Pawn Stars: "HOW IS THIS LEGAL?!" Top 5 *Almost* Illegal Items

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what do we got I have some political memorabilia the Secret Service ID for J hard McGrath Attorney General of the United States okay some letters signed to him by jadeger Hoover Hebert Humphrey his White House pass oh that's cool and half of a ten dollar bill signed to him you know I never got the Secret Service because everybody knows they exist I came into the pawn shop today to try and sell some political memorabilia from the attorney general the United States J Howard McGrath I really don't know what they're worth kind of had a number of a thousand in my head but we'll see how it goes where did you get these I bought them from his grandson all right McGrath was the Attorney General under Truman late 40s early 50s I don't think McGrath was actually in the Secret Service but being the Attorney General I'm sure you get any credentials he wanted he was the top law enforcement official J Howard McGrath was a power player in Washington politics he was the chairman of the Democratic National Committee when Truman ran for president so Truman picking him to be attorney general cronyism you think these are pretty interesting here and this right here is I believe that as half of a counterfeit 10 bill they signed it to the attorney general you sure it's counterfeit just not a bad misprint I don't know sometimes when the Bureau of printing and Engraving make a bill they screw up misprint bills can be worth a lot of money to collectors but counterfeit money that's a whole different story it's a federal offense to use a counterfeit bill so I'm assuming you can't own one um yeah it's counterfeit All American currency they throw silk rag in with the paper so if you pick up a bill and you look at it closely you'll see little red and blue lines all over it if that's not there it's not real this doesn't have any of those all right I don't even think it's legal to own this thing okay this is an amazing collection you just never see stuff like this but it scares the hell out of me I mean counterfeit money and Secret Service credentials this is the kind of stuff that can get me in hot water you got some neat stuff here and these three things right here I really want to get checked out I'm not a hundred percent positive but I'm pretty sure it's a felony to own this thing yeah the last thing I need is the feds coming through the door of this place let me go make a phone call I'll be right back thanks I'm really hoping it's legal to keep this stuff because it's awesome if it checks out I'll definitely make an offer what do we have today well this is a counterfeit bill so hey counterfeit yeah I'm the administrator of the Clark County Museum system and after 35 years in the museum field there's not much I haven't seen at some point or another Jay Howard McGrath interesting you know who he was Attorney General of the United States well it was that too he was three-term governor of Rhode Island he was a Senator as well okay McGrath was attorney general from 49 to 52. he presided over a case that got rid of segregation in dining cars on railroads it was a fairly active time now let me take a look here [Music] this is his secret service credential the embossing the seal is right on this so this is all right normally if you see one it's been marked retired so this is quite unusual Secret Service passes like this normally they either have a stripe across them or they're marked retired so it's an interesting one because it's all completely intact how collectible is this guy and is any of this stuff legal to own having a White House pass they are not real common they are collected that on the other hand you don't want counterfeit bill is not legal to own so obviously these guys were probably involved in whatever case this came out of and gave it to him as a souvenir this is the sort of thing that you don't want to own in 19 rule of the United States some of the laws aren't enforced quite as strongly can we shred it no best thing to do is turn that into the the Secret Service okay thanks for coming in Mark not a problem you're the best appreciate it alrighty what do you want to do with these I'd like to sell them how much you want for them I'd like a thousand dollars not gonna happen we got Howard McGrath no one knows who he was this one's not stamps retired you heard him say it was rare this is not exactly a bad so it's going to be a little bit harder to sell it's sort of On The Fringe of badge collecting how about 800. four yeah I mean I I need to get five yeah I'll give you 500 bucks get a deal all right you want to write them up yeah sure come with me man these Secret Service credentials are amazing even though McGrath is not exactly a household name there's collectors out there who love stuff like this so what exactly do we have here like a big flashlight this is known as an infrared heat sticker for The Sidewinder missiles they were attached to the F4 Phantoms and should I call Homeland Security now or [Music] Seekers for The Sidewinder missiles the reason