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this guy came in the shop with a guitar he said was owned by jimi hendrix if this was actually owned and played by the legend himself this will be the coolest guitar ever to walk into my shop and i will go to great lengths to buy this guitar i have to this is stupid cool i mean jimmy's one of jimmy's guitars hendrix turned the guitar into an extension of his body every way he moved was altering the sound of the guitar when you see him dip down real low he's bending the kids i'm physically bending the guitar there's very few guys that can make their own statement with the guitar anymore that guys come along like jimi hendrix and just take it to a completely new place i want to make sure this is 100 before we start talking a lot of money yeah you mind if i take a look at it no man by all means that's why you're awesome there's a couple things you'd want to look at the tremolo bar these are usually bent and angled up he played the guitar upside down he flattened a lot of these out made him straight so they probably weren't ramming into his arm and stuff like that another thing is what they call ring wear if you're playing the guitar like this my wedding ring hits the guitar removes a lot of the paint finish from there if you look at this guitar the top side of the neck has a lot of that wear that's from the guitar being this way now jimmy would have played it left-handed the article that you guys have sitting over there they asked a bunch of vintage dealers to take a look at this guitar with photos and stuff like that the serial number here l14985 this guitar has actually been documented no doubt this is definitely one of jimmy's guitars that's really really cool in my head i think i know what it's worth but what do you think no guitar is worth anything unless everything's working on it in my book plug it in let it rip just turn it up loud cannot believe [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] that's a good guitar man so what do you think it's worth anywhere from 750 uh good auction million all right thanks all right man thank you yeah thanks again for letting me play welcome man thanks a lot that felt crazy to hold one of jimi hendrix's guitars man you can see why he liked it because it was a really good balanced nice feeling guitar at a personal level i absolutely love it but you have to find the right auction best be advertised in the least amount of time would be a year most likely right let me give you 450 000. 450. man my thing is i take all the risk you walk away with cash for a guitar that could fetch maybe a million dollars on any day your own guy just told you that okay but come on 450 grand yeah i'm thinking 750 man a lot of commissions and a lot of people got to get paid to sell this thing right it's the way the world works okay i'll give you a half a million this guitar is worth more than that it it just is if you want the money now i can go 550. knowing that it could potentially affect a million dollars at an auction i can't leave that much money on the table uh 750 really man that's that's the bottom dollar i can take for the guitar hey well have a nice day tell me if it goes to auction i might bid on it okay thanks man well six i can't do it man but i'll call you if i change my mind okay all right he's fired one last bullet across the boat there with with the 600 000 offer you know honestly i was starting to kind of get a little bit more tempted by that but you want to come to a fair point in selling something of great value don't be desperate about it and that i am not a guy came in the shop with an original moby dick classic comic it's pretty cool but i have no idea what it's worth so i called paul in to help me out he brought this moby dick comic in and i figured you're the guy who could tell me about it really cool man you could tell it's a first original edition which is pretty rare just by the 10 cent if you have a 15 cent or blank it's most likely a reprint so how collectible is this in the comic book world well this book actually has a pretty rare variant on the regular edition on the inside front cover there is a letter from the editor the other one is an interior cover that's a free promo kind of thing that's very rare and i've seen like two well i didn't look at the first page so so let's see what it says all right [Music] all right this is the letter to the editor so this is the regular one what kind of value would you put on it overall i mean the colors are great you do have some damage along the edge the stain here but uh it's a really nice book really nice copy is it 600 nice i think it's closer to 550 nice okay well that's not too far off thanks man you got it charlie having an original edition complete is really something that people look out for i think it'll be a good buy for the shop it might take a little time for that right person to walk in but i think it'll sell [Music] all right well after hearing everything you have to say how much are you willing to let it go for well i know you're gonna need a little bit of room so 500. i got to take all the risks with someone handling it and selling in 100 different people looking at it would you go 350 on it i'd be much happier at 450. i could do 375 but i think that's my limit on it well all right 375. all right we got a deal um just meet me right up here at the counter okay i'm selling on 375 because that does allow me to get my original purchase price back and to find a nice whaling book that my dad will enjoy this is elvis's super fly coat i dig it one of the most iconic pieces of elvis wardrobe in the collector's market you're saying this was this belonged to elvis it did here's a picture of him wearing it awesome cool um it has a fur cape it doesn't get any better than that he was known for his um taste in clothing oh i've been here before i'm coming back because they treated me fairly last time i like making deals with these guys to me elvis represents america he's one of the most iconic figures of the 20th century i mean there's only two people that could pull off that look and that's elvis and maybe a pimp [Music] this thing's pretty cool can i try it on i think it might fit you [Music] pretty fly for a white guy where's my money where's my money take it off i feel super fly that's for sure how much were you looking to get out of it 75 thousand okay um do you mind if i have someone look at this thing i mean it is really cool i mean it's a massively iconic thing well who would you like to call in you know who jimmy balbot is right yup i sure do knows a lot about his memorabilia things like that let me give him a call and we'll go from there okay they told me they're bringing in jimmy velvet he is probably the best expert on elvis artifacts if anybody is going to know it's original it's gonna be him i met i was through my english teacher through your english teacher yeah