that is really cool quentin roosevelt was teddy roosevelt's youngest son he was a great pilot and when he was shot down the germans buried him with full military honors to think that this flag was off one of the planes in his squadron it's just an amazing part of history i will have no problem selling it so what were you looking to do with it uh i'd like to sell it okay did you have a number in mind 7500. i did have it appraised and it came in at ten thousand dollars it is a one-of-a-kind item but you're gonna praise it for anything so i can offer you like five grand make it six thousand five hundred what you have to think about here is how would you replace this how could anybody well you can't exactly replace it but there's other very expensive very patriotic things from world war one so six thousand is more than fair six thousand you have a deal you wanna write her up corey all right come with me i'm seriously excited to get this flag it's a one-of-a-kind piece that's sure to generate collector interest and stuff like this brings a lot of foot traffic into the shop so i might not even sell it what's that oh that uh that little helmet hanging up there yeah this right here is that what i think it is can i sure cool okay so i'm thinking this might be a ford model 8 that would be worth a good chunk of money just by looking at it rick that thing has not been aged or faked anyway it just screams something from the first world war if you're interested it is for sale how much you want for this thing what 500 to work for you bucks for something you're not sure about you really need to have someone come take a look at that before you buy it take it from someone who's made one or two mistakes those mistakes were always with my money so i can't get an expert out onto an island in the middle of nowhere i'll tell you what i'm gonna do since i'm from las vegas i will straight up do some gambling and buy it off you for 500 bucks the way i look at it if it turns out to be what i hope it is i'll make a whole lot of money off it and if i'm wrong between this and chum it'll be a really expensive trip okay deal 500 bucks we got a deal i made almost 950 dollars today and so i think it's a great day i've had a great time in detroit and i've made some incredible finds but before chum and i head back to vegas i'm wrapping up my adventures on the road with one final stop so this is really cool we're gonna get to see the archivist at ford motor company we're gonna show him the helmet and hopefully he can tell us something about it you must be ted i am welcome to the ford archives the giant automobile powerhouse for them you know today has been around for a long time and during world war one not only did they make cars and trucks they also made helmets the thing is i've never seen one of these before because usually they're living in museums i did a little gambling i bought this thing for 500 bucks but if it works out i'm gonna hit a jackpot i'm hoping you can tell me more about this helmet let me ask first how did you get this i was with a friend we go picking a lot who we were we were with the friends anyway so i found this helmet can i continue sure go ahead okay we were out picking and we found this uh a friend we were with believes this is like the holy grail of world war one helmets and that's why i called you up and hoping you could tell me well most people only think the four built cars but when world war one started the very first thing we made one the car but a boat we made a boat called an eagle boat it was a submarine chaser we made 60 of them we also made an awful lot of helmets the one that they made almost a million of was your typical english tommy boy helmet and this is supposed to be the super rare experimental one there were two types of experimental ones type 2 which looked like your typical helmet and then the type eight helmet which is what this one would be type eight had the visor because if you're on the front line and there's shrapnel you can pull the visor down and it'll help protect you so is this one made by you guys [Music] all i can say is that everything about it looks like i would expect it to look the strap looks accurate the way the visor falls is accurate it weighed about three pounds the weight feels accurate with the felt one of the unique things about that helmet was they they wanted to mass produce it so they did the felt so they could be folded over so that depending on how big your head was or not how big your head was you could put the felt on that would would make it fit more properly okay you know what you have here just screams of authenticity it sure looks like the real mccoy you answered all my questions i i really appreciate all this uh thank you i'm glad you could come today yeah from what we've learned today i'm next to positive this thing is the real deal so i'm gonna send it to my military expert alex he can tell me what it's worth hopefully in the end i make a whole lot of money hey rick hey what's up i got a friend of yours here [Laughter] where'd you get this we got it with a guy selling some stuff out of his garage well it's a great find let me give you a little background on this so essentially what it is is a us world war one experimental steel combat helmet that was designed by a man named dr dean brashford and he was actually the curator of the metropolitan museum in new york and he began their world famous now arms and armor collection so what do you think it's worth the shell is beautiful it is really well preserved and maintained you got most of the original chin strap um usually those are way gone it's a really special helmet so collectors are always looking for these so if this were mine i would try to sell this for at least four thousand dollars damn how much you pay paid 500 bucks for it you're going to make a great profit on it it's a really special helmet you're welcome for coming along and helping do you need like some part-time help or anything like that oh i always have room for chum thanks alex um now ship it back so i can make some money on it [Music] what do we have here this is a vintage world war one poster i wanna see if you guys might be interested in it that is neat haven't