Paul Hogan's unconventional 'retirement' | A Fortunate Life – Part 2 | Australian Story

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[Music] I actually had three sons on the time of 22 so I had to grow up very fast Paul Huygens big break came when he was invited to appear on a Current Affair people would say that this guy really had something John Cornell guided Paul's career there was no end to John's vision well it's mostly by this cold front up here in the Gulf the deal I had with Kerry Packer was when I think up and that funny ideas I'll put a shower is anything other than sexist but they were six as times it was hard for all my kids then thrust into a limelight that they didn't invite and then everything became you know oh is he really your father and Paul had been thinking about the character of Nick Dundee I think for a while Charles Dean Linda wanted rehearse Paul didn't TV was a little bit aloof you're a woman this rather difficult Association manifested itself into a closer and closer relationship Linda came to me at one point and was worried about it because she knew Paul was married but it was unstoppable [Music] when Crocodile Dundee premiered that was the first we knew about as a family didn't show us anything and honestly I was worried that it was going to be embarrassing that it was going to be awful so and then to actually see it and then unless they are nearly nearly in tears at the end of it because it was I just couldn't leave our billables Oh Crocodile Dundee open in Australia to rave reviews huge crowds and that's precisely when Paul Hogan suffered a real setback comedian and actor Paul Hogan has suffered a small brain hemorrhage friend of mine ran the Nautilus demon North Sydney and so I got on the machine I put twice my own weight in it now I got it but I think nerve in the back of my neck oh that's not right Oh time we got out of my car my head was shaking like that and I was thinking not thinking oh well I better go and see the doctor or something that wife no lean and son Todd waited patiently today to hear the results hopes had a small amount of bleeding from a blood vessel on the brain surface we've walked in this cameras everywhere there's people everywhere we've gone in to see dad and as we walk through the door somebody's they've asked us if we'll walk back out and walk in again because they didn't get the proper shot the worst part is I think we actually did it I remember in the hospital vaguely hearing a conversation so no if he doesn't stop soon he's in big trouble II think he might be writing him off in something but it's okay with me I don't want this any water pain thought he ever was I was very serious yeah we were yeah we were quite distraught when we realized the seriousness of it it was it was just the worst thing that could have happened because Crocodile Dundee had just come out and here he was in a hospital bed maybe not going to survive so it was it was a horrible time Nessus John coming to the hospital and said it's a terrible time and he said you're missing all the parties and I said to him it's gonna be a long party but [Music] both John and Paula are extremely confident about the success of Dundee because prior to going to America it had been a big hit in Australia and so by the time he got to Paramount he was ready for a strong negotiation I've met some distributors who dealt with the the two of them back at the Dundee days and they talked about how when they came into a room they were just blown away by the way that they could put a deal together John went to the Blue Sky deal so paramount got the first little bit and he and hogs got the rest [Music] we always thought it would be a hit because we thought that it was the sort of move maybe that was needed much violence happy ending a little bit of charm and things like that but it's gone through the roof I mean this is ridiculous we made up that's six million u.s. dollars and sort of it's done three hundred and whatever did round the world and was a number one in almost every country so there's a lot of biggest Evers in there in fact Paul Hogan used to say to me don't tell me about how much money it took last weekend tell me about the EVAs good when Dundee happened he was a superstar and then of course he was offered everything after mr. Paul Hogan I got to host the start of the Oscars and I was nominated for an Oscar on Azure it's about time to retire nothing else to do well I travel 13,000 miles to be here for this we play really of someone else's name instead of mine it's not gonna be pretty and they let me open the Oscars without seeing a script or without rehearsing which was a highlight that has never happened before or since one wrong word one foolish gesture your whole career could go down in flames Dom DeLuise and Dustin Hoffman followed me around backstage all night introducing me to people also he doesn't use all right you I was so impressed so I never had everything written down and how do you top that and there's this pressure to top that and everybody wants to have a second go paramount particulars kept sending people out begging letters and presents and Sunrider cycle because that's you know all he would boy [Music] so they had a second going with croc to and it took it's slightly different tech and wasn't as successful as croc one [Music] but it was still in its own writers hugely successful film it took 240 million or something which is like 600 million today so it was it was hugely successful and it was fun Michael J Crocodile Dundee thanks sakes Crocodile Dundee 2 opens it's a big hit but that's when the press discovered that Paul Hogan