were you like his tutor or something no are you kidding i knew i needed the tutor but that's how we met she informed me that elvis was going to record a song the following month that she wrote and that song was our break hotel well i used to own numerous elvis museums around the country five total i specialize in anything and everything else it must have been pretty cool hanging out at graceland it was always cool you never knew what was going to happen there you know there was always something and elvis was very impatient so you get on the plane you're in the air and he wants to go get a cheeseburger but he did stuff like this you never knew [Music] so what do you think of the jacket there's so much fake stuff out there you pay a big dollar but you got to be very careful what you buy he had a bunch of these made all different colors this brown one this is the one he wore it quite a lot it mostly uh to the hotels and back from the airplane he kept us on the plane sure one thing i really wanted to see is the ic costume label tell me did you ever see elvis and this in this exact one yes so you think this is the real deal i know it is okay the other big question what's it worth [Music] the fading is gonna cost a little if i was trying to buy this coat i would love to get it for somewhere between 50 60 55 000 it's a great coat it's more than a coat it's it's elvis you know all right thanks for thank you seeing that coach today brought back a lot of memories i know people who would probably pay 60 000 or more for it it's just a grand piece of history so what do you think i should pay for it chum 40 grand that's about right i mean you know what collectibles have done in the past few years i mean the price has gone down it's not come up but the good stuff always remains high and i mean this is it doesn't get much better for elvis stuff here 40 000 seems like a really high figure okay i take it off your hands i take all the rows and i have to sell it 70 grand i can't do it 40 i mean i'm giving you my best number right off the bat that's what i can do the jumpsuits go for hundreds of thousands and although this is not stage worn this is the next best thing if it wasn't a good piece i wouldn't be offering you 40 grand okay i'll go 50. no i'll go 40 grand i'm giving you my best shot i really am you can't do 50. 40 grand all right just for you i'll do 45. i'll go 40 grand i can't do that i mean 45 you got a deal it's a big investment i can't take a loss on it though so 45 i'll do it you're gonna let it walk over five thousand dollars rick the deal's not right the deal's not right dude okay all right man i wish we could work change your mind give me a call you don't want to do 45 i'll go 40. you got it all right write them up chum sweet all right i'll meet you right over there let me put the jacket on first go write them up go write them up i thought jimmy's appraisal of 50 to 60 was a little bit low prices now are a lot higher than they were back then what can i help you with i got this picture here uh it's from like says 1500's as far as i'm concerned it's like a scary picture i mean i wouldn't want to hang this on my wall i really like it you're a weird individual for liking this stuff i don't like it i came to the pawn shop because i have an old print that i have to sell if it's any value i'm retired so i could use the money if i got a couple of grand i'd be happy if i got more be even nicer where in the world did you get this well i got it from my mother it was in the family a lot of years so i sort of date on it just thought maybe it might be worth something yeah believe it or not you got something really cool here oh really this is an engraving by albrecht dewer actually he's a pretty famous artist as a matter of fact he's really famous i mean he was probably the greatest engraver of the renaissance albert door was obsessed with the idea that the world would end in some kind of apocalypse like in the bible so most of his work included demons and satanic creatures 500 years later he is still influencing gothic artists and even horror movie directors do you think that this is an original that is his autograph i mean that's way he did it third state more changes if you can get one from the 1500s in its original state it's worth 300 000. but this is not 1500 the paper is not right the paper would be hand laid paper much differently than this uh-huh this is 1700s or 1800s paper this thing is definitely worth some money but i'm not really sure about the value normally i'd call my buddy brett but he's busy with a new gallery opening so i'm gonna have to take a gamble on the price how much did you want for it a couple thousand dollars is it worth that maybe it's worth more i don't know i'll give you my one price and that will be it i'll give you five grand for it how about six thousand i'll tell you what i'll give you 500 bucks i believe it's worth right around seven all right if it's worth seven how about 6 500. i won't make no money i got rent i got employees i got overhead i got power bills oh i got the same thing i take all the risk and you walk out with cash i love 6 000. you get 5 500 i won't go up anymore all right okay tough negotiators i feel really good about this buy but i won't know for sure if the gamble is worth it till i have it appraised wow albrecht der i don't get many of those an albrecht durer etching that was a first impression done right after the hand carving of the plate that piece is sold at auction for an excess of 350 000 what year was it pressed i don't know but i paid a lot of money for it i hope i did all right well we'll take a look it's dark the lines are crisp there's obviously some conditional flaws in the border but the composition itself is very strong however i don't think that this is a real early impression the paper is too thin i don't think it's indicative of the laid paper that they were using in the 16th century i also don't notice in the image much in the way of burr basically when mr durer was doing the etching he left little grooves of metal and it would make for almost an impressionistic look in certain areas and over time once you get further and further removed from the first few impressions you lose the burr so i don't see much in the way of burr however it's almost certainly from the original plate you can see the plate marks the dimensions match up i think it's a very nice impression circa 17th century and even though it's not an early impression it's a valuable one i mean i've seen pieces like this sell at auction anywhere from 20 grand to 50 grand yeah so i imagine you did pretty well uh i don't know what you paid for it but i paid 5500 for it okay they said it was a gamble when i bought it um but uh thanks man you did great um you want to put that in like a nice frame or something i think we can do something for you yeah something chum can't break any time you pay 5 500 for something