Pawn Stars: 3 MORE SUPER RARE OLD ITEMS (Part 2)

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how's it going good how can I help you um I actually think I can help you I have what I'm hoping is a very very old very rare coin cool I figured I'd come in and see if it's worth what I think it's worth which is a substantial amount okay um it sounds like you're in the sales business I actually know very little about the coin I got it from a family member who purchased it at an auction about 30 years ago the little bit of research that I did the value is very extensive so kind of shooting for about 20 grand I don't think it's unreasonable for me to ask for that okay um I mean this is really really cool how'd you get it uh from my understanding it was purchased in auction 30 years ago I got it in a will okay it's a little weird I can guarantee you it's from the Eastern Mediterranean okay and um there's literally hundreds if not over a thousand coins like this they're all from different city-states different countries Egypt Greece Sicily you know they put their own faces on it and everything else like that but basically the same amount of silver same weight so it made trade really easy between those cities right and um that's one of the parts that gets confusing with these coins is dating them and figuring out which city it came from there's tons of little ones but the big ones like this there's not a whole lot of them what you have here can be worth a lot of money these things go from anywhere from ten thousand to a hundred thousand dollars I could live with that but there's 500 fakes for every real one a couple thousand years ago cities were making their own coins and most large coins like this didn't survive when that city was conquered they'd usually take all those coins melt them down and make their own coins if this thing is real I imagine it's pretty rare it could be worth a big chunk of change how much you want for it completely honest was helping about 20 grand Okay and like you said between 10 and 100 so I figure right now we're at the low end I could probably go higher [Laughter] you know my big concerns are is like it's in really good shape absolutely okay it struck really well most of these coins the figure on the front and these figures on the back are way off center because they had the coin dies and they put a silver slug in them and they stood back five feet with a five foot long hammer and then they had to strike them a few times okay so generally when it's too good to be true I mean there's a chance this could be real but I'm assuming it's fake I firmly believe this one's real like a person who had it actually was an avid collector so I don't believe he would have had it okay so do you have any paperwork with it I do not know not personally let me have someone take a look at it I have a friend of mine who this is basically what he deals with is extra coins and you need a guy much nerdier than I am to tell you everything about it I think you're doing pretty good as far as being a nerd but if you want to bring in a better one great just give me five minutes no problem thank you he's calling in an expert which is only going to help my team like I know this thing's real I have a feeling that he's going to be pleasantly surprised this is the deal um is it real wow the Syracuse decadram I just know there's like 500 fakes of these for every real one the decadrams of Syracuse are among the most sought after of all ancient coins so if this is real this is a home run what year uh 400 to 360 BC right in that range yeah okay this is a chariot scene crowning the Victorious charioteer so who's the person on the front this lady is uh arathusa a water nymph you know fresh water was very important to the Ancients and they revered it and they had nymphs that represented it yeah you brought in the legit nerd yes yeah so is it real let me take a look if it's real it's worth a pretty penny [Music] uh okay I have news absolutely genuine absolutely genuine that's awesome all the features line up it has great metal quality the strike is excellent and gas counterfeits have a soapy look to them on this coin everything is razor sharp it's how much money we got here uh this one looks to me like a solid fifty thousand dollars wow almost right on the Mark I might hug you yeah in that case it's fake all right you're the best man all righty man I know Rick loves these coins and uh usually they're counterfeit this one happens to be genuine so if you can pick it up for the right price I think it's a good purchase is that the price so go ahead that's fine uh no I mean I that's what I can get out of it right wow I'll give you 35 grand for it there is more than you were looking to get for earlier but then I'm leaving like you're not leaving anything on the table you know who's going to buy for more not personally but maybe one out of a thousand people will spend fifty thousand dollars on a collectible something or the other I mean fifty thousand down to 35. I just believe that we can meet in the middle somewhere but you're in nothing yeah yeah right exactly but still that's not I mean auctions cost money right they're real creative with the fees I mean they're worse than Banks I'll tell you what I'll give you 40 Grand anything more than that makes zero sense for me and that's what you can get okay forty thousand is fair okay all right cool man this is great do I get one of those big checks no although I could do the responsible thing and put the Forty thousand dollars towards college funds for the kids maybe we'll take a family vacation there's nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun you have a towel this is a mummified Falcon from ancient Egypt is this like the sarcophagus that is a sarcophagus yes sir all right let's um go ahead okay [Music] whoa that is um different oh yeah it's my first mummified bird ever in my shop mummified Falcons from ancient Egypt were used as religious offerings to honor the god Horus and they were even people's pets that might be buried with them I bought it originally as an investment so let's hope the ancient gods are smiling favorably on me today and I'll make a lot of