I want to sell them is because my father needs money there's a lot of collectors out there would love to own one I mean who could someone could say that they have one of these it's amazing amazing piece of technology Rick this is first uh no we've never had a guidance system for a missile I've never really needed one so this was attached to the F4 yes and they were used to guide The Sidewinder missiles all right um so where did you get this thing well my father used to do military surplus bidding in the 70s and 80s and he bid on empty shipping containers 400 of them sealed bid he won it for 25 okay as he's loading him into the truck he noticed some were heavy he opened it up and these were inside this is crazy the guy buys a bunch of run-of-the-mill shipping containers at a Government auction for 25 bucks and finds these inside that's incredible but I gotta dig a little bit more before I have the Air Force come breathing down my neck all right this is really cool but do you have paperwork from the Department of Defense or somebody saying you can own this thing yes they were supposed to have been destroyed when they ended up at the auction and this is all from the Department of Navy huh Dear Sir the copy of the board's decision on your owning this Rick that's official Navy documents it looks like it's good to go okay so um apparently you own this but this isn't an actual missile right it's been decommissioned yes I believe they're totally safe okay um it is cool though I mean I really do dig it before this you had to see your enemy yep these came out now you had dog fights where you were just looking at a radar screen inside the cockpit right in 1964 this was so high-tech it was unbelievable this was cold war technology and the whole thinking was not if we were going to go to war with the Russians it's when it's something you didn't want to fall in enemy hands right if this really is a Cold War era heat seeker there's all kinds of people I could sell to Aviation collectors War collectors technology Geeks but I have to know for sure is this thing what she says it is or if it's legal to buy it's really interesting I'll tell you that what I'm trying to figure out is what the hell are you going to do with it I mean are they worth any money I mean I don't know if this thing's worthless I don't know if it's worth twenty thousand dollars I I don't even know if it's legal to own these things the last thing in the world I want to do is end up on the no-fly list let me go give someone a call and we'll find out what's going on with it great if I can you can bet your ass I'm gonna try and buy this thing I just don't want to end up with federal agents knocking on my door hey guys how are we doing this is it the heat seeking device for an F4 wow I'm a U.S Marine Corps F-18 pilot with 17 years of experience I'm a graduate of the naval fighter weapon School Top Gun and also a U.S navy blue angel pilot now this is a very interesting item I'm really surprised that you own this do you have documents that say that you can have this well what you do we have a letter that says we won them okay you know I almost didn't believe Rick when he called me it's actually an aim9 heat seeker head they showed me documents and paperwork so they're legal to own it it's very rare to have that outside of a military base let alone in a pawn shop in Las Vegas so how exactly did these work this item is basically the top foot and a half of a nine foot heat seeking missile if we were to take off this Dome there would be a mirror in there with another reflecting mirror that would actually Spin and behind that we've actually got a filter and that filter would be able to decipher some heat seeking sources I.E an engine on a jet probably came out early 1960s this was leading technology so we went from shooting bullets either the 50 millimeter or the 20 Cal and then we expanded it to missiles and we're the first in the world to do that so instead of shooting from hundreds of feet we can now shoot out to a mile a mile and a half so obviously that gave us an advantage early in Vietnam National Security is a big issue especially nowadays back in the 1960s actually this missile was compromised off a German base and aim9 went missing it was trucked past the Iron Curtain and a year later the Communists had the exact same missile so that Advantage we had initially in Vietnam was gone by the late 1960s so you're not like a Russian spy or anything are you okay so is there any collector value for this thing it's in good shape on a one to ten scale as a fighter pilot I'd give it about a nine it's it's pretty neat no one really has one it's really commercial value nothing I'll be honest with you you know it's hard to put a dollar on it but Aviation Museum Aviation nut you know heck I'd like to have one at home so all right thanks man you bet I appreciate it good to see you as a fighter pilot who has fired the aim9 missile it's exciting to see this if you find a person that really is into it perhaps an old Vietnam F4 pilot or somebody like myself that could be a perfect item for him so how much are we