that's a sizable investment but rick knows what he's doing a little too much so i'm afraid he might not need an art expert anymore what do we have here a couple of victorian era stained glass windows that i inherited from my dad when windows first started coming into houses stained glass was really expensive back then so the owners of the house went on vacation or something they took all the windows down oh really because they get stolen yes i'm coming down to the pawn shop today to sell my stained glass windows i don't have a price in mind because i don't know what they're worth at my house they're just sitting in a box and they're not being displayed the way they really should be do you know anything about them what i think i have is an example of combination glass beveled glass stained glass and jewels now this other window i'm not sure if it's of the same era or not stained glass is an art form it's tremendous amount of work to make these things it really came to be a really great art form late middle ages for over a thousand years when most people couldn't read churches put up stained glass windows that depicted scripture and bible stories they called them the poor man's bible what were you thinking about getting out of them well what would you be willing to offer i'll give you 400 bucks for both 400 bucks ooh that's kind of low um how about 800 for the pair how about five it's one of those things that sits very very long time how about seven um i'll tell you what i'll go 600 bucks and i will not go no more than that 600 would be max i think that 600 is a fair price you got a deal okay thanks i'm actually very happy that we settled on six i realized that he's taking all the risk it's gonna take quite a while to sell these windows a guy brought in a bunch of star wars action figures that came out the same year that the movie was released i don't know anything about star wars so i called up a buddy of mine to come take a look you look like the type that had a princess leia posted on your wall i still do man i still do wow man these are really nice shape everything looks really really nice which sets off a lot of red flags because there's a lot of these figures being counterfeited nowadays these are the first release which are the most sought after as far as any of the star wars stuff goes this is a french card here which you never see here in the states to make it worth more or less more desire definitely okay that's also the vinyl cape wow that's amazing as far as star wars toys go the holy grail is the vinyl cape jawa it's one of the most sought after star wars figures we just smell these what are you doing sometimes you can smell the age of them and you can also smell if there's glue so do they smell real they do they smell like 1978 to me what do you think they're worth i mean your blisters are clean the cards are clean the money piece definitely is the jawa i've seen this figure by itself go anywhere from eight to ten thousand i would put a conservative estimate on this collection in the nine to twelve thousand dollar range yes yes all right appreciate it man no problem at any time see you later news [Music] i could reasonably expect to get somewhere between nine and twelve thousand dollars um i can see paying you like five man oh i don't i got to be the one to sell them yeah i understand that that's not even close you know i i'm looking for 7 500 you'll turn an instant profit of a couple thousand dollars without an effort yeah man but then i take the risk of one of my guys messing one of these up and well well then you need to hire another staff member would you take six for them no they're gonna do nothing but growing value at 7 500 you're still gonna turn a profit of two or three thousand dollars with no effort i'll give you seven grand why don't we split and say 72.50 i'll give you seven thousand dollars i mean i'm taking all the risk here okay i'll do a seventh all right wanna write them up sure i'm pretty happy with seven thousand dollars but um my dad was a salesman his whole life i think he'd be saying eric you should have asked a little bit more what do you got here i have an elevator model from the 1860s all right what do we got here you need an elevator for your house check this thing out cool this probably was 1860s you know early 1870s an elevator operator was a profession you're telling me if someone got paid to stand the elevator all day and push buttons back then they didn't have buttons they had like levers and open the door sign me up i got a crappy job anyways i'm coming to the shop today to sell an antique elevator model i have an antiques business and my business partner and i found it in belgium i've been finding elevator models similar to this and it's been selling for around five thousand so i was thinking four thousand it's reasonable it's an architectural model from the mid-1800s which makes it really cool elevators back then just sucked they were usually used in dockyards and building things like that and the problem was people on a regular basis saw cable snap and people would not get in them because they were smart do you know much about this well i do know that the break was invented by elisha otis and the patents from 1861. it says eight persons i think that's french okay this was probably a french company they had an elevator system that was competing with otis but otis had a patent so they had to come up with their own otis from otis elevators the way he got people to go in his elevator was in the mid-1800s he would have his elevator bring him up like four stories and he'd whip out his knife and cut the cable and we came to a slow nice stop and nothing would break that's why the otis elevator was so great because it had these brake shoes it's their sales model i mean it's in pretty amazing shape and it works it does you can actually drop it can i drop it i don't want to mess it up okay so imagine you're in there and the cable breaks still works i'm impressed thank you i'm elevated there's a lot of people who collect stuff like this every one of the construction trades architects how would you want for it four thousand i'll give you two you get all the money i take all the risk you know all right 3 500 no we need to go to the lower floor uh this is really not a time to be joking rick we're talking money 2500 i'll go 21 and i shouldn't do that i have to make money on this thing i might get four grand out of it but that's that's not an auction there's auction fees it'll take me a year to get my money i got to spend money to ship it across the country somewhere and i've done that already as well yeah yeah it's 2100 bucks 2200 no no 2100 bucks [Music] okay got it good deal all right thank you writer up chubby i'll meet you right over here all right thank you don't break it i'm happy that i was able to sell the antique elevator models today i didn't get the 4000 that i was looking