Paul Gilbert Knows Every Van Halen Song | Wong Notes Podcast

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I have heard a rumor that you can play basically any Van Halen like if somebody calls you up and was like Paul we're doing a Van Halen set down at the Forum tonight we need we need somebody to play here's the set list you'd just be able to show like yeah what's that like oh yeah I can't make rehearsal but no problem I I got it is this true can you do this every Van Halen it's as I get older I'm forget forget more and more but that was sort of my my training ground as a kid you know those records would come out and I would just try to learn everything now I should say the the solos I never even attempted because first of all I could tell the spirit of it you know you'd go hear any plan he wouldn't play it the same way it was more like you know like the amazing freak out in in B minor you know and then a couple of signature things you want to you want to grab yeah but overall is more just a spirit of it and but the Rhythm Parts I try to get and it's funny like later on I'd find I'd sort of realize like oh my fingering I got different sure um but uh yeah overall I mean it will name one ain't talking about love play play the whole thing boom I'm gonna do my Flanders it's not on enough I mean so that's the wrong flange but uh thank you [Music] you tuned it down with the peg dude okay I'm gonna I'm gonna rifle two more somebody get me a doctor okay let me get my string back in tune I love that song that's that's uh I teach that a lot my online school so I know that one the uh the trick is now this is the magic of Eddie as he goes there's a chicka and then it has this like really clean transition to the note so it's chicken note and there's no blur everybody blurs that and it's like and the same thing and you really got me that that and and everybody you know sort of goes and that that's that's the that's the magical part so you can clean that up your gold here and then somebody give me a diet to get the same thing I don't know if I could do the rug feeling no pain it's got the volume back thank you that's all it's it's it's fading all right dance the night away oh [Music] yes there's a library [Music] I can see [Music] that's sick [Music]
Channel: Premier Guitar
Views: 42,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitars, guitarist, demo, guitar player, tone, electric guitar, fender, fender guitar, gibson, gibson guitar, gibson les paul, rig, guitar gear, pedalboard, pedals, guitar effects, guitar pedals, premier guitar, paul gilbert, van halen, eddie van halen, cory wong, wong notes podcast
Id: kFi24qyDP4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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