you brought enough stuff in here dude no never i come in here to try to sting you guys all the time [Laughter] this is my fifth time coming to the pawn shop and my hobby is buying and selling stuff so if i see a deal on something i'll buy it and try to make a buck on it i bought it at a yard sale i paid 15 for it i'm hoping to get 400 out of it but at least i'll take maybe it's 200. world war one was very unpopular to begin with no one in this country wanted to get in this war it wasn't our fight it was the fight in europe and then it was the seeking of lusitania at germany you both sunk it the second that ship was sunk the opinions of the american people flipped 180 degrees and these were very good recruitment tools nowadays the us military puts ads on television radio the internet but back during world war one posters like these were their main recruiting tool and it really worked millions of men volunteered i don't know that this would inspire me to want to go to war like he's saying goodbye to his mom that he's on the march i mean they romanticize it a lot here looks like the old man wrote this campaign for home and country that's something he would say this one was supposed to like tear at the heartstrings uh goodbye to the loved ones you know decorated for valor all these great things that are going to happen if you go to war they definitely didn't want to broadcast that world war one up to that point was the deadliest war in the history of mankind it was uh trench warfare machine guns chemical warfare on both sides for years this war was just fought on muddy disgusting trenches on both sides no one could make any forward ground millions of people died during world war one it was literally hell on earth but the job of a recruitment poster is to get guys to sign up not exactly tell them the facts [Music] okay now how much you want for it is it 400 cool no the coolest one ever made and the most expensive one is here we go that's never seen that one nope i'll start looking for it that one goes for in good shape right around five thousand dollars this is far far far away from the cool ones it's small it's a little hokey quite frankly it's the bottom rung of the collectibles of these things okay i would give you 100 bucks [Music] you got to do better than that that's what i could do literally that's what they're worth these things are worth 200 bucks that's what they retail for 200 i mean i don't need to beat you up i'll go 100 a quarter [Music] uh you own it man all right you want to write them up chum yeah i'll write them up let's go oh it's not exactly what i wanted i think it was worth more than that but 125 bucks wasn't that bad since i picked it up for fifteen dollars well you think chum some of the new stuff i found just hitting the back roads out here i mean you're really putting in overtime so what's in there world war one trench periscope rabbit or binoculars great device that you can use long distance and spy on chum lee and all the glasses good yeah the glasses are great super clear you can't see even right here get ready to board boys we're taking this thing over they didn't use those on ships they should have this thing is pretty awesome he's got the right idea just land base i'll tell you what these are definitely cool i like these are they collectible yeah i mean it's world war one and it's like optics and everyone goes crazy over any type of optics how much for the binoculars 600 bucks i don't know what do you think i'll give you 400 bucks for them gotta step that up bro come on step up to what step it up to five and a half all right that's a deal all right what what hey the man said it right there i got a buyer for these i guarantee you he'll buy those he's been looking for some cool stuff hey how's it going hi how are you i thought i'd see if you'd be interested in a 1904 mcclellan saddle did your horse break down or something i have a model 1904 mcclellan saddle it's a military saddle that was in use the civil war the indian wars and up through world war one the saddle is in pretty good condition for one that's over 100 years old i'd like to see if i could get 325 for it this is interesting this is like world war one era then right totally weird war i mean we had planes and horses at the same time go in there um basically it's a military saddle they needed a smaller version of the saddle for the calvary the cavalry and the artillery both it's named after george mcclellan and he was responsible when he wasn't in conflict either in the mexican-american war the civil war to design and redesign their equipment and this is the final version of that saddle really yeah it was in 1902 the military changed all their leather from black to russet so the fact that this is a brown saddle and has all brown hardware means that it's that last model it makes it somewhat unique i mean it looks like it's a good shape but obviously missing this piece right the one that attaches it to the horse she has the cinch but uh the rest of the hardware is intact okay um how much are you looking to get for it they range up to as much as 500 for ones that are pristine so i'd be happy to get 325 for this one okay um yeah my dad for whatever reason just bought horses and i think he would love this so let me give their buddy of ours a call so he can come down and take a look at it do you mind if i get my call real quick no go ahead all right um hang out i'll be right back okay i'd like to have an expert come in and look at it give a second opinion so that i can determine that it's similar to what i think that it's in good shape for its age and it would make a good accessory for someone's home mcclellan so the mcclellan saddle is the classic us military saddle george mcclellan came up with this design it was a lightweight saddle based on what we had been using it fit the horse better and realistically they still use these when you think of that there are very few things in the military and is over a century old that we are still using oh wow this looks like it's the model 1904 there's a little bit of a mark there yeah that is the inspector's mark looks like 1918 which would put it at world war one it's missing the quarter straps it's missing