Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Encounter with Nenio

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[Music] wearing a robe check baphomet symbol around the neck check crazy eyes check note to self bring a mirror next time to be able to adjust the optimal level of eye craziness everything is ready for the experiment an audience problematic but not critical you there girl stay out of this it is counterproductive to stand in the way of scientific progress who's that i don't know her greetings boys and girls i am your sister in sin a devotee of lord baphomet's dark will and so on and so forth she looks like one of us but she talks kind of weird who's there with you who oh them just an audience they don't matter consider them a supplementary component of the coming experiment in the name of our lord baphomet please be so kind as to undertake a little test of your competency in our wicked cause let's start with something simple [Music] so here's my first question what is lord baphomet's favorite weapon we will not answer to you our lord can wield any kind of weapon he is all powerful wrong he wields no weapons at all he doesn't need any he just gores his enemies with his horns that is correct but still girl no prompting please this experiment has taken quite a surprising turn i would never have expected the followers of the great baphomet to be baffled by such a simple question fine let's recalibrate the difficulty and proceed with the next question please name lord baphomet's sacred animal a bull of course everybody knows that yep and a cow i'd like to ask you to stop prompting them but it seems they could do with a problem or two it appears the experiment has yielded results which are as unexpected as they are incredible baphomet's cultists have not the slightest idea about who baphomet really is let alone any in-depth knowledge of his ideology or philosophy i'm positive that this news will cause a sensation in widest scientific circles damn it she's right i'm a shitty excuse for a cultist and my mother used to tell me to become a plowman hey take it easy we've only had two questions you there come on ask another one we'll get the next one is there any sense in continuing you cannot answer the simplest of questions i am ashamed of all of you as cultists and as individuals please ask again i can answer i'm sure i can how do you spell baphomet's name oh screw it to hell with baphomet i thought it was gonna be fun but instead there are all these questions i'm done here i'm going back to my home village back to my mother hey wait you there how dare you stir up discord in our ranks grab her and tie her up and her entire entourage too the experiment is complete unable to deal with the questions the cultists decide to deal with the examiner instead the typical reaction for a person who has never been burdened with any intelligence now you're gonna start hitting each other aren't you please proceed i won't interrupt [Music] remember my name when do i [Music] the result is statistically predictable especially considering their intelligence level what about you girl are you ready to answer some questions for the good of science let's proceed with the experiment my first question is simple which colors does the goddess iomede prefer [Music] this answer is correct it is comforting to meet at least one educated person in the melting pot of ignorance that is canopus today let's proceed did era didn't take part in any crusade before he died [Music] [Music] your answer is correct aaron's death dates to 4606 and that is precisely the year when the world was opened the first crusade started back in 22. your knowledge would make mendev's crusaders proud my final question is what is the title that arilu vorlish bears is she the architect of the world wound the lord of the labyrinth or the border acquisitor of the shapeless abyss [Music] that's correct most excellent you successfully answered all of my questions splendid amazing this is a breakthrough this i thank you for your cooperation it seems to me that i owe you an explanation my name is ninio i am an explorer a pilgrim a yet to be recognized scientific luminary future author of the great encyclopedia galarianica and director of all absalom's universities at once future rector i should say i also know several spells [Music] do you wish to become my follower to accompany me on my expeditions to the world wound to assist me in my experiments to run errands for me perhaps even to write down my deepest thoughts for the benefit of future generations oh how splendid of course i agree truth be told i have no money to pay you but you will be aiding the progress of science and that is its own reward huh what oh yes the dangers and these battles of course i will follow your orders i place my life in your capable hands so i can focus on the things that really matter excellent you're hired to think that i finally found someone to accompany me 27 crusaders before you said no not one of them saw the undeniable appeal of my offer your first assignment is to take me to a safe place i have to admit that today's experiment has left me quite tired [Music] anything new
Channel: Havi
Views: 2,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NSlvK9YOudM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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