VLANs Part 2 - Configuring Three Ethernet Switches

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hey everybody a few months back i did a video here on my channel where i talk about what vlans or virtual lands are all about kind of describe how they work and i promise i'd do a follow-up video where i actually configure a few network switches with vuan capability and well i'm just now getting around to it so apologize for the long delay if this is the first video you're watching you probably want to take a few minutes and go back and watch my other video on vlans to become familiar with kind of the overall concept of how they work as well as the terminology that i'm going to be using as i'm setting these switches up so a link should be popping up to that video right about now and again if you have not watched that or if you need a refresher i would recommend going and watching that first before you proceed with this one in front of me i've got three network switches and i'm going to configure all three of these with some vlans beyond capability i have a netgear this is a gs108pe this is a tp-link tlsg108pe and then this is a zykexcell i believe i'm saying that right gs 1900-10 hp and then after i get all those configured i'm going to kind of go over briefly the network switch configuration i have in my video production trailer so basically i'm going to configure all three of these things to be functionally exactly the same and i've got config configuration kind of put together here and i'll bring that into view with the camera i'm going to be doing four vlans uh the vlan id1 is going to be kind of the admin and main network the ln11 comes from my video production trailer and that is actually available on the network connection that i'm going to be using here the lan 61 is going to be for audio which is my dante network and then 101 is just going to be internet only it's not really going to be a whole land and of itself it's just land traffic coming directly from the router from my isp so i'll configure all of those i'm going to set this up where v1 i vlan 1 is going to be untagged and then the other three are going to be tagged and then in terms of the ports on the switches all for in all three of these cases i'm going to have ports 1 and 8 be admin trunk ports which basically carry all of the traffic for all the different vlans uh combined into one that's why we call it a trunk and then ports 2 and 3 are going to be audio port 4 is going to be the lan from my trailer ports 5 and 6 are going to be the main lan and then port 7 is going to be just internet and i'll as i go i'll plug in this laptop that i've got here into those networks you can see that they really are different networks even though they are coming off of the same physical switch um one of the reasons i'm doing admin trunk on ports one and eight instead of having those consolidated that's gonna be for for visual uh clarity as i cascade from one switch to the next so i'll have my main network from my home coming in on port one of this one port eight of this going to port one on this and then port eight of this going over to port one on this and that'll just keep the cabling a little bit neater as we go with that let's dive right in and and uh make this happen so let me describe a little bit about what's going on here so this gray cable right here is actually connected to my local area network here in my home it goes to a managed switch that i have in my basement and this is carrying traffic for well the four vlans we're going to be working with here today plus a few others that we won't be concerning ourselves with but it's a trunk connection essentially so the admin main vlan is untagged so basically it doesn't have a vlan id i'm going to call it one is when working with it here today but it's it is untagged so it doesn't have a number associated with it and then the other three networks that we're going to be working with are are tagged coming in on this port so the audio is tagged with 61. the gene the trailer is tagged with 11 and my internet connection is tagged with 101. these switches right now are configured and just basically factory reset brand new configuration as such they're ignoring the vlan tags that are coming in so if you were to inspect the traffic that's coming out of the other ports after it goes through the switch it doesn't have it's not going to have any of that tagged traffic it's just going to be the main untagged vlan 1 as i'm calling it traffic and nothing else so even though that traffic is on this cable if we were to inspect coming out of the ports on the switch those won't be there because we haven't told these switches how to deal with that just yet so that's going to be the first thing we need to do is we're going to need to configure these these switches for to be able to talk to the different vlans and be able to know what to do with that vlan tag traffic that's coming in and we'll segregate different ports as we as i discussed earlier to make sure that the network for those or the traffic for each of those networks is separate on different ports and we can break it up and use it as we need so with that said i'm going to go ahead and log in to the netgear one netgear switch that i have right in front of me all right so in this particular switch it has the v-on configuration under its own tab so we're going to go ahead and click on that and then from there we're going to want to go and select the 802.1 q and that is the technical name for the type of vlan we're going to be using and we want the advanced capability so i want you to understand conceptually what's going on here so it can be done a lot of this can be done with a basic functionality but i want to really go into advanced so that it's really clear what's going on so from there i'm going to click on vlan configuration and then i need to turn on advanced 802.1 qvlan so i'll click on enable and there we go so now it's popping up and showing a list of the vlans that are already configured which in this case is just vlan 1. that's the factory the factory defaults for this and what we need to do is we need to add the other vlans that we're going to be using so in order to do that i'm going to go ahead and type in so the first one i'm going to do is von 11 so i'm typing vlan id there and click on the add button i don't know why they separated the way that they did but that's what they did so i'm going to add 61 and then i'm going to add 101 now that just tells the switch that we're going to