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howdy my name is nonat and today i'll be guiding you through creating a level one wizard in pathfinder second edition wizards are the classic magic user with a pre-prepared list of spells they control the battlefield by manipulating elements enchanting items and altering reality wizards by far have the highest limits of magical power in pathfinder 2e but they also come with the more restrictive type of spell casting let's take a look at what wizards begin with at first level a wizard's arcane power is affected by their intelligence as such it should be their top priority constitution and dexterity can allow them to be a bit more survivable in combat but wisdom and charisma can give them more options in social situations since no ancestry takes a flaw to intelligence there's no wrong choice when making a wizard elves naturally gain a boost to intelligence but since every ancestry gains a free boost that can always be put in intelligence some recommended backgrounds for a wizard would be the acolyte barrister fortune teller or merchant alongside the ability boosts from their ancestry and background all wizards gain a boost to their intelligence as well as four free boosts of their choice listed on page 203 of the core rulebook wizards begin with these proficiencies feel free to pause the video if you need more time to read them the primary feature of all wizards is arcane spell casting all spells that a wizard gains through leveling up are from the arcane spell list and can only be cast by providing the appropriate verbal somatic and material components a wizard's material components are all considered to be contained within a material component pouch that only needs to be purchased once the only exception to this are materials required for uncommon spells all wizards begin level 1 with a spell book this spell book is the source of the wizard's knowledge and contains all of the spells they know now unlike a cleric who can prepare any divine spell and unlike a sorcerer who can cast any spell at any time that they know a wizard has both a limited number of spells known and must specifically prepare them ahead of time at level 1 a wizard's spell book begins with 10 cantrips and 5 first level spells but the wizard can only prepare 5 can trips and 2 first level spells per day this grants the wizard a solid assortment of spells to choose from but a limited number of slots to prepare them with each day you must specifically choose which spells you are preparing in which slot in order to cast the same spell multiple times in a day you must prepare the same spell multiple times so at first level if you want to cast magic missile twice you have to fill both of your first level spell slots with magic missile prohibiting you from using any other first level spell for that day the arcane bond is a feature that allows all wizards to imbue one item per day with a modicum of their magical energy this item can be anything the wizard chooses this feature also grants the wizard the drain bonded item free action once per day the wizard may drain the imbued item this can only be done at the start of the wizard's turn and allows them to cast one spell they have already cast that day before that turn ends so if you are level 1 and have already spent both of your level 1 spell slots casting magic missile then at the start of your next turn you could use the drain bonded item free action you could then cast magic missile one more time but only on that turn this effect does not persist after your turn has ended next every wizard must pick an arcane thesis these are studies that grants the wizard unique functions compared to other wizards there are four distinct theses in the core rulebook the improved familiar attunement thesis grants the familiar wizard feat and also gives that familiar one additional ability instead of the normal two this familiar also gains even more additional abilities at levels 6 12 and 18. for more info on familiars check out this video by basics for gamers up in the top right hand corner wizards with this thesis also do not gain the drain bonded item feature and replace it with drain familiar this has the exact same effect except the magic is stored in the wizards familiar instead of an item the meta magical experimentation thesis allows the wizard to take a first level meta magic feat once the wizard reaches fourth level they may take a meta magic wizard feat once per day and use it as though they have learned it until the end of that day this feat must have a level requirement of no more than half of the wizard's level blending allows the wizard to sacrifice lower level spell slots for additional slots of higher levels during their daily preparations the wizard may sacrifice two spell slots of one level in exchange for one spell slot of up to two levels higher than those sacrificed the wizard must also already be able to cast spells of that higher level so at level 5 a wizard could sacrifice two level 1 spell slots for a single additional level 3 spell slot this can only be done once per spell level per day so in the previous example the wizard could not sacrifice any more slots to gain another level 3 slot spellblending thesis wizards also have the option to sacrifice any single spell slot for two additional cantrips that day finally spell substitution grants the wizard the ability to change their prepared spells on the fly by spending just 10 minutes studying their spell book the wizard may empty one spell slot and fill it with a new spell if this process is interrupted at any time in any way the original spell is still saved and can be cast as normal the final feature available to all wizards is their arcane school the eight schools that wizards can pick from are abba duration conjuration divination enchantment evocation illusion necromancy and transmutation each school provides a multitude of benefits but only from that chosen school the wizard adds an additional first level spell from their school to their spell book they also gain an additional can trip every day but that can trip must be from their chosen school best of all the wizard gains a full additional spell slot every day for every