Pathfinder Lore: A Brief History of the Worldwound

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so [Music] king of the wind demons one of the oldest demon lords and one of the first to rise to power in the abyss his tale is not one i shall share at this time and i dare not speak his name more than once for he hears all who utters it and i fear i would bring about my own doom it is said that he mated with a giant demon with insect-like properties and out of the blasphemous act rose the scary usher of the apocalypse lord of the locus host this is what most scholars believe to be this kari's origin though it is said that his father's breath is a cloud of locust and some ancient scripts claim that discari was spawned from the first breath his father took on the material plane legends tell us that he existed under the protection of his father on the side of one of the great official rifts in the realm of haimavanya here this scary grew in power and in time he grew so powerful that he claimed his own official realm and became a demon lord himself the realm he claimed is known to mortals as the rasping rifts and it is a horrific maze of chasms and canyons infested with insectile monsters here there are places where the steep canyon walls and ledges seem to be alive for they are buried beneath a sea of crawling insect horrors where the barely visible sky above the ledges is often blocked out entirely by flying swarms the size of human cities here roam giant vermin the size of warships and monstrous mosquitoes that can drain all of your blood within moments many inhabitants of this official realm are infected with diseases that will make a mortal rot or turn them into hosts for demonic parasites that will crawl beneath your skin and feed upon your flesh meat and bones the hive cities of this realm extends upwards from the ground along cliff faces for all who exist in the rasping rifts crawl or fly this scary is described in numerous ancient texts as a gargantuan being seemingly human from the waist up with a locust-like body beneath it from his back clouds of swarming insects protrude forming nightmarish wings and numerous accounts speak of an insectoid face with features that could only come from the foulest of realms it is written that he wields a weapon of destruction called rift carver said to be able to cause earthquakes and tear holes between worlds those who believe that the lord of the locust host to be a spawn of his father and another demon say that this scary carved rift carver from the exoskeleton of his long forgotten mother fragments from the book of the damned tell us that in his new realm this scary discovered an abnormality in the planar barrier between worlds a thinning between the rasping rifts angularion intrigued the demon lord started to exert his will through the thinning and his corruption of the land then known as our chorus began sarcorus was where the first tribes of khelitz arose they had been wanderers that came from across the lake of mists and vales and upon the sakura plains they found a land abundant with game to hunt and wolves to tame but they were not the first humans to inhabit the land within the forest of stones druids of the circle of hierophants made peace with the wonders and savagery of the world and realms beyond they tutored the khalids as their tribes turned into clans and claimed territories raising villages and cland halls together with aid from the druids the kellets defeated the frost giants that lived atop the north mountains some of the kellets wandered to other places that eventually would become known as mendev numeria realm of the mammoth lords and ustalaf those that stayed dubbed the land sarcorus and it was a land of disparate clans neighbors allies cousins and enemies united by boldness culture and shared religious traditions rather than a single ruler the kellet tribes based their faith loosely on what they had been taught by the druids and as time went on their beliefs expanded alongside the divine faith induitic magic sorcery and witchcraft spread among the people sarkorians came to see the divine in all things and came to worship much more than guards all the while learning to dread and distrust the mortal magic of wizards this resulted in many forms of worship and cults so many that no one thought it anything but normal when a new cult arose and so it was with the cult of this gary when the cult arose few recognized it as worshiping anything different from the countless other deities demigods and nature spirits revered across the kellet communities so insular were they that only those involved knew that the lord of the locus host claimed human sacrifices in several small villages across the region as the cult grew adventurers and local priests reported the rise of insectile monsters and demons but still few took notice in time discarded taught the most powerful of his cortes a vile ritual that would bring his avatar to colorian his influence grew even more and he planned on opening a rift between golarian and the abyss ancient and wise he operated in silence and it wasn't until aradhan the last aslante returned to gallerion to fight the demon lord that the people of sarkorus understood the unholy danger in their midst the barbarian clans united and along with an alliance of the nation's bravest warriors ariden crusaded against iscari it took three years of battles and pestilence skirmishes before ariden finally drove this scary's avatar and several powerful demons into the lake of mists and whales with the scary and his cult defeated ariden left collarion once more but the unity between the clans collapsed with his departure and they swiftly reverted to their former teneousness a century and a half past during which the scattered remains of the cult of discari started to organize once again it was in the year 4598 ar the nation's fated destruction