be using those vln numbers it doesn't do anything for configuring i'm telling you how to how to deal with that traffic and so we're going to have to do that next so next thing we're going to do is we're going to go over here to vlan membership and from there we're going to be able to choose which ports are members of each particular vlan so as i talked about in the previous video each port can be tagged or untagged most of the ports we're going to be dealing here are untagged but the two ports that i want to have be part of the admin and main network those are going to be trunk ports so that i can cascade the traffic from one switch to the next so i want to have multiple vlans on a single port in order to do that i'm going to have to configure those ports correctly to make sure that we're dealing with the traffic in the way that we need to so the first one i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and tell this switch that uh for vlans 11 61 101 that i want to include tagged traffic on ports one and eight it's basically saying the traffic coming in for for v11 is going to be tagged and we want to let the device know that we want to receive that traffic retain the tag and we want to send outgoing traffic with that tag intact so that when it gets to the next switch that we're communicating with whether that be the one that i have here in my home in my basement or the next one we're going to connect in series that we retain those tags as that traffic is leaving the port and the egress is what we call that so i'm going to have tag port for ports 11 um for viewing 11 on ports 1 and 8. for vlan 11 we also want to have port 4 be part of that network and we want that to be untagged so that traffic can be recognized by a computer or whatever device we want to hook up to that port so i'm going to set that port as untagged there all right so we're going to apply that and then we're going to go to vlan 61. again we want to tag for ports 1 and 8 and then audio which is network 61 is going to be untagged on ports 2 and 3. basically saying we want this traffic to exit that port but we need it to be regular v regular network traffic we don't want to be don't want it to have a vlan tag because devices don't know what to do with that so we're removing that tag as it exits that port so from there i'm going to go ahead and click on apply on that one that will save the settings for network 61 and now i'm going to configure network 101 which we're going to put on port seven but again we have to include that traffic on ports one and eight so we can communicate with other switches that are at support vlans and then we're gonna do untagged on port seven now we're not done yet so it seems like we've we've configured the device to know how to talk to the different ports on the switch uh with the different vlans but there's actually more to it than more more than what we have to do here so as i mentioned in my previous video when traffic comes into the port it's not going to have a tag associated with it and we want if we want that traffic to go to a specific vlan we're going to have to tell the switch what tag to include with that with that packet so that it knows where it needs to go and the way we do that is with the port pvid setting so i'm going to click on that here on the left and then we're going to be changing the pv id for each one of the different ports ports 1 and 8 those i'm going to leave those on vlan 1. like basically any traffic coming in it's untagged we want to retain on vlan 1. so that will stay the same that will also stay on five and six because i'm going to configure those ports to be part of my main network as well what i need to change though is i need to change two and three because those are part of my audio network which is vlan 61 so i'll check the boxes here and then i'm going to type in 61 as part of the pv id and then i'm going to go ahead and click on apply and then i need to change port 4 to use v11 and then i need to change port 7 to use 101. so there we go so and that should line up with the port configuration that i've predefined on the sheet of paper here so port ports 1 5 6 and 8 are all on vlan 1 and then ports 2 and 3 on v161 port four on v11 and then port seven on 101. and so it looks like that's what we've got here all right there's one more thing that i need to do here is i need to remove these ports these extra extra ports from v1 number one so i'm gonna go back over here to vlan membership and then i'm gonna turn off all of the ports that are not meant to be on vlan one so that's gonna be two three four and seven and then i click apply that should be able to save that setting and at this point in theory we should have this switch dividing up that traffic based on the different ports and one way we can find that and what we can do to figure out if that's actually the case is i'm going to take this connection here and i'm going to plug this into port 2 which is should be audio and then on the computer here come over here into dante controller bingo now i'm seeing a lot of the dante devices that are in my trailer and for example if i want to i can take the audio output of my yamaha tf3 mixer and i'll route that to dante via on this laptop and open that up again here so we'll take stereo left stereo right map those to this laptop and as i do so we actually get audio from the trailer playing through my laptop and so that that way i know my audio network is actually working properly that network traffic is coming in over the trunk on the main port here the first port here on this switch and then it's broken out into its individual vlan here on port 2 and then coming over to the laptop and that is working just fine so with that we can actually move on to the next switch in order to do that i need to make a connection i'll grab a cable here all right i know you can't see it but we're seeing network activity lights on those and from there i'm going to log into the web interface for this tp link all right so we'll take a look at the web interface here on the tp link and we're going to go here to the v1 section on this one so in this view line interface if we want to add a new view on here we're going to come up here and we're going to type in the v1 id which in this case is going to be 11 we're going to want this to be the djb network we do have the option of giving it a name here so i'm going to type that into this name field and then we need to assign it to the ports that need to be able to communicate with that vlan so we're