Pawn Stars: CHUM PROFITS on Ancient Chinese Fingerguard (Season 13) | History

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CHUMLEE: How can I help you? I have an antique Chinese fingernail guard. Oh. You're going to poke someone's eye out. Be careful. You better be nice. Let me see here. It doesn't really fit me, but-- but what better way to let them know how high class you are by a-- It's your style. --not so tacky long silver fingernail. [LAUGHS] Oh. This is pretty cool. You don't know, like, where it's from or anything? It's from China. And I think that it's the Manchurian era. Yeah. It does go all the way back to there. And this is exactly what the women would have worn who were, you know, high class and they wanted everyone to know. Yeah. This is silver. You know? So-- It's beautiful. Yes. They wore these to show they didn't have to do manual labor, to show that they had servants. And I guess the longer your nail was, the more servants you had, and the less manual labor you had to do. So I don't even think this lady had to get her own glass of water. Probably not. [LAUGHS] Fingernail guards were worn to protect the long fingernails of the elite during the Qing dynasty. This is a pretty amazing artifact from the time period. And I definitely want to make a deal. Plus, maybe I can get some use out of it and convince Rick I shouldn't have to work. I wouldn't want to break a nail. What were you trying to do with it? I'd like to sell it. How much are you looking to get for it? I would like to get $250 for it. Would you go 100 bucks on it? No. I don't think I could go $100 on that. That's-- - This-- - I mean, it's beautiful. Look at all the workmanship on it. It is. Would you go to $200 on it? Would you go $240 on it? You know what? I think I'll buy it from you. Just hopefully my boss will be proud of me. OK. Good deal. All right. Let's go write it up. OK. Great. I'm happy with the deal that I got for the antique fingernail guard. I started at $250. So I'm very happy with the $240 that we agreed on. Yo. Check this out. What is that? What do you mean, what is this? It's a finger guard. Is it for picking your nose or something? [LAUGHS] No. Rich ladies wear them so that they don't have to do any work around the house. So I was thinking about wearing it so I don't have to do any work around here. [MUSIC PLAYING] Where is it from? It's from China. It's for ancient empresses in China. How can you tell that? Because I know it. I've seen them before in a book. Now I know you're lying. Well, on the internet. Same thing. How do you know it wasn't made yesterday? When you've been around as long as me, you just know. How much did you spend on it again? $240. [MUSIC PLAYING] So since you didn't ask me before you bought it, I'm sure you called Phineas. Why would I call Phineas? Did he even ask you about it? This is the first I'm hearing of it. Corey don't know anything about this. Neither do you. That's why you should've called Phineas. I know I made a good deal on it. That's for sure. Stop waving it around. It's really creepy. Will you go call Phineas and tell him just to come by and take a look at it? Hmm. I guess I can. [INAUDIBLE] that's broken. Yeah. Is that Phineas? Hey, how you doing Chumlee? Woo! What's up, man? Wow. That's quite a fingernail you got. Check it out. Wow. This is amazing. I told you. Rick thinks I messed up. Well, you know, I find this very interesting, because it comes from a period in China's history. Boom. China! And this was worn by people in the court who absolutely did not want to lift a finger to do anything. So can you imagine? This is just one finger. That's what I said to him. Sorry to cut you off, Phineas. They had one of these for every single finger. You-- it's rare that this is in silver. Silver was, you know, almost more precious than gold, which would make me feel this could be a very special one-- probably a very, very high-ranking court official, maybe [INAUDIBLE] herself. Boom. Score for Chum. Really amazing. Amazing. Don't leave me hanging. It's pretty. I mean, I just don't know what it's worth. Well, I'll tell you. Did you get a good price? $240. $240. Well, I'm going to say probably bidding in the right kind of auction house, it could go to $750. $750! That's $500 profit! Just admit that I know what I'm doing. I'm going to leave you two with this piece to nerd out on it. I got-- - Hey, you know something? --work to do. You did pretty darn good, my friend. Thank you, sir. I'm proud of you. At least someone is around here. You go put that away. [MUSIC PLAYING] I don't think he's going to be doing much work in that condition, Rick. Thank you. I'm worried. [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHS] I don't know how you do it. Everyone's got their burden.
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 3,260,249
Rating: 4.8884125 out of 5
Keywords: history channel pawn stars, pawn shop, pawn stars, history channel, las vegas, pawn stars full episodes, history channel shows, history, history shows, pawn stars clips, pawn shop in las vegas, pawn stars show, history show, history pawn stars, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, chumlee, pawn stars season 13, pawn stars s13 clips, pawn stars s13, pawn stars season 13 compilation, Ancient Chinese Fingerguard, Four Score and Seven Pawns
Id: BEg8aoSc2qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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