for but 2100 i'll be able to use for my business a guy brought in a vintage gibson guitar owned by peggy eames from our gang so i called my friend jesse to come down and help me out we have a really early gibson potentially at 1938. wow that's an early early early one well if it's a 38 it's a super jumbo it's the first year that they made these and it came to be one of gibson's most famous guitars everybody has played and recorded with uh super jumbo neil young the who so to have a first year production that's a big deal the 38 super jumbo is one of the most iconic sounding guitars there are it was loud it had a really nice mellow low end to it they even make a reissue of the 38 the first year because it's such a significant guitar you mind if i pick it up and take a look at it uh go ahead all right cool back looks in good shape it's all rosewood no cracks on the back there's a nice piece of maple looks like maybe on the neck there you got maybe one crack right here the biggest thing is if there is number on the inside of it ink stamped in there um well yeah this is 1938 for sure it's got a d for the letter and that was only used in 1938 so all right it's a super jumbo that's super cool the custom work on it that makes it really cool who was she peggy eames my mother started out in the r gang silence and from there she went into vaudeville when she outgrew our gang that is awesome our gang was great but she's not super well known do you guys have any other concerns with the guitar uh no i think he covered everything except that one big one what's it worth well without that custom work on it in this condition this is probably a 40 000 guitar the custom stuff on it takes it into a different realm so you have a first year guitar with custom stuff on it this could possibly be 65 maybe even 70 grand for this guitar yeah okay it's a little lower than i'm anticipating getting almost double what a stock one is is is pretty good yeah thanks for calling me in on this one this one's rad all right thanks man you know what 38 this is only the second one of these i've ever seen in my life it was really cool to get to hold one in my hands not just looking at it on the pages of a book an amazing instrument i'll give you 45 000 for the guitar well my intention was that the money would be used as a down payment on like a getaway cottage call it peggy's cabin my asking price 75 is really where i still want to stay on it there's very few people in the world who have enough money to spend the stock 1938 guitar you bump that up to the few guys who buy the custom ones it can take me years to sell something like this that's what i can do i mean i will go 45 000 uh if you were the end collector is it of interest to you uh that's just it i'm not the end collector 65 would probably move me on it i'll go 47. i assume all the risk after that you know what i mean i i think i'll haul it around a little bit longer okay if you change your mind i'm here okay i appreciate that there's a lot more involved here than money the family heirloom part of it is real strong maybe during a family gathering once a year peggy's cabin and it'd be like a memorial earlier a guy brought in a sword that he claims was used during the war of 1812. it definitely looks authentic but i've never seen a sword from this era so i've got to have someone come in and check out the condition of it what's up mark how are you doing well good man so what do we got old sword thing from probably around the war of 1812 era very nice you found something interesting the first thing that we look at on this is the eagle head on this one's badly dinged here but the handle here is correct the corrosion is something that you'll want to deal with your scabbard is original but in horrendous shape yes unfortunately overall what you have here is a model 1805 artillery officer's sword a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that it was supposed to be shiny like we normally think of as sword blades not in this case this one the blade was actually blue and then it was chased in gold this one was probably made in france this particular type of sword was issued from 1805 to 1815 so this would have been an issued sword for the war of 1812. so is there any way to tell if it was ever used in battle there's no way of actually saying that it was or it wasn't might have been carried into battle however it's an artillery sword the artillery fire cannons they don't lead charges with their sword how rare would you say it is they're not real common it's one that a sword collector would come in and say oh yeah i need that to fill out my run of u.s military swords all right mark appreciate it man so now that we know a little bit more about it how much are you looking to get out of the sword well i'd like to get five thousand dollars for it um if i bought it from you for five thousand i'd have to try to sell it for seven and seven thousand dollar sword is just not there i think we're more about in the 500 range given the age and the historical value of it i'd like to get more than that what about i mean two thousand dollars i mean if the sword was in perfect condition we might have like a two or three thousand dollar sword here but it's just not pay a thousand for it and i'm taking the risks there man i really am i mean it's a piece of history 12. i'll go 1100 bucks 11.50 all right man do all right 11 50. i would have liked to have seen more but given the condition i'm satisfied with 11.50 and it's going straight to my wife hey um it's you again i'm back i got more cool stuff okay um i'm gonna get chump all right chub your guy's here oh hey what's up hey chum i've been traveling around i've been thrifting and finding good stuff now i'm back at the pawn shop and i hope chum likes what i brought him i like this relationship i'll go find cool stuff cheap sell it here leave them room to make some money i'll do that again every day it's always interesting to see what you're gonna bring in heck yeah this is pretty cool man where'd you get this so margie died and i was at her estate sale so i bought a bunch of her stuff she was some type of stewardess back during the vietnam era what makes you think it's from vietnam the patches i looked up the patches and they go with different squadrons it's pretty cool though i definitely like that the patches on there are really cool black sabbath rock and roll that's right so these are early black sabbath when they are on the vertigo label and that one's got the original poster in it it's almost impossible to find it with the poster mind if i open it up take a look no i know the posters are pretty hard to come back that tear right there is gonna affect the value but definitely really cool though i mean i've seen this album hundreds of times never seen the poster in it so the last thing i got is an adventureland bowl set 50th anniversary of disneyland and there's two pieces