Pathfinder: WotR (Beta) - Paladin Class & Archetypes Mechanics/Overview

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what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you a look at the paladin class in the upcoming pathfinder wrath of the righteous which is currently in beta i don't think too many people need much of an explanation about what a paladin is but essentially they are warriors of a god typically often good aligned and they go around smiting evil and promoting justice let's get into what the paladin actually looks like now first things first the paladin have a lawful good alignment requirement now this is more important than most classes because in addition to this requirement to pick the class up it's also an alignment restricted class so what is the difference there right well basically most classes that require an alignment if you then stray from that alignment afterwards you won't lose the powers you just won't be able to take any more levels in that class however alignment restricted classes will not only not let you take levels in that class but will straight up take the powers of the class away from you so with paladins it is very important that you maintain your lawful good alignment now naturally being devoted to a deity they cannot be atheists or a rahudum faithless now they are divine casters they use their charisma stat as their casting stat however i will say you're never going to get a lot of spells or a lot of spell slots for their divine casting ability they do have to prepare their spells but again they do not get a lot of them now for base class skills for the base class we pick up knowledge world lore nature persuasion knowledge arcana lore religion and for our proficiencies we will be proficient with all simple and martial weapons all types of armor and shields except tower shields now as we are a class that is devoted to a deity we do naturally have to pick a deity to worship however there are only seven available to the paladin class most of them being conceptually good now you could argue some of them aren't necessarily good gods for instance abaddar is int like a lawfully good character per se himself but keep in mind that broadly speaking the paladins that god's worship are at the very least not evil i guess would be the best way to put it but they aren't necessarily the lawful good alignment that the paladin is now at level one we are going to pick up smite evil once per day a paladin can call out to the powers of good to aid them in their struggle against evil as a swift action you can choose a target to smite if this target is evil the paladin will add their charisma bonus to the attack rolls you will add your paladin level to all damage rolls made against the target of your smite smite evil attacks automatically bypass any dr the creature might possess moreover while it is active the paladin will gain a deflection bonus equal to your charisma modifier if you have any to your armor class against attacks made by the target of the smite however if you target a creature that is not evil smite is wasted and it won't work it lasts until the target dies or you select a new target at fourth level and every three levels after that you can use smite evil one additional time per day now at level two we pick up divine grace this will add a bonus equal to your charisma modifier to all of your saving throws at third level we pick up divine health making us immune to all diseases including supernatural and magical diseases as well as mummy rot now at second level we also actually pick up leon hands so a paladin will be able to heal their wounds or the wounds of others by touch each day you can use this ability a number of times equal to half your paladin level plus your charisma modifier with one use of this ability you can heal one by six points of damage for every two paladin levels you possess using this is normally a standard action unless you target yourself which makes it a swift action this can be used to deal damage to undead creatures however you do have to make a successful melee touch attack it doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity and undead do not receive a savings throw against the damage now at level 3 they also pick up aura of courage making the paladin immune to fear as well as giving allies within 10 feet a plus 4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear however all auras for your paladin will only function if they are conscious at fourth level we pick up channel energy this works the same as all the other channel energies in the game you channel energy in a 30-foot radius this is positive energy so it will heal the living and damage the undead at eighth level we pick up aura of resolve making us immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities each ally within 10 feet gains a plus 4 morale bonus on charm effects at level 11 we pick up mark of justice so if you use two uses of your smite evil ability you can grant the smite evil ability to all allies for one minute using the paladin's bonuses so as a swift action you'll choose one target with insight to smite now interestingly enough this does also apply to the deflection bonus granted from the paladin's charisma bonus as well against the target of the smite so even the defensive part of this also takes effect at 14's level they pick up aura of faith which makes a paladin's weapons treated as good aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction any attack made against an enemy within 10 feet will be treated as a good aligned attack for the purposes of damage reduction now the aura part of this is that any attack made against any enemy within 10 feet of the paladin will be treated as good aligned as well then at 17th level we pick up aura of righteousness this will give our paladin uh dr5 against evil immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities as well as giving allies within 10 feet a plus 4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects then at 20th level paladins become holy champions which makes them a conduit for the powers of their god their dr increases to 10 against evil and whenever you channel positive energy or use lay on hands it will always heal the maximum amount now starting at third level and every three levels after that we will start picking up mercies now these are extra effects that add to your lay on hands that will essentially let it cure other conditions and similar things as well as do the healing ability of delay on hands so this will let you cure things like sickened fatigued all that jazz it just adds it into the lay on hands so every few levels you'll get to pick a mercy and in addition to healing your lay on hands will also perform the mercies as well curing extra things now at level five paladins will get to form a divine bond now this can be with their weapon or an animal companion now the weapon will let them as a standard action call upon the aid of a celestial spirit for one minute per paladin level at fifth level this grants a plus one enhancement bonus and then every three levels beyond fifth level it gets another plus one to that bonus up to a maximum of plus six at twentieth level these can be added to existing bonuses but will only stack up to a maximum of plus five which might make you wonder about how it's possible to give something a plus six that is simply because you can use weapon properties to make up the difference but the maximum weapon enhancement itself is only up to plus five and then you will be able to add weapon properties with anything