has left his wife Frisco star and things really turned a bit nasty some of the most public speculation and Australian star has ever had to put up with see we knew no lane we would see them sitting together at the logee's and she'd be laughing at his jokes and they seemed like the perfect family Kozlowski and that's the sort of full story how when where why and all these sort of minimum details no Emma crossed mine we maybe flirted a little bit but they'd have different things to do right at the end of - yeah I think I yeah it was a bad idea that I with Rome I'd known Paul for a very long time and I had never seen him flirt or waver from being a loyal husband and family man so it was a bit surprising to see that when Paul and Noland split the whole image of Paul beingness ordinary guy from the bridge had been married to her for so long and had all these kids was interrupted in people's minds basically I'm Australian and you can't hurt other Australians plus I've got five children to think about and they were just as hurt as I was but in a different way and the priest wanted to destroy him it's the tall poppy syndrome and that was one thing that they could bay about and they gave it to him I'm human I want a Clavin heads I really do but be they for rupert from Rupert Murdoch down right down the line there's a vicious streak inside me it's still there I keep it well in and under control you never see it no and you don't see it Mick well I was a villain for leaving me five children I've painted this picture of these five little kids standing at the gate when's daddy coming home you know they were grownups I was already married I think at that stage and say divorce was fought well that can happen doesn't matter doesn't change anything they both told us it doesn't change anything I think it was handled well by dad and mum and they basically kept us out of it no one said anything bad about the other one dad had said to us you know don't worry your mother will be looked after and she won't have to show I have to go and get a job or whatever and you know she'll be alright so just support or that sort of thing was it one band [Music] well I mean you know personal I mean I don't talk to my best friends with my mom about my personal height possess basta then it was no longer first up you know she was the evil woman in Australia I don't think it mattered much overseas but in Australia she was a Scarlet woman she's been branded a heartless homewrecker the other woman who broke up the marriage of one of Australia's best loved stars was horrible it was all for falinda every time she came to Australia every time she came to Byron Bay there'd be some sneaky paparazzi lurking in the bushes trying to photograph her bare bum your initial reaction is anger and hurt you think I mean these people are making me look like an idiot you know and you may it makes you angry that's the wedding of the year all right and underneath the big marquee the 100 or so invited gifts the toasting the Hogan it was a strictly private affair at the couple's secluded opossum Creek mansion where privacy was assured pride no one's allowed in the wedding without an invitation she'd feel uncomfortable here uncomfortable yeah sort of yes so we moved all the way of really they were sort of mainly in the States tried to be nice whenever we saw her just you tried to be friendly it was there was no animosity family living in LA mr. Dean no we're not living they're all dead I'm sorry I killed him with an ex after Crocodile Dundee to Paul Hogan's movies outside that genre were critical flops and they were box-office flops as well I think he would had typecast himself as Crocodile Dundee and that's what people wanted to see him doing oh right the other movies that was the joy to me there are cheap movies and they were mine and they made a little bit of money the last movie that dad and John worked on together was almost an angel [Music] our Britain lighten inject this Western that John was not feeling that well and then you know he's he'll started the teary eight from that on so I didn't work on that one but he didn't want to publicize the fact that he wasn't feeling that pledge unfortunately John in his heyday when a new is that he's very best got early signs of Parkinson's disease and that progressed [Music] and it's very sad it's never affected him mentally in any way he it was kept low-key about it cuz he didn't want to become the Parkinson's guy you know like Michael J Fox did he came down with me at there the last time I got an award but mostly doesn't want to get out public and we go up death you know there's nothing wrong at I be the brain still there it's just a little trouble communicating and Delphine's magic feasts there ever any bunny she never stops and looks after him we've been together 44 years so to watch Parkinson's disease still his life is sad confronting and challenging more for him but lately he's been having fantastic results from his voice therapy sessions and he's got his voice back a bit so that to me is a prayer answered because we can have great conversations again so he's in a happy place he's a very brave man he never complains you wouldn't know the depth of his suffering from John I really admire I think it was the source of great regret - hugs that John decided to pull out and no longer be involved in production so he had to find someone else who could somewhat replace John and you know it was probably always going to be an individual I let myself be talking into doing crock 3 which was sort of okay but I've never really caught fire and earned it bond and I thought yeah I knew I should have