the cinch so it's missing what it needs to actually be on the horse i think if your dad was buying it to use it he wouldn't be able to do that because you put this on a horse is going to fall right back off again is it collectible yeah people collect these things if you've got a man cave or something like that into old west stuff you know this is one of those classic old west pieces if you're going to use it you've got a lot of stuff that you have to add back on to it you gotcha yeah um so i don't really picture my dad actually using it lizzy wants to sit on a saddle tree in the corner um he's probably better off that way but um mark i appreciate you coming down man not a problem very good to meet you thank you so what are you looking to get for it again i think 325 325 um you know i don't doubt it's worth it would you take two for it would you go to 25 i'll do 225. yeah all right come with me do some paperwork okay i'm glad he ponied up 225 for the saddle i'm gonna take the money hopefully and then just buy something else that i have my eye on and the same kind of era and the same type of lord what can i help you with i have the one and only ayler cup the ayler cup it's one big cop named after a fellow by the name of him lillard aylor okay this is a world war one trophy for horsemanship or horsemanship have you ever heard of it before oh is this some kind of spittoon no sir [Music] lillard ehler was the first person that was killed out of the 15th regiment and they thought so highly of them they decided to name a trophy after it's the only one and so obviously i think this thing's valuable i decided that maybe i'd just go see see what i can get for this how would they use horses in world war one basically automobiles aren't real advanced at the time so a team of horses could carry something through the muck a lot easier than a lot of cars would you know they were transporting field artillery they were transporting troops there are ambulances so would they use these horses in battle um towards the beginning of the war there was actually some battles where they tried to do calvary charges but calvary charge is completely ineffective against 10 machine guns you know you just mow them down mechanized warfare more or less killed the cavalry but at the beginning of world war one tanks and air forces really hadn't been developed yet so horses still have their place on the battlefield but they probably shouldn't have you will not find another cup like this it's pure silver um you will find gazillions of cups like this this was a standard thing that just about every jewelry store sold they would engrave them for you this was given to some dude named joseph of battery d in 1930 for good horsemanship i understand but the cup was honoring mr ehler what were you looking to get out of it you know quite honestly i was looking at 2 500 uh not gonna happen what do you think it's worth sir got like 400 bucks and scraps over there that's it you can't do better than that i would pay you scrap silver that is it so you don't see any historical value in it none whatsoever it was issued in 1930 to someone we have no idea of for good horsemanship there is no military collectibility there at all everything about it says it needs to be scrapped well i'm not going to scrap it sir but i appreciate your time all right well have a good one man thank you appreciate it but it kind of hurt be quite honest with you i thought this was worth a lot more than just scrap metal i think this trophy deserves some respect hey what do we got here well i've got a quirky british first world war poster okay um don't keep more servants than you really need yeah that that one i followed all my life so yeah survive i've been collecting military for years and bought a huge collection of british first war and victorian items and this poster was part of it i set this aside because the wife liked it but now i'm nearing retirement so the wife says a lot of our stuff needs to go interesting we're used to seeing a lot of world run posters here in the states the most expensive one a desirable one of those is uh the girl that's dressed up in a navy uniform and they had it was i wish i was a man so i could join the navy sure and um the british were basically doing the same thing this was obviously printed before 1918 1918 there was one actual rationing went into place in england so before that they were suggesting you um you know don't drive as much because they need the gasoline don't buy new clothes because they wanted more wartime production of military clothing than civilian clothing and this was a time in england where if you were middle class you usually had a cleaning lady or a handyman around the house if you had a big house i mean it's all legit it's the right paper you can see how it's aged a little bit and also the fake ones they always put a year on it so people go look it's you know 100 years old sure right yes how much you want for it i was figuring around like 175. that's a little much for this one the world war one posters from england are all the ones with the battle scenes on it it's neat it's great history but it's sort of blah compared to the other ones and um i'd give you 50 bucks for it um how about 75 i'd give you 50 bucks i'm being really generous here well the wife says we need to downsize and go green which means convert to uh dead presidents so i guess i guess i'll accept your offer all right we got a deal sure thank you i'll meet you right over there and i'll get you paid okay great all right cool well i'm going to get some dead presidents but not as many as i expected i'm gonna take the money and reinvest in a nice restaurant meal for the wife and myself you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 2,670,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, watch pawn stars, pawn stars scenes, pawn stars clips, pawn stars episode scenes, Top 10 Rare WWI Items, Binoculars, Helmets, Flags, iconic WWI items, pawn stars compilations, compilations, US Marine Corp WWI Helmet, WWI Field Sniper Unit's Binoculars, German Military Helmets
Id: F2F5lNCLldI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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