extra now the other part of that the animal companion bond is just that you get to pick an animal companion it will be able to perform as a mount as well if you want as long as you meet the size requirements and everything but basically just gives you an animal companion if you don't want the weapon now that is it for the base class which brings us to the archetypes now the first up is divine guardian honestly kind of boring so they lose their divine spell casting altogether however they pick up divine troth and some bonus feats now divine troth is super vague but i know what it's supposed to do basically the divine guardian will pledge their protection to a willing creature for the day now what this is supposed to do is basically allow certain abilities to be adjusted based on the divine trough against that target right so this will let you heal enemies faster with certain abilities like that kind of stuff that's what it's supposed to do in game it's very vague about what it affects as you can see here but that's the gist of it now starting at 7th level we also pick up divine guardian bonus feats this will let you pick up extra feats from the list on screen here ultimately you'll get to choose three of them now that brings us to divine hunter which gets some interesting changes this is essentially a ranged paladin class first up the proficiencies will change slightly we will no longer be proficient with heavy armor but we will still retain everything else we also pick up precise shot as a feat at level 1 which allows us to attack enemies engaged in melee combat without taking the standard -4 penalty to the attack roll at 3 they pick up shared precision when a divine hunter hits a creature with a ranged attack he will grant allies within 10 feet of the paladin the benefit of the precise shot feat against that target for one round now at six level they pick up distant mercy which is very interesting so essentially this will let you use two of your leon hands uses but will let you use it as ranged instead it works basically the same at five feet per paladin level you can use your lay on hands at a range instead of actually having to be there and then at 11th level we pick up hunter's blessing the divine hunter will be able to expend the use of smite evil as a swift action to grant the paladin and their allies within 10 feet deadly aim precise shot and improve precise shot even if they lack the prerequisites to use those feats this will last for one minute and evil creatures cannot benefit from this in addition to that our auras do change a bit but we pick up aura of clear sight which will make our paladin immune to blindness magical or otherwise as well as giving allies within 10 feet a plus 4 morale bonus on saving throws against blindness now that brings us to the hospitaler so this is basically the same class but you get slightly less smite evils in exchange for aura of life which will make you immune to death effects as well as granting the standard plus 4 morale bonus to saving throws for allies within 10 feet against those effects and that's pretty much it for the hospitaler which brings us to martyr martyr is probably the most significant change from the base class because we lose our smite evil ability altogether and it gets replaced with stigmata stigmata is basically a bard's performances however unlike a bardic performances you will take one point of bleed damage while this is active i believe it's every turn now much like bardic performances as you level up the cost of the action will actually start becoming less so at seventh level it becomes a move action at 13th it becomes a swift action and then this will be used in place of inspire courage and then at 10th level you'll pick up inspire greatness at 16th you'll pick up inspire heroics things like that so basically it just gives you some bardic performances as a paladin now in addition to this at second level we pick up see no evil hear no evil this will make you and all of your allies within 20 feet grant a plus 4 morale bonus on saving throws against sonic effects and gays attacks and then at third level we pick up several auras now this will give us bonuses against diseases and things like that but the main thing to understand here is that we also pick up martyr's mercy which essentially means that the martyr will be able to apply any of the mercies for which they are qualified for their lay on hands even if you didn't select it however when you use a mercy you didn't select you will lose your aura of health or see no evil hear no evil for one round and as long as the martyr's aura is disabled you can't apply corresponding mercies we also pick up aura mastery at that level which will give all of our auras a 20 foot radius instead of 10 however you your paladin will lose the immunities that come with them for the paladin so that's pretty much it for the martyr kind of makes your paladin a weird bard class and then lastly that brings us to the warrior of the holy light now i can't show you everything for this because a lot of the bonus feats you get are just blank text right now the crux of this class as a whole is that you trade your spell casting ability which admittedly isn't that great to begin with for instead power of faith power of faith lets you use a use of your lay on hands ability to call upon your faith as a standard action which will cause a nimbus of light to emanate from your paladin in a 30 foot radius all allies in this area including you will receive a plus one morale bonus to ac on attack rolls damage rolls saving throws against fear so long as they remain in the light now as you level up this will take on extra effects so at eight level this will heal you carrying you one die four points of ability damage per dispel lesser restoration but can only be healed this way once per day at twelfth level they gain resistance to fire acid cold electricity and sonic equal to thirty is sixteenth this actually gives you protection from critical hits giving you a 25 chance to just flat out negate critical hits and just make them normal attacks and then at 20th level this increases the range to 50 feet as well as doubling all the bonuses from previous levels the morale bonus becomes plus two the ability damage healed becomes two die four the critical hit protection increases to fifty percent so quite a bit going on there now again unfortunately i don't know everything about the warrior of the holy light because it doesn't tell you because of the blank text but largely that's the gist of it so there you go guys there is a look at the paladin as well as its archetypes in pathfinder wrath of the righteous interesting class but naturally it's a classic as far as rpgs go just in general personally i'm not wild about it but they tend to be very good at what they do and smite evil in a campaign against demons like wrath of the righteous is going to be fairly useful with that out of the way guys truly thank you guys just so much for watching i really do appreciate it if you would give the video a like comment subscribe to help me out with the youtube algorithm i would certainly appreciate it but regardless of any of that again just thank you for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music] you
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 19,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Pathfinder, wotr, wrath of the righteous, Paladin, Seelah, Archetypes, guide, class, mechanics
Id: xTz6oOUzsSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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