done know I thought well it's enough for me but then owned a Murphy turned up I like everyone else used to watch the pole Hogan's show I think I was like seven or something when it started and was always just a huge fan of characters because I was interested in filmmaking it an early age someone gave me a book on Paul Hogan that sat next to my bed growing up about 16 or 17 years ago we're doing a film called strange bedfellows and we're struggling to cast one of the lead roles and our American distributor on the film said what about Paul Hogan and I said I will just never get him bloody women sent me a script or an outline of strange bedfellows and all it was really funny and I met him on use such a low-key easy gallant sort of guy and thought yeah I could work with this guy it'll be no problem do you remember when I was little door's promised me that one day we can castellana the northernmost tip of Australia well we're doing it and then he come up with Charlie and boots and with Shane Jacobson who I'd met before another lovely bloke and I thought yeah I could gone shoot maybe of these you know it'll be fun Jane Murphy grandma said look we've got a film where we'd like you to be in it with Paul Hogan as your father would you be interested in doing the I think the great thing about the movies that he made with Dean Murphy was that Paul Hogan had then gotten a little bit older and he played roles that were age-appropriate and he also played Australian men and he was back in Australia and that's why those movies worked quick hello people I find that great hunk of spunk you all with my dad it had master his sense of timing and comedy he's the thing that people are drawn to and that's what works on screen oh there it is bandits the cup with Oh not a very good actor I mean I'm sort of like a bit of a one-trick pony I can deal with minor variations but you know you're never gonna see me in kingly or something I have what's the question you know me tax problem look at this around 2005 news gets out that the tax department are looking into all the profit from the Crocodile Dundee movies is it being placed in offshore tax havens all that sort of stuff they start an investigation she got the money I get the tax the other bloody tax departments coming after me Jesus yeah it was funny afterwards when strange bedfellows came out because it's about two people trying to pull a fast one over the tax office people are saying I wonder if that's why they started investigating poll but um no I don't think there's any link the ATO alleges he owes millions of dollars of unpaid taxes relating to his Crocodile Dundee franchise it was one of my financial advisers early on what I believe is that he was getting investigated and he offered them a bigger fish which is what they were instructed to get and suggested that the dye was broke that's the mastermind behind this particular scheme and and and I fell for talk line and sinker and come started investigating me even my mom would say in fact um so you're in trouble with the text Department well you know you must have done something ma'am I didn't do anything well where there's smoke there's fire and that's my another on Friday the seventeen-year-old returned to Sydney and was served with the departure prohibition the night before his mother's funeral what am I gonna do flee go change my name and get plastic surgery and live in South America result actor Paul Hogan has settled a marathon eight-year tax dispute with the Australian Taxation Office the actor says the confidential settlement was reached will honor without admission basis I was never charged a tax evasion for lack of evidence but it I've still got the attach to me that's has sort of smirched his reputation of it especially in Australia and you know people will just even made some I'll make a crack about it but it's just and he doesn't like it yeah it did make me angry mm-hmm never depressed me all day and it made me a mermaid wanted than somebody so I haven't really got it out of my system yet in Australia there was always stuff about whether Paul had a facelift I better get this one out of the way first the little band-aid on the head so we can crash all the stupid cosmetic surgery stuff right now what's happened well it is cosmetic surgery I got an extra eyebrow on this I really can be more expressive as an actor the makeup artist on one of the films we did she said you know how does Paul look and I said I it looks great she said but how does he look and I said he looks great and I knew what she was asking Paul hasn't had a facelift but he had eye surgery he had very heavy eyelids to the point without closing his eyes and so medically they needed to be addressed so I had that when I taking the stuff off the top of you and I don't know why but it became a facelift if I look a bit different or looked a bit better I've had about seven or eight skin cancers cut off and about 30 frozen off and cat is dead one cut out of there my lips numb trying to get an Elvis but yeah that's that's my plastic surgery the skin cancers well now people are stopped saying about facelift - and I'm sort of bit disappointed I'm obviously starting to look my age the way Paul sees that he retired after the first Crocodile Dundee and now just does something when he gets bored Paul leads a pretty calm existence now he's single he pretty much keeps to himself he lives a simple life [Music] see if moods 14 times since you've been here in 20 years at least no I just got a bit of gypsy so according to rumors you can't hang on to a house or a woman yeah I'm sliding 20 years or so they get sick of me I'm not a great