Is Tanglefoot ANY GOOD in Pathfinder 2e?

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welcome to the pathfinder spell book howdy my name is nonat and here on the pathfinder spell book we discuss every single spell in the game alphabetically from level to level giving my thoughts opinions and descriptions on how they work in the last episode the first inaugural episode we talked about half of the cantrips in the game and now we're going to talk about the other half before we get started i just want to thank today's sponsor moonlight maps once again for sponsoring the channel be sure to check out some of their amazing maps like their city tavern or their catacombs they have those and so many more really cool maps available on their website linked in the description i'd also like to thank all of my patrons for supporting me financially and i hope all of you are enjoying the first official known at ones monster month tm if you are aware i will be releasing 20 unique home brewed kobold monsters all throughout the month of august available to any patreon tier from five dollars and higher so if that interests you and you want some cool homebrewed monsters check out the link in the description or the pinned comment below to go to the no.1s patreon page and pledge today to get access to no less than three kobolds already released with 17 more to come thank you guys so much i appreciate all of you and everything you do even if you just like the video i thank you humbly now let's talk about spells now i'm gonna warn you we're starting with a complicated one light it makes light okay let's go let's go a little more in depth every single spell caster in the game can learn this kant trip and for two actions you touch one object of one bulk or less and that object shines with light that extends up to 30 feet i lied it's 20 feet it basically functions the exact same way as a torch 20 feet of bright light 20 feet of dim light and then it doesn't go any farther what's nice is it doesn't take any kind of concentration or sustaining it will last until your next daily preparations or you dismiss the spell but keep in mind you can only have one item affected at any given time no matter what level spellcaster even if you're a 20th level arc wizard if you enchant this mug to shine with light you cannot also enchant this dunkaroo's rapper i'm an adult also once you reach character level seven and cast this at fourth level it is a 60 foot bright light and then 60 foot dim light radius which is really nice i hope you can choose it doesn't say you can but i think you can downcast a kant trip i'm not sure if you are level seven and cam trips are cast at fourth level can you no longer create a dimmer light cantrip let me know in the comments i don't know that in your interaction was i rating these in the last one i think i was i'm not gonna anymore that was stupid a fan favorite mage hand two actions for arcane and occult casters you conjure a little invisible force that functions like a hand and it can target any unattended object of light bulk or less so basically a potion a coin anything that doesn't really have any real weight to it that object moves up to 20 feet in any direction and you can resustain the spell to move it another 20 feet the mage hand can never move more than 30 feet away from you otherwise it will dispel immediately and drop the item it is holding but keep in mind it takes one action to sustain a spell so when you cast mage hands say you do it in combat for some reason you can move something 20 feet when you cast it and then using your third action you can sustain the mage hand to move it an additional 20 feet so for three actions you can move something 40 feet which is not bad and at level 3 or i should say character level 5 you can use this on any unattended item of one bulk or less that is most weapons especially most single-handed weapons so if somebody disarms a long sword out of an enemy's grip you can mage hand that long sword 40 feet towards you at spell level 5 the range increases to 60 ft and at spell level 7 you can use mage hand on objects of bulk two or less correct me if i'm wrong isn't plate armor bulk no plate armor is bulk four i don't know bulk that well but i'm pretty sure there's no weapon in the game that is higher than bulk 2. so at l character level 13 you can mage hand a warhammer or a great sword once it's been disarmed which is just so cool message might be my single favorite can trip of any can trip in any system which is great because message is pretty much in every single system available to all casters except primal this is a single action verbal component spell with a range of 120 feet you can target any creature and telepathically communicate to them with a message what is interesting is this does have a verbal component meaning you do need to make some kind of sound when you cast message but in every game i've ever played whether as a player or as a gm message has always been able to be cast very subtly very quietly and unless you're doing something to draw attention to yourself most people won't notice it so in the heat of combat casting message to quietly give a message to your fighter to run away so you can fireball without alerting the six goblins next to them can be incredibly helpful and once you are character level five and heightened this to third level it has a 500 foot range this is good in combat this is good in role play this is good to share secrets from your other party members which i don't advise but sometimes you need to there i love this spell what i don't like all that much is press to digitation yeah yeah yeah you can yell at me for that one any spellcaster can learn press digitation it costs two actions with a range of 10 feet to do something to something i'm just going to read this off because i can't remember all of these which is part of why i don't use press digitation you can cool warm or flavor a pound of non-living material you can slowly lift a light bulk object one foot off the ground you can make a temporary object but it has to be useless it cannot have any use it cannot be a tool or a weapon it has to look crude it always looks fake i have never seen someone use this maybe once the most useful thing press digitation can do is tidy color clean or soil an object of light bulk or