Pathfinder Lore: Divine knowledge - Urgathoa

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[Music] [Music] i never knew you were such a great dancer and i never knew you held such great parties i'm surprised sebastian's never invited me before yes shame on him and if i'd known that you were such a charmer i would have had him bring you a long time ago but these parties do tend to get a little wild so perhaps sylvesters thought it best to spare you they're not always for the faint of heart well he did tell me that you were a special crowd but all i see is people enjoying good food wine and life yes i suppose that is what we do that is certainly what it looks like and i like a good party sebastian knows that so i take it you're enjoying yourself indeed i am and the food how was it i must say i've had roasted duck with chilaxian wine sauce before but tonight it was it was extraordinary delicious yes yes extraordinary delicious well put i cannot for the life of me understand why sir willikar complained about it even having the nerve to say he thought it tasted awful so rude it's his first time at one of your parties as well is it not it is and he's been most rude but now i know that this isn't his kind of party no i shouldn't think so for like you said the food was extraordinary delicious there is a secret ingredient you know one that makes all food taste better sounds interesting an exotic spice not quite well then the secret ingredient must be lady luck smiling upon your chef i assure you she has nothing to do with it but it does involve divine favor really yes the wine you're drinking good is it not yes very what grape is this none special a common grape from a nearby vineyard truly not worthy of a party such as this were it not for the secret ingredient i see well i'm not one to complain cheers would you like someone why yes please anything else you'd like some more off or just the wine well i'd like more of everything i guess the wine the food yes i could certainly go for some more food and some more dancing i think i'm having such a good time i wish this party would never end do you yes it would be a blessing would it not to dine like we have this evening indulge ourselves in the pleasures and sensations of the feast to party like this every day i don't know if i could party like this every day i believe you could and trust me the party has only just begun there is more to come what more can there be why an orgy of course i i beg your pardon did you say yes uh i don't you like pleasures of the flesh felicius why yes i'm just not sure how appropriate forget being appropriate it only limits us and i do so hate limitations i suppose i do too i know you do you're like me like most of the people at this party and like sebastian said we're a special kind of crowd and we like to satisfy our urges does nothing hurt you when you look upon me my lady why yes but i'm not sure i'm prepared to i mean an orgy it is not one of the colistrian kind it is an orgy of feast and flesh where you can indulge your desires whatever they may be there will be lust and pleasure and the best food you can imagine well now that does sound tempting do you know which goddess urges us to experience all and to satisfy our urges unapologetically i don't know that would be lady luck would it not cheers her guidance is limited by moral and mortality i'm not sure what exactly you mean by that but if not lady luck of whom do you speak lady despair lady what despair she's more commonly referred to as the pallid princess what orga yes what kind of morbid jest is this for it is a chest my lady is it not no felicius it is not i what are you trying to say i'm telling you that there is a way for you to enjoy sensations like you've had this evening every day and not only that but even sensations more tasteful and satisfying and what way is that it is a path shown to us by orga thor what you mean through worship yes through worship are you telling me you worship orga i am and she gives me pleasures beyond anything i could have grasped before i became a worshipper i i i don't think i want to be a part of this conversation anymore calm down felicias why so frightened well you just told me you worship orga she is a blessing you sound mad of course she's not a blessing how can you be so certain because she's the goddess of disease and from what i know as evil and corrupt as the hell she comes from abaddon but what she resides on the plane of abaddon and she is not only the goddess of the seas my dear she is also the goddess of gluttony and on death gluttony and on death well that makes her even worse are you serious you worship her yes and your reaction comes as no surprise of course if this is not some clever chest well then i failed to see why you were laughing and i'm sure your other guests would react in the same manner as me am i interrupting something ah so fastest just in time yes just in time my friend i do believe that it's time for us to leave leave but the party's just begun sebastis i don't know how to say this marianne has has told you about the palette princess what i told you this was a different kind of crowd sebastis she just told me that she worships orgathora and i'm starting to believe she's being honest i know my friend and she is being honest what you know and you accept it accept it my friend i welcome it i am a part of it a part of it what do you mean sebastis was one of my first converts he is now a most devoted follower of a follower wait you're having a laugh aren't you i must admit this is highly inappropriate we are the best of friends are we not yes and we trust each other do we not yes yes we do then trust me when i say mirian and i worship orga sebastis but but we've known each other for years you you've never never told you that i worship lady despair of course not look at your reaction here have another glass we usually don't go out of our way to convert anyone but you my friend have shown all the signs needed to be a devout follower of orgathawa me yes there is a time and place to be introduced to the palette princess my friend and i believe that time is now that is why i brought you here you brought me here for a party exactly to worship orga thor is the greatest of all parties life can be a party where every sensation is enjoyed to its fullest if you like the erotic sensation of lust or the rush of the all-night drug why should you limit yourself food should be eaten not to survive but to experience its sweet flavor and if you really like it why should you have to stop enjoying it if the wine is good then why should you stop drinking it because otherwise it becomes gluttony and have you never eaten a meal that was so tasteful you would have eaten much more if not for the limitations of your own body i i suppose i have orga is pleased by the sensations you experience your indulgence and pursuit to satisfy your appetite comes through her blessings she wants us to experience and sense all of the bodily pleasures in the world there is no such thing as excessive eating or