husband I'm good early and then it's sort of like my insolence but I'm a little bit of a hermit I know I was no bidness I think the first one was a bit better because I did leave with Linda alas they were just sort of wore out what was that thing I was missed a great example of opposites attract and then one day they they're just opposite he and Linda still get along great and when I was doing my other tours with Paul I spoke to Linda on the phone and she was saying you know this is after that separated she's like look after him you know he's not a not 30 anymore he thinks he is I still see you because we've got a son between us I got custody which I wanted Polson chance he's great he's very funny sense of humor no he's great kid he said he's a stayer he's astera he's a bit quite if he knows his pepper arts he around he'll go and do something deliberately and then see himself he's inherited debt stare streak [Music] I'm mostly living in America I want to be over there mindfulness on two weeks can handle it self are to come here's a girl for you to come with me I've been the youngest at the PTA meetings and I've been the oldest one these always missed home and he's always spent a lot more time here than people realize he's back and forth all the time but he doesn't call the press conference when he comes back to spend time with his family I think eventually will come back to Australia for sure I think this is this is home he's always been home for him that's not a knife that's a knife two weeks ago this clip was released onto the internet looking suspiciously like a movie trailer Ryan Dundee Tourism Australia had basically gone to different advertising agencies in America and said we need to remind Americans about Australia as a tourism destination actually I did the survey and did ten countries and asked you know what they knew about Australia it was a famous Australian and it was Mick Dundee oh not my I didn't get a Guernsey it was number one in I dare a ten but then all they are being a list Australian stir seeker all jumped on board and all wanted to be a part of it I was pretending there wasn't gonna be another Dundee movie you the best Crocodile Dundee since Crocodile Dundee really yes really people started going yes actually we do what Paul are gonna come back into another Crocodile Dundee movie which was not the point of the ad but that became the take home message of it no one was more amused by it than Paul and talking about it he'd go the character is like 35 years ago I wrote that character I like really now an online petition is gaining traction calling for a real proper told Andy remake people coming to Paul constantly pitching dandy I know there are two very large Australian stars at the moment trying to convince Paul to do another Dundee with them Paul's reluctant my favorite all-time movies probably rocky but by the time you got to three or four as long and it's enough no one even knows I did a third one don't have loved it to death I don't think there'll be another Mick Dundee I think Paul's exhausted that possibility now but everybody wants there to be one as far as the future is concerned where do you see yourself going no I don't now just play it as it comes don't worry too much about the future you're doing this show cuz I'm about to turn 18 well your plan to do well my turn no idea I'll be very happy but if you die No thank you and it's great because I still think like a rigger and he gets offered work a lot and he doesn't have to take it coz he's beyond retirement age but he still likes making people laugh he likes entertaining people so I'm gonna say goodnight and leave settle down darling thank you so much for coming I hope you enjoyed the little journey with me I loved having you here good night good night that's the dangerous in you can look back and say God what a great career he had and be proud of him I'm amazed but I wouldn't tell anybody that until I was probably about the age I am now and I think I've told him on it before actually there are millions of people around the world who first learned about Australia through Crocodile Dundee and Paul Hogan and I don't think that's a bad thing into the bus to the world he really did we became proud to be fair dinkum Aziz after Paul Hogan before that there was this terrible cultural cringe and we were the antipodean it rejects and we're not living in the real world before I got into television and entertainment is a huge advantage because it gave me a perspective you know God Almighty I was scraping to pay the rent when I was 30 you imagine the courage it took for him to climb off the bridge go on that show so his life to me is all about a fundamentally very sound grounded human being who had the courage to live the dream [Music] I've set my Theatre in London a premier of croc 2 with Prince Charles on one side of me and Princess Diana round the other and how good does it get and they're both enjoying it that nudging me what I don't know I'm Auriga but that about wraps it up I hope you enjoyed it I did if you didn't expect a bridge for me [Applause] you
Channel: ABC News In-depth
Views: 2,740,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, abc, abc news, australia, Australian Story, Paul Hogan, paul Hogan, Crocodile Dundee, Crocodile Dundee movie, Crocodile Dundee story, Noelene Hogan, Todd Hogan, Delvene Delaney, John Cornell, Lina Kozlowski, Chance Hogan, Los Angeles, Crocodile Dundee in LA, 80s films, 80s movies, Mick Dundee, That’s Not a Knife, Crocodile Dundee film, pop culture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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