less or if you spend a full minute doing so it can be up to one bulk this is useful if you just fell in the mud and just want to get the mud off of you but i never use press vegetation and i only see people use it to like make their beer look green or to clean their clothes off after falling in the mud that's not a bad thing i don't get mad at people for using it but i personally i don't know there's something about present vegetation that just doesn't hit home for me and i can't put it into words i don't dislike people for liking it but i don't like it on top of that what a lot of people don't realize is what you are doing only lasts as long as you sustain the spell so if you warm something or flavor it to taste like diet coke well it's only going to taste like diet coke until you cancel the spell or if you're warming it up because you want your grilled cheese sandwich to be warm again because you left it outside instead of putting it in the microwave to heat it back up you can heat it up and then if you don't sustain the smell it's gonna get cold again and that's gonna be gross no one wants a cold grilled cheese that's just cheese produce flame we are back to the offensive spells and personally this might be my favorite i am a sucker for persistent damage but produce flame is available to arcane and primal casters with a range of 30 feet it is a two action spell attack pretty simple stuff if you hit you deal 1d4 plus spell mod fire damage if you critically hit you deal 2d4 plus double spell mod plus 1d4 persistent fire damage very very nice it's even better once it starts getting heightened once it's cast at second level it's dealing 2d4 and on a crit 2d4 persistent fire damage that is some amazing scaling fire damage i had this on my eldritch archer fighter where critical hits are not uncommon so lighting things on fire with produced flame was fantastic damage persistent damage is so fun and reliable also the most confusing line about produced flame is that you can make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach it is not clear here that that is a melee spell attack you can't like cast produce flame but roll your melee weapon strike so it doesn't quite work that way otherwise it would be super busted for every fighter in the game to take that archetype for wizard or something like that it does need to be a melee spell attack a close second for my favorite offensive can trip is definitely ray of frost it doesn't do the most damage it doesn't have the most useful effect but what it does have is a 120 foot range that is quadruple most other offensive kant trips produce flame tangle foot electric arc they all have a 30 foot range this is quadruple that it is available to arcane and primal casters for two actions you make an attack roll a spell attack roll against any creature within 120 feet to deal one d4 plus spell mod damage if you critically hit you double your damage and they are slowed by 10 feet for one round this is great the damage goes up by 1v4 whenever it's heightened and while you do miss that persistent fire damage from produced flame and you miss the multi-target damage of electric arc don't forget that that 10-foot status penalty to speed can help a lot and having that kind of range is incredible i love ray of frost and i take it on almost all of my casters read aura is really confusing for new players so let me explain it any spellcaster can take this and for one minute it takes a full minute to cast this spell you get to learn if an object is magical and what school that magic is from compare this to a first level detect magic which just tells you is there magic nearby a very common thing to do is to cast detect magic use it to narrow down what is magical and then read the aura of that magical item to learn what it does read aura becomes far less useful at higher levels once it's spell level 3 you can read the aura of 10 things once it's spell level 6 you can read the aura of any number of things within 30 feet of you the problem is that by that level detect magic is already telling you what school the strongest source of magic is because of the way detect magic works you learn of that magic so you can omit it from all future detect magic casts so if there's 10 magical objects in front of you you could read the aura of all of them for one minute or casting detect magic which i think is two actions you can detect magic find the strongest one and get that school omit that from your detect magic and detect again slowly omitting the next strongest and next strongest and learning this not only the school of each of them but also the order of which they are the most powerful so read aura somewhat redundant i'm not going to lie probably the next most popular can trip after electric arc we have shield and it's not hard to see why for a single action available to all casters except poor poor primal shield increases your ac by one simple as that until the start of your next turn it acts as though you have raised a one ac shield in front of you meaning even if you don't have the shield block feet you can use the shield block reaction with this cantrip that reduces the damage you take by five and instantly shatters your shield spell the biggest drawback to this is that you cannot cast shield again for 10 minutes if your shield spell is shattered in this way but it's still amazing damage reduction for spell casters being able to reduce damage especially at level 1 reduce incoming damage by 5 that's great and this spell stays good at character level 5 you get to reduce damage by 10 and then 15 at character level 9 20 at character level 13 and at character level 17 it maxes out at a 25 hardness shield this does get slightly worse as 25 damage isn't over the top useful at level 17 but it's still better than nothing shield is amazing and like old editions of both dnd and pathfinder it can be used to block magic missile which i appreciate never get rid of that i've never seen it come up once in my entire life but someday it will and i think it's a really cool interaction between spells and i feel like more spells should interact with other spells i like that sigil is another personal favorite spell of mine it's simple it's stupid it almost has no impact on the game or the plot but it's just fun to use for two actions you touch any