Pawn Stars: CONTROVERSIAL Coin is "REALLY, REALLY COOL" (Extended Cut) | History

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there's something you might be interested  in what do you got take a look at this   of a very old coin this is one of the  coolest coins united states ever made   for lack of a better term the  us booby coin the booby cart   i came into the pawn shop today to try to sell uh  one of my grandfather's old coins he just passed   away and i mean i don't know that much about  it but i believe it's worth some money that is   really really cool teddy roosevelt's wanted us to  have pretty coins everyone else in the world had   beautiful coins why couldn't we it was during  the art nouveau movement which was our nouveau   it's just french for the new art a lot of people  were upset about the design they went from like   flowing everything to like terrible looking  like chain mail best on lady liberty there   you know i'm i'm not really into fashion  but i'm telling you it just didn't match the standing liberty quarter was released in 1916  but when the american public saw this coin and   realized that there was an exposed breast on it  it really upset a lot of people one of the great   things about this coin right here is it's toned  a little bit okay silver oxidizes a little bit   which isn't a bad thing on a coin i personally  like it on a lot of coins because when you have   a really shiny silvery coin you can't see the  details so when it tones you can okay if you're   a coin collector it's one of those things you  probably want right okay so i'm assuming you   want to sell it yeah okay how much do you want for  it it's got to be worth 500 bucks um yeah actually to be perfectly honest with you i'm assuming this  coin's worth anywhere between 12 and 1700 bucks oh   oh wow okay okay um i have a friend who works for  one of these coin grading companies okay he will   tell me what the grade will be okay if you can  hang out a little bit i'll go grab them we can   figure out the exact grade do you have a little  time to hang out i actually don't i have a final i'll tell you what your best case  scenario would be 1200 bucks your worst   case scenario would be 800 bucks  i'll give you a thousand bucks okay it's a fair offer well i do have to get out of here and that's  double what i was looking for so okay we have a   deal all right man i'll meet you right over there  i'm gonna take this with me i don't know what's   dealing all right i'm pretty excited that i'm  gonna get more from my coin than what i initially   thought it was valued at that's gonna pay for a  lot for my school and it's gonna go a long ways   it's just in such beautiful shape the thing that  immediately jumps out at me is how fantastic the   surfaces are there's nowhere and there are  almost no marks on it the luster is good   it's a fantastic coin the coin was a 1917  quarter struck at the philadelphia mint it   was of the first type before there was a design  change that covered up the breast of lady liberty   the coin shows lady liberty stepping through a  gateway holding a shield signifying war and also   an olive branch signifying peace the gateway she  steps through has been thought to signify the   united states stepping into its international role  as peacekeeper just prior to world war one why   was it changed there was certainly was a public  outcry to some degree because here you have a bare   breasted woman on a coin that was intended for  general circulation but what's strange about this   is it's recorded nowhere why it was changed midway  through 1917 they modified certain aspects of the   design it actually required an act of congress  to make this change in the design because i mean   a coin design is offered to congress and they  say yes or no right right i mean it's it's very   serious stuff and that did happen however congress  did not allow the offers to be changed with the   with the the breast there was nothing in  the legislation talking about that it was   talking about changing the position of  the eagle on the reverse and the stars   very simple stuff so it's it's kind of an illegal  coin one same not this one this is pre-change but   the whole idea is it's a coin that congress never  really authorized in its final form i'd take it   even more now yeah because that was the legal coin  all at once after that early layla that's right   this is the legal coin lady liberty on this  particular coin caused uh a lot of problems there   were people who objected to her being partially  nude after all children would be handling these   coins and then there was also the gossip about who  the model was that it may have been a a broadway   actress named mcdowell but quite honestly nobody  knows even from arm's length it's an easy ms65   which is as you know in the very high end of the  range it needs to be evaluated by at the grading   service by three different people at least my  thinking is that it's probably mint state 66   and with the full head designation  so and those growing for right around   1500 bucks right now sixteen hundred dollars  oh cool i think this one's this one is awesome   good i paid a thousand bucks for it that's  a quick 500. all right when i bought this   coin i was a little afraid that i might have  overpaid for it but it turns out i did okay
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 322,228
Rating: 4.8831406 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 12, Pawn stars s12, Pawn stars se12, controversial Standing Liberty, Coin Gets a deal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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