looks like it's in really good condition it has the 50th year anniversary logo with the castle and everything everything disney is collectible it's got that cool tiki vibe going for it it's probably not going to be a hard sell what's the lowest you would take on this i probably wouldn't go any lower than uh 500. i'll give you 250 no 250. you got tiki fans looking for it and you got disney fans looking for it i mean realistically could you do four that's gonna be my top dollar on this i could go four the records i would love to have these what'd you want for that 800 for the pair i know i've seen these sell to three to four hundred dollars in the recent market so i'd like to be in them at 250. each together oh no that's way too low there's a rip in the poster that rip does a lot to develop yeah if you can do 350 for the pair this is me taking a risk 300 i'll meet you in the middle all right and the dress how much did you want for this i was thinking 400. i want this but i'm not gonna be able to go anywhere near 400. okay what neighborhood could you get into i'll give you 99 more than you paid for it 100 bucks i could do 100 bucks honey it's in pretty good shape i would go to 200. i'll go up a little more like 130. if you do 150 i'll meet you there 140. that's the best i can do i'm only buying it because i'll do 140. i like you and i want you to keep bringing stuff in all right yeah it's never easy but it's always a pleasure let me write this stuff up and i'll get you a ticket cool hey what can i help you with i've got a uh an old chest here buffalo bin he was in the uh uh buffalo bill wild west show okay so do you know who buffalo ben was or i'm i'm not entirely sure okay he has uh some photos some puppets is all in here as well okay ventriloquist doll he still talks hi chum i came down to the pawn shop today to try to sell my buffalo bin collection buffalo bin had ties with buffalo bill i'm hoping to get at least 5 000 out of it i can't have it in house mainly because my wife thinks that the dolls that are in the box are pretty creepy okay where did you get all this stuff well i uh i remodeled a house uh for a lady in colorado and she says do you want it i said sure i'll take it do you know if there's any relation to buffalo bill or he was in the buffalo bill show okay and that's supposed to be buffalo bin right there yeah i mean buffalo bill was a really great character uh he had an amazing show i mean he toured all over the united states he toured all over europe he uh performed for kings and queens and that stuff i know is worth a lot of money buffalo bill cody is an american legend the guy was a soldier buffalo hunter and all-around badass he had hundreds of people working on his wild west show and anything associated with him can be worth money maybe even buffalo bin you have like two things here you have some this buffalo bin guy stuff and you have a punch and judy show you ever see the little puppet shows no well they would reach up and you would have little punch and judy shows and here and they would argue with each other and they would always end up fighting always i don't like you i don't like you i think you're ugly don't break this thing it's old i've seen punch and judy puppets i've seen ventriloquist dummies but this collection is really unusual i'm figuring the dating on some of this stuff is around 1890. i don't have a clue um the little ventriloquist doll here um that's got newer clothes on it i'm just sort of baffled here by the whole thing i don't know if this is buffalo bill's cousin or who the hell this guy is got a friend who runs a wild west uh museum let me get him down here we'll get this thing figured out okay the guys don't know what is in this box i don't know what it is so i can't wait to hear what their expert has to say he started out as a buffalo hunter on the plains he was a scout for the army and he actually got the congressional medal of honor because of his service wow so buffalo bill really had a strong basis for a wild west show in his background you know i've never heard of buffalo bound but buffalo bill had a lot of characters performers in his show and we're always learning about new ones and so i'm hoping maybe we'll find something more about this guy you know we have some really nice stuff linking him to 1930s circus activities the question is from the 1930s back to 1886-87 was he really involved with buffalo bill's wild west this gives me a concern because actually this was an image used by buffalo bill to promote his wild west and the name buffalo bill's been taken off of here it's like buffalo bin just kind of stole it yeah from buffalo bill this other photograph here uh taken in 1886 this guy is a lakota chief known as redshirt he is not buffalo ben at all we have photographs of him his face is pretty familiar to me unfortunately buffalo bend was not with buffalo bills wild west we have some really neat circus stuff we have some authentic items but buffalo band himself isn't really authentic he was one of these guys that created a persona for himself long after buffalo bill and everybody who could have contradicted him were dead wow so he's self-made famous that's right he was a legend in his own mind all right so do you think it's worth anything it's interesting but you don't have that strong value that you would see if he had really been with buffalo bills wild west all right thanks for coming in ben thank you after looking closer unfortunately the materials just don't fit his stories don't fit the photograph that shows him theoretically with the show is somebody totally different well he's apparently not in the show um yeah this i'm not really big on this now i mean it's basically from a con map but you haven't lost the battle yet because this stuff has me really intrigued i have a buddy who just knows everything there is to know about toys so let me get him down here johnny will know all about this stuff great even though buffalo ben turned out to be a fake some of these old dolls could be worth a lot of money there might just be a jackpot here after all johnny my man hey what's up guys this is what it calls you back taking him way back with this stuff the guys usually calm me down when they want to know the history of a piece or if they want to know its value as well this is definitely a cool mix of pieces here with the case and everything else looks like he traveled maybe carnival circuses and this is probably what he used to perform and make a living at the time these are looks like punch of judy puppets i would say from the early 1900s here back then this was the big thing i mean people came from all over to see these puppeteers these ventriloquist performers and it's amazing to see this stuff here at the shop and what about the ventriloquist doll i would say the maker definitely by looking at the face it's definitely made by charles mack have you heard of charlie