began to unfold the fear and skepticism of arcane magic was still prevalent in sarcois and religious leaders made sure that anyone that threatened their vision of divinity was dealt with while many sarkorians made little distinction between the powers of priests and wizards some questioned how these spell casters gained their might without any prayers or religious rituals as such the practice of wizardly magic was strictly forbidden by the country's priests those discovered utilizing such magic were given the option of either being exiled or imprisoned and those who resisted were either crippled to prevent their magic's use or sacrificed as heretics [Music] in the north mountains on the height of the high currents stood the threshold an immense fortress tower said to have been built by the frost giants who once ruled the land here the most powerful arcane spell casters were kept as honored prisoners allowed to practice their magic in an overseen environment but they were also utilized as the country's clan legions and the circle of hierophants themed prudent they were nothing more than prisoners one of these prisoners was a witch by the name a reluvorless she noticed the thinning of the planar barrier between golerian and the rasping rifts filled with hatred for her captors aurilo reached out to the plane beyond and found a power greater than she could have hoped for this kari some scholars are certain that discari had lost all interest in golerian while others claim that he had patiently waited for an opportunity to engage in his conquest of gulerian once more which of those theories are true matters not for the lord of the locus host answered the witch arilu promised she would pledge her loyalty to the demon lord in return for his aid in destroying the lands that had taken away her freedom discari agreed to help her under the pretense of simply wanting to escape the threshold the cunning witch recruited the aid of two powerful spell casters the guard caller oppan and the wizard scholar wither no clan and together they started a rebellion in 4600 a r it is unknown what their plan of escape was but during it upon weather and arelu opened multiple portals within the threshold some hypothesized that the mages did it to show their captors the true face of some of the beings they worshipped others suggest that they merely hope to baffle their captors during a mass prison break but these are all theories and no one truly knows what the reasoning behind it was at least not for two of the spell casters for there is no doubt as to what arilo's reasoning was and it is almost certain that she had been the mastermind behind this particular part of the rebellion when the mages opened the portals in the threshold it didn't take long for them to discover that the portals didn't connect to multiple realms as intended when opon and weather discovered that all the portals led to the rasping rifts they were horrified and worked fiercely to close them again they had nearly closed all the portals when ireland's true motives came to show and she cast the two of them into the final closing portal managing to keep it open by a small crack areelu vorlish seized control of the upper reaches of the threshold still unable to completely escape she became the scariest emissary in sarcoris but without her betrayed allies she could not fully reopen the gates with her daily nurturing however the portal to the abyss grew from pinprick to a tome-sized tear and in 4602 a r warlish and a horde of tiny fiends overwhelmed the rest of the threshold slaying her captors and converting many of the prisoners into cultists of this scary by 4605 ar her influence had grown to encompass much of the high cans but still support from beyond proved minor and her conquest went largely unnoticed this all changed when aerodyn died whether discari was emboldened by his old enemy's death or if it was mere coincidence we don't know but only a few weeks after the last atlanteas fall the world wound opened it was in the threshold the tears started first a crack in reality then a growing gait and finally a festering wound that would threaten the entire world a mile long cosmic tear opened and outpoured the demons much of the de facto capital of is fell into the abyss and the people that lived in the north mountains had no chance of organizing the fence and were overrun within a day the supernatural storms that followed eredin's death was a blessing in disguise for it slowed the demons advance and gave the rest of sarkori's time to set up a defense along the rift's shadow the storms also gave men death time to bolster its defenses and send for help many holy warriors traveled to the world wound to aid in the fight for good against the demons but much of the world was in shock due to arrogance death none more so than his followers and the followers of his herald ioma day the repercussions of ariden's death delayed the church of ioma day to respond for several years it wasn't until 46-22 that the first mendivian crusade against the demons of the world wound began it was the church of iomeday whom was now also known as the inheritor that led the crusade nobles from chilex iska and andaran fearing domestic discontent by dispossessed nobles and idol mercenaries joined the church of ioma day to sponsor the crusade when the crusaders reached main death sarcoris had been overrun long ago and significant portions of mandev had fallen to the demons as well but the crusaders bolstered the strength of the defenders of sarcois and mendev both in numbers and moral the demons were not prepared for such resistance and were driven out of mandev and back towards the north mountains [Music] as the demons were driven further back the crusaders built several fortresses establishing a strong defensive line and a lasting foothold the mightiest of these fortresses was constructed by a small