Paul's Swap Box Game | Barshens

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hello welcome to abortions and here's a game I of cunningly called swap box it's very exciting are you excited to play it I am to live all boxes it involves call me canisters although the alien goo canisters from Prometheus yes well options here's the idea you will each choose a cancer of your choosing in one of the canisters is the word win the other canister has the word lose and the other canister has a forfeit right whoo I'm going to ask you three questions each right and at the end of that don't laugh I'm explaining the rules really well why don't you come sorry right sorry three questions leave when you get a question right your clothes on the lower peg after you guys I'm doing a job she's one of your choosing you're making it complicated with your interruptions so when you get a question right you can keep the one tube you've got or you can stop it with anyone else at the end of your three questions each you will open up your canisters and you'll have to either win lose or take the forfeit simple let's just do it as we go along I didn't pick up much I tell you what all right people to go I like a kitchen right now I now pick a tube you got one on the pc2 canister I choose you poor man Scott Lee they like good that's Mario you pick one now right now last you it that's yours right hold it treasure it love it he didn't get a chance to choose really did it I think Mike I don't know anyways don't try and look very good right don't try and look who wants to go first answer the questions go on Stuart can go first why can't I go on I'll go last if I fair enough here we go right so oh god they're from one of his board games yes they are the bad sign which great train robber sought exile in Rio de Janeiro oh god Ronnie Biggs it incorrect his name went from my head and I thought of Phil Collins in that all fulfilled so do you want to keep YouTube or sort it with berries or Eli's to you well might as well keep eggs I've got no idea what's known even rice doesn't have the flute the whole point they gave this find its location I don't question okay good Sofia Eli yes you're not next berry okay here's your questions sighs I please Barry what is the home city of Scottish footballs Kel and Rangers Glasgow is correct you want to keep your tube or soppec with Stuart or twist with Eli's you're going to start with the Eli hey there you go so he liked to get your question are you ready really right okay it's the thing damn it's like we want the whole problem is really don't rely on the doors yeah spell the word shrewd shrewd sh r e w d sh e wz you're correct you want to keep youtube or stop it with any welcome to use it in a sentence yeah how shrewd Lee do you think you want to play this I like I like the look of shoes it's got a bit of coffee stain in there yeah yeah no in coffee I'm gonna go there right okay Stuart were back to you on which island did mutineer Fletcher Christian finally settle no that's from the bounty isn't it I didn't know chopper bus oh yeah he's a little giant chocolate bar we thought it was a chocolate bar Adam bit nutty yeah can I steal this if he doesn't do right yeah I am fortunate I'm not sure I'm gonna say Jamaica no she went over the court Jakarta no it's not you know Fiji no it's a country core it's an uncle Pitcairn yeah there you go so should have read the book or seen the film or eaten the lozenge very very large everything what does the T in doctor who's TARDIS stand for TARDIS well this is not logical yeah no photos no it does stand for something yeah t ard is to knock holes well I think a show about traveling through time and relative dimensions in space what what do you think the answer that answer might be what do you think T stands for the angry no let's just end this rapturous the under hi yeah I'm talking I'm in drugs of dimensions inspire okay okay telling you the arms in habit or sausages that was arrested ice Eli yes call the answer which word can be an item of rubbish or a Chinese sailing so junk is correct you want to hold your tube or junk pass it on I've got good feeling it's got the besmirching so I'm going to stick with my besmirched dirty tube no right case final round Stewart here we go which American football player and actor was sensationally arrested in 1994 Oh Jay Simpson is the correct answer do you want to swap I'm on my dirty tube back just oh this is all part of my metagame talking on the tube there any rolling back there is no mitigation Tony I don't know dating you value on yourself on complete futility god is this my voice my eyes come on also quite like a newborn game snakes yeah your level zero have you finished in decades why you're amazing Barry yeah what was talker ads featured in the Henry Williamson novel what was tar horse I'll give you another question okay what was there and also after I'll sit close but legs what would the Roman city of Pompeii destroyed by asteroid hello indeed I lead a nice I said after he's not going to get it wasn't destroyed by people eventually by the Romans or something I mean considerably over time this all around to it though the cataclysmic event on earthquake the Army's got it wrong the hotter ones whoa right lava I feel so sorry lava yeah it was volcano to want to keep YouTube or swap I'll swap my tube with to do its dirty tube that's a dirty one yeah I gotta say that I submit fries you got that okay I have a theory lucky guess right pointless finally finally I'm going to get some quizzes Eli yes which animated character was framed in a movie starring Bob Hoskins it was Roger Rabbit give me the dirty tube come on thank you hi Harry I've got a theory about this tomb okay what you see you eat then it's got good that's got the good one in there you know Paul can I just make us clear we didn't need to ask the question without a disappointments right right open you chew is there like what I want to do it open YouTube what crappy you got oh it's a strong winding technique there eventually the lid comes off this stick is written can build up the tension [Music] the mid kala phases I was able to cool off and this piece of paper should we open at the same time we shall you say it was a bit soggy it's a little lump lump lump lump right bury one of your church what could that mean now you're about to find out sorry and treat you've got some lose ah so Eli by elimination must have won his dirty tube theory was right we had a real intuition I should start like charging using Deal or No Deal hey I'm good at that as well to win well the way that clearly hidden in me I don't yeah so with that in mind what is lump well it got the forfeit let me show you what the fourth it's going to be a below of my feet you laugh - howdy girls do we need girl my father all know the thing is you know in the past we've used bean boozled and stuff like that I thought what would be better than just eating bean boozled so I thought how about eating all the bean boozled at once so I basically took all my bean boozled ate them and snack you know from the books of it if I can turn in a bag and board it down to one big lump are you sure you the guy you shouldn't eat this and at opal next I Paul said I've got a game yeah so be symptomatic and I just yeah so that if every bean Bluegreen boiled down into one big gray sweaty lump joy so money I think your Verity came home when you were boiling she left me months ago you never do see what don't see ya guys looks like white dog food on the way to becoming white yeah oh that's nice hmm smells nice it's not like chocolate vomit and sugar sighs ah me and sugar together also almost like literary person so Stuart you have to take a bite out of my lump as you're coughing it's not debris or texture of a shot isn't it you can sleep the way it does smell of cheap chocolate yeah weird that's all every flavor vomits not let my wings to shrink them could be any dirty socks dirty socks cheese popcorn food cat thought cat cat song then dogs thoughts a little bit thicker how time took a I think you know cat and a song so take take a lovely bite I mean it doesn't matter where I can't want to just like solid I get Billy off it okay I want you to talk all God is really stretchy and Widow God oh well it's not proved it is just you anymore today yeah it's kind of you know pan over top in my old family stuff yeah what does that do to your pan nothing cause it was in a glass bowl yes I am el chavo Oh like you would make chocolate yeah stop putting it off by my loving good I'm really anger that'll be the laxative tablet that I put here oh it's very sugary yeah and yeah it does taste like all the bean boozled at once but you're not getting hint of any good ones now can I try some you certainly can bite my lump avoid that nugget bit it yep avoid a bit like doses which is there certainly may be a headlight you throw that in oh he's much greater with it mmm he'll regret that hi smells of oh god it smells a bit like chewing them yeah I don't know the way Paul put a lot of work into this I appreciate that does knows he didn't put it into the game oh dear give me a stick bag honestly you say hello off it's worth it it's completed oh yeah like chewing gum e texture yeah it's I think he just went to a school from the 1970s and picked all the chewing gum off the bottom of the deck okay pull the hell I think we can call this video a success I think you may have said a whole new genre honestly you as at home if you can make your face kill that killer veins in his head of a separate in many respects I literally bit off more than I can chew this hard here wow that was terrible yeah that was a success the aftertaste keeps changing in here yeah actually that's honestly though I mean the best thing about this is that I don't real that's a real evil thing now yes so bad if you hate someone in your life why not treat them with a nice bit of lump [Music] one of you will be infected by the end of the show will we be as stupid as all the characters in prometheus I don't think you could be right you would have to cook your hands in glass and go watch my head doing to be stupider than the characters in that film I still think that would be less stupid me and maybe Quinn yeah no I just wonder what prometheus is no no we don't have to
Channel: Barshens
Views: 122,312
Rating: 4.9287357 out of 5
Keywords: terrible game, barshens, bashens, stuart ashen, ashens, barry lewis, game, funny game, beanboozled
Id: 1hZ4bVAipR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
Reddit Comments