greed when it comes to your sensations gluttony is a lazy word used by those who are ashamed of their own desires i suspect you agree you do not look as if you limit yourself when you are hungry well i might have gained a few pounds i i beg your pardon it is not an accusation but a compliment orga approves she demands we reject moderation and self-restraint at all cost instead she urges us to relentlessly pursue our own gratification do not worry my friend i too got scared when i felt the dogma of orga resonate with me it it doesn't resonate not all of it no no no you know that worshipping her is illegal right in most nations yes seems only get understands her true values there she is worshiped openly but most mortals have little understanding of her but of course most mortals haven't read her holy text her holy text yes titled serving your hunger it was written by her champion daeson who was rewarded with the defiled discs of orga thora for writing the holy book it is an extended meditation on the greatness to be found by sacrificing all for sensation it tells us the truth in putting one's own gratification and sensations first you should read it felitheus it would make it easier for you to worship her why do you think because it is who you are you've always put your own gratification and sensations first with food perhaps but what about disease eh she's the goddess of disease is she not is that something you approve of sebastis people suffering and dying from illness it is the lady despair's way to strengthen us she wants us to embrace disease and endure it it is a test of faith and if you die from your illness it is because you have failed that test failed orga with her blessing you need not fear disease ever again she is the way to avoid getting ill my friend to avoid death sebastis you you cannot be serious i am the wine it's the wine it has clearly clouded your mind no felicius he knows a blessing when he sees one and so do you a blessing perhaps you're right gluttony may be a lazy word for those who are ashamed of their own desires and disease may strengthen us if we survive them but there is no blessing no blessing in undead but there is my friend where how i don't want to stay here any longer what was that the orgy has begun what is going on up there like we said the party is just getting started don't worry my friend we will join them soon why why is someone screaming please surpass this friend you're scaring me i know i was scared myself when first introduced to the palate princess but you need not be my friend i brought you here for i know that you like me will understand her ways how how can you know was the food and wine you've had today not some of the best you've ever tasted the food why yes yes it was very very good that means you have orga's blessing what without her blessing you would have tasted what most would taste a bland spiceless and boring meal for that is how it was prepared had the food tasted like ash in your mouth it would have been due to her anger that was why sir willikar complained unlike you he does not have her blessing but i don't want her blessing you do orca thor will show you existence for what it really is existence you speak of undeath that's not a way to exist that's not life nor is it death orga thora was a hedonistic pagan when she was mortal she wanted to enjoy all the self-gratifying sensations of the world but as you know she like all mortals wasn't able to do so not within the few decades the gods had decided immortal was allowed to live why should they decide whether or not she was done with life and all its pleasures orca thor refused to let farasma take her away from the life she so enjoyed so great was her need and lust for the sensations of the world that when she died and her soul was taken to be judged by the lady of graves she escaped the boneyard and returned to calarion and with that she became the first undead creature in existence and with her she brought disease and the possibility for undead creatures to exist on death is a way to continue your journey through existence to continue enjoying pleasures and sensations of life the undead are not bound by the limitations of mortality you sound as if you admire this sort of abomination i do i wish to become one myself an undead sebastis why would you wish such damnation upon yourself damnation damnation is to have a limited time to exist before the foul lady of graves decides your eternal fate what is the use of a dead soul why should she decide what happens to you when your mortal flesh no longer can sustain itself no orga blesses us with the opportunity to live forever to consume and experience sensations forever that is no damnation that is a blessing perhaps friend you need not have the same aspirations as me to embrace the pilot princess but can you imagine philippius to live forever in her embrace is where you belong you feel it do you not please what is that come we'll show you don't be afraid you are among friends what is this this is an orgy of feast and flesh you recognize my guests from the party yes but some of them they have fangs the ones with fangs are my spawn your spawn miriam is already what i seek to become and on yes a vampire [Laughter] do not worry philis you are among friends friends that will show you sensations and pleasures beyond anything you've ever experienced but who who was screaming before behold among my spawn and guests isn't that yes the unpolite silicon they are eating him yes fear not my friend come embrace your curiosity i no no i cannot the pilot princess grants you her blessing come you must taste i know come felitheus and you will experience a sensation unlike any other even those of us who are not undead find human flesh most delicious but he's still alive not for long you should taste him while his blood is still warm and runny trust me friend you have never tasted anything like it come on perhaps perhaps just just a taste well my friend delicious extraordinary delicious indeed welcome to the embrace of the palette princess [Laughter] [Music] greetings thank you for watching the tower of tomes if you like the content please consider subscribing liking and commenting also please have a look at the tower of tomes patreon page there will be a link in the description thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it
Channel: The Tower of Tomes
Views: 3,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Paizo, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder Lore, Pathfinder lore, pathfinder lore, gods, Gods, pathfinder gods, Abadar, Golarion, Sarenrae, Desna, Asmodeus, divine knowledge, Cleric, Paladin, wrath of the righteous, kingmaker, pathfinder 2e, pathfinder second edition, tower of tomes, inner sea gods, magic, Lord of hell, Ihys, Nine Hells, ninehells, Lady Luck, the tower of tomes, Urgathoa, the pallid princess, Lady despair, Vampire, DnD one, One DnD, dnd one, one dnd, pf2, pf2e
Id: YIgVp8P20iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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