mccarthy yeah i remember he was a dummy on television it was really big in like the 40s 50s 60s the guy who made this made that as well theodore mackinson was a big manufacturer of ventriloquist figures in the early 1900s and continued on to the 50s and they were still a big name back then all right johnny does this stuff have any value because my man ain't been so lucky with everything else so far everything seems in fair condition for the time most of these were hand painted and a lot of that has remained intact the clothing's original also the charles mack piece which is pretty decent for how old it is i would put a total value at about 5 000 for the whole collection here great okay wow all right um thanks man you're the best all right see you take care um yeah a little bit of a roller coaster ride today huh yeah okay um yeah this stuff right here i don't see no money there just plain and simple this stuff what do you want for it i was hoping to get five grand out of it yeah five grand i'm not gonna do it i mean because i'm hoping to get that i'll give you three grand with with the box being a you know a decorative piece uh you keep the box um 38. i'll go 3 200. and remember i pay you money i take all the risk you walk away and life is good i think we got a deal all right it's a deal man write them up jump let me show you these dolls are awesome took half a day of work but what a payoff so what in the hell is this miami dolphin stadium i'm assuming an architectural rendering or yeah made out of corkboard and i think they used balsa wood it's uh definitely not made out of legos there's only one original architect's model of joe robbie stadium constructed so this was the model made to sell the concept to the fans in the city of miami i'm hoping to sell this today for about twelve thousand dollars that's amazing all right it's the same stadium they're playing now right a name change correct back in the mid 80s this was commissioned by joe robbie the owner of miami dolphins so that he could have this to show in all the different malls and grocery stores and different places around miami yeah he had been trying to get a new stadium for the dolphins for probably about 10 years think about it by the early 80s dan marino's tearing up league passing records but they're still sharing a stadium with a college team yeah right so joe robbie decided he was gonna pay to build it himself so where did you get this well i got it from the city of cleveland because art modell the owner of the cleveland browns he liked this design so much as well this is what he wanted built there too so how did that work out for him not too well uh city of cleveland didn't want to pony up money like joe robbie did so we all know the rest of the story this art model guy kept bumping heads with the city of cleveland so eventually he gave up moved his team to baltimore and created the ravens it was a tough road for cleveland fans but fortunately they got a new browns team a few years later god it must suck being in cleveland man the best thing you have to look at is a copy of the dolphin stadium [Music] yeah come on don't be thrilled we get enough razzing you know there's a lot of fanatical football fans out there that would love to have something like this what are you looking to get out of it man i was looking at somewhere around 12 000 the nfl hall of fame said i should uh insure it for a minimum of 25 000. but you know what the nfl hall of fame didn't do they didn't write you a check how about 10 i see why you would think it'd be worth so much money and if i'm sure there's somebody out there that's going to pay it but this isn't something that's easy to sell i'd give you like four grand for it oh that that's that's pretty rough this was joe robbie's prize for what he was trying to build for his team and for the city of miami how about eight it's not gonna happen i mean think about it dude i take all the risk i'm the one that actually has to find someone to buy it it's gonna cost me time money and resources i'll go 6 000 bucks it's the most i can do how about seven big house i'll build you this for three thousand six thousand bucks man that's what i'm willing to pay whoo [Music] i think you're going to make a lot of money on this all right damn it figure out something to do with this and write it up please what am i gonna do with this i do think that the 6000 is still lower than what it's really worth but i'm trying to move into a smaller place and i really don't want to take it with me so i'm okay with it earlier a guy brought in a team photo of the 1915 red sox with babe ruth in his rookie year it could be a big ticket item if it's real so i asked jeremy to come down and give me his expert opinion man 1915 boston red sox 20 year old babe ruth that's right that is really cool i mean who could possibly imagine what history had in store for this guy with baseball being in its embassy and babe ruth came into the sport you know there's only very few media outlets covering it so having anything related to babe ruth surviving 100 years later is an amazing find so i mean one of the biggest urban legends in baseball you know how did beirut get the name the babe the story goes back to his days when he was in the minor leagues with the baltimore orioles a guy by the name of jack dunn kind of took him under his wings since he was underage at the time and really took care of him so those other teammates kind of busted his balls a little bit about it you know oh he's jack's newest babe and everything and it kind of stuck after that cool here's my concerns okay it's open and everything i see psa is generally sealed up sometimes with psa you can have discretion as to whether you want it encapsulated or just stickered um in this case it has just a sticker on it and looking at this one i mean the sticker the letter the condition everything's authentic on this okay that's cool okay so the big question what do you think it's worth i can't emphasize how exceedingly rare it is to find an image of babe ruth especially from his rookie year so these are actually a really big deal and honestly man in this kind of condition on a good day i'd say you could sell this for about 10 grand okay thanks man you got it man when we were talking about a photograph from his rookie season 100 years old there are far less of those out there than there are autographed baseballs or other items i don't think it would last long in any retail setting well verified hey what's your best price on it um what about 12 000. there's no way in the world that's gonna happen because i don't think i can get that much out of it you heard jeremy on a good day i could sell it for ten thousand so i'll give you seven grand seven grand wow you heard what the man said they rarely come up i think it'll sell fast i really do eleven thousand no i will go seven i take all the risk i have stuff all over the place in here