Which Ancestry Should You Play in Pathfinder Second Edition?
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Nonat1s
Views: 47,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Second Edition, Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e APG, Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Level 1, Pathfinder 2e new features, Pathfinder 2e New Ancestries, Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide, pathfinder second edtion ancestries, ancestry guide, pathfinder ancestry guide, pathfinder second edition races, pathfinder races, pf2 ancestries, pf2 ancestry guide, pathfinder ancestry feats, ancestries second edition
Id: 351Wfq89pHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This was really helpful! I'm going to make sure I send it to my players before they start building their characters so they have a better idea of what synergizes well! Thank you very much for making this!
This is great! Thank you! Also just found your channel, and itβs been super helpful for my entry into Pathfinder, so thank you for that also!
Really enjoyed the video, as always. I know you've already got about 8 different series on the go now but I'd love to see you come back to the spell spotlights someday, maybe as a selection of your favourites at each level to keep things a bit more focused.
So no ancestry makes good druids?
Gotta say, even if I'm leaving a lot of "hey actually this rule is SLIGHTLY different" comments on old videos as I catch up, NoNat1s is probably my favorite TTRPG YTer of all time.
The answer is always human.
Are you going to cover Lizardfolk etc in the next video? It was fun to watch!