object or creature and put your own personal spell caster sigil onto them this is a one square inch symbol of your own design for example my old elderly human wizard ezekiel pondwater the 16th had an e p w x v i ezekiel pond water the 16th this mark lasts for one week or five minutes if the creature scrubs and scrubs and scrubs they can get rid of it but as your spellcaster level goes up say casting at third level it lasts for one month or at fifth level it lasts for a year or at seventh level only a character level 13 your sigil never fades unless it's washed off and keep in mind there's no rule against casting multiple sigils if you just want to be a graffiti artist you can just sigil boop sigil boop sigil boop sigil boop and just put your sigil everywhere around town it's a great way to leave a calling card it's a fun way to get into character and role play you know my my fighter who was also an oracle had sigil and typically when he would kill someone he would leave his draconic mark on the body you know as a way of saying yeah i was the one who did this and i'm proud of it it's a really cool way to just get some extra character flavor in there i love this spell stabilize two actions stabilize a target if they currently have the dying condition you remove it and set them to zero hit points they do still gain the wounded condition but this does prevent them from making saving throws also it's not a touch spell you can do this from 30 feet away this is a good one to have on hand it might not change the game it might not save many lives but having a divine or primal caster on hand who just has stabilized prepared can make a dire situation much safer summon instrument almost specifically for bards this is available to occult and divine casters for three actions you conjure an instrument you can summon any instrument which i love and you have it for one hour this means you are always prepared to play something somewhere for someone you can never have more than one instrument summoned this way as it replaces the old one and once you are character level nine and casting this at fifth level it's a virtuoso instrument which means while playing it you get a plus one to performance that ain't bad i'm not gonna lie tanglefoot another spell that is not used super often and it's unfortunately easy to see why tanglefoot especially compared to some of the damage dealing cantrips is not that powerful two actions available to arcane and primal you make a spell attack roll weirdly enough not a saving throw to sprout vines around and entangle the legs of your target if you succeed you give them a 10 foot speed penalty for one round they also can just escape to get rid of it now the critical success is really good it gives the immobilized condition so they have to escape from it in order to even move that round but it's still only on a critical success that anything of real note happens with this spell immobilized is great but a 10 foot speed penalty with nothing else around it isn't that great this does get better at higher levels at character level 3 it does last for 2 rounds instead of 1 which can be great if something is trying to flee and at character level 7 inflicting a 10 foot speed penalty for 1 minute is really solid it's just below level 7 tangle foot is hard to recommend over something like ray of frost and finally the last cantrip the most simple offensive cantrip and some people's personal favorite telekinetic projectile available to arcane and occult casters for two actions you make a spell attack roll against a target's armor class should you succeed you pick up a loose piece of debris or a twig or a broken piece of anything and fling it at a target within 30 feet of you it hits and deals 1d6 plus spell casting modifier and damage and if you critically hit it deals double no extra effect no penalties no bonuses this is just damage you don't have to target multiple things there's no persistent damage there's no movement speed penalty it is just flat damage and it is the highest single target damaging can trip available one d6 plus spell mod if that doubles that can really chunk at level one i have no complaints about this spell i think it is perfect i think it is nice i kind of wish it was available to all spell casters or if at least divine and primal got something similar that's just reliable and simple like this but overall it makes sense that it's arcane and occult and i really really do enjoy it and that's it every single kantrip and pathfinder 2e reviewed disgust and opinionized what did you guys think do you have a favorite can't trip you have a least favorite do you agree with me do you disagree let me know in the comments i want to hear about you your personal spells some crazy stories you have with some of those spells let me know down in the comments if you did enjoy this video i really do appreciate it if you take the time to scroll down and like it it's completely free it doesn't hurt you in any way i kind of burped a little bit but i'm gonna keep going with this take the more likes a video gets the more likely youtube's gonna be like well um i guess we'll show more people so thank you so much for liking the video and if you do want to stick around and see more pathfinder 2e content just like this be sure to subscribe to the channel it helps me out immensely thank you all so very much for watching thank you to moonlight maps for supporting this video be sure to check out the link in the description to go to moonlight maps and purchase some awesome battle maps so thank you all so very much for watching i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and until next time no nat ones
Channel: Nonat1s
Views: 19,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Second Edition, Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e APG, Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Level 1, Pathfinder 2e new features, Pathfinder 2e New Ancestries, Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide, Pathfinder 2e Spells, Pathfinder 2e Cantrips, Pathfinder 2e Electric Arc, Pathfinder 2e best spell, Pathfinder 2e worst spell, Pathfinder Spellbook, Nonat1s Spellbook, Is Tanglefoot any good in pathfinder 2e?
Id: t87m4ehEeiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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