that i thought would sell real quick we do 8 500 no i will do 7 000. that's what i can do i've come down you have them bumped up not even a nickel i won't bump up and die yeah i i don't think i can let it go for that price but thanks anyway all right thanks for coming in though all right okay i'm disappointed he didn't budge from 7 000. i thought he would at least come up 500 it looks like it's back to the auction houses and see if i can get a little more money for it what do we got i have something really unique to show you today it's a 17th century powder flask if i understood it it's for a dueling pistol this is really neat we have the fur delays i'm probably pronouncing that long um that is uh that would make it french brutally for lay clearly whatever i have a 17th century powder flask it's ivory and i think it's from france my dad made black part of guns for a living so he collected a lot of things around that world i want to get 20 000 for the gunpowder flask okay that is definitely cool do you know much about it well it's a 17th century powder flask you know i always pictured this really famous guy that won a lot of duels and that was his powder flask i think it's more jewelry than it is actually used for a gun oh a really really rich dude had this guys like that they never used this there was nothing to do if you were rich okay if you were poor you woke up in the morning you went to work and then by the time you got home you collapsed and did it again the next day you worked like a dog all day long now if you're super rich it's not like you went well here today i'm gonna get my sports car today i'm gonna get my harley maybe we'll go to the lake and get on the jet ski there was none of that so back then what they did was they got dressed up and went to fancy parties this would hang on a guy's belt so this is more form over function this oh yeah this was dressing up oh this is ivory um that is bone in there that was pretty common because what they used to do with ivory a lot is like the background and stuff like that that you couldn't see that well they put bone in there because it was a lot cheaper than ivory oh whoever made this he was good you see how he inlaid this with gold and this is one bluing technique where you get that color a different blueing technique where you get that color and a third one there bluing was an art and the color of the bluing was dependent upon the temperature of the metal the oils where you were using and everything else like that now how old it is that's debatable is there any markings on it anywhere i nothing that really gives it a date or a time stamp but if you look at the guy on the front he kind of addresses the 17th century and my dad always said it was from that era so okay um you know today you can go out and buy things with george washington's picture on it that doesn't give it a date uh but were they made of ivory today uh there was no problem getting ivory up to like 30 years ago so how would you like to get out of this twenty thousand dollars is fair for something this age this ornate let me just call someone up someone's gonna know a lot more than i am they're gonna know about the value better but i have a friend who will know everything that works so hang out 15 minutes and uh i'll be right back sounds good really looking forward to the expert getting a look at this gunpowder flask i think he's gonna probably say it's worth a lot more than i'm asking here it is wow it's old exactly how old i don't know the detail is stunning the fleur-de-lis puts it absolutely french and also somehow related to the monarchy because of the crown and that was not done lightly this is somebody who has permission or somehow associated with the crown you didn't just decide you wanted a priming flask and throw the crown on there but on the other side this is very clearly king henry ii so king henry ii died in 1559. oh but it's not that old what i think this is is a tribute to king henry ii now henry ii was a really popular king at the time because he was a avid hunter and an outdoorsman and he was always celebrated by french kings going on most notably louis xiv the sun king the man who built versailles i do think that it would have belonged to one of his courtiers okay that is definitely cool the french court was notorious for its competition status was everything and part of what helped you attain status were high-priced accessories this would have been one of the finest pieces of craftsmanship you could have purchased these two hooks here would have connected to some type of fancy lanyard that went around the courtier's neck and under their arm and it would have hung there and you can see this is something to other people to be envious of almost like today a man wears an expensive watch so what do you think it's worth it's in exquisite condition um my best guess is that at the right auction twenty thousand dollars thanks man thank you thanks appreciate that look a 17th century ivory primer flask would be valued by collectors not just of militaria but also of art so you really got the best of both worlds it's a great piece of history it really is hey what's your best price on it you heard the man 20 thousand dollars seems like a pretty fair price twenty thousand dollars in the right auction or i pay you ten grand you walk away with the money i take all the risk what about fifteen thousand i'll give you 11 grand for it yeah it's a hard could you do 12. all right 12 000. we got a deal thank you all right i'll meet you right over there thank you so instead of a powder flask it was like a mad merce purse thing [Laughter] what do we have here brought you some pieces of the hindenburg pieces of the hindenburg yes all right this is such great history to this day the hindenburg is still the largest airship ever built that carried passengers you know it was almost three football fields long and it had i think 7 million cubic feet of hydrogen in it i mean that's a pretty big floating bomb i'm coming into the pawn shop today to sell my pieces of the hindenburg airship crash i acquired these pieces of the hindenburg because my father was on the security detail the first night when the airship crashed i'd like to get 20 000. if i make a sale today i'd like to purchase a new automobile this is some incredible stuff here the germans built the hindenburg in the early 1930s and it was an engineering marvel you could get across the atlantic in like two days most people think it crashed on its maiden voyage it didn't it had already been to new york a couple times on may 6 1937 the hindenburg was completing a flight from frankfurt germany to lakehurst new jersey where they had a ginormous hangar for it and they dropped one of the lines to tie it off and also nothing burst into flames so this has to come from the tail believe it or not this piece right here is worth more than the other ones combined because