looking to get out of this about three thousand dollars no I just don't know what to say I'm I'm thinking 500 bucks and maybe I can do something with it maybe I can't I I don't know it's a real shot in the dark at 500 bucks you don't think this is worth more money than 500 yeah I think it's a neat piece of history but it's an antiquated thing that's going to sit so 750 is out of the question 750 is out of the question I'll tell you what I'll go 550 bucks and I'm crazy even buying it I think okay well we have more so I'll take 550. okay 550. all right let's go do some paperwork thank you I'm psyched I got this it's something that'll definitely get people in the door and have them talking even if I don't sell it I'm just as happy having it sit on my shelf it's awesome I would like to show you something that I have what is it like a girdle or something well kind of they were used to cheat at playing poker cards or something like that a lot of people got killed with those in this town yeah I'm sure they did this is a pretty old device it's about 1900s I'm wanting to sell this anywhere from 15 to 1600. we got it when Granny went into a nursing home and she told me not to show anybody because it was illegal so it was always stuff behind the drawer where did you get this my husband's grandfather owned a bar in the San Francisco area one of the bar customers was going to prison and he gave it to him and asked him to hold it for him okay I mean the day they started people started gambling I assume the very next day someone figured out a way to cheat I'm sure yeah you know everything from Dice to cards marking cards and it's always been that looks like a mechanical device to keep cheated cards it's definitely cool I mean there's some really neat little engineering here um do you know how any of this stuff works I have absolutely no idea okay I mean we have like a little Court dead put it down I'm trying to figure it out here you're gonna break it yeah I thought I would have done okay now you broke it of course my dad has to pretend like he knows exactly how this thing works I guess maybe a gambling town but this is a little out of both of our wheelhouses so what are you gonna do with it do you want to sell it or I just want to sell it any idea of what you want for it I'm thinking um the range is anywhere from 600 to 6 000. okay well it's I'm gonna have to call a friend of mine to come down and take a look at it there's no way either of us are going to know what this is worth yeah I made it who would you be calling uh I've got a friend who's Magician on the strip and collects all types of this stuff and if anybody knows about it it's gonna be him let's do that that would be great be right back so I'm kind of concerned that the guys want to call a magician and I'm not sure if a magician is qualified to give me value on a gambling product but we're gonna see it's really cool actually um you ever heard of the saying there's nothing at my sleeve okay well this is the device that has started from I can see why Rick called me in for a cheating device because in Magic that's really what we do we kind of cheat people out of reality there's a guy who invented um the first living device named Kev linger and he was the number one con man in the west coast he went up and down the Barbary Coast San Francisco Coastline cheating people he came up with the first type called the keplinger holdout it was a card holder which meant it would actually hold the card within your sleeve so it would hold it out until it would be switched with the cars in your hand this is really intriguing now this one by looking at the Wells and the joints the way it's designed this is actually a Martin San Francisco card holdout made in the 1920s 1930s all right well do you know how it works yes I do know how it works when I actually brought a deck of cards with me cool so here's what happened this area here is always called the thief the reason why it's called the thief is because it would sneak out from your sleeve grab a card and steal it put it pull it back into your actual sleeve and it actually fits right all right see how it pinches it and this goes against your forearm um we're going to have you help me do me a favor take that okay now when it runs down your body it comes all the way down with all these round joints that's why they're around so it rolls properly all right now this would be attached between your knees and you'd open them up and as you do that it should slide as long as we keep it pretty well linear it should slide out so pull it pull up yeah you can pull oh so that comes out your secret has been told success actually got the best of him um he got caught by some gamblers they offered to either kill him or him to make the device for them he made the device for them and they all went out cheating people they all get caught and they went to jail for the rest of their lives so what do you think it's worth these are really cool because there's not many around and this is an amazing shape so a lot of people use them for Museum pieces or they use them as a cool thing in their