Paul Reubens 1999 Jay Leno Interview

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welcome back Paul Ruben is on way out Nomine 17-year-old leely soinski and uh Chris Isaac as well let's get right to my first guest best known of course is PeeWee Herman Emmy winning performer currently starring in a new film called mysterymen which opens this Friday oh uh next Friday next Friday okay this is his first talk show appearance ever as himself please welcome Paul rubben well thanks for coming now uh are you uh you usually come on or you have come on in the past as Peewee are you are you a little nervous no you're not nervous um are you going to talk at all tonight do you think all right I'm GNA ask you a question that doesn't require a yes or no answer all right uh Paul what time is it it's 125 a. oh very good now no see people want to know what you're like so you have to you have to speak okay that's very good that that's what we call a beginning okay that's very good that's very good uh uh now that sounded like like Peewee though it did see that sounds like Peewee that doesn't sound like Paul no that's this is my real voice oh very oh that seems yes the crow very Carrie Grant likee yeah let me ask you about your childhood I've always wondered about this what what kind of a kid were you well you probably find this a little difficult to believe I was kind of a weird kid come on come on um probably no one will care for this story except my sister but when I was a kid probably six seven years old uh I had this great whale wallpaper whale wallap whale wallpaper wh wallpaper with whales about this big okay and I had um and I'm not bragging about this I had a booger chart and one of the whales on my wallpaper was completely like [Applause] three-dimensional the part that fascinates me is why your sister would love this story well because she used to tease me about it and I think she you know Now the secrets out about my booger chart right right and imagine that's pretty much your childhood in a nutshell that's it how about this movie that this you're in this movie as someone other than in peewee's yeah yeah I play a character called the spleen the spleen the spleen my superpower is flatulence maybe we need to explain what the movie is about again I'm not bragging no again not bragging and when it comes to that you know you even as Peewee you were the king yeah thank you thanks yeah let me ask you now in this movie Mystery Men these are all superheroes superhero wannabes superhero wannabes mostly people who don't have huge super skills right but they want to be superheroes there's the shoveler the bowler right um Invisible Boy phenomenal cast real amazing group of people it's a wonderful group but how does one prepare for the role as the as the spleen the flatulence guy how do you even well I made uh you know just some slight modifications in my diet more ruffage ruffage ruffage broccoli cabbage beans cabbage beans legum you don't smoke D no no no um all right all right now you have a clip as yourself as the yeah yeah okay and this is what what's happening in this clip you're meeting the other superheroes for this is I think my my first appearance in the film first appearance in the film and you a wonderful job in the film too by the way let's take a here are you meeting with the other superheroes you're trying to get yourself into their group yes take a look hey fellas we're down the 3ish looking for superheroes uh really actually we're just leaving yes WR back oh here we go perfect time that's for you hamburger right yeah like enjoy why you guys so be king me it hurts my feelings I'm a superhero too I have powers really like what who my fingers don't do it silent but deadly so what's next for Paul Rubin after this uh start next week writing uh a new movie called The PeeWee Herman Story So Peewee okay you got to do peewee again what it's a movie about Fame about Fame PeeWee Herman becomes famous in this movie and turns into a monster into a monster yeah now have you've been traveling too as well I've been traveling been all over the world it was just uh in Africa I've Been Everywhere you brought some photos of of your of your trip what is this first one going to say this is uh s uh Cindy obviously everyone knows Cindy you were traveling with Cindy Crawford yeah Cindy and I on I think it's the loveboat I can't make out the thing in the background this was a great day really F great day you and 12 you have another next one is me and vandela vandela yeah that's I believe the same it's really hot that day really yeah really warm but it's a dry heat yeah it would have been fantastic if you could have been there yeah yeah anything else yeah um just finished a western western play a cowboy murderer rapist bank robber really yeah and you're the hero no I'm the bad guy oh you're the bad guy you're the bad guy okay let me ask you about traveling do you learn other languages are you good at that when you I've been studying languages yeah for a couple years how many languages do you know I know probably 15 languages 15 yeah five not 5 okay all right can you say something in uh let's try middle it farsy uh fary is one of the ones I'm I I don't really know that well yet um uh French leis obes French French I'm still working on French the Spanish is a language almost the world Spanish see I don't want to I don't want to tax you too much obviously because because you know obviously can like you so much but listen it was it was fun Happ when you come back and see us some more I hope so always a pleasure Paul [Applause] R
Channel: Daydreamer3322
Views: 337,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay, Leno, (TV, Actor), Paul, Reubens, Pee-Wee, Herman, Mystery, Men
Id: 3Xe_rl49e_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2012
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