army of dwarven crusaders who drew upon the knowledge of their forefathers to build the fortress in the style of the ancient sky citadels and they named it drazen while mendev welcomed the additional forces many of whom stayed and fortified the city of canabras the clans of sarcois accepted these new residents more reluctantly it is said that some of the demons teleported to other corners of kulerian but most of them remained by the north mounds and over the years battled surviving sarcorian clans that desperately tried to reclaim their family lands and homes after six years in 4636 ar a new wave of demons erupted from the wound the crusaders that had stayed in the liberated lands took up arms once more expecting a short-lived battle but they were gravely mistaken for the demons came out in much larger numbers and they didn't sweep the land in a chaotic manner as they had in 4606 see back then discari had merely sent forth his armies to wreak havoc and test the enemy all the while giving the crusaders a wrong understanding of the demon's true might this time the demons were organized in ranks following the orders of powerful demon commanders they orchestrated strike forces and teleported behind enemy lines and drove the defenders towards the demon's front ranks crushing them in between the demon forces it was with these tactics the armies of the merely upon a vicious took the city of strasbourg a new crusade was called by the church of ioma day in 4638 but even with the large reinforcements that came to the defender's aid it was clear that the demons still outmatched them in numbers and strength the leaders of the mendivian crusade took a crucial and fateful decision they pulled their troops out of sarcois instead focusing on defending their own borders and containing the demons we must protect the surrounding lands thousands will die they did this by raising warts stones along the west salem and the mountain rivers these warts domes contained the demons as the stone's magical properties prevented the fiends from passing between them the leader's choice to do this saved tens of thousands of lives as the ward stones prevented the demon hordes from entering mendez numeria and ustelove sarkorus however was lost and thousands died at the hands of the abyssal forces and so despite the war stone success and the threat of the demons contained many see the second mendivian crusade as a failure the demons were held within what had once been sarcorus by the wardstones warriors from the realm of the mammoth lords and the crusaders years passed and though the demons kept pressing towards the borders they seemed content on ravaging and plundering the fallen nation of zakoros meanwhile the crusaders and mendev started to squabble among themselves infighting and accusations of one group or another became more and more common the crusaders had started accepting less trustworthy individuals to join the war effort as the church of ioma day was becoming more resourced strained but another force was also at play cultists of the demon lord baphomet infiltrated the crusaders and spread corruption throughout the ranks when the third mendivian crusade was launched in 4665 it was as much to galvanize the crusaders as it was to defeat the demons but it was short lived as the crusaders fought the demonic corruption within their ranks through witch hunts it led to many becoming paranoid as they began targeting indigenous khalids and those who had heard to older sarcoian beliefs is clearly an agent of bafflement the mendivian government ended the crusade in 4668 ar as it had all but collapsed under its own internal fighting but the wardstones and warriors of the surrounding lands still held the demons at bay and while they ruled the lands all know as the world wound it would be more than two decades before the demons once more threatened the lands beyond in the year 4692 ar the powerful bailor demon karamzadeh general of discaris armies in the world wound attacked the city of canabras and managed to crack the wardstone within the city the bailor and his forces were trimming back and karamzadeh was nearly slain by the silver dragon [Music] though the attack had failed kharam zadeh's success in reaching the ward stone and damaging it worried the mendelian leaders as a response the church of ioma day called for a fourth crusade this was the longest and most grueling of the crusades and in the fifteen years it lasted the losses on the demon's side were minimal the crusade ended in 4707 as the crusaders grew wary resources grew scars and winning the war started to seem hopeless the scariest demons continue to rule the world wound and no one knows what foul plans the usher of the apocalypse is crafting but should his armies ever succeed in breaking through the wardstone's barrier the whole of vavistan may fall to the demonic hordes and the scary lord of the locust hosts greetings thank you for watching the tower of tomes if you like the content please consider subscribing liking and commenting also please have a look at the tower of tomes patreon page there will be a link in the description thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it
Channel: The Tower of Tomes
Views: 10,773
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Keywords: Pathfinder, Paizo, Pathfinder rpg, rpg, Golarion, Sandpoint, orcs, tower of tomes, 2E, Pathfinder second edition, Rpg, Roleplaying, Tabletop, Inner sea, Forgotten realms, Rise of the runelords, gaming, lotr, Pathfinder2e, pathfinder lore, Gaming, RPG, Critical, Adventure, Aroden, 5th edition, Forgotten Realms, Fantasy, dnd, pathfinder kingmaker, pathfinder 2e, rpg games, dungeons and dragons, Wrath of the rightious, Demons, Deskari, Pathfinder 1e, dnd one, one dnd, pf2, pf2e, pf1e
Id: f19IEHRvj2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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