home to display for a value on this what you're looking for is anywhere between fifteen hundred dollars and twenty two hundred dollars all right that's great thank you you're welcome thanks for having me seeing you guys thank you pleasure thank you thank you all right we'll see you guys later all right have a good day all right um he said it would go for like what 15 to 22. retail that was like retailing it I would give you 800 bucks um two thousand I there's no way I could give you two thousand there's just no way there's no money to be made how about 15 no I'd give you like 800 bucks it's it's going to be difficult to sell [Music] 13. you can always put it back in the size you heard the guy all right nine hundred dollars nine hundred dollars all right tell well you know I've learned something by coming here I've figured out I need to be a better negotiator but all in all I think it was worth it hey how's it going good how are you doing good episode of North Dakota controlled substance tax stamps the legislatures passed a law back in 1989 requiring people with illegal drugs to purchase a stamp and apply it to their illegal drugs who the hell ever would do that I am a stamp collector so when I seen these up for sale I decided to purchase those as a collector's item I'm looking to sell the stamps just to get rid of stuff my kids don't want it when I'm no longer around what's the difference between the different colors do you know that well the green is the ones that were to be affixed to the marijuana the no kidding the blue was uh controlled substances that are sold by weight such as cocaine and in the red drugs that were sold by dosage such as heroin I mean I just can't believe this state in North Dakota actually paid to have these things printed well I didn't go over very well because most of the people that were required to purchase the tax stamp they certainly didn't want to wave their hand and say hey I got illegal drugs here I need to purchase tax stamps any idea on what you're looking to get out of them or I'm looking to get a hundred dollars I've seen them uh priced on the internet for 125. per stamp okay um here's my issue for me to be able to do something with these I'm going to have to actually pay to get these things framed I mean I I hate to lowball you so much on them but honestly I'd offer you about 30 bucks for him I'd have to respectfully decline the thirty dollars I mean it if you can get close to 100 I can maybe come down a little bit I mean I'll tell you what I'll do 50 bucks because I can buy a really really cheap frame at the drugstore to buy my house yeah all right I'll go ahead and do 50 on this 250. all right man I appreciate it so meet me over here we'll uh do some paperwork all right all right fifty dollars is not as much as I was looking for but I'm gonna take the money and I want to split it up with my grandkids what do we got here I have a moonshine still here for you to check out a moonshine still yeah where did you get this I actually got it at a yard sale interesting to say the least to think it took thousands of years to figure out how to make alcohol but once they figured it out everybody was happy I buy and sell antiques and collectibles and I knew immediately it was a moonshine still I could tell by the copper worm and the way it was set up I'm hoping to get 750 but I'll take a couple hundred bucks I may look young but I'm definitely over drinking age I will give you the fact that it's really cool do you know how to make moonshine I don't all right first off moonshine is not a drink okay it's sort of got that name for illegal whiskey because during prohibition guys would make their whiskey illegally in the Moonshine they continued to make whiskey illegally even after prohibition because alcohol was legal but the federal government had a seven dollar a gallon tax on liquor wow okay so there was still plenty incentive to make illegal alcohol moonshining was and still is a dangerous line of work the first 20 of the liquid that comes out of a still can be poisonous and make you go blind so I'm assuming it doesn't work no no it actually uh it doesn't make moonshine right now okay so how much do you want for it for your still that doesn't work uh 750. no this whole valve has to be taken apart and probably rebuilt all inside I'll give you 100 bucks for it I mean I could do 500. I can't do 500 bucks if it was indecent shape I would so now you could do 250 nope I'll tell you what I'll give you 150 bucks and that is it 150 is that huh 150 zip all right let's go write this thing up you know he gave me 150 and I feel okay about that I bought it for 50 bucks and it's a pretty good return
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 40,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, Pawn Stars, pawn stars top moments, best of pawn stars, top 5 almost illegal items pawn stars, illegal items pawn stars, pawn stars best moments, pawn stars full episodes, pawn stars clips, compilations, pawn
Id: sYvCT9rOzio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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