money it's definitely incredibly cool I haven't decided if it's creepy yet or not where the hell did you get this I acquired this at an estate auction bought it on a whim do you know where it was taken or what tomb or anything have absolutely no information all right they're techniques for preservation were pretty damn good you know they would cut you open take out all your organs treat them and then put them back in your body and they would literally go through your nose and knock a hole into your skull and suck your brains out but um depending on how much money you had is how well you were mummified sure um I mean it looks like there was some attention to details um one interesting thing is on this one you can actually see the shape of the wings so you can tell it's a complete bird as much as this mummified bird freaks me out it's sort of cool to see at my shop and not in a museum something from ancient Egypt that is in this good a shape and this rare I imagine there's not a lot of these in private hands I think it's breathtaking so how much do you want for it I'm asking fifteen thousand dollars uh there's a few little weird concerns I have about it you have no paperwork and putting a value on it is difficult but there is something neat here so uh I actually have a friend who's an archaeologist and I want them to come down take a look at this so let's get him down here I'd love to learn more about it sure all right cool I'm not particularly worried about it coming up as a fake I've never had it authenticated in fact that was one of the reasons that I brought the item in today was hoping to learn more about it Tom what's up Ben what's going on Rick um that oh my it's not a common thing to get ancient mummies in the shop but since I did a day I want to call on my buddy Thomas who's an archaeologist he'll be able to confirm if this is authentic and how old it is I don't get an opportunity to see something like this very often Falcon represents the god horse the right eye represents the sun and the left eye represents the moon the wings of the cell can represent heaven well mummification is just a way of preserving something for eternity but there's also a religious side to it where they believed mummification it would facilitate them getting onto the next level of being which is after the death it came from the estate of somebody who had a large collection of Egyptian artifacts it looks really nice I just am a little concerned in the last 20 or 30 years they've actually been producing reproductions of these made for the tourist industry so one to expect it a little bit closer with the loop it doesn't say made in China on the back of it does it how they're doing that for a joke this is a flax linen and what also you see the geometric pattern the way this has been wrapped very very beautiful weaving um not every mummy is wrapped as well as this and if it's not in modern reproduction the style of the wrapping and the sarcophagus itself tells me that it comes from the ptolemaic period 25 2600 years old hey um is it legit I mean well it's pretty difficult to fake what I'm seeing on here in terms of the age on the linen but a sarcophagus is much larger than the actual mummy does that mean that it's not together no but it's unusual the ptolemaic period has a special look to how the mummies were done how they were wrapped how the sargoth guy look so everything about this mummy tells me it's the real deal and it's not just a real deal it's this is one of the better mummified Falcons I've ever seen okay so what's it worth oh that's a good question I would think the two they're not match size but boy they sure look good together be in the neighborhood of ten to twelve thousand dollars okay I still find it so weird all right thanks for coming Ben all right thanks for calling me on this all right see ya thank you as beautiful as this specimen is the more information you could have provided would have elevated the value hell I'd give you like eight grand for it because I have to resell it I'm still pretty much at fifteen thousand dollars I don't see any auctions where these go for under twelve thousand dollars and those are rough they're not even real birds I I'm gonna go with my guy I can do eight that's all I can do that really is I'm throwing you everything wow I think the best I'm gonna be able to do would be to come down to his upper limit which would be in the twelve thousand dollar range there's no way I could do it there's risk in buying it and if I buy it I'm going to make money I can't do eight thousand dollars okay well if you change your mind give me a call how's it going man okay I didn't take the offer because I really feel like I could get more for it somewhere else and just I believe the item is worth more than that it's worth more than that to me anyway hey how's it going all right how about you all right I got something else to look at what do we got here it's the old Sundown okay hey Pops what come here hang on a minute cops come here what do you want you know how this thing works no Rook I ain't that old [Laughter] I came to the pawn shop today the Palm Sunday I really don't want to sell the thing off it's kind of look at a little sentimental value I don't really know what it's worth I just want a little extra money while I'm in Vegas so how did you get this my father picked it up over in Germany once back in World War II he picked up out of a house or something okay so I think he didn't buy it I guess it was a war prize it was a wolf prize I think during World War II they let you do that yeah you get all you want yeah I mean all you had to do is fill out this little uh spoil of War for him Spoils of War are basically when U.S servicemen commandeered things during World War One and World War II and it could have been anything all you had to do was fill out some paperwork put a stamp on it and send it home it's a neat little thing it's pretty accurate do you know how to use it he held it up and hold it North let the thing go north and this little string that's on it it cares you what time it is across the donuts okay so you'd hold it yeah like no you lied you line up that line right back up there