going to assign ports 1 and 8 as tagged again we want to preserve that vlan tag when communica other switches so that that traffic can be separate from everything else and then v1n 11 is going to be on port 4 as untagged so that connected device will be able to actually understand that traffic and not be confused by the vlan tag with that we're going to click on add modify and that's going to add that to the list here at the bottom and then we're going to go ahead and add vlan 61 which is audio one again tagged on ports one and eight and then untagged on ports two and three click on add modify and then we need to add port von 101 so we'll type that in the v1 id this one's just internet helps if you can spell it right again tagged on one and eight and then that's going to be untagged on port seven so add modify and then we're gonna need to remove vlan one from all the ports that don't need it so i'm just going to type in vlan id one there and you can see the untagged is selected for all of those but we don't want the other ones to be a member so two three four we want to remove his members five and six we do want to be members seven we do not and then again i'll click add modify and that should be it in terms of assigning the ports to be tagged untagged or not a member of each one of the vlans again the other thing we have to do here is we have to sign the pv ids so the incoming traffic that doesn't have a vlan tag gets assigned the proper vln tag so in order to do that i'm going to go over to the 802.1 qpvid setting and here we're going to check boxes for ports 2 and 3. again this is going to be v161 so i'll type that in and then type apply and then 4 is going to be on 11 so click on port 4 type whoops type in 11 and say apply 5 and 6 are already on 1 so we don't need to change that then port 7 needs to be on 101 so we'll type that in and then click apply okay all right with that in theory we should have access to the audio and internet networks on the second switch here so i'm going to take my audio cable unplug it from the first switch and plug it into port 2 on the second switch because again that should be assigned as an audio port and if everything's working right come over here into dante controller yes and there we go we're seeing the devices come in because that network is part of that now if you wanna if you want some some proof that it's this port is treated differently than some of the others i'm going to take that cable remove that plug that into port 4 which is my network within my trailer the lan and you can see in the dante controller that no devices are showing up because there's no dante traffic on my network there all right and then the other thing we can do here is we can actually go into settings and go to network and internet and we'll take a look at that your network adapter so i click on properties ip settings yeah there we go so this has an ip address that corresponds to my network in my trailer not my dante network not my lan here at the house it is indeed an ip address that belongs to just my trailer correspondingly if i take unplug this and move it over to port 7 which is my internet it will get an ip address on yet a different subnet entirely so wait a few seconds and then we'll plug that in so we take a look at that and bingo it has an ip address and an entirely different subnet so yeah the vlan feature feature on these switches is working the networks are separate even though it is the same physical switch okay with that i'm going to connect up the xyxel switch and we'll do the same thing on that all right here we've got the web interface for the xl switch and we're going to go ahead and go over into configuration in order to set this thing up and we're going to go into vlan now i want to mention that this switch actually does have a wizard for setting up vlans but it doesn't do it doesn't do it thoroughly and so i've just basically stopped trying to use it because it it doesn't it only does half the job and so i always use the manual configuration in order to make this make this work so so we're going to go with configuration vlan and then vlan and this one only has 802.1q so we don't need to specify that as the type but from here we're going to go ahead and add the extra vlans so we'll say add vlan 11 this is called djp go ahead and apply and another one 61 audio apply add 101 internet apply okay so now we have the four vlans that we actually need and now we need to assign the various ports so i'll go ahead and click on port over here all right and then i'm going to check ports two and three and click on edit and set the pv id here so these are going to be the audio so that is going to be pvid61 and we want to have untag only and we're going to go to port 4 and edit that one port 4 is going to be on v11 untag only apply port 5 and 6 those are going to be on v1 untag only and the so that antagon only option that we're not set that we're not actually assigning uh the port for outgoing traffic this is for filtering in go incoming traffic it's just an extra security precaution that we can do so i'm gonna go so i'm gonna select uh so now i'm gonna select port seven we're gonna tell it that is vln101 again we want untag only click on apply and then we can do ports one and eight pv id on one is one we want all all types tagged and untagged to be accepted ingress filtering and voi and trunk we want to be enabled because we're actually is a trunk connection where we have multiple vlns going on at the same time all right so then we're going to come over here to vlan port and this is where we're going to assign which view ads go to which port so start with vlan one we only want that to be part uh to be assigned to ports one five six and eight and for one and eight again we want those to be tagged and then five and six we want to be untagged and then we want to change the other ports so that they are excluded so we'll say reports two three four and seven we want those to be excluded from vlan 1. so we go ahead and click on apply all right and then i'm going to choose vlan 11 and this one we need to be tagged on 1 and eight as we have with everything else and then we want to we have port four be untagged and the other is excluded so i'll get to put that in there and click on apply vlan 61 again tagged for one and eight untagged for two and three and excluded for everything else so i'll go ahead and click on apply for that and then the last one the un 101 tagged for one and eight and then untagged for port seven click on apply