That was the most pointless thing. Not only did the questions not matter, but everyone ate the lump anyway.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/nxmee2010 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Phlum 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Barry needs a format he'd be good at:

Touch My Egg: try and guess what animal an egg comes from by touch alone. Some eggs are whole, some have been cracked

Weigh My Bits: You have three attempts to put items from a random selection on a weighing scale to weigh precisely 623g.

Beef Curtains: Make the most convincing pair of bovine window coverings from a pile of beef.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/bilkyasko 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Sorry, I didn't realise the timestamp would be automatically added in (or 1 second different to my Youtube client). Please may one of the mods fix it?

Regarding the video itself, this is one of my favourite Barshens videos in a long time. Despite the game essentially being random, it was thoroughly entertaining. The lump was an inspired creation.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/NewPSP 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

RIP Paul.

He broke the evil mastermind's #1 rule: you never test your own evil devices.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't know whether to fear or admire The Lumptm

Does The Lumptm hold more power than the almighty Slepp?

Could Paul possibly give us a proper Lump recipe so we can create our own Lumps to give to coworkers?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/beewalsh97 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hahaha asteroid, I'm dying hahaha thank god for Barry

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MeteoricMonkey9 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

this was one of those examples of "this is going to be a great idea" only for it not to be once it was all done and dusted! If we were to redo it, i would certainly take on the notes passed to me by "the internet"... most of whom take it far more seriously than we at Barshens HQ do

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GannonLand 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Paul seems genuinely upset that no one likes his game.

That is, until someone has to take a bite out of his lump.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PerfectHair 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
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