that is the rarest piece due to the fact that the fire started at the tail section yeah this is the normal skin it's a great size piece and we have a western union telegraph here dear mama was sent to lakers thursday night for guard duty at hindenburg crash nothing left of ship most all bodies burnt beyond recognition love jimmy so how did you get it well my father was on security detail the first night did your father said this yes oh okay that's really cool i'm pretty impressed so big question how much you want uh 20 000. uh i absolutely love it and i'll give you 10 grand um understand when i go to sell this i take all the rest you walk out here with a pocket of money ten thousand dollars is a fair price 12.5 i'll do 11 and not a penny more okay we got a deal deal all right sweet um i will meet you right over there we'll do some paperwork and i'll get you paid all right thanks very rarely do i get this excited over an item that comes in my shop to have this telegraph from somebody who was there basically doubled the value now i'm gonna get this all nicely framed up and i can't wait check this out guys pretty amazing what exactly is it pieces of the hindenburg with a telegram from the guy who was there what do you think i think it would have been much faster just to send a text what are you talking about i mean instead of a telegram they didn't have cell phones in 1937. we have all the pieces and all the provenance in the world okay yeah rick here we go [Music] this is cool finally someone who can appreciate the amazing historical significance of this this is one of those iconic unfortunate disasters in american and german history the hindenburg was nazi germany's ultimate airship they started building in 1931 started flying in 1936. one of the interesting things about this particular landing this was the first time that you saw a disaster happening almost in real time the newscaster who is filming for a throwaway piece for between movies and all of a sudden the fire starts people are jumping out people are dying right now yes because it's burning right in front of him you know one of the lines he used was oh the humanity that line entered into the public lexicon this is too much for me to think about mark i did not come here with the intention on learning today 35 died in the crash 62 survived when you look at the footage of the crash it's still amazing to me that that many survive it's amazing that anybody survives it was just a massive fireball the cool thing about this is i have part of the structure and the fabric and part of the tail the rarest part of the hindenburg yeah because that's where the fire started and to have that particular telegram that's an amazing telegram so you guys think it's cool now it's pretty cool dad awesome let's go i mean i'm just telling you kids today it's just like these this younger generation is just ridiculous okay i guess something you might be interested in okay 1970 here octavia and it's a joe sifford edition yeah formula one uh yeah he was a star yeah this is cool he's still listed as like one of the greatest race car drivers of all time oh yeah he was a swiss guy um the swiss steve mcqueen well i wouldn't go that far i watched it with my dad's he bought it brand new back in 1970 and keeps perfect time the watch is in real good condition it's mostly been sitting in a box i wear it every now and then you know i'd like to maybe get a new dirt bike and you know don't tell anybody that but this is a pretty amazing cool watch it's pretty rare and the reason these are pretty rare is these weren't popular watches it was only the hardcore race fans buying watches like this because the speedometers were not really accurate but if you had mile markers on a road and you had an accurate stopwatch in your car you could figure out exactly how fast you were going um and that's the neat thing about watches because he wore the same model he didn't wear this one but he wore this model that's what gives it 80 of its value there's something really cool about hero watches from the 60s and the 70s everybody loves them steve mcqueen wore one in the movie le mans ended up selling for over eight hundred thousand dollars now tell me did you replace the band or did he get it this way you know i think he must have replaced it i mean he wore it a lot and i know you know he had all kinds of different bands and the original band on this is very distinct right it really hurts the fact that you don't have the original band but i love it that you have the paperwork with the original serial number on it so often you'll see these things they'll have the original paperwork but it's not filled out right how much you want for it i was looking at 12 000. um that's tough i'll tell you what um i'll see if i can make a deal with you okay if we can make a deal i will go pop the back and make sure everything's correct i just want to make sure it's the original movement from that time period all right okay i just don't want to take it apart do all this work and then you say no to my price yeah you understand me yeah i'm thinking like simon grant so you're in um you know how about uh i could probably do ten all right it's got all the original stuff i got the original box it doesn't have all the original stuff it doesn't have the original band that is a very big deal could you do nine i'll go eight i have to find someone to buy it i gotta do all the work how about 85 i'll go 8 000. yeah i can do eight okay all right just remember i'm gonna go take the back off and make sure everything's legit all right okay okay all right be right back all right i'm feeling pretty good that you know that was probably the least amount i'd take for it and uh yeah it seems like a fair price i know he's back there somewhere taking apart the watch i'm probably more nervous he'll break something but uh no i know it's legit i'm pretty confident about that okay we have a problem oh um but apparently it's gonna be my problem not yours i'll take the risk um obviously he never had it serviced because the battery will not come off i don't know this thing is stuck on there yeah it's probably been at least 25 years i don't foresee there being a problem but if there is i'm screwed i'm really happy he still stuck to the deal even though he couldn't get the back of the watch off hopefully we'll you know be out out in the desert racing new dirt bike next week you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 8,162,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, risky deals, return on investment, pawn stars marathon, big spenders, pawn stars crazy finds, heuer autavia jo siffert, powder flask, hindenburg wreckage, hindenburg, hindenburg crash, hindenburg explosion, star wars collection, memorabilia, star wars memorabilia, star war
Id: Sd1DPVQW8u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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