and then at this point i'm going to want to click on the save button here in the upper right in order for that to take effect now if i've done this properly i should be able to move the lan cable over to port 2 on that switch and be able to see audio for my dante network and there it is my dante devices are now showing up on the computer because the audio vlan traffic is coming in on that port that i'm plugged into port 2 on the xl switch so that's the basics of it here so we need to what we need to essentially need to do is we need to tell the switches which vlans are assigned to which ports we need to make sure that we assign those either as tagged or untagged based on whether we want that vlan tag to be preserved as that traffic is leaving the network port or excluded if it's if we don't want that traffic on that port and then we need to assign the pv id for a vlan tag number for any untagged traffic that's coming into the switch there's some other advantage advanced options like what for example in this like cell we had the option to actually filter some of the incoming traffic and the other ones did not so depending on which model switch you have how how fancy it is what level of features are included you may or may not see those options in yours so that basically does it for these the only the other thing that i wanted to do is show you how i have my switch in my trailer configured and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to move this cable over to port 4 on this switch because that is my trailer lan and we'll be able to see what's going on by doing so all right so i am now connected to my trailer lan by plugging into port 5 on the switch and with that i can actually log into my switch 10 set so that is there we go so this is this the network switch i have in my trailer so even though it's on the tray where i have access to it here because it's going through the vlans that i have in my switches along the way what i can do over here is come over to the vlan tab and you can see that i have a lot more vlans in my trailer than i do with this little network that i've been working with here but i've got v11 which is the trailer local area network there's v161 for my dante traffic there's 101 for my internet traffic and then the the traffic that i have for my lan here at my home is available on view n3 so i'm actually taking advantage of the fact that you can strip a tag when it leaves a switch and then resign in a new tag when it enters the switch so in my local area network here in my house my local vlan is actually three and but i'm having it come into these switches here on one again by using the untag feature but if i want to see what's going on with one of these for example i'll pull up my audio one so i'll go into edit on this one so you can see here that i've actually got the my dante network assigned to various ports and some are untagged some are tagged the untagged ones are ones that are connected directly to a device in the trailer say for example my yamaha audio mixer that's going to be one of these untagged ports and it also goes to any switches that are only used for dante i have to have one switch like that in my trailer in that case i do use untagged that way i'm able to use an inexpensive unmanaged switch in order to talk to all those devices i just have it set up where the tr all the traffic coming out of that port is strictly for dante only but if we look down a little bit further here we've got the tagged ports and these are all network ports that go to managed switches that understand vlan tags and so i'm able to preserve that tag 61 for any of my audio traffic as it travels throughout the network within a trailer and also to the switch that i set up on site when i happen to be working for uh working in a venue for a client so if you look here i've got ports 49 and 50. those are the ports that go to my fiber optic cable that gets run inside of the venue and so that way because it's tagged it's able to include it be included on that fiber cable and then be broken out as separately as part of connecting into another network switch that i have that's also managed and supports vlan tags there as well so anyway i know it's kind of overwhelming but all the information you need to configure one of these devices is here although it's going to vary from one device to the next on how you actually accomplish that so you're going to want to consult the manufacturer's documentation for your particular model of switch in order in order to do this properly but again though with the information in this video in the previous video you should have the basics to be able to get started with vlans to be able to create separate networks within a single piece of equipment and be able to route traffic from one switch to another and preserve that vlan tag so that things retain their isolation from one another as they travel from one switch to another so there it is that's gonna about do it for today so if you have any questions you can leave those in the comment section down below or even better come over and join me and other members of the video production community over on discord a link to that is popping up on your screen right now i will have a channel set up specifically for talking about networking related topics specifically in this case vlans so if you have a question you can go to discord and ask that question there in that channel and somebody will get back to you and if you happen to be someone who has experience in this area i'd love to have you there as well to try and answer some of the questions that are going to be coming in because i know there's going to be a bunch view ends are not something that seems to be very well understood in the video production community but can be very useful and helping you to simplify actually simplify your network and allow you to get away with using fewer devices and give you a better view of what's going on within your network so anyway but thanks everybody for watching and have a fantastic day
Channel: Doug Johnson Productions
Views: 17,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doug Johnson Productions, DJP, Live Video Production, Event Video Production, Orem, Utah, Live Streaming, Internet Streaming, livestream, livestreaming, live video, blackmagic design, atem, vlan, virtual lan, virtual networking, level 2, managed switch, network trunk, ethernet trunk
Id: 84B0iCqah_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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