level of spell they can cast however you guessed it these additional slots can only be filled with spells from their chosen school each school also grants a unique school spell these school spells are focus spells and function like any other focus caster the wizard gains a pool of one focus point that can be regained by studying for 10 minutes these spells cannot be cast with spell slots and normal spells cannot be cast using focus points i won't be going into detail about the school spells in this video however if you'd like to see every school spell explained in detail check out the video in the top right hand corner i discuss each spell give my thoughts on them and rank them from worst to best trust me it's a good one the quote ninth school of magic that wizards can pick isn't a school at all it is the universalist wizard feature these wizards are not a master of any school but instead dabble in all of them this school grants an additional wizard class feet at first level an additional first level spell of any school to the wizard's spell book and alters the drain bonded item feature instead of only being able to drain their bonded item once per day the wizard can instead drain it once per spell level per day so if the wizard can cast up to third level spells they may drain their bonded item up to three times each day once for first level second level and a third level spell finally since universalist wizards and some ancestries can take feats at first level i'll be going over all of the level 1 wizard feats first off is counterspell if the wizard can see a creature casting a spell that the wizard happens to have prepared they can spend that spell slot in order to attempt a counterspell the wizard then effectively makes a spell attack roll against the target's spell dc and on a successful check the target's spell fizzles out and nothing happens if the wizard happens to have the spell that the target is casting in a higher level spell slot and spends that to use counterspell then the wizard always successfully counters the target spell unless they roll a critical failure eschew materials grants the wizard the ability to replace material components with somatic ones by drawing intricate symbols in the air the wizard can call upon enough magical power to replace the physical components of their spells due to the need to draw these symbols however this can only be done if the wizard has a free hand hand of the apprentice can only be taken by universalist wizards and grants a focus spell of the same name this focus spell allows the wizard to hurl a weapon that they are trained in at a target up to 500 feet away they then make a ranged spell attack this functions exactly like a melee strike but instead of adding their strength modifier the wizard adds their intelligence modifier to their damage if they critically hit they deal double damage and apply the weapon's critical specialization the weapon then returns to the wizard's hand regardless of the attack's outcome the final two feats are meta magic feats that i've covered before but like always i'll briefly go over them reach spell increases a spell's range by 30 feet this also works on touch spells granting them a 30-foot reach widen spell increases a spell's area of effect and the amount it adds depends on the type of area the spell creates and that's about it wizards have always been one of my favorite classes in rpgs from my experience they've kind of been overshadowed by sorcerers in the past but pathfinder 2e did a great job of differentiating the two in such a strong way while it's a bit limiting to have both restricted spells known and restricted spells prepared the cap of a wizard's power is much higher to reflect that difficulty of play one of my favorite things about wizards in 2nd edition is that they're still useful right from level 1. they may still be a tad bit weaker than some other spell casters early on but unlike some older rpg systems a wizard is still very useful at first level i hope you enjoyed the video i'd like to give a huge shout out to all of my patrons today i don't usually do this but since this is the final class guide from the core rule book i figured it's a special occasion so i'd like to shout out quid thulu troy hughes paul rand karestia joshua lemis space 2020 michael evans tibil nguyen mike m blind man cole the coward james tillman krieger tony molina and med kelly all of your contributions have meant the world to me and you help me continue to do what i do if you're interested there's a link in the description to my patreon all of my patrons receive an additional video every single thursday as well as an occasional sneak peek or early access to a video higher tiers also come with additional rewards there are also links to my discord where we all hang out talk about nerdy stuff and get to know each other as well as a link to my twitter where i sometimes make a joke about the real housewives of golerian and it gets 300 likes i still don't know how this happened if you like what you saw consider subscribing or ring the bell to know exactly when the next video goes live thank you all for joining me for this whole adventure i had about 50 subscribers when i released the alchemist guide and now we are sitting at over 1 500 at the time of recording this you are all amazing i hope to keep bringing you content that lives up to your expectations for the foreseeable future i hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and until next time no net ones
Channel: Nonat1s
Views: 14,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder, 2e, 2nd, edition, character, creation, guide, proficiency, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder 2e Character Creation, Pathfinder 2e Basics, Pathfinder 2e Skills, Pathfinder 2e Character Creation Basics, Easy to Follow, Pathfinder 2e Class, Pathfinder 2e Proficiency, Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Pathfinder Second Edition, Pathfinder Class Guide, Paizo, Pathfinder 2e Wizard Basics, Wizard Guide, Pathfinder Wizard, 2e Wizard Thesis, Pathfinder 2e Schools, Pathfinder 2e Wizard
Id: 0S1NxjJ7asA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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