and then whatever the sun is in your back there it brings to the dial around there oh that's neat people have been using the sun to tell time for ages and I've seen a ton of sundials but I have never seen one this intricate well it's ivory that's a good thing ain't it oh yeah that's definitely a good thing and this is either French or Latin and it says 1662 whether that's just a number or a date I don't know I didn't know if that was that old or not if it's that old I mean it's in wonderful condition do we know what this does right here there's something there I have no idea what that does but there's something right there oh [Music] I don't know if it's something to reset the dials or what in it now I don't know what that is I'm gonna put it back in there though I've never seen anything like this and I'm just dying to find out more did you want to pawn it or sell it or I want to just pound it and everything you know it is something my father gave me and stuff and I don't sell this product okay uh how much did you want to borrow I need five six hundred dollars because it should not be a problem I'd really like someone to look at it first this thing could be worth a lot of money let me call a bunny in here and let him take a look at it and figure out what it's worth and if everything's good a lot longer okay I appreciate it this guy has no idea what he has here and I really don't have any idea what he's got but all I know is it's probably worth a lot more than 600 bucks I figured that was your department I deal in Antiques and scientific instruments one of the coolest things about scientific instruments is their age the technology behind them where they've been who owned them and just the whole mistake behind that this is what's known as the Nuremberg dial so what are your concerns with this item my gut feeling is it's real I mean I don't know if it's 1662 and to tell you the truth I have no idea what it's worth well sundials date back before Christ and what you've got here is uh really an old-fashioned digital watch because it had so many functions combined into one instrument there are three different dials in this particular Sundial if you've got a vertical pin dial the string gnomen dial that's vertical and another horizontal dial what in the world is a nomen dial this is called the string gnomen when this is orientated towards True North the sun will be over my shoulder and the sun's Shadow will be cast by the string on the time of day on this circular dial underneath indicating the time of day for direction on the top here you have what's called a compass rose if you look down through that hole and you Point North you'll see the tip of the compass needle it's magnetic on the bottom here you have what's known as the lunar volvel it has both the Gregorian and Julian calendars but the cool thing about this is at night when you had a full moon you could actually tell what time it was how in the world did you do that it depends upon the orientation of the moon and the phase of the moon and these little computations down here if you line up the various numbers with what your observation is it'll tell you within 15 minutes what the time of evening is that's amazing I had no idea this thing had so many functions it's like the Swiss army knife the sundials I mean they thought of everything I am blown away by the technology and craftsmanship in this this is obviously a very detailed delicate instrument it would have been owned by nobility or someone who is very wealthy it's made in Germany is signed eldric karner Kerner happened to be one of a family of dial makers that was very well known in Germany at the time this is the most incredible pristine example that I've ever seen there is absolutely no doubt that it's authentic here's a little secret down here have you ever had this open yeah well good and something fell out of it yeah we put it back this is really an amazing aspect of this particular instrument and I have never seen one that had the original still with it this is 350 years and it survived there without falling out like it did earlier with you just absolutely amazing I put this little guy here in the top what it becomes this is a Weather Vein [Music] and I have never seen one that had the original wind vane still with it but he you're in Vegas and you just hit the jackpot I needed to what do you think it's worth what do you think we go for an average dial like this might sell from between three and five thousand dollars but one in this exceptional condition they just do not come any better than this there are examples in museums that don't hold a candle to this this one I would say easily could fetch seven thousand dollars I'm pretty shocked right now that thing was worth a fortune there and I've been holding on to it for so long I didn't know it was that valuable so do you still want a Ponder you want to sell it to me I'm considering selling it to you if you'll come up good on me so what do you think is a fair price no you just heard him probably 6 65. I can't do that um I'll give you three grand no I can't take that you heard what he said that's museum piece there have a museum ain't gonna give you no money for that I'll give you four grand I mean it scares me I I don't know how I'm gonna sit on this thing it's a lot of money I'll take 45. I'll go 42 that is that is like it let's do this then we're in Vegas let's play for going 42 if you get it 45 if I get it you called a coin all right go ahead what the hell s [Music] thank you sir all right let's go do some paperwork my intention was the opponent but that was 4 500 my dad would think I was a nut just to keep that right there take the money and go with it
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 3,505,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, watch pawn stars, pawn stars scenes, pawn stars clips, pawn stars episode scenes, Pawn Stars: 3 MORE SUPER RARE OLD ITEMS (Part 2), 3 MORE SUPER RARE OLD ITEMS (Part 2), SUPER RARE OLD ITEMS, SUPER RARE, super rare items, rare items, pawn stars compilations
Id: 9NA7p9QExCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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